Savage Secret

Chapter 176

() town house symbol

On winter nights in the mountains, there is no crowing of crickets, no roaring of tigers and deer, not even the sound of wind, everything is completely silent, almost like the world of the dead.Although there were quite a few people in the room, they all held their breath and were very careful when they took a breath.

Because it was too quiet, every time Shi Qianming knocked on the door, every time he yelled, it was as piercing as thunder, which made me flustered!Luo Yu said that Zhiji Tima put spells in this house to restrain evil things such as Shi Qianming, but I don't think so. If there were, Shi Qianming should stay away and dare not come to knock on the door. If it dared to knock on the door, wouldn't it dare to break in? . .

I quietly touched Lao Niu's shoulder, and after telling him my worries, Lao Niu's complexion suddenly changed, and he looked at Luo Yu angrily.Luo Yu leaned against the pillar next to the door, tightly grasping the rhinoceros horn crouching tiger bow and phoenix-tailed arrow, sometimes his eyes were wide open, sometimes his brows were furrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

"Tie Yan, let me ask him!" the old cow said, and stood up abruptly. Seeing this, Luo Yu also got up from the stool, blocking the door with one side of his body, staring at the old cow, with a stern face There was a ruthlessness on the face.Although the micro punch in the old cow's hand didn't lift up, he did use his strength.

I just expressed my worries just now, and didn't mean to find fault with others. I didn't expect the old cow to react so violently. I was afraid that he would suffer, so I quickly got up and stood beside the old cow to cheer him up.

The air suddenly became tense. Affected by us, there was a commotion in the room. Everyone grabbed their guns and looked at us. . .

Er Yao also stood up, looked at Lao Niu and me warily, and said angrily to us, "What are you trying to do?"

Lao Niu glanced at Er Yao with his eyes, then turned to Luo Yu, and said bluntly: "Luo Yu, are you sure Shi Qianming dare not come in?" This sentence asked everyone in the room. It is a matter of life and death. People want to put their lives in the hands of others. At this time, everyone needs Luo Yu to give a definite answer.

Er Yao moved closer to Luo Yu, and said impatiently to the old cow: "What are you trying to say? Don't beat around the bush!"

Er Yao's words were like the coquettishness of a little girl, a little silly and a little ridiculous, I don't know if she really didn't understand, or she was just pretending to be confused.

"Deng Peng, what are you taking?" Xi Rou suddenly yelled, and walked towards a corner of the house, where a man who came with Xi Rou and the others crawled furtively, holding a blue and black The copper box, upon hearing Xirou's shout, opened the box in panic, took out a piece of yellow paper with red symbols drawn on it, and stuffed it into his mouth, the whole person seemed to be possessed by evil spirits, with sparkling eyes pale green light.

Er Yao exclaimed in surprise: "Stop it, that's the town house talisman released by Tima!" At the same time Er Yao shouted, Luo Yu and Xirou rushed over at the same time, pressing him to the ground, Luo Yu used I tried my best to pinch Deng Peng's mouth open, trying to stuff him into his mouth and take out the Town House Talisman.But Deng Peng's face was full of stubbornness, his teeth were clenched, and he refused to speak. Luo Yu had no choice but to grab Deng Peng's throat so hard that it was difficult for him to breathe, let alone swallow, but he was still struggling.

Xirou frowned slightly, raised her hand and patted Deng Peng's temple lightly, Deng Peng immediately stopped struggling and passed out.It's a pity that the Town House Talisman had been held in Deng Peng's mouth for too long, and when it was taken out, it had already turned into a ball and had been chewed, so it must have lost its due effect.

"What's wrong with him? His hand..." Xi Rou looked at Deng Peng with a trembling voice.Deng Peng's left hand was so thin that it was covered with rough old skin, almost like a chicken paw.Luo Yu took a look, frowned slightly, stretched out his hand to pat him lightly, stopped suddenly when he patted his calf, and carefully lifted his trouser leg. Suddenly, everyone was shocked. There was a human finger inserted.

The finger is blue and black, more than two inches long, and looks very round, after a long time, you will feel that it is a bit like black jade.Several joints were clearly visible, and the nail-like part in front was inserted into Deng Peng's calf.Strangely, his calf was not swollen or red, and there was no bleeding.

