Savage Secret

Chapter 329 The Shadow

I don't know if Captain Qiu's fierce roar was too shocking, or if Hu Shigang was really tired, and his legs gave way, and he fell to the ground. Feng Runmin hurried forward to support him, and whispered in his ear: "Hu Shigang, you what is going on!"

Helping Hu Shigang to sit on the ground, he found that there were many beads of sweat on his forehead, his face was very pale, his eyes were stiff, his mouth was trembling all the time, he couldn't speak at all, obviously he was very frightened.

A strong general has no weak soldiers. Hu Shigang dared to follow Captain Qiu to Shennongjia, and dared to chase Deng Peng alone who didn't know whether he was dead or alive.But his current performance is unavoidably disappointing, and it also makes people worry: what happened to him?

Xirou looked more anxious than me, turned her head to Dachao and said, "Give him the water bottle, let him drink to calm down!"

The kettle was almost snatched by Hu Shigang, and he took a few sips down his throat, and the drink flowed down his neck.

The hot-tempered Captain Qiu couldn't bear it long ago, and reached out his hand to snatch the kettle in anger: "Hu Shigang, what's going on?"

Probably because of drinking so much cold water, Hu Shigang's demeanor recovered slightly, he squirmed his lips, stood up abruptly from the ground, stretched out his finger to the front left, and said anxiously to Xie Rou and Captain Qiu: "There is an altar over there. A group of savages gathered there, sneaking around and wondering what they were doing? Go and see!"

Because Hu Shigang's actions and words were too hasty, no one reacted at all. After hearing his words, no one moved at all. Only Lao Niu asked him with doubts: "A group? How many are there?"

A trace of fear flashed across Hu Shigang's face: "I didn't count them carefully, there are quite a few anyway, at least **?"

The old cow smiled wryly, patted him on the shoulder and said, "If there are really so many, let's stop joining in the fun, maybe they are worrying about the lack of sacrifices..." The old cow said it very tactfully, but everyone Guess what he didn't say: We've seen wildlings sacrifice people.

Suddenly, Lao Niu changed the subject: "By the way, Hu Shigang, how did you escape from the savages!"

Lao Niu spoke in a low voice, but made everyone turn their eyes to Hu Shigang. Everyone has seen the strength of the savages. No one believed that Hu Shigang could escape from seven or eight savages, and he did not appear to be injured.Captain Qiu also stared at Hu Shigang coldly and said, "Tell me honestly, what happened to you just now?"

Faced with everyone's distrust, Hu Shigang went out of his way, glared at Lao Niu bitterly, and said anxiously to Captain Qiu: "After you have gone to see it, you will know everything. I am afraid that after I make it clear, everything will be lost late!"

Although he was skeptical about Hu Shigang, but because there were so many people around, he was not afraid of his tricks, so he listened to his words and followed his guidance to move forward.On the way, Hu Shigang briefly talked about his experience: the reason why he chased after him without even thinking about it was because he saw the man wearing Deng Peng's clothes.Although he has no hope for Deng Peng's survival, after all, he has been brothers with Deng Peng for many years, and he really wants to find out what's going on.Unexpectedly, Deng Peng ran all the way ahead, no matter how much Hu Shigang yelled, it was useless until he got out of this forest and reached a clearing on the top of the mountain.

It was a square altar, with a stone statue showing teeth and claws erected in the middle, and there were several small stone statues at the corners, like guards.What Hu Shigang didn't expect was that Deng Peng jumped onto the altar as if he knew the way, ran to the front of the stone statue, climbed up, and then stopped moving.

The altar in the dark mountain, the stone statue and Deng Peng's actions are all indescribably weird. Any fool knows that this place cannot be stayed for long. Hu Shigang is not a fool. After Fa explained to Captain Qiu, he gritted his teeth and bravely walked up to the altar, trying to see what was going on above the altar!

After reading it, Hu Shigang immediately found that the weirdness on the altar far exceeded his expectations: the whole altar looked like a slaughterhouse, with several human skeletons scattered on it, some of which were broken in half, and some were gnawed by wild animals However, it was horrible, and what shocked him even more was that in front of the stone statue standing in the middle, there was a triangular stone thorn more than five feet high, wide at the bottom and pointed at the top. Deng Peng climbed on it, and the stone thorn pierced his throat, ticking A sound like blood dripping sounded from time to time, but he didn't see a drop of blood on the ground.

Hu Shigang became more and more frightened. He turned around and wanted to run, but when he turned around, he suddenly saw a hideous monster standing behind him. This monster had a dark complexion, white eyes, long fangs, and something in its hand. It was hitting Hu Shigang on the head.At this time, Hu Shigang's three souls left his body, and his seven souls came out of his body. Amidst the strange roar, he hurriedly rolled on the spot, ran two more steps, and fell under the altar. , Seeing a few savages approaching from a distance, he ran wildly, got into the woods, and then bumped into us.

After hearing Hu Shigang finished speaking, Lao Niu asked suddenly: "Then do you think Deng Peng died when he fell off the cliff, or died on the altar!"

"Woo!" "Woo!" "Woo!"

