Savage Secret

Chapter 124 Ghost Baby 4

() I followed the old cow and climbed ashore. Although I felt sorry in my heart, I was still curious about why he came out of the water: "Old cow, where did you run just now? It took a long time to get out of the water, and I wanted to scare you to death." Father?"

Lao Niu sat on the ground with his buttocks, gently rubbed his hands on his head a few times, and then looked at his palms to see if there was any bleeding.Then he frowned and said to me: "Tie Yan, I have been to this place before!"

Hearing what Lao Niu said, I was first surprised and then happy. What surprised me was that Lao Niu had come to this ghostly place. No matter when he came or what purpose he came for, he might still have incredible encounters in the cave. But the results are worth gratifying: he must have come out alive.I was still worrying about the boundless road ahead, fearing that the dark and deep caves hide unknown dangers, or that it is difficult to find a way out. His words are like the dawn before dawn to me. I said excitedly: "Have you been here? Then you hurry up." Take me out, I don't want to stay here for a while!"

If the time had changed, Lao Niu would definitely stand up with his chest patted, stride forward, show me the scenery along the way, and teach me a few words like a big brother leading a little brother.This time it was just the opposite. Lao Niu wiped the water on his face weakly, his brows were frowning, and his eyes were a little confused: "Do you still remember the time when I was taken away by the fog demon? The fog demon put me first. After staying here for a long time, I threw it into the golden eagle's nest again!"

This incident has only passed a few days, and I still remember it vividly: the night after killing Changjiao, Lao Niu and I had an argument over whether to send Tianyuan down the mountain. , the old cow disappeared.I thought that Lao Niu's mind had wandered off and left us alone to make a fortune, but I accidentally saw him in the Golden Eagle's Nest. He threw it in the cave for a long time, and then took him out and threw him into the golden eagle nest, which almost cost him his life.

At that time, what he said about himself was so innocent and helpless, and what he said about his experience was as unrealistic as a fairy tale, and I didn't believe it at all.But now it seems that those words may not be true. In the cave we are in now, there will be one or two baby-like shouts coming from time to time.

The old cow said that he had been here before, but he was carried and carried away by the fog monster. It is impossible to expect him to take me out. The fog monster is strong and light, and can come and go freely on the cliffs that are vertical at [-] degrees , the route it walks is definitely not ours.The fire of hope that had just been ignited was brutally extinguished by a basin of cold water in the pocket, and my heart was ashen, extremely cold, and I no longer thought about it, and turned the topic to him: "Why did you get out of the water? You have been going for a long time. Where is it?"

"I fell before you. After I got out of the water, I saw two green lights like lanterns in the distance, so I wanted to go and see what they were!" The old cow spoke in a calm and weak voice at this moment, not too tired. Yes, it's just a little flattering.

I've seen that green light before, but I didn't see it very clearly, so I hurriedly asked him, "What is that?"

"The eyes of the python!"

The cave was surprisingly quiet, and the old cow and I were motionless and held our breath.Only the water surface is gently rippling, and the ripples refract the light of the flashlight, reflecting on the cave wall in front of you, interlacing light and dark, illusory and ethereal.Before the old cow said it, I already knew the answer, because I had seen the giant python, but after hearing what he said, my heart still tugged.

"After I passed by, it slipped away, but I accidentally went around into a maze-like hole, which was full of water, and I didn't dare to scream. I didn't think it was you until I saw light shining through the bottom of the water. Just swam from the bottom of the water."

After listening to the old cow, I was very distressed. I don’t know what the maze in his mouth looks like, but judging from the time when we fell into the hole, he must not have gone far, and he can’t come back even at this distance , we have to find the exit easier said than done.However, it depends on human effort, and I was not that pessimistic, so I changed the subject and said to him: "By the way, old cow, did you see that giant python?"

"I see, it's huge!" Lao Niu replied with certainty. < What kind of process should be ren? Ask him: "What color clothes does the giant python wear?"

