"There are not many Han people in the city, and there are only 10,000+ "women" who have no fighting power! Besides, everyone knows that the hearts of those people and "women" are not the same as ours. Do you all think that we can hold on to the reinforcements from the Dajin Kingdom thousands of miles away just by relying on those who are not of one mind with us and the reinforcement of the city and trenches?"

There was no sound in the Golden Army military meeting hall.Liu Lin looked at everyone one by one, and asked, "Or, who is sure to hold out for three months until reinforcements arrive?"

No one answered, and a group of generals of the Jin army who usually despise and underestimate Han generals fell silent under Liu Lin's gaze.

Shi Guduo, who was in the upper position, coughed lightly. With the current situation, it seemed that the military discussion was about to be deadlocked, so he had to speak up.

Shi Guduo said to Liu Lin: "Then Master Liu, do you have any good plans?"

Facing Shi Guduo, Liu Lincai slightly restrained his aura just now.The reason why Liu Lin is so angry is because he hates it in his heart!If it weren't for these selfish golden generals sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, they wouldn't have lost so badly and were ambushed by Yue Fei.I even compromised all the generals, finally gained real power, and became the chief general who commanded this group of selfish and arrogant, how could I let go of the opportunity to show off my words in front of these golden generals?

Seeing Shi Guduo opened his mouth, Liu Lin bowed and said, "General Shi Guduo, I do have a plan, but it needs to be kept extremely confidential. Please allow me to discuss it with you alone."

The generals of the Jin army showed angry faces, and Ah She withdrew and said angrily: "Master Liu, all the generals present are my Dajin generals, can there be any spies from the Han people?"

What he said was a bit thorny, Liu Lin was a Han, and he meant that their golden generals were more loyal than Liu Lin, a Han.

Liu Lin looked at him calmly, and said, "Ashe evacuated my lord, of course you will have no problem, please stay later."

The generals of the Jin Army were in an uproar, and Liu Lin's implication was that other people could not be trusted.The generals of the Golden Army were outraged, and Nie Er and Tai Ermeng waved their sleeves away.As soon as his two generals of the Golden Army left, several generals under them also left.None of the remaining generals of the Jin Army dared to protest Liu Lin's words.

In fact, Nie Er and Tel Meng who had left were secretly happy.Whoever discusses how to fight against the enemy and defend the city will send out his own troops.The two of them wanted to preserve their strength, so they didn't even answer Liu Lin's words and left directly.

Liu Lin, Shi Guduo and A She retreated and discussed in secret for more than an hour, but no one knew what Liu Lin's strategy was.

A large number of troops from all walks of life of the King Xin Army gathered outside the city of Jiangzhou. On the flats, ravines, valleys, plains, hills, and high slopes, the King Xin Army rushed back and forth everywhere.The soldiers and horses of King Xin's army spread like a sea like a "tide" all over the city of Jiangzhou.Behind the troops of King Xin's army, there are stretches of camps, stretching for miles and boundless.

The general offensive started when the letter king Zhao Zhen arrived.King Xin's armies from all walks of life approached Jiangzhou City slowly, with drums beating and horns beeping.Xin Wang Zhao Zhen rode his horse and watched the enemy.

Under the blue sky, on the black city wall, there are densely packed golden troops.Looking from a distance, where the sky and the earth are stretched and connected, there are female walls. Under the sunshine, the city's walls are illuminated with a blue light.The city walls are towering, with layers of walls and towers, densely packed with golden troops.It shows that the strongest Jin army on Hedong Road will defend the city at any cost.

Thinking of liberating the city where the Jin army is heavily stationed, the entire Hedong region can be liberated and recovered.Coupled with the fact that the invincible Lord Xin Wang personally supervised the battle in the rear, the Xin Wang army will all be in high spirits and murderous.

According to the plan formulated in the previous battle, Zhang Xian's Beiwei army feinted to attack the east gate, Zhang Yong's brave army feinted to attack the south gate, Wang Shan's Shengjie army feinted to attack the west gate, Wang Gui led Qinglong, Baihu, The Fourth Army of Suzaku and Xuanwu led the Firearms Battalion to attack the North Road Gate.

The enemies gathered in the city will be the strongest troops of the Kingdom of Jin's army on Hedong Road, so before the battle, Zhao Zhen told Wang Gui to fight steadily!No matter which army can open a gap in the city wall, there is no need to rush into the city blindly, so as not to fall into an ambush by the Golden Army defenders in the city. As long as it firmly guards the gap and waits for the follow-up army to catch up with the support, the great achievement will be done!

