Savage Secret

Chapter 221

The mountains are sad, the water is dark, the sky is sad,

Xue Mo's wind stops and the clouds hang low.

The crane of bliss has not yet arrived,

Who does the soul lean on?

The once peaceful Dalongtan became silent and lifeless because of Er Yao's death.I don’t know how much joy she brought to Dalongtan, I only know that her youthful and beautiful figure is like a shining shooting star, passing through our lives gorgeously, leaving an indelible track in our memory After that, it disappeared without a trace.There is only that lingering soul that will never go away, lingering in our minds from time to time, and an indelible memory that makes us sigh with melancholy.

Perhaps because of Er Yao's departure, in the next few days, the sky over Dalongtan was covered with dark clouds, white snow was flying, and the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers were covered with thick plain clothes, as if to bid farewell to Er Yao.

It's freezing cold, and it's extremely cold. We all want to help Luo Yu bury Er Yao as soon as possible. In this way, everyone will suffer less, but the stubborn Luo Yu insists on mourning Er Yao for seven days.

Although the row of thatched huts used to be simple and crude, it was not a problem to avoid the wind and cold, but unfortunately they were burned to ashes by Wu Hong's bastards, and a group of people could only stay in the open ice and snow.

Although a lot of fires were lit, as the old saying goes, warming up on a fire in the wilderness - one side is hot, warming the chest can not warm the back, and warming the back can not warm the chest, which is very uncomfortable.Besides, one can't just sit by the fire all day, and after leaving for a while, one's face will be red and feet numb from the cold. After one night, Hu Shigang and Pang Dongjian's wounds will be covered with ice slag, and they may die.Luo Yufei wanted to guard Er Yao for seven days, and everyone was worried that we would all be frozen into popsicles before the seventh day.

Xi Rou persuaded Luo Yu in every possible way, and even used the famous saying of the old Confucius "to live with one's heart, to die with all one's heart!" to persuade Luo Yu, but Luo Yu's brain had already been frozen into a lump of ice, and she couldn't listen to her at all, and ignored her at all.

According to Hu Shigang, it was purely an accident that they ran into Luo Yu.That day, after Wu Hong snatched the Moon Shadow Grass, Luo Yu went after him. Relying on the gun in his hand, Wu Hong ran to a wide area, but Luo Yu couldn't get close to him after chasing for a long time.Later, Luo Yu finally seized an opportunity. Taking advantage of Wu Hong's tired rest, he sneaked up to him and shot Wu Hong with an arrow, but it hit Wu Hong's arm and failed to kill Wu Hong.After suffering this loss, Wu Hong simply went into the woods. Luo Yu was dumbfounded and didn't dare to chase after him rashly.

At that time, Xirou and the others were wandering around looking for Shennong Dongtian two mountains away from Luoyu. After hearing the gunshots, they arranged for Dachao, who had a broken palm, to take care of the older Mr. Mo, and the others rushed Going over to see what happened, it turned out to be Luo Yu.

After Luo Yu told them the whole incident, several people felt that it was too risky to go into the forest to find someone, and they all asked Luo Yu to give up for the time being, and to settle accounts when they met Wu Hong in the future. Luo Yu listened to Xirou's words.Afterwards, they went to the cave where we stayed together, mainly because Xi Rou wanted to see Er Yao.

When we got there and saw the words we left on the cave wall, we were shocked. We already guessed that Wu Hong might be waiting in Dalongtan to take revenge on us, so we rushed over here non-stop.The time they rushed back was just right for me and Lao Niu, but it was too late for Er Yao, who had been suffering from pain for a long time!Luo Yu didn't even say the last word to Er Yao.

But for us at that time, it was a sincere kindness, and we were afraid that Er Yao would have an accident because it was too cold in the cave, so we had to come back.In fact, if we hadn't left and waited for Xirou and Luo Yu, the result would not only be bad, but worse: after Xirou finished talking with Er Yao, she would definitely not come back with us, and after we came back , also had to meet Wu Hong, at that time, Wu Hong was taken over by Wu Hong, and no one came to rescue him.Er Yao will not be the only one who will die, Luo Yu, me, and Lao Niu will not be able to escape.

When Xi Rou and the others left, they told Da Chao and Mr. Mo that they would go and go back. Unexpectedly, things were unexpectedly complicated. It took two days to go and go back. After taking good care of Mr. Mo, Xirou asked Captain Qiu, Pang Dongjian, Hu Shigang and others to build a simple coffin for Luo Yu, and then immediately went back to join Da Chao and Mr. Mo. When Luo Yu's affairs were completely resolved, she then arrive.

The old cow and I had no place to go. After staying in the coffin for a day, I was really depressed. I came out on the second day. Luo Yu came to talk about the matter, saying that his love rival Luo Yu is inside, and you have no chance to get close to Er Yao, so you might as well go out to relax.

It was so cold outside that the old cow and I couldn’t stand it for a long time. I was going to run or hunt, but after thinking about it, I decided to call Xirou. It took four or five days for everyone to make the previous The burnt huts were erected on the spot.Building a house is hard work, dirty and tiring, but it’s no better than sitting there when working. Once you move your body, you don’t feel cold at all. Maybe you forget the cold at that time.

Before, we went to Yinhun Gorge for two reasons. One was to repay Er Yao’s kindness, and the other was because Li Yongsheng didn’t come, so we had nothing to do.But in the past few days, my expectation for Li Yongsheng is more urgent than before. After all, it has been too long since the date we agreed to meet.Roughly counting, it has been more than half a month since Xirou and the others left Dalongtan last time.

More than half a month, six or seven experienced and well-trained people failed to find the Shennong Cave, and Lao Niu and I dared not ask extravagantly. If Li Yongsheng did not come, Lao Niu and I would have missed this trip.I even suspected that something happened to Li Yongsheng on the road, or he was too scared to come. If so, Lao Niu and I can only prepare to go back home, so as not to suffer here.

Of course, going back home is the most inferior and helpless strategy. Lao Niu and I are not reconciled. In the past few days when we built the hut, we tested Xirou more than once, trying to make her tell us something, but she didn't even bother them. I didn’t tell us which road to go, which hilltop had any suspicious things. I was so angry that Lao Niu and I wanted to force her to confess with a tiger stool, pepper water and a leather whip. , we have been wiped out.

Speaking of the ashes being wiped out, the old cow got excited and told me that Wu Hong and others failed to break through to the left, and they really tried to fight back from the same way as I expected.When the people in front walked up to the bomb, Pang Dongjian, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately detonated the bomb. The place illuminated by the fire was like daytime, and the sound of rolling and thundering shuttled through the forest. , Scattered to the surroundings, Wu Hong's flesh and blood that were instantly torn apart by the shock wave and heat wave flew several feet away, with an arm on the east and half a thigh on the west.It's a pity that Wu Hong is rather cunning. He didn't walk with the people in front, but followed far behind. Seeing that the situation was wrong, he ran in another direction, but was stopped by me and Luo Yu. Never escaped the last catastrophe.

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