Savage Secret

Chapter 86 Coffin Beast 4

() Although the vast mist engulfs all the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, it is invisible and intangible like water and moon mirror flowers.It comes without a shadow, quietly enveloping people; it goes silently, just slipping away from the eyes so slowly, leaving behind a beautiful mountain scenery and lake color.The water is like a mirror, green and quiet, and the mountains are like giant pythons, rolling and rolling.The shadow cast by Cangshan Mountain divides the water surface into blue and green. The clear green is certainly charming, but the green is not lonely. The wormwood on the shore is swaying in the black projection, like a landscape painting made by nature.And this landscape painting also has the elegant mist, the slow smoke, the crystal dew gradually dripping from the thin grass leaves...

The fog lightened at noon. Although it had not completely dissipated, the distant mountain peaks could already be seen clearly.

Li Yongsheng took out the map of Shennongjia from his bag, compared it carefully for a while, and said happily, "This lake is marked on the map." I went over to take a look, and sure enough, there was a big lake behind the mountain we came from. From the map, it seems that the opposite side of the lake is a slope and a cliff. If you want to go down the mountain, you must first climb up the mountain.

Fortunately, the slope of the mountain is not very steep, Tian Yuan has also recovered, and he can walk by himself. If I am asked to carry it, I am afraid that I will be exhausted to death.

Knowing the way to go, I naturally have a direction, I packed up my things and was about to carry them on my shoulders, but Tian Yuan said: "Brother Tie Yan, do we really care about Brother Niu?"

There is no sign of Lao Niu until now, and I am very angry: "Old Niu? His mother is going to make a fortune by himself. How dare I stop him. Besides, even if I want to stop him, I can't find him!"

Tian Yuan worried: "Maybe something happened to Brother Niu, or else, let's look for it again?"

I immediately snatched it up: "What the hell, he took the gun and the salute away, what can happen? In my opinion, he had better not see the road when he was walking in the fog, and fell to the bottom of the cliff and was smashed to pieces." , We saw him when we passed by, we scolded him first, and then set him on fire, we didn't let him die in the wilderness, and we did our brotherly duty, and we have an explanation to his family by the way!"

Seeing me getting angry, Li Yongsheng comforted me and said, "Brother Tie Yan, what you said is too much, brother Niu may have other reasons? Anyway, Tian Yuan can leave by himself, why don't I send Tian Yuan down the mountain, and then go find you! By the way, don't you still have to go to Dalongtan? Let's meet at Dalongtan. Although Dalongtan is in the opposite direction to the downhill, you still need to find Brother Niu, so our time should be about the same."

Not to mention Li Yongsheng, I almost forgot about it. When we went up the mountain, Feng Ling asked us to bring something for his cousin, but after tossing around in the cave, I had already completely forgotten about it.Now that Li Yongsheng said it, I hurriedly opened the bag and saw that the things I wanted to bring were still there, so I was relieved.

I was a little hesitant: I am very reluctant to go to Lao Niu now, but anger is nothing but anger. Only by partnering with him can we enter the Shennong Cave; it is a completely different concept with Li Yongsheng. He is small and runs faster than a rabbit when encountering problems. At best, he can only be regarded as a guide.In the final analysis, Lao Niu and I are in a close relationship, and neither of us can do it without the other. In this difficult environment, there is only one dead end.

Li Yongsheng seemed to have seen through my thoughts, and put his hands on Tian Yuan's shoulders: "Brother Tie Yan, Brother Niu should not have gone too far, and he may catch up. I am here with my cousin. Taking care of each other, there shouldn't be any accidents." At this moment, Tian Yuan's body trembled slightly, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, as if he didn't quite believe what this cousin said.

Before I could speak, Li Yongsheng said to Tianyuan again: "Cousin, are you still able to walk? If it's really not possible, let Brother Tieyan accompany us down the mountain, and we will take turns carrying you."

"Cousin, I've almost recovered, I don't want to bother Brother Tie Yan anymore, besides, the road is not far away..." Tian Yuan stuttered a bit when he spoke, but since he was injured, he hasn't been quick.