"Ah!" The old cow was dumbfounded, and seemed unable to react for a while.

"Did you forget that woman? The snake demon you kept talking about? Didn't you say that you saw her prototype? Are they wearing the same clothes?" When I was talking, my eyes did not leave Lao Niu's eyes for a moment. face, trying to read an answer from his face.

"Ah, the same, absolutely the same!" The expression on the old cow's face was very strange. Seeing me staring at him, he moved his mouth twice, and said again: "No, no, how can snakes wear clothes?" The flickering words made me sneer and regret, maybe from the beginning, I shouldn't listen to Lao Niu.

"Tie Yan, what do you mean? Just say what you want to say, don't beat around the bush, you know that my old cow is a straight person." The old cow seemed a little displeased, and his voice suddenly rose. He was clearly guilty and had to rely on his voice Come pose.

This naturally couldn't escape my eyes, and it made me firmer in my mind. Just as I was about to open my mouth to make trouble, the old cow suddenly said: "Tie Yan, you know the story of the white lady and Xu Xian! That white lady is a thousand-year-old master Human shape, we can call it a black lady..." The old cow was talking nonsense, obviously avoiding the main point, and I said in a bad mood: "Get to the point!"

The old cow pouted: "Do you know what Xu Xian's name is?"

I caught Lao Niu by surprise with my question before, and Lao Niu’s question baffled me again, and I even suspected that I heard it wrong: "What?"

"You see, the Chinese nation has been advocating etiquette since ancient times. It is considered impolite to call others by their names. They are replaced by positions, names, and industries, such as Director Wang, Teacher Li, Master Zhang Tian, ​​Zen Master Fa Hai, and Xu Xianren. To address him, Xu Xian is just a respectful title for him, do you know what his original name was?"

At first, when Lao Niu asked what Xu Xian’s name was, it felt as stupid and ridiculous as asking others “What is one?”, but after hearing his plausible analysis, his mind became confused, as if Xu Xian was not Xu Xian, but someone else. The name is not one anymore, there are other names.I was really stunned for a moment, until I saw the sly smile on his face, I didn't know that I was indeed entangled, and I couldn't laugh or cry.

After laughing, I returned to reality. The giant python in the cave is not the kind-hearted white lady in the legend, and we are not Xu Xian, the lover she has been looking for for thousands of years. Be its meal.

The situation in the cave was complicated, Lao Niu and I didn't dare to rest for too long, so we got up, collected our salutes, and looked for the exit.There is stagnant water everywhere in the cave, and there are many gravels rolling down in the middle of the stagnant water. In some places, mud is also silted up, mixed with yinxing aquatic plants that are neither tall nor short, making it very difficult to walk.However, these things have also helped us a lot. The cave often emits water, and the water flows to the lower places. The remaining water stains and traces on the cave wall, and the direction of the aquatic plants are all pointing out the route for us. As long as we follow this Basically, you can't go wrong if you follow the route.

With the route, the old cow and I became more energetic, and walked through the cave. The naturally formed caves are extremely irregular. Some places are several feet high. You have to lower your head to walk through, but these short places have been polished smooth by the water flow.However, sometimes you have to go back and find the way again, because the water can be square and round, and you can pass through gaps, but people can't.

In this way, after walking for about half an hour, just when Lao Niu and I were glad that we didn't meet the big python, the baby-like scream sounded in our ears again.I heard only one or two calls before, but this time it was different. It seemed that there were many calls at the same time. The sounds were one after another, shrill and resentful, sharp and long, coming from the dark distance, rendering the entire cave It's like the Netherworld, the Senluo Execution Ground.

Walking non-stop all the way, already sweating, hearing this voice, chills all over the body, and the sweat stopped immediately.When I looked back at Lao Niu, I saw that he was also expressionless, focused and alert, and the tension in my heart was probably no better than mine!

Besides the giant python, what the hell is there in this cave?Is there really a ghost baby in the legend?

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