Before Hu Shigang could answer, there was a strange roar in front of us that we couldn't hear clearly, and a heart-piercing cry sounded from a distance: "Respected master, please give us strength and wisdom, let us defeat the evil demons around you, Get rid of the shackles on you! Let us take you away from the boundless darkness of the underground and return to the arms of the Sun God! Please give us your blood, it will bring us good luck and make us invincible..."

This seemed to be something a lunatic would say in a dream. I didn't listen to it anymore, but felt that the voice was somewhat familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere before.

The old cow grabbed my arm violently: "Tie Yan, why do I sound like Zhiji Tima!"

"Zhiji Tima!" Yes, the voice was indeed Zhiji Tima's. Immediately, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart.This person is best at pretending to be a ghost, which makes me very disgusted, but he has never hurt us, and has saved us more than once.The last time I left Savage Valley, I haven't seen him for nearly a month. Luo Yu also went to him several times, but he was like a mud cow in the sea, and there was no news.Originally thought that he died with the ghostly Xuanxuan, and I was sad for him for a long time, but I didn't expect that he would appear here, still be with the savage, and help the savage to sacrifice, what is he going to do?

We are already close to the edge of the forest, and we can see the altar and the flickering fire in the distance. It can be said that we are only one step away from the truth. Go and have a look!"

In order not to be discovered by the savages, we stopped far away: the top of the mountain was in front of us, and because of the height difference, we had to look up from our position. As Hu Shigang said, there was indeed a square altar there. , the altar is three to four meters high and more than ten feet wide, which is larger than what we have seen before. Under the four corners of the altar, a pile of raging flames are burning, because the flames are only one-third of the height of the altar. So it was not very clear to look at the altar, but I saw a row of people kneeling in front of the stone statue on the altar. The middle one was slightly thin and small. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, he could be sure that it was Zhiji Tima!

Zhijitima continued chanting at the stone statue above the altar, then suddenly opened his arms and let out a low cry, and several other savages followed his example, and groaned, and after a while, Zhijitima Ma stood up first, walked in front of the tall stone statue, bent down and touched something on the ground, applied it on his face, then went back to kneel down, and the wild people around him repeated his actions one by one.

After they all finished painting their faces, they knelt on it for a while, then came down one after another, lined up and circled around the altar a few times, walked to the front of the fire with a strange roar, and wiped all the burning fire sticks. Throw it up, roar a few more times and leave.

Feng Runmin wondered, "It would be great if we knew what these actions represent!"

I can't explain this, so I can only turn my eyes to Mr. Mo, but I see Mr. Mo is also frowning and thinking hard.

We stayed in the woods for another half day, until the flames on the altar gradually went out and the savages didn't come back, so we tried to slowly approach the altar, trying to figure out what the savages were doing just now!The altar is three or four meters high, and only a few stone statues can be seen from below. After a long time of doubts, I finally stepped on the stone steps in front of the altar.

In the middle of the altar is a tall stone statue, which is very conspicuous, and I feel like I have seen it somewhere before: its three evil eyes are painted green, and its hair is curly like a coiled poisonous snake. There was a thing like a lizard tongue curled in its mouth, and it looked like a monster with a ferocious face. It suddenly occurred to me: This is the head that is held under the white tiger's claws on the relief of the white tiger in the Tuwang Temple, because this head is very special. It has personality, so I can't forget it at a glance. The difference is that in the Tuwang Temple, it has only one head, but here, it is carved as a mighty giant.

The two are by no means a coincidence, did it really appear?Zhiji Tima called it the master just now, so who is it?What kind of power does it have?Why did Zhiji Tima and the savages come to worship it?

The fire stick thrown by the savage has been extinguished, only intermittent green smoke rising continuously, coiling in front of the stone statue, making the stone statue look like a devil that just came out of the ground!

The altar, the stone statue, everything is exactly the same as what Hu Shigang described: Deng Peng's body is crawling on the stone thorns in front of the stone statue, and he is probably really dead this time, but why did he come to this place?Was it the hands and feet of savages?All the mysteries are entangled in my mind, and I was about to step up to the last step to uncover the mystery, when Hu Shigang suddenly said: "We still won't go up!"

The old cow laughed softly: "Brother, I think you were bitten by a snake once, and you were scared of the well rope for ten years. I'm going up today to see what tricks these savages can play! "

Lao Niu walked forward while talking, but was stopped by Captain Qiu: "I'll come!"

Hu Shigang did not lie to us, everything he said has been verified, only the black shadow that jumped at him has not been seen yet, what is that black shadow?This altar looks like a calm altar, what will happen next?Afraid that Lao Niu would argue with Captain Qiu, and even more afraid that he would have an accident, he grabbed him: "Lao Niu, Captain Qiu has rich experience, let's not be brave, and helping Captain Qiu look after the side is a great achievement!"

Captain Qiu carefully walked up to the altar with a gun in his hand, first went to the side of Deng Peng who was crawling on the stone thorn, looked at it carefully, and turned back to us with regret: "It's Deng Peng, that's right!"

But at this moment, my eyes blurred, and I saw a huge black figure suddenly slanting towards Captain Qiu, several people hurriedly exclaimed at the same time: "Captain Qiu, be careful!"

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