Savage Secret

Chapter 129: Wolf Wushao 3

() The collapsing momentum of the Tianzhu, the unstoppable ferocity of the wind and clouds, are definitely not what the human body can bear. If you don't run, you will only be smashed to pieces. The old cow and I jumped up almost at the same time, and rushed into the cave.

The water in the cave was already deep enough to submerge us all, and the water flow was turbulent, forming many large and small whirlpools, and we were pulled into the bottom by these whirlpools as soon as we jumped down.Suddenly, a huge force came from behind, my body seemed to be hit by something, and I jumped forward involuntarily. I obviously felt the water around my body jumping up, and I was also thrown up, almost hitting the roof of the cave.

Then, there was a loud bang, the sound of waves crashing down, the sound of rolling rocks, and the strange cry of wolves and crows all mixed together, and drilled into my ears at the same time.What was even more unexpected was that we were lifted up by the waves, and when we fell again, the water under our bodies disappeared, and we fell directly on the hard and messy rocks at the bottom of the cave. With the forward momentum, we were hit again and again. After a few rolls, the pain was unbearable, and he almost died. The water spray that fell from behind filled his mouth, smashing his head and face.

"Cough, cough!" The old cow and I spat out the water in our mouths, looking extremely embarrassed.

After a long time, the sound in the cave became a little calmer, and the old cow pawed on the ground with his hands for a long time, managed to get up, and said in his mouth: "It really killed me!" Look at me lying still , pulled me again, and the two of them staggered and stood against the cave wall together.

The first thing I did when I got up was to see what was going on just now. I was a little dumbfounded at first glance: just a few feet away from me, the huge head of the wolf black tip was staring at us, as if wanting to I rushed over, but when I looked again, I found that the left and right sides of the head were scratched, even deformed, and the blood was flowing down.

The entrance of the cave, which is more than one foot wide, is big enough for us, but it is still too small for Lang Wushao.Its head was firmly stuck there, almost unable to move, and the entire hole was almost blocked. The water that was rushing out just now could only seep out from the side gap at this moment.

When we were in the cave, the wolf's head was only a few feet away from us, which scared us enough. Now seeing it in such distress, I couldn't help but want to go up to it.Cautiously and tentatively walked a few steps forward, seeing that the wolf Wushao still didn't respond, he became more courageous, walked to a place only one foot away from it, looked at it several times, and said softly: "Sister, are you okay? "

"Tie Yan, what are you talking about? How did you become a relative with this snake, and you still call him a sister?" The old cow next to me was stunned and hadn't reacted yet.

I laughed and said, "Didn't you firmly insist that the woman is the snake spirit? You even racked your brains to hang the fishing line on her clothes and chase after her. Now that she is frankly showing her prototype, why don't you recognize her?"

Lao Niu seemed to suddenly realize: "Why don't you remember, but I remember very clearly." He paused for a while, and said to me with a bit of seriousness: "Tie Yan, have you heard of Suizhu?" Jingyu?" <Two priceless treasures in autumn, Suizhu is also called Suihouzhu, it is said that the monarch of Suiguo was walking on the road, and when he saw a dying giant snake by the side of the road, he felt compassionate and bandaged it It was released after the wound.A year later, the snake came back with a handicap-sized luminous pearl in its mouth, and told the waiters that he was the son of the Dragon King.This luminous pearl is Suizhu.As for Jingyu, it refers to Heshibi, because it was originally produced in Jingshan Mountain in Chu, and it is also of jade quality. It was discovered by the famous jade master Bian He, so it got its name.

Suizhu and Jingyu are priceless treasures. No one has ever calculated the price of Suizhu, but King Qin is willing to exchange [-] cities for Jingyu and Shibi, which are as famous as it. The process of this exchange In the book, Lin Xiangru defeated the King of Qin with his superb wisdom and invincible courage, leaving a magnificent poem of returning to Zhao in history.The price of He's Bi is [-] cities, Sui Houzhu is at least as good as him, even worse. <The top treasures of the autumn period changed hands several times, bringing countless murders to their owners, and finally Qin Shihuang brought them together.Jingyu and Shibi were also made into jade seals passed down to the country. According to legend, whoever wins the jade seal wins the world, attracting all heroes from all over the world to compete.Suihou beads have disappeared since the Qin Dynasty. Some people say that they were brought into the mausoleum by Qin Shihuang, while others say that the beads were taken back by the Dragon King.

