Savage Secret

Chapter 133 Ghost Mother 2

() Just now, the old cow's back was still bloody, as if he had been tortured.But in this moment of effort, the large bloodstains almost disappeared.But instead of showing signs of getting better, Lao Niu looked even more terrifying.

All the blood gathered on that ghostly face, and the old cow seemed to have been stabbed with a tattoo on his back. This tattoo was full of blood and exuded a breath of death, which made people daunting: a pair of ping-pong balls protruded from the extremely irregular face. The big blood red eyes, the parted lips that open and close from time to time, the bloodstains still remain on them, and the blood threads are swimming, it is the image of a devil who has just eaten people.Affected by this, the old cow's body turned into that kind of super red color again. If you don't look carefully, you will think that this person has just been braised in a pot.Any fool can see that Lao Niu's situation is already very dangerous, and he has the intention of driving west immediately.

I was very anxious, but I still tried to calm down and said to Tian Hao: "Tian Hao, can you tell me again what this ghost mother is?"

Tian Hao sighed softly, and said: "The ghost mother is the resentment of the dead. It gathers and lives in extremely dark and dark places. It walks with its body and actively looks for a strong host. It likes to attach to people and suck people's blood. .”

Hearing this, I understood a little bit: it turned out that the flower with the shape of a human face on the head of Lang Wushao was the ghost mother who was now attached to the old cow, and the ferocious wolf Wushao was just a host of the ghost mother.Tian Hao said that the ghost mother likes to attach herself to people, which is also true, it did run from the head of the wolf Wushao to the old cow.Seeing that Tian Hao knew so much about Ghost Mother, I hurriedly said to him: "Then what should we do now? How can we save Lao Niu?"

Tian Hao stopped talking, turned his head to look at the distant sky, and said after a long time: "It would be great if Zhiji Tima was here!"

Hearing Zhiji Tima's words, I became inexplicably angry, and couldn't help wanting to scold: "You bastard! But I only dare to complain in my heart, and dare not scold at Tian Hao. Since Tian Hao's expression shows that he respects and fears Zhiji Tima at the same time. This is also very understandable, Zhiji Tima is their leader and a wizard, even if they say that they are the spiritual leader of their tribe Pass.

Until now, I haven't figured out Tian Hao's exact attitude towards Zhiji Tima, so naturally I have to be cautious when speaking.If Tian Hao is unhappy by scolding Zhiji Tima for the sake of quick talk, it will be very troublesome.Tian Hao's ability to tell Lao Niu's current symptoms proves that even if he hasn't treated it himself, he has seen it, and there should be some way to do it.

Sure enough, after a while, Tian Hao asked me solemnly: "Brother Du, do you have anything to drive away ghosts and evil spirits!"

I have heard a lot about ghosts and gods, and I have seen some, but I have never been provoked by ghosts and gods, and I am confident that ghosts will not provoke me, so I don’t even have a red thread on my body. When I was there, Zhiji Tima once gave me a bamboo tube to piss from a boy to relieve the evil spirit of the green raccoon monster. Later we turned against Zhiji Tima. Although he escaped from under the old cow, he did not take the thing Take it with you.Thinking of the pureness of the boy's urine and its ability to ward off evil spirits, he was overjoyed, took it out of his backpack, and handed it to Tian Hao: "Can boy's urine be used?"

When Tian Hao saw the bamboo tube, his eyes widened suddenly, looking very strange.I immediately realized that it was not good, because the bamboo tube is not made of a simple bamboo joint. The patterns and special shapes imprinted on it all carry the authentic Tujia culture, which can be recognized at a glance. Zhiji Tima, a wizard, would never give this away.

Be careful, be careful, but you are still negligent, thinking that Tian Hao will ask how this bamboo tube got into our hands, but he didn't.

Tian Hao took the bamboo tube and opened it, walked half a circle around the old cow, squatted down about a foot away from the old cow, and stretched his hand to the grimace on the old cow's back.At this time, my eyes were also widened, and my heart was full of strong hope, hoping that after the boy urinated on it, the ghost mother would disappear without a trace, and the old cow would get up from the ground and recover as before.

But as soon as a drop was dropped, there was a strong reaction on the ghost's face. It was like the blood bubbles in the two eyes exploded, and the blood splashed everywhere. The ghost mother was like a frightened rabbit, running around inside the old cow's body.Tian Hao did not expect such a result, he was quite frightened and his eyes flustered.

Just when I was almost in despair, Tian Hao suddenly said to me: "Brother Du, help me to chop off the wolf's teeth with the knife in your hand!"

I was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood Tian Hao's thoughts. Dogs have the most acute sense of hearing, sight and smell in the animal world, and can even sense things from another world. They have extremely high spirituality.Therefore, dog teeth and dog blood have been regarded as the best things to ward off evil spirits since ancient times. Ordinary ghosts and evil spirits will disappear immediately when they encounter dog teeth and dog blood.Wolves and dogs belong to the same species, so the effect of the two should not be too different in warding off evil spirits.

The more troublesome thing is that when the donkey-headed wolf died, its teeth were clenched. I hacked and knocked, and it took great effort to get its biggest teeth out.Tian Hao didn't delay either. After receiving the wolf fangs, after muttering something in his mouth, he nailed several fangs to the old cow's back one after another.After only a moment, the ghost mother remained motionless, and after another half a minute, the fangs slowly turned black, and traces of black air emerged from the fangs, and at the same time, the grimace gradually disappeared.

Finally, when we pulled out the wolf teeth from the old cow's back, the originally extremely hard teeth were like burnt charcoal, which would shatter at the touch of a touch, which made me feel extremely strange.

Tian Hao seemed to see through my mind, and explained to me: "Ghost mother is the most evil thing, and wolf teeth are the most spiritual thing. When one spirit and one evil collide together, they will naturally restrain each other!" Hearing what he said, thinking of All kinds of weird things we encountered before, I was afraid that there would be nothing to resist when we bumped into these ghosts and evil things again, so we ran to the donkey-headed wolf again, took off all its teeth, and put them in our pockets .

Looking at the donkey-headed wolf whose teeth I knocked out, I couldn't help but be curious about its peculiar appearance. Its ears are longer than those of a rabbit, its lips are protruding and thick, and its face is wrinkled and wrinkled, as if it is a hundred years old. , very funny, couldn't help reaching out and touching its head twice, the donkey-headed wolf who had been dead for a long time was so docile.

The redness on the old cow's body gradually faded, and his breathing became even, but his complexion did not fully return to normal, with a slightly tired look. Thinking about it, he has been running around for so many days, and he would come here from time to time. The accident caused us to be terrified and tired of coping. It's time to take a good rest. Seeing him sleep so hard, even I was sleepy.

Tian Hao was busy collecting some firewood to set up a fire, skinned the donkey's head and the wolf, and was washing the meat in the pool, when he realized that the clouds were low and it was late, and the mist was getting thicker and the dusk was rising.

To be honest, even though Tian Hao marinated the meat with salt and cooked the donkey-headed wolf's meat until it was golden and crispy, I always felt that the meat was not very fragrant and smelly. If I was not too hungry, it would be hard to eat pharynx.But then again, almost all the meat on the table that is hailed as delicious meat is the meat of herbivores. As for carnivorous animals such as donkeys, wolves, and even tigers and leopards, they are at most considered tonics, but they are actually not delicious.

After being with Tian Hao for a long time, I promised him to save our lives. When we were eating, we naturally had to chat. What's going on with Ma? What secret do you guys have?"

Under the firelight, Tian Hao's expression changed suddenly.

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