Savage Secret

Chapter 126

() This monster must have wanted to bite me when it jumped out of the water, but I fell to the ground ahead of time with my frightened body. Although I was not bitten, I was pressed to the bottom by its huge body.There were sharp and sharp gravels all over my back, and my bones were about to shatter. I wanted to support myself to reduce the pain, but I couldn't move because there was a thousand-hundred-jin weight on my body.The sticky liquid on its body flowed from my nostrils, mouth and even my ears, making it difficult to breathe.

After throwing itself on me, it was restless and swayed from side to side from time to time. I was wrapped by its heavy body. When it moved, I also moved. Unfortunately, my back was full of rocks. It felt nothing like rolling on a mountain of knives. different.Fortunately, its cold belly is soft and slippery and there are no scales. Otherwise, even if I don't finish playing, my handsome face will be destroyed, and I will never be able to see anyone again.

I now know that what I saw was not a gem, but the monster's eyes.I thought about going to the mountain for so long, and I didn’t get a fart. Finally, a fortune happened, and a lot of gemstone pies fell from the sky. Now that I think about it, this pie is too fucking big, almost crushing me to death .

If a person wants to live well, he must first breathe well. I was pressed down by this huge monster, and I almost only had breath out, but no breath in.The nostrils are useless, and as soon as the mouth is opened, the mucus flows into the throat, and it can't be spit out.

It was difficult to catch my breath, but I couldn't use all my courage, so I immediately thought of Lao Niu, what is the grandson doing?Even if we can't destroy this monster, we still have to lure it away. Do we just wait for Lao Tzu to collect his body?Because of the mucus, I couldn't open my eyes at all, and my ears were covered. I couldn't hear the sound clearly, and I felt that there was a ghost baby screaming in my ears.

For a long time, the whole person couldn't move, as if he was in chaos.

Finally, the monster on my body was pulled away bit by bit. I let out a long breath, struggled to get up from the ground, and spit out the mucus in my mouth. As my breathing became smoother, I felt the smell more and more. bad smell.

"Tie Yan, your posture was not bad just now! One is above and the other is below, intimate and ambiguous, lingering..." This is the first sentence I heard Lao Niu say.

I was furious immediately: "I've been trampled on for so long, can you bastard say something nice to comfort me?"

When I scolded Lao Niu, he didn't mind at all, and still had a smirk on his face: "Comfort? I want to congratulate you! Look at those great people in ancient times, they were not human beings. Take Fuxi as an example. Thor's footprints conceived and gave birth to a great man who created Chinese civilization; Shennong was born from the dragon's first mother, and human beings have food and medicine since then; Liu Bang's mother was born after the dragon was pregnant, a great feudal society. The King was born out of nowhere... It has been close to you for so long, it is estimated that you are also pregnant with a different species. In this way, after we go out, let's stop wandering in the mountains, and I will accompany you home to raise a baby, in case a baby is born. ..."

If I let Lao Niu go on talking, I don’t know how he will get used to me, so he quickly snatched the words: "Didn’t I give birth to you a bastard? I think you are dirty on the outside and dirty on the inside. After all, you are not a mortal person. Chi Zhong Change the world, and the important task of unifying the world is entrusted to you, so hurry up, or your talents will be wasted!"

The old cow smiled, and was about to speak again. I was afraid that the two of them would quarrel endlessly and delay the business, so I said first: "By the way, what is that thing, its mother almost took my life!"

The old cow pointed to the side: "Go and see for yourself!"

When I turned my head, I was startled: a monster with a length of one foot and a height of nearly two feet crawled on the ground, with a long tail dragging behind its flat body, two pairs of thick feet at the front and back, brown and yellow. The body is dotted with many black spots, and there are many deep stab wounds on the body. The deadliest one is on the head. Half of the head, which is thicker than the body, has been cut off, and only the remaining half is dripping blood .Rao is like this, I also recognized it at a glance.

"This is a fucking baby fish!" As soon as the words came out, I immediately fell silent. Before hearing that baby crying, I thought it was a ghost baby, and I was so frightened. Now I saw it, and I immediately felt relieved.

