Official ladder

Chapter 800

Secretary Zhuge thought to himself that since he agreed with Governor Lin to build the expressway, he would have no money and no money, so let him make the fuss. He said, "Tell me your opinion!"

Governor Lin said: "I propose to set up a highway construction headquarters, with an office under the headquarters, and a deputy director of the provincial transportation department as the director of the office, so that the expressway construction has both an organizational command agency and a specific implementation agency. "

Secretary Zhuge pretended to be thinking about it, and Er said: "Okay, Governor Lin put forward the plan, and convened a standing committee to study and decide."

"Okay." Governor Lin said after agreeing, "The construction of the expressway is the largest project in the history of the province. I suggest that Secretary Zhuge be the commander."

Secretary Zhuge thought for a while, the construction of the expressway is the largest project in the history of the province, but it is not certain whether the project will be successful or not. Even if it is successful, it should be a mustache project. It's better not to go into troubled waters, he said: "The construction of expressways is a government action, and Governor Lin should be the commander. As for the director of the command office, Governor Lin will discuss with the Organization Department. Competent comrades will take up this post!"

Secretary Zhuge knew in his heart that since Governor Lin had already considered all aspects of the construction of the expressway, whoever would be the office director already had a candidate in his heart, so it was better to hand it over to him and sell favors.

Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Governor Lin bid farewell and went back to the office. He called Minister Gu of the Organization Department: "Hello, Jiancheng. You are fine at noon. Let's have dinner together in the cafeteria!"

Minister Gu knows.Governor Lin had something to eat at noon, so he said, "Okay Governor, I'll go to the cafeteria first."

Minister Gu is a member of Governor Lin's line. Governor Lin will follow the lead in everything, and there will be no mistakes in the tasks assigned by Governor Lin. [

Governor Lin went to the cafeteria after get off work at noon, and Minister Gu was waiting in the private room.

Meals have been arranged, four dishes and one soup.Since he wanted to talk about something, Minister Gu ordered a drink.

Governor Lin sat down: "You arranged for him to study at the party school?"

Governor Lin asked Qi Hao about studying at the party school of the ruling party in the province.

Minister Gu said: "Although Jiahe County has just adjusted its team, its work has not been affected by the personnel adjustment. The economy and various social undertakings are developing in an orderly manner. After this incident, Qi Hao should also recharge his batteries."

This decision was undoubtedly correct. Qi Hao narrowly escaped death. It is very important to change the environment and adjust his mentality. Governor Lin said: "Girl is the executive deputy county magistrate."

Because of the close relationship between the two.Governor Lin called Gu Qiongye a girl.

Minister Gu said: "Listening to what Secretary Yang said is the bottom line."

Governor Lin said: "I went to the scene on the night of Qihao's accident, and the girl rescued the scene and took care of the logistical work. Do it!"

Minister Gu said, "Girl, I don't want her to take on heavier responsibilities."

Governor Lin said: "Girl is willing, let her try."

Minister Gu picked up his drink cup and raised his hand: "Governor Lin, please."

Governor Lin took a sip of his drink and put it down: "I have something to discuss with you."

Minister Gu said, "Please tell me."

"I went to Baishi two days ago. The higher authorities agreed that the construction of the provincial expressway should be carried out first. After I came back, I discussed with Secretary Zhuge and reached a consensus on the construction of the expressway." Governor Lin looked at Minister Gu, "It involves the organization and personnel. , The expressway construction headquarters was established. I acted as the commander. In my opinion, the leaders in charge of the provincial government, the leaders of the National People's Congress, and the leaders of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference each served as deputy commanders. There is an office under the headquarters, which is specifically responsible for the construction of expressways. My opinions are determined by the traffic A deputy director of the department will serve as the director of the command office!" [

Obedient, listening to the sound, listening to the gongs and drums, Minister Gu understands that the director of the office is the specific executor of the construction of the expressway. This person is very important. It seems that this candidate is what Governor Lin is going to talk about today. He asked: "There is a candidate for the governor. ?"

"No." Governor Lin said, and handed Minister Gu a file bag, "I have listed the candidates who meet the requirements for the office. Please find such talents for me."

Minister Gu took over the document bag, his mind running rapidly. Governor Lin is an extremely prudent person for such a huge expressway project. It is impossible to rush into the project without the preparation of people, money and things. It can be seen that the director of the office is in his heart. There is already a candidate, who is this person?He said: "I follow the requirements of the governor, and I strive to find the talents the governor needs in a short period of time."

Governor Lin said, "Thank you."

The two let go of the topic, chewed and ate slowly, talked about things in the streets and alleys, changed their minds, and had time to rest.

After lunch, Minister Gu returned to his office and took out the candidate conditions issued by Governor Lin from his file bag.

Candidate conditions are written with a pen, and the handwriting is extremely serious. Although there are not many words for each condition, it can be seen that they have been carefully thought out.

[-]. Familiar with national key construction project policies.

[-]. Familiar with national financial policies.

[-]. It is forward-looking to the national economic development.

