Savage Secret

Chapter 42 Consonance Staff 6

() Out of conditioned reflex, Lao Niu immediately raised the gun, and I quickly pressed it down: "Old Niu, you are crazy, what if he is really Tian Yuan?"

The old cow stopped talking, and Li Yongsheng said anxiously: "Looking at Tianyuan's current appearance, there is obviously something wrong. If he is really possessed by a demon, if he wants to kill us, we won't shoot?" What I'm about to face is the last thing I want to face. I can't kill Tian Yuan, but I have to ensure that I won't be hurt by Tian Yuan. Thinking of this, I cursed secretly, and said to Li Yongsheng angrily: "Cold salad!"

I discussed it with Lao Niu, and finally decided to go into the cave to find out. If that person is Tian Yuan, I will bring him out alive or dead!

At this moment, Tian Yuan turned his head again, as if he was staring at the giant white face on the stone wall!Li Yongsheng asked strangely: "Why is he staring at that giant white face?" Seeing that the giant white face was weird, but it didn't move, I felt a little relieved, so I thought, "Maybe it's because I'm thinking of facing the wall." However, didn’t Patriarch Bodhidharma face the wall for nine years in Songshan Mountain before becoming a Buddha? Maybe our Tianyuan also has the wisdom roots to become a Buddha! He is going to realize some profound Buddhist principles here. Monk, the hope of Shennongjia becoming a Buddhist holy place as famous as Shaolin rests on our Tianyuan, we should be happy!"

I was talking nonsense, and I was already walking towards the cave. The old cow held me back, held up the [-] big cap in his hand, and said to me: "Boy, you don't even have a gun, how dare you walk in the front? Honestly!" Follow from behind, obediently serve Brother Niu as a follower!" I said annoyedly: "You think you are great with a broken gun? I have a gun!" The old cow was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood: "Your gun is worth a **** Use it!" I stuck it on his body, and said with a smile: "Isn't it just for urgent use, believe it or not, I will hit you first!" The old cow pushed me away and said: "If you are in a hurry to pee, you will come Go away, don't pee on me, be careful I'll dismantle your cannon!" I was silent for a while: "Just don't bite it with your mouth!"

After bickering with the old cow for a few words, the fear in my heart was temporarily reduced. After I stopped talking, I suddenly found that the cave was surprisingly quiet.The breath of death emanating from the huge and pale strange face in front of me made me feel cramped and depressed. Maybe this place does not belong to living people at all!The flames behind me are gradually extinguishing, and there are not many burning open flames, and those huge bats are still crawling on the top of the cave, but they don't seem to move at all. Wasted away over thousands of years?

The Tianyuan in front stood there like a wooden stake, motionless, almost like an old monk in samadhi. I couldn't help but sigh that this kid was not born in a monk's temple, what a pity!

There is a thick layer of dust at the bottom of the cave, and when you step on it, there is not even a sound, but it feels like walking on the beach.Looking at Tian Yuan standing there blankly, a question quickly popped up in my mind: when we walked, there was no sound, so it’s fine if Tian Yuan didn’t respond, but the beam of the flashlight in our hand was shining brightly, why didn’t Tian Yuan respond?Is he blind in both eyes?Or is there some other reason?

Just as we were thinking about it, we had already reached two meters behind Tian Yuan. The old cow in front of us paused for a moment, and suddenly stood up and shouted violently: "Tian Yuan, are you fucking dead?"

When the old cow said this, he didn't even say hello to us, but shouted with all his strength, his majestic voice became louder and louder in the dead silence of the cave.I was concentrating on staring at Tian Yuan, but when I heard his shout, all the blood in my body surged up in an instant, and there was a "hum" in my head, which was almost like being struck by lightning, and my whole body went limp, even startled. Almost fell to the ground with fright.I remember when I saw the part where Zhang Yide drank Banqiao in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", I never understood why Cao Cao's million-strong army was shocked by Zhang Yide. Understood.

With trembling legs, I thought to myself: It's such a waste. It would be great if the old cow's voice could be shouted outside. We reduce many great psychological barriers and threats.

Li Yongsheng's expression was similar to mine, his face was pale, terrified and at a loss, a bit like "Two trembling, eager to go first".I saw nothing abnormal around me, so I swallowed and scolded the old cow: "Old cow, you son of a bitch only cares about performing by yourself, and sooner or later, my brothers will be frightened by you, causing irregular menstruation and premature aging !"

The old cow turned around and saw Li Yongsheng's and I's embarrassed expressions, and said in astonishment: "What? Did you scare you? Oh, it was an accident. I originally called Tian Yuan, but Tian Yuan didn't respond, but it scared you two. arrive!"

I waved my hand, signaled to forget it, and made a hug to the old cow. The old cow gave me a contemptuous look: "What do you want to do, kid? Now is not the time to make love, brother Niu, I am not yours Object!" Seeing that Lao Niu didn't understand, I had to point to Tian Yuan and say, "It's him, not me!"

The art of war says, "Attack him by surprise, catch him by surprise!" Now that Tian Yuan has his back facing us, it is undoubtedly in our best interest to hug or throw him down.This idea was good at first, but there was an accident during the implementation. The old cow missed. He only took a step forward, but his body staggered, and he plunged into the ground. It seemed that his feet slipped.

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