It wasn't until Luo Yu pulled out his waist knife and plucked out the blue and black fingers that a little bit of blood slowly seeped out.

"This is a corpse worm. It doesn't hurt or itch when it bites people, but after a while, people will gradually lose consciousness and have hallucinations!" Luo Yu said coldly, and threw the corpse worm into the fire, "Pfft! "With a sound, a black smoke rose from the fire, which was extremely smelly.

There was an incredulous expression on Xirou's face: "Could it be..."

Luo Yu wiped the knife clean and put it back in his waist: "Yes, Shi Qianming is not a dead body! It is a corpse soul!"

"The soul of the corpse does not rot, and it can pass through the darkness for a thousand years!" Now I have fully experienced the power of this thing, it can actually use the method of putting corpse insects to make people unconscious, and borrowing someone else's hand to help it destroy the house talisman in the room .

"Then..." Captain Qiu pulled away from the crowd, and asked Luo Yu, "Will there be corpse insects on other people?" When he spoke, his eyes kept scanning us, as if there must be corpse insects on us , I was so angry that I wanted to gouge his eyes out.

Luo Yu's stern gaze swept over the person's face: "After the corpse crawls on the person, there will be a faint green light in the person's eyes!" Immediately, everyone held guns, you look at me, I look at you, look See whose eyes are turning green and make everyone suspicious.

"Oops, he opened this one too!" Er Yao exclaimed, walked quickly to another corner of the wall, picked up another green and black copper box from the ground, looked at it over and over again, was so anxious that she was about to cry, and said anxiously : "I'm still wondering why Shi Qianming dared to knock on the door, it turned out that the town house talisman was destroyed!"

Luo Yu shook her body slightly, then turned her head to look at the door: in the middle of the door, there was a green eye sticking out, watching every move in the room, its hand kept grabbing on the door, making an unpleasant sound Harsh and intimidating.

Luo Yu walked up to Er Yao and held her hand: "The only way now is to dig out the other three too!"

Er Yao was stunned: "This is absolutely impossible. If we don't move the other three town house talismans, we can last for a while! Once taken out, the shape and aura designed when placed will be destroyed, and the power of the single talisman is very limited!"

Luo Yu stared at Er Yao coldly: "Well, I know! Being able to last for a while does not mean that Shi Qianming can be destroyed, it will rush in after all!" , hold it and walk, Shi Qianming will never dare to attack you!"

Er Yao said: "But, but there are so many people here!"

Luo Yu said: "We are here to block! Women and old people go!"

In the room, Er Yao and Xirou are women, Mr. Mo is an old man, and the others are young and middle-aged. Three talismans are just enough for the three of them.Everyone was silent for a while, and finally turned their suspicious eyes to Lao Niu and me.

It's no wonder that the solution was thought up by Luo Yu, and it was reasonable for him to stay; although Xirou's group of people were arrogant and unreasonable to the outside world, they were absolutely organized and disciplined. I don't know their purpose of entering the mountain, but I know their purpose The protagonist is Mr. Mo. For the others, it is best to live, and it doesn't matter if they die. Organizational discipline leaves them no room to resist.Lao Niu and I are different. Scattered soldiers go into the mountains purely for opportunism and earn some money. We have a very strong principle: rather lose money than lose life!It's none of my business whether others live or die. My own life is the most important thing. So, as soon as Luo Yu said that, I figured out how to get those three talismans, at least two of them.

However, I immediately realized that what I was thinking seemed too optimistic. Captain Qiu and the others sullenly raised their guns and aimed at us slowly!

The old cow laughed and snatched away the Weichong that I was holding in his hand, and handed it to Dachao together with his own, and said to him: "Brother, this gun is for Miss Xirou who asked us to go to the Savage Valley Gang When she saved you, she gave it to us, but you were saved by Luo Yu, and we suffered a crime for nothing, and now I return it to you, no one owes anyone any favors!"

Lao Niu’s words were rather harsh. For Captain Qiu and the others, the only thing we can threaten them is the gun. Give them the gun. They have no threat and don’t need to hurt us; Gu's matter, although we didn't save them, it's not that we didn't want to save them.There is hard work even if there is no credit, even if they are not grateful, they should be grateful.

After receiving the guns, the expressions on their faces eased, but I could only complain to myself. At this time, it is more difficult than fucking to go to heaven to think about the three life-saving charms.

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