A long and sharp "Woooooooooo!" resounded through the camp of King Xin's army, and then hundreds of drums rang at the same time, and the sound shook the earth.

One hundred thousand troops were dispatched in unison, and the mountains and seas were overwhelming.The flags of the various armies fluttered in the wind like waves, and the cavalry from all walks of life galloped back and forth between the various army formations on tall horses.The generals shouted: "Expel the Tartars! Give me back! Long live the king! Defend the country and protect the family! No complaints and no regrets! Die on the battlefield! Die well! Fight—! Fight—!"

"Expel the Tartars! Give me back! Long live the king of faith! Defend the country and protect the family! No complaints or regrets! Die on the battlefield! Death deserves it! Fight! Fight! Fight!" One hundred thousand believer soldiers roared at the same time, and the troops from all walks of life rolled Keeping up, infantry and cavalry from all walks of life rolled towards Jiangzhou City like black dust clouds.

The army of King Xin's army was advancing like a roaring sea, and the smoke and dust rolled towards the distant city wall, rushing towards the distant city like rough sea waves.And above each phalanx, their respective military flags are flying.

Walking within the range of the farthest three-bow crossbow, the army of King Xin stopped.The three-bow crossbow is the best crossbow bed in the Northern Song Dynasty. Of course, it is worse than the crossbow cart of Xin Wangjun.Special Forces Crossing: Prince Song 156

However, the three-bow crossbow imitated or captured by Jin Bing is also extraordinary. The three-bow crossbow is the first two bows and the rear one. The large one requires 70 people to twist and stretch, and the range is 80 steps.The latest three-bow crossbow of the Jin Army was stretched by [-] people, and the range was as far as [-] or [-] steps.

"Raise the shield!" Following the order of the commanding officer, the soldiers of the Xinwang Army in the front row raised their long wooden shields in unison, like an iron wall.

In the middle of the infantry phalanx, there are five hundred catapults of various types, artillery and ladders, mobile arrow towers, and sky sedan chairs. So many siege equipment are used in a siege battle, including many new artillery pieces. , It is unprecedented in both human history and world war history.

It was also in order to wait for this batch of firearms, ammunition and equipment to arrive from the rear to reduce the loss of the siege, so Zhao Zhen deliberately postponed the time of the general attack for a few days.After he and Yelu Dashi hastily signed the anti-golden alliance treaty and came back, he launched a general attack on Jiangzhou City.

In the entire formation of King Xin's army, crowds of people were like mountains and seas, iron armor clanging, horses screaming and people shouting.The formation advances, tens of thousands of people step forward in unison, and the earth is shaken by the same wave of stepping frequency.

Seeing the power of King Xin's army, the defenders of the Jin army on the top of the city felt uncontrollable chills.Once upon a time, when the Dajin Empire defeated the Song State, how could it have been imagined that the Song people could build such a powerful army?When the black tide of soldiers poured into Jiangzhou City a thousand steps away, the artillery and giant catapults of King Xin's army began to operate.

One after another, sharp whistlings tore through the sky, and black dots and flames spewed out from the ground rose up from the ground. The densely packed stones and fireballs rapidly expanded in the sight of the golden soldiers on the city wall, and there were rumors in their ears. There was a sharp whistling sound.

Thousands of stones the size of millstones or explosive bombs fell from the sky with a terrible momentum, just like a dense meteor shower falling into the sea, it was as magnificent as countless stones and gunpowder explosive bombs exploded or exploded on the city wall. Flying, bringing up and splashing blood-red waves and clouds of flames.

The scattered shells and shrapnel shot and killed countless soldiers of the Golden Army guarding the city wall.Seeing that a large number of golden soldiers fell on the city wall, immediately, under the command of the generals of the golden army and the supervision of the supervising team, the soldiers of the golden army in the back row continued to guard the city wall unswervingly stepping on the bloody corpses.

The Jin Army's catapult also began to shake and shoot stones, but its range could not reach a thousand steps.Even if a few stones rolled down in the formation of King Xin's army, under the protection of the shield walls of King Xin's army, the entire formation of King Xin's army remained firm without any loss.

