Official ladder

Chapter 773

The floods and mudslides caused by the torrential rain swept in with such force and power, leaving a mess behind and receding without a sound.People's life and work gradually returned to normal after taking a breather, and the mountainous counties still looked peaceful and peaceful.Tree-shaded teahouses can be seen everywhere, the sound of mahjong and playing cards is endless, rickshaws are shooting to and fro on the street, the yelling of yelling shops is loud and powerful, boys and girls with "I want to read" signs hanging on their chests are kneeling and begging, and the disabled are showing their faces. The body needs money, and the unique inclusiveness of mountainous counties has been fully revealed again.

The city’s ruling party organization department came to investigate. With the reform of the cadre system, the promotion of cadres above the deputy department needs to call the leading cadres of the main department for a meeting, and each person will be issued a form. Tick and cross the prescribed names, saying that it is a democratic recommendation .In fact, everyone knows that only those who appear on the list are eligible for promotion, and democratic recommendation is nothing more than an internal show.However, it should be noted that for the political philosophy of the ruling party, putting on a show is also a kind of progress. Although it is only a small progress, the ruling party, driven by the world trend, finally recognizes a democracy that is completely different from its democratic nature. From this In a sense, this should be a huge improvement!

Didn't No.1 who once landed on the moon say something like this, one small step for me, one giant leap for mankind!

Acknowledging democracy, although it is only a small step that cannot be smaller, is the opening of a democratic process that is completely different from the democratic nature of the ruling party. This is a big step in the history of Huaxia Kingdom!

At the end of the meeting, the inspection team of the Municipal Party Organization Department talked to someone, and Vice Minister Yi of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee talked to Qi Hao.Qi Hao expounded his views on the construction of the ruling party, economic construction, and spiritual civilization of Jiahe County.

Vice Minister Yi listened carefully to Qi Hao's opinion, and said with a satisfied expression on his face: "The reason why the economic construction of Jiahe County has created a miracle that has never been seen before or since, is that the provincial government has formulated a ruling party construction that is fully in line with the actual conditions of the province. Comrade Qi Hao is using the theory of 'practice is the only criterion for testing truth' to faithfully practice the provincial government's ruling party building and economic thinking. This has created a miracle. Therefore, I often say that with a good Thinking, making good use of a capable person, economic construction will start!"

When Qi Hao was in danger, Governor Lin went to the scene in person, and his daughter Lin Xiaoxia knelt down to thank all the rescuers. The behavior of the father and daughter undoubtedly exposed their relationship with Qi Hao.Vice Minister Yi's flattery was flattering, the governor, Qi Hao, what else could Qi Hao say.He couldn't slap his face with a smile, and said, "Thank you, Minister Yi, for your training and education over the years."

Vice Minister Yi said to Qi Hao with a mysterious expression: "The Municipal Standing Committee of the Ruling Party has made a decision. Comrade Chen Defang will be transferred, and the two civilized construction organizations in Jiahe County will be handed over to you. I believe you will make more decisions on this basis. Big achievement!"

County Magistrate Liu is the secretary this time.Vice Minister Yi didn't mention it, but only said that the organization entrusted him with the heavy responsibility. Qi Hao actually had a clear heart. He said: "Thank you to the organization and Minister Yi for trusting me. I will do my best for the ruling party and the people!"

Minister Yi smiled slightly: "Comrade Qi Hao, don't thank me. Governor Lin's reform and pioneering spirit has inspired me. I am Governor Lin's unswerving follower!"

Seeing Vice Minister Yi's charming face.Qi Hao was very disgusted with Vice Minister Yi, but he wanted to curry favor with him in this way.It is necessary to make people feel satisfied psychologically. He said: "I heard Dad mention Minister Yi. He said that Minister Yi is both a Bole and a Maxima. Talents are rare!"

When Qi Hao looked at Vice Minister Yi again, Minister Yi was so happy that he could no longer tell the difference between east, west and north.

The investigation team of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee withdrew after three days of work, and the family and gossip news became extremely active. Who was promoted, who was transferred, and who was dismissed from get out of class, all of a sudden, there was a lot of rumors. Fortunately, spreading rumors is not a crime, otherwise the system Everyone inside is a criminal.

But it’s not that people within the system make rumors and spreading rumors is a crime. If you don’t believe me, just try to tell the rumors made and spread by people in the system, and see if the public security, prosecutors, and law can find you!

However, the office building of the four teams still looks as calm as before. The offices of the county leaders open and close on time, and the offices work in an orderly manner. They are like weathermen, watching the weather and preparing for their next stop, how to decide their travel mode.

The political arena in Jiahe County seems to be calm, but in reality it is still and deep, and in some places it is extremely fierce.

Qi Hao is accompanied by Lin Xiaoxia these days, he goes to work during the day, Lin Xiaoxia does housework at home, eats at home after get off work, does not go out at night, and is tired of being with Lin Xiaoxia.Qi Hao refused all invitations from other people to eat, because those people knew that Lin Xiaoxia hadn't left, so they couldn't bother them, so Qi Hao was completely clean.

After dinner, Lin Xiaoxia cleared the dining table, and Qihao went to the living room to sit on the sofa and wait to watch the CCTV evening news.

Lin Xiaoxia is indeed very good, she can go to the hall, go to the kitchen, appear in front of the public as a big reporter, and wear an apron around her waist to look like a daughter-in-law.

Lin Xiaoxia has the qualities of a high-ranking official's daughter, but she doesn't have the virtue of being superior and domineering. Using the water lotus as a metaphor for Lin Xiaoxia is no longer appropriate.

After Qi Hao was rescued from the buried mudslide, Lin Xiaoxia never returned to work at the agency, the reason was to take care of Qi Hao for a period of time and help Qi Hao recover.

CCTV is broadcasting the evening news. In fact, most of the news on CCTV is fake news, but the political direction revealed by the news is a must-read for comrades in leadership. Qi Hao is a leading cadre, and Lin Xiaoxia is a reporter from the Provincial Daily. Both of them pay close attention to this time period news.

The opening sound of the newsreel sounded, Lin Xiaoxia hurried to the living room after packing up the dishes, and sat down in Qihao's arms.

It's a good one to throw himself into his arms, Qi Hao is not polite, his hands stretched out from behind, just in time to grab a white tender on one side.

Lin Xiaoxia doesn't wear a bra at home, her breasts are like a country door that was opened wide before, and Qi Hao's hands are like the Western powers who want to enter the capital and then wave their troops into the capital, easily occupying the important breasts.

Lin Xiaoxia's chest was white, tender, flexible, and full of elasticity. Qi Hao couldn't put it down, and sometimes he couldn't get enough of it with his hands, and would suck on the agate beads on the high ground with his mouth for a while.At this moment, Lin Xiaoxia's cheeks were always flushed, her eyes were blurred, and she moaned indistinctly.Then the two wrestled into a ball on the sofa until the two bodies finally collapsed on the floor or in the sofa.

Before a solemn and serious national event, unsightly behaviors appear, which seem to be in sharp contrast, but they are so harmonious. Sometimes I really don’t know the reason for this. (to be continued..)

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