Savage Secret

Chapter 136 Cloud Toad 3

() Is this a ghost that escaped from hell?

My blood stopped flowing instantly, my brain was completely stunned, I couldn't even raise my breath, and my body backed away unconsciously!

I held the tree pole with one hand and stood on a horizontal branch. When I stepped back, I stepped on the ground and my body immediately fell.Although I tried to hold the tree pole tightly several times, I couldn't stop the tendency of falling, and my arm was still on the branch with pain like being scraped and dislocated.

I broke at least two of the thick branches of the bowl, and turned over a few times. The pain made my desire to survive stronger, and made me understand: falling to the ground from a treetop tens of feet high, even if If you are stopped by a tree branch a few times, you may also hurt your muscles and bones, so it is better to plan as soon as possible.Thinking of this, I tried my best to adjust my posture in the air, preparing to fall to the middle of the branch below.

Because the branches protruding from the main pole are all from thick to thin, if I drop my body to a thick place, I will either break the branch or break my bones; Make sure to pass through there, it is useless at all.Only when it falls in a place with the right thickness and elasticity in the middle, can the elasticity of the branches be used to support the falling body and minimize the impact of the tree pole on the body. It can be said that it is the most suitable way to survive in danger.

As the saying goes, it's up to people to plan things, but it's up to God to make things happen. Although I have thought about everything I should think about, I have implemented it according to the plan.As a result, the trunk of this tree is not very flexible, and it will break easily without being hit.However, the downward momentum of my body stopped for a while. In a hurry, I grabbed and pulled, and finally grabbed another tree pole next to me.This time it was not bad, the gravity generated by the fall was offset by the tree pole just now, this time the grip was fairly firm, and the body was suspended in the air.

When I fell just now, I didn’t know how many times I bumped and bumped on the tree. After I stopped, I felt burning pain all over my body. I couldn’t use any strength in my arms. Something is entangled and seems to be dragging me down.It frightened me and kept jumping wildly.

What, is there a man-eating tree under my feet?

Most people think that a tree will always be a tree, and it will not move without wind, or the ancients said: "A tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop."But few people know that some trees are also standard carnivores. Although they don't run around looking for prey like animals, they have vines that are similar to octopus tentacles. These vines have green leaves like ordinary tree vines, covered with Full of fine and poisonous barbs.When animals pass by it, Sudo will entangle them fiercely, inject venom into the body of the prey through the barbs on it, and then drag them into the mouth-like tree cavity.There is a high concentration of acidic liquid in the cavity of the tree, similar to stomach acid, but a hundred times more corrosive than stomach acid. Smaller animals soak in it for a few minutes and immediately turn into pus, becoming the nutrient of the man-eating tree.

Thinking of this, I was so frustrated that my last bit of persistence almost collapsed. Instead of being eaten by a wolf, I was eaten by a tree. What kind of fucking luck is this!But he still kicked his legs unwillingly, trying to break free.

"Tie Yan, what are you kicking around? I'll follow you, let go quickly!" What I heard in my ears was the voice of the old cow. When I looked down, it was the old cow below. It almost fell to the ground.

Listening to what the old cow said, I let go of my hand, but the old cow couldn't hold on anymore. He hugged my body weighing more than 100 kilograms, rubbed, rubbed, rubbed, took a few steps back, and walked forward a few steps

, and finally couldn't hold it anymore, the two of them ate shit together.He was better down there, but I climbed to the ground from a height of two or three meters, and it hurt so much when I fell.I couldn't help cursing: "You fucking told me to let go. Did you make it up after seeing that I didn't fall to death? I knew I would have jumped off the top."

The old cow knew he was wronged, and he didn't fight back. He helped me up, patted the fallen leaves on my body, and said with concern: "Tie Yan, where did you fall, I will rub it for you."

I was in pain all over, and it was fine if he didn't rub it. Wherever he rubbed it, it hurt more. rub!"

The old cow had no choice but to withdraw his hand, and asked me with doubts: "Tie Yan, did you see something on it?"

