Savage Secret

Chapter 144 Blood Sea

() When I turned around again, Jiang Shuai had already gone far away. I crazily called his name and chased after him, but Jiang Shuai didn’t seem to hear him, didn’t look back, and walked in a strange posture, like a drunk People are twisting around like this, and it lasts for a while and then returns to normal.

I didn't dare to walk shoulder to shoulder with him as usual, but followed him far behind.

This part of the road, I walked quite painful, extremely timid and fearful, and even picked up a wooden stick in my hand, thinking that if Jiang Shuai suddenly got into trouble, I would beat him with the stick.Thinking about it later, I was actually quite naive at that time, and I was not Jiang Shuai's opponent at ordinary times, let alone when he went crazy.

Fortunately, Jiang Shuai was silent and remembered the way home. After walking back to his uncle's house, he went to sleep in his room.I was so frightened that I didn't want to stay longer, but this was not my relative's house. It was my first time here, and I still didn't know the way home. My mother said, squatting alone on the stone pile in front of his uncle's house, in a daze alone.

At night, Jiang Shuai's uncle went to ask him to eat, but no matter how he called, he didn't respond. After entering, he found that his face was pale, his whole body was hot, and his breathing was short of breath.His uncle's village is located in a remote place, and there are not many people who have read books, and even fewer people know how to see a doctor. There was a man who taught himself a little medical skills and was able to see a minor illness, but this man had a disease two years ago, and he treated himself. He prescribed several medicines and died before finishing them. There is no doctor there anymore.

Seeing that he was dying, Jiang Shuai's uncle could hardly wait any longer, so he quickly called several people and took him back overnight.After that, they were busy looking for a doctor, and I went back to my own home.

That night, I waited until dawn with my eyes open. When I closed my eyes, the weird courtyard halfway up the mountain appeared in my mind. The blood vat in the courtyard seemed to see an old woman with no blood on her face. Yinyin smiled, and was pressing a person on it to let blood out, and even heard the person's screams.In the second half of the night, I always felt that something was moving in my stomach, and occasionally it made me very painful.

This kind of life has been going on for seven days. During those seven days, I stayed at home and didn't even dare to go out. Even so, when it was dark, I was still terrified.On the eighth day, Jiang Shuai's mother suddenly ran to my house with his uncle and others Xiang Xiang, crying and fussing, insisting on looking for me, yelling that Jiang Shuai is going to die soon, some things must be asked I.

I was so frightened that I ran back to the room immediately, hid in the cabinet in the corner, and kept chanting: "It's none of my business, the king of heaven, the king of earth, the king of people, the king of ghosts, the Tang monk, etc." , Bodhisattva, Liu Hulan, and Dong Cunrui bless me, so that they can't find me, let them not find me!"

Revolutionary movies were popular at that time, and there were all kinds of heroes in my life. In addition, I was young and ignorant. When I prayed to God, I even asked those modern revolutionary martyrs. don't bless me.

I was carried to Jiang Shuai's house. When I saw Jiang Shuai, I was so frightened that I didn't dare to recognize him. In just a few days, he was already skinny and bloodless, and the room was dim. The air lining the bulb was tense, and if it wasn't for the occasional twitch of his body, I would have thought there was a dead man lying on the bed.

With so many grown-ups standing beside me, I didn't know what it means to be scared, and cried out calling Jiang Shuai's name.

"Don't cry, baby, what happened to you that day? Tell me what you saw and heard!" The voice was very loud, even a bit deafening, and I immediately thought of Er Xian'er.

Those who can catch ghosts and exorcise evil spirits in our place are called Xian'er, and his name is Er Xian'er, and he may be the second child in the family.Erxian'er has a very personality, and this personality has three main points, each of which is difficult to find a second person in the world to compare with.The first point is blackness. Africans are generally darker because of the environment and climate. Erxianer is darker than coal diggers in Africa. Bao Qingtian, a famous official in the Song Dynasty, was called Bao Heitan because of his dark skin. Erxianer is all black. charcoal bag.Unless the people in our place are in a hurry, most people will not go to him at night. This person is too dark to find him with a flashlight.

The second point is appearance. Zhong Kui is regarded as a ghost hunter by people, it is said that it is because he is very ugly, and Er Xian'er is even uglier.It is very simple for God to make a person, for example: add a young talent to a famous family!Nothing to say, good home, born with status, talented and handsome, this kind of person is like gold in the sand, after grabbing it, just pinch it to death, don't let it go, you may be caught if you show it. Others snatch it.Er Xian'er is just the opposite. If it wasn't that God made a serious mistake when creating man, or God deliberately abused him, not to mention his poor family, he was born with cross-eyed eyes, and the two eyeballs desperately stuck to the bridge of the nose. Someone once described him as It is said that his left eye is the Seventh Fairy, his right eye is Dong Yong, and the bridge of his nose is the bridge. If it is not separated by the Bird Bridge, the two eyeballs representing the Seventh Fairy and Dong Yong have long been hugged together.Thinking about it later, it would be better if Dong Yong and the Seven Fairies had the Daoque Bridge between them, at least they would look like a human being. If the bridge were torn down, the eye sockets would be white, and there would be an eyeball on the bridge of the nose, so it would be impossible to see.Forget about cross-eyed eyes alone, Er Xian'er was born with harelips and eagle nose, and several animal figures gathered on one face, almost forming an animal world.

