Official ladder

Chapter 776

The huge explosion in the county shocked everyone, including Secretary Chen, but Secretary Chen knew the real cause of the explosion.He never imagined that the explosion would be so powerful that it would shake the entire county and give people the fear of the earth and sky collapsing.

Hearing the sound of the explosion, Secretary Chen's heartbeat stopped suddenly. He realized that hiring a murderer so far is similar to jumping off a cliff, and the development of the situation is beyond his control.

Secretary Chen felt that he was falling from a high altitude, with the sound of the wind whistling beside his ears, the ground spinning rapidly, the light and shadow constantly changing, and an urge to shout in his body. He tried his best to stabilize his mind and prevent himself from collapsing in the shock wave generated by the explosion. .

Although Secretary Chen knew that he was not facing Qihao and killing Qihao with his own hands, he still felt that he was more nervous about the current situation than killing Qihao with his own hands. After all, Qihao hadn't died yet. The purpose of the explosion was to create "chaos", in the "chaos" the killer killed Qi Hao!

The phone rang suddenly. It was the special phone, and Secretary Chen picked it up.

The phone said, "Did you hear the explosion?"

Secretary Chen said, "Yes."

The mobile phone said: "Go to the scene to direct the rescue immediately. After the scene is completed, go to the hospital to comfort the wounded. A standing committee will be held at the hospital to investigate Qi Hao's responsibility. When the meeting ends, I will take action. Tomorrow, you will credit the balance to your account."

Secretary Chen didn't have time to speak, and the phone over there was disconnected. [

Secretary Chen felt his heart was about to jump out when he closed the phone line. He pressed his hands on his chest and tried his best to stabilize his mind. After about 2 minutes, he called Secretary Liao and his voice was unusually stable: "What happened to the explosion just now?" thing?"

Secretary Liao said, "I don't know, I'll ask right away, Secretary Chen."

Secretary Chen hung up the phone, his eyes were shining with a faint green light, his mouth kept opening and closing, and his face twitched.His hair stood on end, but fortunately there was no one at home, his ferocious face was scarier than a ghost.

Yang Qiuju went to the market, and she was terrified after Shi Decheng was arrested. It is undeniable that when Qi Hao and Xiong Yanmei were rescued from the mudslide, the two bodies were indeed close together, and there are many versions of the discussion in the society.However, gossip and rumors belong to rumors, and they really turned rumors into dirty water and poured them on Qi Hao and Xiong Yanmei.But after her processing, she urged Shi Decheng to tell the reporter that because she was afraid that Wang Zhicai would make trouble, she ran to her son in the city to hide.

About 2 minutes later, the mobile phone rang, and it seemed that it was the special mobile phone, so he picked it up.

The phone said: "Secretary Chen..."

"Who are you?" With such a familiar voice, Secretary Chen asked cautiously.

"I'm Xiao Liao, Secretary Chen!"

It was Secretary Liao, and Secretary Chen asked, "How do you know this phone number!"

Secretary Liao said, "Didn't Secretary Chen call me with this phone number just now?"

Secretary Chen understood that he was negligent because of the strong explosion in the county just now.I actually used this mobile phone to call Secretary Liao. Fortunately, it is the secretary. It would be bad if I called other people. He said, "Oh, have you asked the situation clearly?"

Secretary Liao said: "Ask clearly. There was an explosion in the underground parking lot of Huayang Hotel, and it is preliminarily determined that there is a natural gas leak!"

Secretary Chen asked: "Are there any casualties?"

Secretary Liao said: "According to preliminary statistics from the Public Security Bureau, six people died in the accident and at least twenty were injured!"

Secretary Chen said: "Call a car, I'm going to the scene!" [

Secretary Liao replied yes, and the phone was hung up.

Secretary Chen looked at the mobile phone in his hand. The mobile phone suddenly became hot. He quickly threw the mobile phone away, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Secretary Chen is a person who knows the seriousness. He knows that the matter will become serious, and dozens of people will be killed or injured. The higher-ups will not let this matter go easily. May Wang Zhicai and Director Wu find out any clues.

Secretary Liao came, and Secretary Chen hurried out of the house.

Director Wu and Wang Zhicai had already arrived when Qi Hao arrived at the scene.

Fire engines, ambulances, and flashing warning lights stopped in front of Huayang Hotel.Most of the glass along the streets and glass cabinets of shops were shattered by the blast wave, and the streets were in a mess.A cordon was set up around the scene, and armed police with armed police stood at the police boundary.There were not many people watching outside the cordon. After all, the explosion had just happened, and everyone was stunned by the sound of the explosion, with varying degrees of fear.

Armed police and public security officers are busy cleaning up the scene. The dead bodies confirmed by doctors are temporarily placed in the dam in front of the gate. Doctors and nurses from the People's Hospital have arrived at the scene, and minor injuries are treated on the spot. Going to the hospital, the scene was extremely tense, and there was no chaos due to proper command.

Director Wu greeted Qi Hao, and Qi Hao asked eagerly, "What's going on?"

Director Wu said: "The preliminary judgment is that there was a natural gas leak. Fortunately, no combustion was caused after the explosion, otherwise the situation would have been more serious!"

Qi Hao asked: "Is the scene sealed off?"

Director Wu said: "It's blocked, no one is allowed to enter, Wang Zhicai and Liu Shaolin are collecting evidence on the spot."

Qi Hao said, "Take me to see it!"

