Savage Secret

Chapter 142 Cloud Toad 8

() "This is simply robber logic!" The old cow spat on the ground angrily.

Da Chao's temper was much better than that bullying black-faced guy, he smiled awkwardly, didn't say anything, and started working with his engineering shovel.

The engineer shovel is extremely sharp, but it is a pity that it is used in the wrong place. This is the river at the bottom of the valley. The huge rocks washed down by the summer torrents are deposited and covered by sand. When you dig down with a shovel, you can hear the harsh sound of gold and stone hitting. Good luck Sometimes you can bring up half a shovel of sandy soil, but if it is mixed with stones and grass roots, the shovel is almost empty. Da Chao dug for a short time, but he couldn't dig it anymore. There seemed to be a big rock underneath, so he had to change the place.

Lao Niu and I watched coldly for a long time, discussed it carefully, and agreed that being with this group of people was just for nothing. In order to leave as soon as possible, we finally chose to compromise and helped Dachao dig the grave.When we were working, I kept asking Dachao about their origins and the purpose of going to the mountain. Dachao was either arguing with us or kept silent. The bamboo basket fetched water in vain, and no valuable information was obtained.

In theory, it should be an extremely simple matter to dispose of a corpse in a barren mountain and Yin valley. Just dig a hole, put the corpse in it, cover it with soil, make a grave, offer a toast, and fire two shots to express your heart That's fine.Da Chao didn't think so, he had already dug more than two feet deep, and he didn't think it was enough, so he insisted on digging another foot.

Both Lao Niu and I were forced to work, and we had a lot of resentment, but we had no choice but to scold Da Chao in our hearts: "It's not your relative who died, why are you pretending to be filial!"

The old cow plunged the engineer shovel into the soil, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and comforted Da Chao: "Da Chao, listen to what my brother said, let's not spend so much effort, how can we save trouble? After leaving this time, Who will come back again? Even if there is a chance to come back, maybe this deserted tomb has been eroded by wind and rain, or it may be completely washed away by the current. Taking ten thousand steps back, even if this tomb is erected here intact, would you come here specially? bye?"

Dachao remained silent, but his subordinates didn’t stop. I continued: “Yes, yes, since my brother Lao Niu and I entered Shennongjia, we haven’t had a good time for a while. Wolves, wolves, tigers and leopards are all pediatrics. We were brought here by subjugating demons. We have brushed past the God of death several times. It can be said that we have gone through ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships! Buddha, but we are half dead! The road is so dangerous, do you still expect his family to come to sacrifice? Even if a few brave ones come, I am afraid that they will not even enter the mountain gate...cough...cough...that's all, still I think we can just make up our minds, that's all!"

Dachao listened to my words, frowning all the time, his face became extremely ugly, but it didn't look like he was targeting us. It should be our words that hurt a certain nerve in his heart. This is not difficult to understand. They entered the mountain Sometimes, there must be more than such a few people.Many days ago, the man we saw at the water's edge who had been bitten to half his body should be from their team.Thinking of this, my heart skipped a beat: The backpack I picked up also belonged to them, because it was very strong and wear-resistant, and I was reluctant to throw it away. I don’t know if they will feel emotional after seeing it.

After persuading Lao Niu for a long time, Da Chao didn’t respond, and was busy digging out a rock below. Seeing him struggling, Lao Niu smiled bitterly and said to me: “This brother has a good temper and a nice person. , it’s just that my heart is a bit dead!”

I sighed, and waved my hands helplessly: "Forget it, forget it, let's, let's do what others want!"

The three of them worked in the tomb for a while, and finally dug about three feet deep, and began to trim the edges. The work was about to be completed, and they finally felt better.But at this moment, the old cow scraped it off with a shovel, and after the soil fell, a flat hole more than one foot wide and half a foot high appeared on the side wall. Out of curiosity, the old cow stabbed it in with an engineering shovel Twice, immediately, a toad's head drilled out of it, much bigger than the previous one, and there was also a horn on the top of the head, which was light red, and it was particularly eye-catching on its uneven gray-black head.

"It's this ugly monster again, what a mother's bad luck!", the old cow had been frightened by this thing before, but now when the enemy met, he was very annoyed, raised his engineering shovel and threw it at the horn on the top of Toad's head.