Thinking of that grimace, I felt trembling in my heart. I didn't know if it was pain or lingering fear, and my body shivered violently.I just glanced at it, but I couldn’t describe it to Lao Niu. If it was a ghost, Lao Niu would definitely teach me a lesson in materialism. I just felt a mandrill-like face suddenly stretched out in front of me!"

The old cow frowned, looked around for a while, and said slowly: "Could it be a savage, a fog demon or something?"

I clenched my fist with my right hand and lightly tapped my waist that was about to break twice to feel better. When I heard Lao Niu talk about savages and fog monsters, I immediately retorted: "Old Niu, I can't even recognize savages." As for the fog demon, it is even more impossible, and there is no fog tonight, so I don’t know which hole the fog demon is burrowing in.”

The old cow didn’t say anything else, and just shined on the tree with a flashlight for a long time. After my tossing just now, many broken branches hung upside down, and the fallen leaves were floating everywhere. .After looking at it for a long time, seeing nothing abnormal, he said to me: "Tie Yan, you should rest for a while, and I will go up to have a look."

The old cow held the Lazizang knife in his mouth and climbed up with the flashlight. After learning from me, he became more careful and scanned the surroundings with the flashlight from time to time to make sure there was no danger before continuing to climb. But he just climbed to the tree. Two-thirds of the way, suddenly his face tightened, and he slid down the tree.

Before I could speak, he said first, "Tie Yan, there is light in front of us on the left!"

I was excited: "Oh, I heard that all the most spiritual treasures in the world will emit light. The more precious the treasure, the stronger the light it emits. The scientific name is not light, but precious energy. The higher the aura of the treasure , the heavier the precious aura, some of the precious aura can break through the sky, reflect the sky, and remain unchanged through wind and rain. Se?"

The old cow shook his head lightly: "Tie Yan, what are you dreaming about! I'm not talking about precious energy, but light, the light of the flashlight!"

"Uh!" I thought I had a lucky moment, and I met a treasure such as a Suihouzhu, Tai'a sword, but it turned out to be the light of a flashlight.The [-]% enthusiasm in my heart suddenly lost more than half, and the whole person became weak.

The old cow took two steps and muttered: "So far, apart from us, there are two other people in the woods, one is for micro flushing, the other is for water dripping, which one of them will it be?" How about pulling it out?"

I thought about it for a while, and I already knew: "Is there still a need to worry about this problem? Nawei Chong has a lot of people, and is well equipped. If you walk in the dark, you will definitely use a flashlight to illuminate the forest..."

Before I finished speaking, the old cow suddenly realized: "That's the one who chased and killed you. I only saw two or three scattered beams of light, and I was still groggy and half dead."

"Damn it, Chang Kun and the others?" I gritted my teeth bitterly, endured the pain and got up from the ground. I might be too excited, and I staggered a bit. The old cow quickly supported me, and then asked me with staring eyes. : "Tie Yan, what are you doing?"

I snatched the Lazi Zangdao from Lao Niu's hand and said angrily to Lao Niu: "What? I have no grievances with him, but I was almost killed by him. If it were you, what would you do? I will go now." Destroy that bastard!"

It is the consistent style of me and Lao Niu to take revenge for every grudge, and he showed full support to me: "Tie Yan, this is a real man, a pure man. Okay, don't embarrass us men, I fully support you!"

Verbal support is not enough, the following will be a contest between wisdom and courage, a fight between life and death, and you must be fully prepared.Although we only have a Lazi knife in our hands, the dense forest provides us with plenty of weapons. Just chopping off a branch is a spear, and cutting off a dead vine is a whip, not to mention that some branches have long hard thorns on them. .

The weapon is very simple, even not popular, but if you use it to pierce a person's body, killing the other person is definitely not a problem.

The flame of hatred ignites in my chest, it is the power of destruction, as brave as a wild beast, as strong as steel, this power will make me feel ashamed!

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