The third thing that makes Erxian different is that he has a loud voice. He speaks in a low voice. If his voice is a sound generator, his mouth is a subwoofer. When he opens his mouth to speak, people within a hundred meters can hear him clearly. Those who are weak will have ringing in their ears, headache, and rapid heartbeat. The effect is no less than that of a Buddhist lion's roar.

Many people look left and right when they are looking for a job, and they choose left and right, and Er Xian'er directly becomes "Xian'er".Thinking about it carefully, it would be a waste for him not to do this job. He is born with an advantage over others, and with such an ugly face, he doesn’t need to bring any magic weapon when he catches ghosts. Scare the ghost to death; it doesn't matter if you don't scare it to death, there is a second trick, open your mouth and let out a lion's roar, even if the ghost doesn't die, it can still be suppressed.It really doesn’t work, but you can still run. Many ghost hunters died before they left their masters. When encountering fierce ghosts, because of lack of morality, they didn’t catch ghosts, but were eaten by ghosts. It’s all because they didn’t run away. At this time, Erxian'er's third advantage is extremely important. He is very dark, and when he dives into the night, he immediately merges with the night. Even if the ghost chasing him lights up a lantern, he will be blinded. hard to find!

At that time, I was wondering why Jiang Shuai's family didn't find a doctor, but Er Xian'er. I found out later that they had already found several doctors. The doctor's diagnosis was severe ischemia in Jiang Shuai's body. I tried to give blood transfusion, but later found out that the bleeding was more than the transfusion, and the loss was inexplicable, so I gave up.After returning home, the family was sad and almost desperate, but at this time, a kind person reminded: maybe they were under a witch's curse or something!It took a lot of money to ask someone to find Erxian'er.

In Erxianer's almost questioning situation, I asked how Jiang Shuai climbed up the bitter orange tree and ate bitter oranges that day, looking for water to drink. In the yard with weird straw figures and bells hanging, how did Jiang Shuai kill him? that big cock...

Hearing this, Er Xian'er suddenly lowered her head, crawled in front of me and exclaimed in shock, "You killed a big rooster?"

His ghost-catching face was only half a foot away from me, almost scared me to death, I quickly lowered my head: "Yes."

Er Xian'er immediately shouted to Jiang Shuai's family: "Go and bring two bowls of rice and beans from your house, hurry up, hurry up!"

After the beans were served, Er Xian'er chanted some words I couldn't understand, and sprinkled them all in the room, Jiang Shuai's bed and the side of the bed were the most. ? What else did you see?"

I finished talking about Jiang Shuai drinking the blood-like thing and seeing the old woman dressed up strangely. Er Xianer shook her head and sighed bitterly: "I should have thought that it was hers, I should have thought of it a long time ago, hey, flower My mother-in-law is also a hard-working person, you can just break into her yard, how can you kill her big cock? How can you drink her things casually?"

After finishing speaking, Er Xian'er seemed to think of something, and waved to me: "Little baby, come here!" Er Xian'er's appearance was very scary, but he called me, and I didn't dare to refuse, so I had to move timidly. Step over.

Er Xian'er bent down, pulled my arm, and pulled my face away: "Close your eyes, don't look, don't move, it will be fine soon, you will be fine!"

He told me not to look at it, I really didn't want to look at him, but he said "I'll be fine soon, I'll be fine!" It made me wonder, I don't know what it means.

The fingertip of the left middle finger suddenly hurt, as if it was pricked by something, and then it was warm, even a little hot, and there was a fire there, and then the arm began to tingle, and the stomach was itchy, like a bug The thing wriggled and crawled there in the body, as if it wanted to get out, and the middle finger was also a little swollen.

"Ah!" I heard the exclamation of many people, not knowing what they saw.After a while, I heard Er Xian'er say: "It's done! It's done!"

Although I really don't want to look at Erxian'er, but so many people exclaimed just now, it made me very curious. When I turned my head, I saw Erxian'er was folding up a ball of yellow paper, and there was a blue strip as thick as a sweater needle inside. The tail is still wagging.

"Mr. Erxian'er, what about my son? When will he be better? What disease does he have?" Jiang Shuai's mother asked Erxian'er impatiently.

Erxian'er said with a blank expression: "The witch looks after the three treasures, the sea of ​​blood, the corpse curse, and the immortal soul. Your son is much more serious than this little baby. The blue silkworm in this little baby's body will give him a stomachache at most. After a year and a half, you will be fine after a year, but the sea of ​​blood in your son is fatal, we will go to Granny Hua later to see if she can spare your son!"

Jiang Shuai's uncle had been sitting next to him without opening his mouth, and suddenly said with surprise: "Mr. Erxian'er, why do you see that there are fewer and fewer things on the ground?"

When we lowered our heads, we saw that the rice and beans that Erxianer had scattered on the ground were disappearing one by one under our eyes, as if they had been pecked away by something.

Er Xian'er said coldly: "Now I know why your nephew is like this. He killed his big cock, and the big cock wants to drink his revenge!"

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