"Small troops! Advance!" The commanders of the Xinwang army began to issue orders to attack.At the same time, the faces of the generals of King Xin's army in the rear all sank.On a hill, Wang Gui issued an order: "Calbow Carriage Army, prepare for precise shooting! Firearms Battalion, prepare to suppress and cover for shooting!"

As the order was issued, amidst the sound of "creaking and creaking", the soldiers launched a super crossbow machine with a gear chain consisting of a thousand steps of high-firing, and a cannon loaded with shells in front of the door.In the formation of King Xin's army, a row of metal arrows appeared, exuding a cold light, which was chilling to see.There were also dark muzzles, and the frightening black muzzles were aimed at the opposite city wall.

The soldiers quickly wound up and took aim. "Report, the shooting is ready!" Wang Gui shouted, "Launch the attack immediately, and the artillery and ballista troops will shoot immediately!" Under the wave of the messenger flag, the artillery began to spray Shooting, ballistas started firing one after another, and groups of troops began to rush towards Jiangzhou City.

The golden soldiers on the city wall didn't understand what was going on at all. A golden soldier in the front row of the city wall suddenly screamed and fell to the ground with a crossbow arrow stuck in his chest.Immediately afterwards, the golden soldiers on the city wall were shot one after another, and the wounded soldiers lay on the ground.

There are more and more arrows, more and more dense, whizzing past the ears and shoulders of the generals of the Jin Army, or there will be a low puff, and then there will be a low scream.

At this time, countless artillery shells shot over, and the city wall was blasted to pieces, shaking, and the shrapnel flying everywhere hit countless golden soldiers.

The wooden and iron-clad shields of the Jin Army couldn't stop the sharp arrows and fierce artillery fire.More and more people were hit by arrows and bullets. Before the attacking troops of King Xin's army came forward, the defending team of the Jin army obviously withered.

On the city wall, the dead and wounded soldiers of the Jin army lay down on the ground, and the wounded soldiers of the Jin army or Han soldiers or generals curled up in pain on the ground, the screams of the dying and the sharp whistling The sound of the wind was mixed, and the soles of the golden soldiers' feet were soaked in blood and corpses, making them soft and slippery.

The Xuanwu army in charge of the attack by King Xin's army was only [-] steps away from the city wall. Dong Xian swung his sword and shouted: "My great sons of the Song Dynasty, for the sake of King Xin and our homeland, let's go! "

"Long live the King of Xin! Go!" The soldiers of the King of Xin's army seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and the whole Xuanwu Army roared and rushed towards Jiangzhou City.Just like the flood of the breached embankment, it rushed towards the city wall of Jiangzhou City out of control, and the Jin Army defenders who suffered heavy losses immediately launched a counterattack on the city wall, and ballistas and catapults showed their power one after another. , The arrows poured down like a torrential rain, and the stones flew down in large numbers like hail.

The huge boulder hit the ground so that the ground trembled. Since King Xin's siege was a straggler charge, the stone fell but did not hit a few people.The stone smashed a big hole in the ground, and several Xin Wangjun soldiers were swept down by the huge stone, and their bones were broken immediately.

However, all the soldiers and horses of the Xuanwu Army just rushed forward, regardless of casualties, and marched forward bravely.Behind the assault infantry group, thousands of catapults, artillery, and ballistas have already launched a fierce confrontation with the defenders on the spot.The golden soldiers who will bear ICBC are so suppressed that they can't lift their heads.Special Forces Crossing: Prince Song 156

"Report, my lord! The Xuanwu army has already approached the city! The battle is about to start!" The messenger hurriedly reported to Wang Guidao.On Gao`gang, the spectators were very excited, and Niu Gao was eager to try: "Mr. Dong is really doing well! It seems that the broken city is just around the corner! Our army must hurry up and get ready for reinforcements!" Di Lei excitedly Said: "General Niu is right! I have to go back to the army to fight!"

At this time, under the east, west, and south gates, some large crossbow beds and artillery were fired at the same time in the formation of King Xin's army.Crossbow arrows and flowering fireballs swept out one after another, and the arrows covered the sky and the sun, suppressing the golden army on the city wall. Wherever the arrow rain and fireballs went, the golden army on the city wall was full of flesh and blood.The King Xin's army under the city charged once under cover, and retreated like a wave, causing the golden soldiers to be beaten in vain, but it did not cause much loss to the King Xin's army under the city.

