Savage Secret

Chapter 118 Fox Spirit 4

() I originally thought that we two big men would bully her so badly that it would be fine if she left, but as soon as she turned around, the old cow rushed over like a tiger, still yelling : "Monster, don't go!"

At this moment, Lao Niu seemed to have been waiting for a long time. In my opinion, that girl will definitely be caught by Lao Niu.However, the moment the old cow touched her clothes, a two-inch silver light suddenly flashed in her hand, and without turning her head, she hooked her hand back. flip over.

I hurried forward to help the old cow up, and saw that the old cow had no marks of being scratched by sharp claws, nor was it injured, so I was relieved.

When he turned his head, he could no longer see the shadow of the woman, as if she had never appeared at all.Can't help but think about it, what is the silver light that appeared in her hand at the end?Could it be the nails?I heard that the mountain monsters have sharp mouths and sharp claws. Could it be that there is something wrong with this woman?The old cow was the closest to her, and he must have seen it better than me, so he asked him, "Old cow? Did you see what she was holding clearly?"

In the end, Lao Niu replied to me like a fool: "Hand? What is she holding in her hand? You can't be blind."

I could see clearly, but Lao Niu pretended to be confused. He didn't want to admit it, and I couldn't help it.Trying to recall the situation just now: the silver light was about as wide as her finger, thin and sharp, it looked very sharp, it popped out suddenly, and retracted again.After thinking about it for a long time, I always felt that it was the elf's long nails.

I couldn't help shivering, could it be that Lao Niu guessed it all?

"Tie Yan, don't sit down, we are ready to go to work!" The old cow said to me.

"Work?" Don't think about it, the old cow is going to chase that girl.But that scene just now has already left a shadow in my heart. If that woman is really fangs and claws, and can transform into a human-shaped elf, we don't know how many tricks she has.It's okay if Lao Niu and I don't go, but if we go, we will die.Quickly said to Lao Niu: "I think it's better to forget it, after all, he saved us..."

Before I finished speaking, the old cow squinted at me and said, "Why is Tie Yan? Are you also afraid?" The old cow used aggressive methods to me, with a sarcasm in his tone.

I don't want to go to be a hero with him because of this sentence, and ruin myself in the deep mountains and old forests of Shennongjia, and reply to him: "Old Niu, let's weigh ourselves anyway, you all know that woman is a demon!" Jing, I still have to go, do you really think of yourself as an expert in subjugating demons and catching ghosts? Otherwise, you should do the job of sending death to you first, as for me, I will follow, and I will reluctantly collect a corpse for you. Absolutely no problem."

Although I said that, I couldn't beat the old cow after all. In the final analysis, it was my own problem, because I had an irresistible impulse in my heart, and I really wanted to see if there were really thousand-year-old ghosts in the deep mountains and old forests!

At first, when I saw the old cow turning the fishing line out, I was full of surprises. I scratched my head and didn’t know what he wanted to do. Now I know that the fishing line can be used in addition to fishing: just when the girl turned around and was about to leave When the fish was caught, the old cow rushed over, although he failed to catch her, he managed to hang the fishhook on the girl's clothes.

The girl left angrily afterwards, and we didn't know where she was going, but no matter where she went, she was like a big fish hanging on a hook, dragging a fishing line as thin as a spider's silk behind her, as long as we followed If you follow the fishing line, there is a good chance that you will find her.

The old cow was slowly pulling in the fishing line in front, and I followed behind him with a salute behind my back, my heart was surging, and I fell in admiration for his wise and wise tricks.But I also prayed secretly, hoping that the end of the fishing line would not be a fox or something. After all, exorcising monsters is not our strong point.

The fishing line is not absolutely safe, Lao Niu and I are afraid that the fish will get off the hook, so we walk fast.Fortunately, we are in a relatively high-lying location with serious soil erosion. There are huge boulders exposed everywhere, and there are few tall trees, which do not affect our sight much. After walking more than [-] meters, we saw the woman in the distance. Speeding between the distant mountains.

