Official ladder

Chapter 727

Qi Hao's cell phone rang suddenly. During the flood fighting and emergency rescue period, the cell phone was placed next to the pillow for easy answering.

Qi Hao was enjoying his work, when the phone rang, he subconsciously stretched out his hand, seeing Ou Yulian looking at him with blurred eyes, he retracted the hand that was already reaching for the phone.

Seeing that Qi Hao couldn't be called away by the phone, Ou Yulian's heart was extremely passionate and her face was infinitely charming. She catered to Qi Hao, wrapped her arms tightly around Qi Hao's neck and raised her face, kissing Qi Hao's face fiercely with her mouth.

Encouraged by Ou Yulian, Qi Hao slammed into Ou Yulian's body with all his strength, and the fact that it was raining outside was thrown to Zhuangui.

In fact, Qi Hao was going to answer the phone. It was raining. Although there was no wind or thunder, the coming situation didn't look very dangerous, but it seemed to be pouring down. I can be sure that it has enough stamina!Qi Hao looked at Ou Yulian's face full of enjoyment and wanting to die, he didn't answer the phone, Ou Yulian is his own woman, he has the responsibility to satisfy his woman, and he can't just call and let things go hastily.

The phone rang for a while and stopped, Qihao knew in his heart that it was raining just now and nothing would happen, if it rains like this for an hour in a row, he has to pay attention.

The phone rang again, but Qi Hao still didn't care to hit Ou Yulian. Ou Yulian knew that Qi Hao had a heavy responsibility, and she couldn't let him be too obsessed with her body at this time, she said in a daze: "Oh, Hao, answer the phone, oh, don't delay the big event, oh, ah!"

Men at this time, there is nothing that can make them leave a woman's body, but Qi Hao is Qi Hao, unlike ordinary men, he has super self-control, he knows what is a big deal in an extraordinary time.He picked up the phone from the pillow, looked at it without moving, and whispered to Ou Yulian, "It's County Mayor Liu's.

Ou Yulian's body froze all of a sudden.His gaze signaled Qi Hao to answer it quickly. County Magistrate Liu is calling at this time, there must be something important.

Qi Hao picked up the phone: "Hi County Magistrate Liu, I'm Qi Hao, please give me instructions."

County Magistrate Liu asked, "Where are you?"

Qi Hao said, "Yuquan Town."

County Magistrate Liu asked, "Is it raining over there?"

Qi Hao said: "It's raining. It's been raining for about 10 minutes. There's no wind. There's no thunder."

County Magistrate Liu said: "It is also raining in the county seat. It has been about ten minutes, but there is no wind. There is no thunder, and the rain continues to increase!"

Qi Hao said, "It's also on my side."

Qi Hao's body pressed Ou Yulian, staying inside Ou Yulian's body, Ou Yulian's two arms and two legs tightly wrapped around Qi Hao.It seemed that Qi Hao got up and left after making the phone call.

County Mayor Liu said: "I just called the Municipal Flood Control Office. The Flood Control Office informed that it is raining in all districts and counties of Sanjiang City. According to the weather forecast, the rainfall in most areas this time can reach more than 150 millimeters, and some places can reach 24 millimeters, lasts for at least [-] hours, you should attach great importance to it!"

Qi Hao said: "Yuquan Town held a meeting on flood fighting and rescue work, and the leaders divided the work. The work has been implemented to the head, and we have started to deal with it when it rains!"

County Magistrate Liu said, "Okay. I'm relieved to have you in Yuquan Town!"

Qi Hao said: "If there is any situation in Yuquan Town, I will report it to County Magistrate Liu immediately."

County Magistrate Liu said, "Liu Jia wants to tell you a few words."

Liu Jia wanted to say a few words, Qi Hao was stunned, Liu Jia joined in the fun during the heavy rain, no matter how you say it was ignorant, but County Magistrate Liu actually insisted on her, what's the matter!

Liu Jia's voice came over the phone: "Qihao, let me ask you, will the houses in Fenghuang New Village be flooded?"

The terrain of Yuquan Town near the Qingjiang River is generally low. Take the streets of Yuquan Town as an example. When the flood rises, the streets will also submerge some houses. Of course, it is not flooded every year. Generally, it happens once every few years. Fenghuang New Village is designed for 50 years. Once encountered, there is a possibility of being flooded.

Qi Hao said: "Fenghuang New Village is designed to meet once in 50 years, and there is a possibility of being submerged!"

Liu Jia asked: "Can the building quality withstand flooding?"

Qi Hao said, "There should be no problem."

"What should be no problem?" Liu Jia said unhappily, "If you can resist, you can resist, and if you can't resist, you can't resist. Don't you have no idea, let me tell you Qihao, did you build a tofu project? This time It can be inspected, if the inspection fails, I will not spare you!"

Xiao Nizi had a good mouth, Qi Hao was speechless, Ou Yulian looked at Qi Hao in a daze, what does the county magistrate's daughter speak so casually to you, what does that mean?

Qi Hao said: "Liu Jia, natural disasters cannot be resisted, and natural disasters cannot be used to test whether a building is qualified or not!"

"No!" Liu Jia said in a savage tone, "I will come to Yuquan Town in person tomorrow to see if your Fenghuang New Village can stand the test!"

Qi Hao immediately stopped and said, no, you can't come, it's dangerous!But the phone over there had already been disconnected, Qi Hao muttered, this Liu Jia.

"This Liu Jia," Ou Yulian snorted, "I saw it when I was in the provincial capital. Her eyes are different when she looks at you. Listening to her tone, it's not talking to ordinary people, it's like pointing fingers at her man Ji. !"

Qi Hao said with a smile: "She is the daughter of an official family, she treats everyone like that!"

Ou Yulian said: "Sister Lin is also a lady from the official family, and her father is also the governor. Why isn't she like her?"

Qi Hao thought he couldn't stay on Liu Jia's topic anymore, the woman couldn't tell her when she was jealous, he pressed Ou Yulian and her movements became louder, Ou Yulian followed Qi Hao's movements and yelled, the room was full of love, jealousy was natural Throw it aside.

The rain was falling, Qi Hao didn't dare to fight, he tightly pressed Ou Yulian and shot a dose of anger, the bodies of the two were tossed to the point of water.

Qi Hao got up from Ou Yulian's body and called Xiong Yanmei: "Mayor Xiong, where are you?"

Xiong Yanmei said, "The office."

Qi Hao said: "I just received a call from County Magistrate Liu. It was a large-scale torrential rain. In some places, it was extremely heavy rain. The rain will last for 24 hours. It seems that there will be no rest tonight!"

Xiong Yanmei said: "The office has notified all units, enterprises, households, and village committees to enter a state of emergency to prepare for flood fighting and emergency rescue!"

Qi Hao said, "I'll come over right away."

Qihao kissed Ou Yulian's face, turned over and jumped off the bed, pulled his clothes over and put them on.

Ou Yulian then jumped out of the bed and hugged Qi Hao from behind: "I don't worry, Hao, I want to go with you!"

Qi Hao stretched out his hand and patted Ou Yulian's face lightly with a distressed expression: "Sleep well at home, I'll be back when the rain lessens!"

Ou Yulian insisted: "No, Liu Jia will fight the flood with you, and I will go too!"

Qi Hao couldn't help laughing: "Okay, you will follow me, and Liu Jia will also follow me to fight the flood. If the superior finds out, he will dismiss me as soon as possible!"

Ou Yulian said coquettishly: "I know, I'm just kidding you!" (To be continued...)

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