Official ladder

Chapter 729 Mobilization Transfer

After speaking on the walkie-talkie, Qi Hao said loudly: "You heard the order from Comrade Liu Dacheng, the commander-in-chief of flood fighting and rescue, on the walkie-talkie just now. I'm asking questions now!"

The venue was quiet, only the sound of pouring rain was heard outside. After the thunderstorm, there was no more thunder. Maybe it wasn't thunder in the first place, but the sound of the Milky Way in the sky.

The Milky Way lacks embankments, and the whole world is not full of torrential rain!

Qi Hao looked at the time. At [-]:[-] in the morning, he asked loudly, "Have you put on your raincoat?"

A thunderous voice sounded from the venue: "Get dressed!"

"Have you got the flashlight?"

"Take it!"

"Have you remembered your position?"

"Remember it!" [

"Do you remember the first thing to do?"

"Remember, transfer the masses!"

Qi Hao said: "Comrades must remember to ensure their own safety while ensuring the safety of the people's lives. Comrade Xiong Yanmei and I are waiting for everyone to come back safely and set off!"

Wearing a raincoat, Qi Hao was the first to walk out of the venue, followed by Xiong Yanmei, then members of the town leadership team, followed by all the participants.The atmosphere was very serious, and the township cadres, who usually like to make naughty jokes and amuse themselves, also tensed up.

In the face of great disasters, people often become solemn, because of human "nature"!

Qi Hao walked to the gate of the office building, and in front of him was an airtight rain curtain. Looking at the rain curtain, he was shocked that he couldn't get a needle or splash water!

The rain curtain blocked the eyes, and the line of sight was interrupted in front of the rain curtain.Qi Hao wondered if the Milky Way in the sky had burst its banks.It was the first time he had seen such a torrential rain.

Qihao stepped into the rain curtain. He felt the heavy rain surrounded him like water. He felt a kind of suffocation that he couldn't breathe. Even though he had a flashlight on, he could only see the light not more than a foot away, and his ears were full of suffocation. There was a pattering sound of rain, and Qihao was wearing half-height rubber boots, and he felt water rushing into his boots.He looked down, and the water on the ground had overflowed into the top of his boots.

The rain was so heavy that he couldn't tell whether he was in the rainstorm or in the current. Qi Hao groped his way to the Qingjiang River. What he cared most about now was the water level of the Qingjiang River.

Wu Yang and Chang Hui followed Qi Hao, and the three of them came to the Qingjiang River, where the water was flooding.The water in the river is very turbid, but the water level is not high. After all, it rained for about an hour, and the rain was not very heavy at the beginning. After such a long drought, the ground needs a lot of rain to cement the soil to form a saturated state.Once the soil on the ground reaches saturation, the rainwater falling from the sky will flow directly into the Qingjiang River.

Qi Hao stood by the river, checked his watch, and looked out, not too far away.However, it is clear that the river is currently relatively calm.

Qi Hao just stood there, and looked at his watch again.After 5 minutes, the water rose by about a foot. At this rate, the low streets and houses would be flooded at dawn.

The torrential rain has no intention of stopping, the world only has the sound of rain, rain and fog cover the world, making the world monotonous and frightening.

Qi Hao said, "Go to the street and have a look!"

The three left the river bank and went to the street. [

The street was pitch black, with knee-high water, flashlights flickering, and many figures moving, indicating that the town "government" staff assigned to the street had arrived and started work.

Someone beat the gong and walked across the street, shouting while beating the gong: "The river is flooded, the family should evacuate! The river is flooded, the family should evacuate!"

Yuquan Town is close to the river. Since ancient times, flood control and gongs have been called like this!

Qihao ran into Xiong Yanmei: "How's the situation?"

Xiong Yanmei said: "Most of the masses have already left after mobilization, and some followers are watching. A few misers vow not to leave and are doing their work!"

Qi Hao said: "In the face of the flood, none of the masses can be dragged away. When it is the most critical time, they must be dragged out of danger!"

Xiong Yanmei said yes, and broke up with Qi Hao, Qi Hao continued to move forward and met Cheng Gang.

Cheng Gang came out of the laneway of dilapidated houses in Linhe Street, Qi Hao asked, "How is the situation?"

Cheng Gang said: "The house in Linhe is very dilapidated. The old couple are at home, and the son and daughter-in-law are working elsewhere, and they refuse to evacuate!"

You refused to evacuate, why did you come out, it clearly meant to give up, this Cheng Gang, doesn't he understand that human life is at stake?Qi Hao frowned: "Go, have a look!"

When Qi Hao walked into the alley, Cheng Gang was obviously still angry: "I worked for almost half an hour, but I just didn't leave, and said that drowning has nothing to do with the 'government'!"

Qi Hao didn't speak, everyone was drowned, there was nothing else to say, it seemed that Cheng Gang didn't understand the responsibility on his body, he glared at Cheng Gang, and walked quickly inside.

This is an old house with wooden frames and tiles. It looks like it should be at least 100 years old.

Due to the power outage, the room was pitch black, Qi Hao asked if anyone was there?Someone in the room responded, lit a candle and placed it on the stool by the bed.

The furnishings in the house are simple, all old furniture, and there are two beds. Because the house leaks, the beds are covered with a plastic film to prevent the house from leaking.

When Qi Hao walked into the house, the two old and two young were sitting on the same bed, and they looked worried that the water would rise up.

The old one looks over 60 years old, the young one is seven or eight years old, and the youngest one is three or four years old.

Qi Hao became worried when he saw the situation in front of him: "Old man, why don't you move."

The old man said with a flattering expression: "It's hard work, Comrade 'government', the water won't rise for a while."

Qi Hao said: "It's raining so hard, the house is dilapidated, and the side facing the river is very dangerous, should you evacuate quickly?"

The old man said: "Let's talk when the water rises."

Qi Hao said: "The water will rise soon!"

The old man said: "It's too late. Before it rained, it took at least three hours for water to flood into my house. Now it's raining for an hour. It's too early!"

One hour and two hours, the old man's calculation is also accurate.

Qi Hao said: "In the past, the rainfall was generally below [-] millimeters. Today's rainfall is different. It has exceeded [-] millimeters. It cannot be estimated based on old experience."

The old man looked at Qi Hao with a confused expression on his face.

It was only then that Qi Hao remembered that the old man didn't understand the meaning of rainfall of [-] mm or [-] mm, he said: "This time the rain was much heavier than the previous one, and the water rose faster than the previous one, so people must be evacuated now. "

The old man smiled and said, "It's okay, we'll talk about it at dawn."

Qi Hao looked at the time, it was almost 05:30, if it wasn't for the heavy rain, the sky should have revealed morning light, he said: "Old man, it's already dawn, let's move away!"

The old man said: "It's early, there is no place to go when I go out early." read.)

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