The old cow paused for a moment, wiped the sweat from his forehead, pointed at the woman and said, "Tie Yan, look at that..."

It's daytime now, the surroundings are very empty, and there is no cover. I have seen the woman a long time ago. Seeing that the old cow was a little fussy, he smiled bitterly and said, "You still need to point me to it? I am not blind, so I can't see it." To her?"

The old cow frowned: "I know you saw it, I just want to ask you if you found the problem?"

question?I don't know when Lao Niu likes to think.Maybe because he suffered too much, he started to become cunning.However, I really didn't feel that something was wrong, and I was too lazy to think about it again, and asked him directly: "Sazi?"

The old cow said: "Look over there, the mountain ridge is relatively flat, the mountainside is rugged and difficult to walk, and there are gullies washed out by the heavy rain, there is no road at all, and that woman is walking on the mountainside, and she walks so quickly... ..." Hearing this, I immediately "thumped" in my heart.

Lao Niu and I have both hunted and have a certain understanding of the living habits of common animals. Some of them like Yin, some like light, some like to hide in the grass, and some like to stay under stones.Different species have different living habits, and each animal even takes a different path.

The so-called snake walks the way of the snake, and the wolf has the way of the wolf. According to our experience and common sense told by some hunting predecessors: under normal circumstances, only snakes and foxes walk on the mountainside.

To put it bluntly, if this woman is really a monster, even if she doesn't have the high morals of the thousand-year-old snake demon Bai Suzhen, she should be on par with Xiaoqing.We are not Master Fahai, we have neither the strength nor the magic weapon, and we don't even have decent weapons.Just as I was about to persuade the old cow, telling him that some things cannot be accomplished by courage, the woman in the distance disappeared after turning around the mountain.

"Hurry up!" the old cow yelled, took the fishing line and jumped out. By the time I realized it, he had already dropped me dozens of meters.

At that moment, my heart was full of mixed feelings and unspeakable contradictions. I knew that if I continued to move forward, there might be dangers that we could never dream of, but now the old cow is like a demon, and I can't pull it back!He had no choice but to grit his teeth and follow.

This is the depths of Shennongjia, which is inaccessible and full of primitive ecology everywhere. There are no roads on the mountain ridges, let alone the mountainside.Looking at it from a distance, it just feels majestic and steep, but when it is actually walking, it is dangerous and strenuous.Although it is covered with big trees and shrubs, there are still two or three feet wide gullies washed out by heavy rain, filled with dead branches and rocks, and the soil at the edges is very loose. .

After entering the mountain, I have been tossing and tossing, using it for salutes, and throwing it away. The backpack is almost empty, but after walking and jumping in the woods for a while, Lao Niu and I are both tired and panting, and our legs and feet are weak.Thinking of the girl walking the same path as me, but with an extremely light body, as if walking on a flat surface, I compared it repeatedly, and my doubts aggravated a little.

"Tie Yan, you are walking so slowly, if you lose the goblin, don't blame me for accusing you." When the old cow spoke, his breath was not coherent.

"Death, I'm not as good as you, you can take a step first, don't wait for me." I didn't answer him angrily, but I still quickened my pace.

Looking at Lao Niu's resolute appearance, I suddenly realized that something was wrong: Lao Niu first told me that he was a goblin, but seeing that I didn't quite believe it, he also said that it is necessary to guard against others. When I heard his words, I immediately Be vigilant.At this point, Lao Niu's goal will be half achieved.After chasing me all the way, he kept giving me hints, saying that people do not walk on the ridge, but on the side of the mountain, which aroused my suspicion.Looking back, the whole process was like he was brainwashing me.

Of course, these alone are not enough to make me doubt Lao Niu.The point is that Lao Niu keeps saying that he is a goblin, but he still catches up with him. Does he really have the secret technique of subduing demons?Or are you really not afraid of death?

I felt more and more strange, and vaguely came up with an answer: Lao Niu must be doing something!

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