Jingyu and Shibi have definite origins, and their origins and discoverers are clearly recorded, but the appearance of Suihou beads is quite mythical and arouses imagination.The unofficial history records at that time said that the world-famous Suihou Zhu did not save the injured Longzi at any time, but Longzi gave it to him in return for his kindness.But when you go out to hunt at any time, you can see the warm pearl light in the distance, piercing the world, and the eight masters of the cave, which are extremely beautiful.I knew that there was a treasure there, and after leading people to drive there, I saw a Mongolian snake as thick as a buffalo crawling on the edge of the cliff and abyss. Longevity, almost perfect, that rainbow-like pearl light is just a light green bead swallowed by the moon in Meng She's mouth.

Seeing this treasure, you will suddenly have the intention of possessing it.Little did he know that Meng Snake was already psychic, and when he saw someone peeping, he dived into the abyss and never showed up again.Sui Hou refused to let it go, so he mobilized the power of the whole country, dispatching tens of thousands of workers every day, trying to wash away the deep water and catch the snake alive.Unexpectedly, tens of thousands of people worked hard for a month, and the deep water only went down half a foot.Get angry at any time, blame your subordinates for not doing things well, and want to kill tens of thousands of migrant workers.

Maybe those people shouldn't die. At this time, a long-distance alchemist arrived on a Zhan bird. He met him and waited for him, saying that the abyss hidden by the snake hides in the East China Sea. Get the snake out of the water and help you get the orb.

When you are rejoicing, according to the order of the alchemist, you will set up a banner next to the abyss where the snake hides, and build an altar to burn incense.After everything was ready, the alchemist went up to the altar on a dark night, a yellow talisman was thrown into the water, and the water boiled immediately. After a while, the Meng snake emerged from the water, scurrying headlessly like a frightened bird. The soldiers who had been lying around for a long time It took a whole night with the sword and arrow to kill Meng snake and take out the pearl from the snake's belly.

This matter is not over, if it is not because of this rare night pearl, a small country like Suiguo would not be remembered by people at all, because its territory is too small and it has no strength.After Sui Hou got the bead, he played with it day and night, desolate the government, and not long after, Suiguo was destroyed, and the ending of Suihou and Meng Snake turned out to be the same: died by swords and arrows.

History writers analyzed that there was something wrong with the alchemists who helped Suihou to retrieve the pearls. They were spies sent by other countries to avenge Suiguo.Because it rides a Zhan bird, there is a rumor in ancient times that "the country that the Zhan bird passes will be destroyed".However, I think that a person like Sui Hou who devotes all the power of the whole country to grab a bead is not considered a wise king at all, and the destruction of the country and family is inevitable.

It is recorded in the book that the moon-watching snake grows pearls in its body, which roughly means that on the night of the full moon, the snake that likes to face the moon will produce night pearls as big and bright as the moon in its body.This is easier to understand, because the moon-watching snake receives the most light from the moon and absorbs the essence of the heaven and earth, so the shadow of the moon will be printed on its scales.

At this time, I also knew what Lao Niu meant. He definitely didn't want to imitate Suihou's treatment of the wolf Wusao in front of him and send it back to the Dragon Palace to get beads to repay, but he wanted to use a knife to kill the wolf Wusao Take it apart and see if there is a night pearl in its body.Jade is in the mountains and the vegetation is moist, while pearls grow in the abyss and the cliffs are not dry. A snake with beads hidden in its body will be different from ordinary snakes in appearance.If there is really a night pearl in Wolf Wushao's body, then its body should not just look a little weird, but show the gentle luster of the moon.

Could it be that the light of the flashlight is too bright, preventing us from seeing the light of the bead in Lang Wushao's body?He turned off the flashlight.

Just when the light went out, my body trembled violently, and I took a step back with a strange cry, breaking out in cold sweat: there was a person crawling on top of Lang Wushao's head.

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