The baby fish is the giant salamander, and its scientific name is the Oriental salamander. It is the largest amphibian ever discovered in the world, and it is distributed in most parts of our country.Because of its delicious meat, it has become a delicacy on people's tables, and because of its unique cry like a baby, it is called the giant baby fish.In my opinion, the cry of giant salamander is not very similar to that of a baby, but very similar to the sound of a cat called chun. Most people can easily confuse several sounds if they don't listen carefully.

This kind of monster that doesn't sound like a doll and is not a fish is unexpectedly given the name "Baby Fish", making those who don't know it mistakenly think that they are very docile and cute.In fact, wild salamanders are not cute at all. Not to mention their ugly appearance, they are still absolute carnivores. There are sharp and fine teeth in their mouths. After biting something, they swallow it whole.Carnivores are ferocious and aggressive, and salamanders are no exception. They feed on fish, shrimp, turtles, and crabs, and they will attack their own kind, even humans, when they are hungry.

When I took the flashlight to shine in the water, there were still a few salamanders lying there that blended with the color of the bottom. I couldn't help but sigh, it's a good thing they don't have the habit of hunting in groups like wolves, otherwise the old cow and I might not be able to survive.

Just at this moment, the old cow had already cut off the skin of the salamander with a Tibetan knife, cut off a piece of meat, and sent it to his mouth for chewing.I frowned a little, drinking blood is not a habit of modern people.The old cow seemed to see through my thoughts. After chewing, he pointed to the salamander and said to me: "Tie Yan, the book says that the baby fish is also called Huitong Dan. It is often eaten raw, which can nourish the body, keep youthful forever, and rejuvenate. You Look at you, although you are not very old, you are already full of wrinkles, you should eat more."

I don’t know if the giant salamander is called Hui Tong Dan, but I’m very upset when I heard Lao Niu say that I’m wrinkled all over my body. In case your body reacts after eating and turns into a three-year-old nai doll, crying non-stop, I will carry you out. If I encounter a bad mood again, I will throw you into the pond in front of me to feed the fish. You are buried here."

Being in such a cruel environment, our physical strength is exhausted, and we should have something to supplement.But this cave is full of water, not to mention the hay can not be found, even the stones are wet, it is impossible to light a fire to roast the meat, facing the only food, it can only be eaten raw like an old cow .

Think about it carefully, in ancient China, eating raw fish was highly regarded as a kind of food culture, and it reached its peak in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.Coastal cities also retain the habit of eating sashimi, and a meal is expensive.The eating method in the hotel is very particular, washing, deboning, removing thorns, slicing, mixing sauce and other dishes, and of course white wine is inseparable.

The difference is that what people eat is a kind of enjoyment, but we do it to survive. The environment is different and the conditions are much worse.Not to mention the sauce or something, I didn’t even have the smelly wine. I took a knife and cut a strip from the salamander’s body, which was still bloodshot, and stuffed it into my mouth. It was cool and slippery, and it was so fishy. The next bite, nausea for a long time.

It was very uncomfortable when I ate it. Afterwards, I felt full of energy and energy, and I should plan the next move.In fact, I have known for a long time that salamanders live in caves and deep streams with clear water, and like to hide under rocks at the bottom of the water.They are sensitive to light and love shade, but they cannot completely leave the sun. They must be exposed to light occasionally to develop normally.Therefore, the place where salamander lives is not too far from the place where there is light, that is to say, the exit is around us.

In front of us is a mountain spring. The place where the spring water overflows may be the route for the salamander to go out. What we have to do is to find this way.

Although there was no salute, when I got up, I still habitually checked if there was anything left behind. When I turned my head, Lao Niu and I were stunned.I don't know how the old cow feels, anyway, I shivered, and a trace of fear rose in my heart.

The blood and mucus on the ground are still there, but the body of the salamander that was killed by the old cow and eaten by us is gone.The salamander's head had been cut off in half, and it was impossible to crawl away alive unless something snatched it away.But it is more than ten feet long, at least a few hundred kilograms, what thing can have such supernatural power, and it can be easily done without alarming us?

Vaguely, I feel threatened like never before!

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