Director Wu walked in front, Qi Hao walked behind, not far behind Shu Xiaohai and Fan Dayu were vigilant about their surroundings, they were extremely nervous, no matter whether it was as analyzed or not, they did not dare to take it lightly.

The scene was a mess, the floor of Nuoda’s restaurant was completely blown off by the explosion, and the garage below the restaurant was directly seen. There were [-] to [-] cars in the garage that were blown beyond recognition. Since it was meal time, all the casualties were diners, restaurants service personnel.

Qi Hao asked: "Is there a natural gas gate?"

Director Wu said, "It was turned off immediately."

Qi Hao looked at the garage, while Wang Zhicai and Liu Shaolin took a few police officers, returned migrant workers, and workers from the natural gas company to check the pipelines according to the comparison drawings.If it was man-made damage, it should not be hidden from Wang Zhicai's eyes because it did not burn during the explosion.The garage is the first scene, and those who clean up the scene have another important task, to find buried people in the ruins of cement slabs.

Qi Hao asked: "Have the casualties been identified?"

Director Wu said: "There is a special person in charge, and the final decision has not yet been made."

Qihao didn't go down to the garage. He didn't want to distract Wang Zhicai, so he turned around and said, "Go and see the body."

The two walked to the gate, where six corpses were placed. The corpses had been packed in body bags, and the corpses were numbered from 01 to 06. Judging from the current situation, no relatives knew that they had passed away. out of this world.

Qi Hao asked: "Have you notified the funeral home?"

Director Wu said: "I have been notified. They will come to the car immediately to take the body over and freeze it."

While the two were talking, the car from the funeral home arrived. Qi Hao and Director Wu bowed to the corpse and left sadly.

Immortals fight and mortals suffer, as long as human society exists, even Qihao feels that this bowing ceremony for the victims is not clear and unreasonable.

The county magistrate Liu came, and came in a hurry. Before Director Wu finished reporting the situation, Secretary Chen came.

Secretary Chen said with a gloomy face, "What's going on?"

Director Wu said: "Secretary Chen, the preliminary judgment is that there was an explosion due to a natural gas leak. Fortunately, no combustion occurred, otherwise the consequences would be even more unimaginable!" Secretary Chen asked, "How about the casualties?"

Director Wu said: "So far, six bodies have been found and more than 20 people have been injured."

Secretary Chen said angrily: "A few days after the accident with County Magistrate Qi, another explosion occurred here, and there is no end to it!"

County Magistrate Liu, Qi Hao, and Director Wu didn't answer, and Secretary Chen lost his temper. Whoever answered would be in trouble. It's better not to answer.

Secretary Chen went to the scene where the incident was discovered, and County Magistrate Liu, Qi Hao, and Director Wu followed.

The four stood at the door of the restaurant and looked inside. The garage was in a mess. Secretary Chen saw Wang Zhicai and several police officers and asked, "What are they doing?"

Director Wu said: "Make sure there are no buried people."

Secretary Chen turned and walked back, County Magistrate Liu, Qi Hao, and Director Wu followed.

Secretary Chen turned to Qi Hao and asked, "Has the natural gas company passed the safety inspection?"

Qi Hao was in charge of security, Secretary Chen should have asked him, Qi Hao said: "They have conducted a pressure test on the pipeline and found no problems."

Qi Hao's phone rang, and seeing that it belonged to Zhang Xiaoyu, he quickly picked it up: "Dean Zhang, what's the matter!"

County Magistrate Liu stared blankly at Qi Hao. The hospital is now the focus. Many people go to the hospital to find someone. Will something happen.

Zhang Xiaoyu said: "County Qi, the hospital is in chaos now, some are crying, some are cursing, another person died just now, the family members of the wounded are very emotional, please ask the Public Security Bureau to send some more people over, I'm worried about something happening!"

Qi Hao said: "Okay, I'll discuss it with Director Wu right away."

The phone was put down, and Qi Hao said to Director Wu: "Director Wu, Director Zhang reported that the people at the hospital were in a hurry and asked to send some people there." Director Wu said, "Okay, I will send someone immediately!"

Secretary Chen said: "Send Wang Zhicai there, as long as there are migrant workers in the garage!"

Qi Hao's heart skipped a beat. Why did Secretary Chen ask Wang Zhicai to go to the hospital? Could it be that Secretary Chen also made the low-level mistake of "300 taels of silver here", and this matter really has something to do with Secretary Chen?He fixed his eyes on Director Wu, and Director Wu also fixed his eyes on Qi Hao, with a clear understanding, the two of them instantly confirmed that the explosion did not happen by accident.

They are all human beings, and the essence of the matter can be judged with a little clue.

Director Wu took out the walkie-talkie: "03, I'm 01, how's the situation?"

As soon as Wang Zhicai heard it, he understood that he was looking for artificial destruction of evidence. Director Wu would not use the walkie-talkie to call, because the intercom calls could be heard, and Director Wu would not be so careless about revealing secrets. He said: "01, 03 answered, it can be confirmed that the natural gas pipeline leaked, and a large amount of gas gathered in the garage caused an explosion!"

Director Wu asked: "03, is the evidence collection over?"

Wang Zhicai replied: "The 01 and 03 reports are over!"

Director Wu said: "03, immediately go to the hospital to maintain order after collecting evidence!"

Wang Zhicai said: "On 01, 03, bring people there!"

Although Secretary Chen had an expression on his face, Qihao still breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him.

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