Savage Secret

Chapter 333 Shi Fusang

Shi Fusang

Faintly, it seems that I had a dream. I dreamed that Lao Niu and I were running in a dark underground palace, as if we were avoiding the pursuit of something. When we were exhausted in a hurry, we saw someone waving to us from afar. , and calling our names, the voice is very similar to Tianyuan.Lao Niu and I ran over without even thinking about it, but when we were two or three meters away from him, the soles of our feet suddenly sank, rolled and fell into a bottomless black hole, and I screamed strangely in shock Scratching desperately, but can't catch anything...

At this moment, there was a sudden cold stabbing pain on my head, as if a basin of cold water had been poured out of my head, and there was the sound of splashing water. I jumped up immediately in shock, my head was wet, and I stretched out my hand to touch it. Water, when you look closely: Hee Rou is holding a cup and looking at me coldly.

It turned out that I was really splashed with water, or by a woman, and I was so angry that I forgot about pity and pity, and pointed at her nose and wanted to scold.But before I could speak, Xirou had already stood up, stared at me and said in a low voice, "My mind is not right, I am haunted by ghosts and have nightmares even when I sleep!"

Xirou's words were like a bolt from the blue, which made me stunned on the spot, wondering in my heart: Does she know that we have met Li Yongsheng?Or did I say something that shouldn't be said when I was dreaming, showing my feet?If yes, what happens next?

At this time, the sky was already bright, because everyone was very tired from being tossed last night, and no one has woken up until now.The night should be Xirou's night, her eyes are bloodshot, red like rabbit eyes, plus the smears of blood and sand on her face, it's indescribably weird, when I look at her, I feel even more uneasy.

However, I am not a vegetarian, so I immediately came to my senses, my mind turned sharply, and I said to her softly with a sneer: "You are right, I did dream about a ghost, and it was a very ugly female ghost, with a long face. Exactly like you!"

"You..." Xi Rou's face turned blue and red after being angry with me, very ugly, she gritted her teeth but couldn't speak.

I am very satisfied with Xirou's performance, it is the pleasure of successful revenge, and I thought: "Little girl, your nipple hair hasn't faded yet, just play with me, it's too tender!"

However, everything should be done in moderation, and it's not good to make too much noise, so he pretended to care about her and said in a victorious gesture: "You worked hard last night, before everyone wakes up, take a rest!"

"I want you to take care of it!" Xirou dropped a sentence angrily, and was about to sit back in front of the fire, but she stood up like an electric shock, and took two steps forward to the left.Then, a burst of intermittent slightly low-pitched whistles came from over there.I am very familiar with this whistle sound, it is the bone whistle we heard in Tiegoupo, Yuandongwan.

At that time, because of its sudden sound, the savages were startled, and our carefully prepared plan to trap and kill the savages turned into a hard-to-hard shopping, and in the end, the man with the bone whistle was still secretly shooting cold arrows at us. When I heard this voice, my teeth were itchy with natural hatred.

Hurry up to Lao Niu, push and pull: "Lao Niu, get up quickly, our old friend has come out again!" Looking at Xirou, get a glass of water and pour it on his head.

No matter who blows the bone whistle, it must have a great relationship with the savages. We can no longer stay here to rest, so we simply shouted at the old cow. Everyone woke up with this shout!

However, at this time, the sound of the bone whistle was no longer sounding, and the earth-shattering roar of tigers came from a distance, as if there was more than one tiger, at least two of them were roaring at the same time, with strange cries of savages in between.But unfortunately, no matter how fierce the tiger is, it is impossible to defeat the savage. The savage's skill and strength are several times that of the tiger, and he is much more cunning than the tiger. If there is no accident, it is not a problem for a savage to kill two tigers.Sure enough, it didn't take long for the poor tiger to whine, and in the end even the howl disappeared, and the world returned to peace again.

Although we are still far away from the scene, we can hear the intensity of the fight from the roar of the tiger and the strange calls of the wild men. If we were there, we would definitely feel particularly shocked.The old cow looked into the distance and pondered for a while, then said to me: "Tie Yan, why do you think the wild man is free to catch the tiger?"

I was also thinking about this question: savages are ferocious, but tigers are not so easy to mess with. In Shennongjia, they can definitely be at the top of the food chain.Killing one thousand enemies and harming oneself by eight hundred, why do wild people take this risk?

"Tiger!" I muttered softly, and suddenly thought of another very weird thing, which is also related to tigers, that is: white tiger mask!

After connecting these two things, all the problems can be explained: "The savages have always believed that the curse in ancient times is tormenting them, and their biggest dream is to enter the Shennong Cave and break the White Tiger Blood Curse, but I don't know why, it has never been Success! So, they will go again!"

The old cow nodded slightly: "But before they go, they don't know whether they will succeed, so they kill two tigers to practice their hands first, and see their luck by the way?"

Xi Rou glanced at Lao Niu and me, and said, "Maybe they killed white tigers! There aren't many white tigers here, but it's not like there are none!"

I patted my palms lightly, and said to Xirou: "What Miss Xirou said makes sense, I totally agree!" Xirou seemed not expecting me to say that, and felt uncomfortable for a moment, glanced at her mouth, and turned her head away.I continued: "Actually, I think the savages are determined to win. Their killing of the white tiger may have factors of divination, but it is more similar to the ancient times of killing livestock and sacrificing flags before fighting!"

Captain Qiu said: "So?"

His sudden question made me unprepared, and I didn't even understand what he was going to ask, so I could only vaguely say: "Ah! So? So we are not far from Shennong Cave, hurry up, lest we be robbed by wild men First!"

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