Li Yongsheng shook Tian Yuan's shoulder: "Cousin, are you sure you're okay? If it's okay, we're going to leave!"

Listening to their cousins ​​calling so affectionately, I felt like an outsider was redundant, since they insisted on not letting me give it away, I'd better be wiser.But I was still worried in my heart, fearing that they would be exhausted when they were attacked by wild animals, so I gave them the micro-charges and bullets left by the old cow.The two refused to accept them at first, but in the end I forced them into Li Yongsheng's hands.

When Tian Yuan left, he looked back at me three times a step at a time, his eyes lingering in a trance, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it in the end.I thought to myself: This child is sentimental, if he is born a woman, he must be a good wife and mother, God is really playing tricks on people.

Seeing them drifting away, I also picked up my salute and prepared to go my own way, but I became at a loss and didn't know where to go!

If you go to Dalongtan, if you follow the map, you can go around the lake in front of you and turn over two hills. If there are no accidents, you can walk there in a day.But I have to find Lao Niu first, and trouble will come. Lao Niu didn’t even leave a note when he left. I don’t know the direction he is going. It’s just a dream to find him in the vast mountains.

I sat down again, looking at the vast water surface and thinking.If you want to make a complete analysis of things, you have to compare yourself with others. After having this idea, a flash of light flashed in your mind: Our purpose of entering the mountain is to find the legendary treasure in the legendary Shennong Cave. Lao Niu would rather risk the world's evil This is probably the reason why he fled in the middle of the night. The place he was going to must be the Shennong cave that Li Yongsheng pointed out to us on the map.

With the direction, the route is easy to plan. After I opened the map of Shennongjia and studied it carefully, I found that Shennongdongtian is probably in the southwest direction, with an angle of about 45 degrees with Dalongtan. From the distance, it is farther than going to Dalongtan. There are many times, and the road is covered by dense forests, with cliffs in the way, which looks very dangerous.But I believe that the bold old cow will never be intimidated by this, maybe it has gone a long way.

When we went up the mountain, everyone brought a big bag to salute. After falling into the cave, the things were burned and used, and when we came out, they were soaked in water for a long time, and some were thrown away. The bags were almost empty.Fortunately, there is no such thing as an unparalleled road, so we picked up another military bag, which is full of equipment and food, and it is also very heavy.

In order to catch up with Lao Niu quickly, I had to travel lightly, so I dug out the contents of the military bag and threw away unnecessary things.Flipping through it, a wisp of reddish smoke floated out of the bag, which still smelled of blood.what?I took a half step back in fright, and when I looked closely again, I found that the red mist was actually floating from the bead we took from the head of the ancient triangular rhinoceros.

I immediately thought that when the Consonance staff was crushed by the old cow, it was also the first time

The smoke is coming out, is this bead crushed?

"It's a waste of time to fetch water from the bamboo basket, it's really fucking unlucky!" I cursed secretly, and took out the beads.It was too dark in the cave at the time, and when it was removed, it was covered with blood, and it was still attached to the tendons of the ancient triangular rhinoceros, so it was put away without looking too much.

Now I look at it under the light of the sky, and I am stunned: it has the texture of jade, similar to a ping pong ball, a little smaller than when we just took it out from the ancient triangular rhinoceros, it is not round, and there are small potholes on the surface , but these do not conceal its gorgeous beauty.The outside of the bead is almost transparent, and in the middle part there is a piece of magnificent bright red the size of a fingernail miraculously, stretching out countless hair-like blood threads, winding and wandering around the surface of the bead, and then radiating out in shallow places, becoming fluttering of red mist.The red mist has been drifting outward, but the red color in the middle has not diminished, as if it is inexhaustible.

Sure enough, it's a good baby, but I don't know what it's used for!I looked at it for a long time before I was ready to put it away.

At this moment, the surface of the lake suddenly rippled and churned, and a moment later, a coffin actually floated up.

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