And the golden soldiers were in the terrible metal storm of the Xinwang army, their flesh and blood were as fragile as paper, and the golden soldiers on the city wall were in a panic of screams, blood, death and panic. 』 into a ball.The Jin Bing archers shot arrows one after another. Although the rain of arrows flew like locusts, and the sharp sound of wind piercing through the air filled the space, they were powerless against the King Xin's army who were hundreds of feet away from the city wall.

At this time, Zhao Zhen, who was displeased, rode over immediately. He had always believed in zero casualties or low casualties, so he was unwilling to fight a tough battle.But this time the Jinbing has a large number of troops, and their combat effectiveness is also strong, and their retreat speed is extremely fast, and the supporting troops of the Jinbing from all over the country soon entered Jiangzhou City.The plan that he had planned to take Jiangzhou City by sneak attack fell through.

This time, Zhao Zhen took out almost all the crossbow carts, gunpowder, artillery, and ammunition in Qingshi City, but he still couldn't see the results he expected, so he couldn't see it anymore and wanted to I directed it myself.

"All the artillery of the Firearms Battalion, storm the section of the city wall about 100 meters south of the city gate!" Zhao Zhen shouted loudly.Following the order he personally issued, the artillery fire from the Firearms Battalion burst out, and the artillery group suddenly changed direction and violently bombarded the section of the city wall about 100 meters south of the gate.When the artillery hit a point, the city wall couldn't hold it anymore, and the shell immediately created a crack on the city wall. The crack gradually collapsed suddenly, and a huge gap appeared.

From the opened gap, the troops of Dong Xianshuai's Xuanwu Army poured into the city like a tide.In panic, the defenders of the Golden Army had only time to quickly mobilize more than a hundred archers to attack at the gap.

At this time, the soldiers of the Vanguard Battalion of the Xuanwu Army rushed up with their shields on their shoulders, braved the rain of bows and arrows, climbed the gap in the city wall, stepped on large pieces of rubble and bricks, and rushed into the city. Fighting with a group of golden soldiers.

Xin Wangjun has already entered the city!The Qinglong Army, White Tiger Army, Suzaku Army, and Qilin Army rushed forward one after another, followed closely behind the Xuanwu Army, hiding and killing like inside the city.

King Xin's army attacked and entered the city, which was extremely shocking news for the Jin army.At this time, a horn sounded rapidly from the top of the city, and the golden army flag was waved rapidly. A long line of troops on the city was moving towards the gap like an oolong squad. It was the Jin army urgently mobilizing troops to the gap. The rapidly shaking formation revealed a bit of panic.

On the contrary, the attacking army of King Xin's army had high morale and high fighting spirit.The army of King Xin continued to flock to Jiangzhou City. The soldiers were all over the mountains and plains, endless, like a tsunami roaring, and the reinforcements of King Xin's army rushed up continuously.

The city wall was hit by artillery fire and bombarded to pieces. There were more and more gaps in the city wall. Fierce battles took place at each gap. The defenders of the Jin army gradually retreated. The section of the city wall was covered by the army of King Xin's army.

At this time, Wang Gui looked at the battle ahead and was worried.And out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the younger, wiser, braver and invincible letter king Zhao Zhen who was very similar to the escaped emperor Zhao Gouchang.However, he found that Zhao Zhen's expression was always indifferent, and he didn't do anything other than direct the artillery battalion to hit the city wall.

Xin Wang Zhao Zhen showed a relaxed expression, as if he didn't take this battle to heart at all.Seeing the lord's confident look, Wang Gui finally calmed down.At this moment, their long-awaited voice finally came from the front line: "The city is broken! The city is broken!"

On the battlefield, the soldiers of King Xin's army shouted ecstatically: "The city is broken! The city is broken! Kill!" It can be seen that countless long dragons are filing into the city, and the defenders in the city are fleeing the city wall in panic. position.

Under the cooperation of the inside and the outside, the four gates of the east, south, west, and north of Jiangzhou City were occupied by the Quanxin Wangjun. From the opened gates, soldiers and horses of the Xinwang Army were pouring in.

In some blocks of Jiangzhou City, the defenders of the Golden Army are still resisting tenaciously, and the sound of ping-pong-pong battles is still heard. The outpost rushed back quickly and reported to Zhao Zhen and the generals: "Report to the lord! Your Highness, my lords, the Golden Army defenders are retreating to the center of the city! They dug trenches and built arrow towers on several important strongholds and streets in the center of the city, and the Golden Army resisted fiercely!"

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