"Don't..." Da Chao looked at Lao Niu's movements with an excited expression, and let out a strange roar, his eyes filled with fear.

It was too late. The engineering shovel was made of pure steel, so sharp that it could knock off a piece of rock when it hit it. The old cow tried his best again.The engineer shovel just hit the triangular fleshy corner in the middle of the toad's head, cut off the corner, and then cut off the toad's head all at once.But at this moment, a stream of black and red blood splashed out in all directions.

Hearing Dachao’s shout, I realized something was wrong, but I was in a three-foot-deep tomb, and there was piled empty soil on the side. It was already as tall as me, and I couldn’t jump out at once, and the tomb was relatively narrow. , There is no place to hide at all, so I can barely turn around.

Just like water splashing on the body, there is only a slight feeling, far from shock, I thought Da Chao was rare and strange, but saw him quickly take off his clothes, and shouted at us: "The body of the cloud-spotted horned toad It’s poisonous, quickly take off your clothes!”

Lao Niu and I didn’t take our suspicions seriously, and when we were taking off our clothes, we were slow, but halfway through the clothes, we found that something was wrong. Many places on our body seemed to be scalded by a branding iron, and I was so painful that I was sweating profusely. , almost crawled to the ground before realizing how powerful the poison was.

In the end, I couldn't even stand up straight, and Da Chao helped me take off my clothes. When I turned around to look at my body, the corroded pain marks on my skin had turned black.

The old cow bared his teeth in pain, gasped and said to me: "Tie Yan, you see, you are really serious, you didn't pull me just now, and you are in such a mess now!"

I didn't even mention Lao Niu, he complained first when he was a villain. This brazen behavior made me very indignant: "You are so fucking stupid, and you have caused everyone to be unlucky. I have the nerve to say that I don't have anything to do today. If If something happens, I must cut you with a knife!"

Lao Niu shook his head and frowned and said, "What you said is too ununited, and you don't talk about the slightest revolutionary comrade-in-arms, so that others will laugh at you!"

Just as he was about to return to him, Da Chao said again: "Stop making noise, just go up and scrape off the black scab and apply some medicine, otherwise the poison will seep into your body!"

The pain in the body should not have eased, but I just got used to it a little bit. Anyway, it was not as painful as it was at the beginning. Now I heard from Da Chao that the poison would seep into the body, so I didn't care about other things, and crawled outside while grabbing the empty soil.This was originally a grave dug for others, and I didn't want to fall into it myself first.

At this moment, someone suddenly spoke, the voice sounded like a black-faced man: "Dachao, what's going on here? What were you shouting just now?"

Then came Xirou's voice: "Hey, Dachao, didn't I say that after the tomb was dug, I asked us to come over and send Zhang Xian away together? Why..."

"Ah!" Just as we climbed up, Xirou looked at us and screamed, covering her face with her hands.

That's when we realized we'd left our venom-stained clothes underneath, and three big men crawled out in only a pair of underwear each!The flashlights swept over us from time to time, their strange eyes seemed to be looking at monsters, which made me more embarrassed than Xi Rou, the old cow was like a child who did something wrong, and laughed to me in a low voice: "Tie Yan, My chastity, how do you think I will see people in the future!"

I glanced at Xi Rou, turned my head and said to Lao Niu angrily: "A woman is a woman after all, and she has to show off her sweetness from time to time and pretend to be innocent. Only in this way can I get more love and affection from men!"

The old cow said to me in a daze, "Are you talking about me?"

I frowned slightly: "I'm talking about women, if you insist on matching the number, I can't help it!"

The old cow didn't speak any more, the black-faced man walked up to Xirou and said something, Xirou then took away the hand covering her face, and turned her face away coldly.Da Chao patted my shoulder and said softly, "Go, I'll take you to get dressed!"

Just a few steps away, a black-faced man's voice came from behind: "Da Chao, where is Zhang Xian's body?"

Da Chao turned back in doubt, "Isn't it still there?"

Xirou's voice suddenly sounded: "Where is it?"

The short conversation between Dachao and the black-faced man and Xirou made me feel numb all over.When we turned our heads, everyone's eyes were on us again, all with bewildered expressions.The burning pain in my body suddenly disappeared. I felt like falling into a bottomless ice cave. The feeling of fear was indescribable. Zhang Xian's body was indeed gone.

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