[-]. Be able to put forward unique opinions on the development of national and provincial expressways.

[-]. Capable of attracting investment.

[-]. Propose a financing plan for expressway construction.

[-]. Have administrative management ability.

Minister Gu looked at the conditions offered by Governor Lin for the director of the office, and wondered in his heart, who is the candidate in the Governor's mind?He firmly believes that there must be someone in the governor's heart.

Minister Gu began to investigate the candidates in Governor Lin's mind. Several people from the Provincial Department of Communications were eliminated, several people from the Provincial Development Department were eliminated, and several candidates from the Provincial Investment Promotion Bureau were eliminated. He set his sights on the provincial transportation department. Universities, the Provincial Transportation Design Institute, these candidates were eliminated one by one.

Next, Minister Gu set his sights on the provincial ruling party and the provincial government office, and these candidates were eliminated one by one.

In the end, Minister Gu turned his attention to the deputy leaders of the cities. When he was looking through the resumes of the deputy leaders of Sanjiang City, Qi Hao suddenly popped into his mind.

Minister Gu pondered for a moment, and then ruled out Qi Hao. The reasons were firstly that Qi Hao had just entered the office and was not qualified enough to be a deputy director, and second, that Qi Hao had just taken up the post of county magistrate, and the governor should not let him leave his home and county.

However, one thing came to Minister Gu's mind. Qi Hao once sent him a demonstration report on the construction of the provincial expressway. Minister Gu only read the title of the report sent by Qi Hao. , and put the report aside.

Could it be that Qi Hao is the candidate in Governor Lin's mind?Thinking about it this way, Minister Gu thought that Governor Lin mentioned the girl as the executive deputy county magistrate during lunch. Could he be implying that the girl can take over the post of county magistrate of Jiahe County?Thinking about it this way, the candidates in Governor Lin's mind formed a reasonable chain of connections in Minister Gu's mind.

Minister Gu called the secretary and asked where the report sent by Qi Hao was kept. After recalling it for a while, the secretary found the report from the temporary storage cabinet and sent it to Minister Gu.

Minister Gu recalled that Qi Hao had sent the demonstration report of the first thermal power plant in the province. The final result of that report was that the provincial government decided to build the thermal power plant in Jiahe County. Could it be that the governor decided to build the expressway because of this demonstration report? .

Minister Gu took the political report and looked at it carefully. After reading it once and twice, the highway in his mind gradually became clear. Although the project is so huge, after looking at the national economic development, engineering and technical strength, and various parts of the financing plan, He also believes that the highway must be built and can be completed in five to six years.

Minister Gu knew for a while that Governor Lin, Director of the General Headquarters of Expressway Construction, should choose his son-in-law as the candidate.

Just to be on the safe side, Minister Gu called Governor Lin: "Hi Governor, excuse me."

Governor Lin said, "Please tell me."

Minister Gu said: "I checked the relevant departments, leaders of prefecture-level cities, and relevant comrades in scientific research institutes for the work assigned by the governor. It was really difficult to find the candidates required by the governor."

Governor Lin was silent for a while: "Look a little farther, you can not stick to the deputy department level, I don't believe that such a big procuratorate can't find a talent I want!"

Minister Gu knew the truth, he said: "Okay, follow the instructions of the governor, and find the talents he needs for the governor!"

After the phone was disconnected, Director Gu called Deputy Director Yu, and handed Qihao's expressway demonstration report to Deputy Director Yu: "Look carefully, and come to me after reading it."

An argumentation report that Minister Gu attaches so much importance to, this should not be an ordinary argumentation report. Deputy Minister Yu left Minister Gu's office with the argumentation report.

Deputy Minister Yu was Qi Hao's university political counselor teacher, and the two have always maintained a close relationship.

Vice Minister Yu didn't know who wrote the demonstration report. He first read the end of the report. When he met the signatories and the county government, he knew that another report by Qi Hao had attracted Governor Lin's great attention.

Vice Minister Yu launched the demonstration report. From the demonstration report, Vice Minister Yu saw Qi Hao's wise vision and all-powerful momentum in the process of national economic development.He lamented that people's knowledge and ambitions are not educated in schools. Students educated by the same school and the same teacher can see the huge gap between them from this demonstration report.

In fact, human society is like this. If you can learn everything at once, then everyone will become a cutting-edge talent.If they are all cutting-edge talents, then they will all be princes and generals, and there will be no traffickers and pawns.Therefore, there is usually no gap between people, but when the critical moment comes, the gap will appear, and the difference between princes and princes will be revealed.

After reading the argumentation report, Vice Minister Yu wondered in his heart, what did Minister Gu mean by asking me to read the report? Is Qi Hao supposed to be in charge of the province's transportation work?This shouldn't be possible, Qi Hao has just been promoted to the county magistrate, Jiahe County has just laid a solid foundation, and it is time for him to make great achievements, should he give up his achievements that are already at his fingertips.

Vice Minister Yu came to Minister Gu's office, and Minister Gu asked, "How is it?"

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