But just like Commander Mo's confidant said, although all the people in the rivers and lakes and the victimized people gathered together, they didn't all want to seek justice from the local authority.Some of them were from the Jianghu or sects to watch the fun, and some wanted to meet the anti-golden hero Xin Wang Chitose.There are also martial arts heroes who want to fish in troubled waters or improve their status.Once they are all killed, let alone whether they can be killed, the future revenge and the impact of so many dead people are unpredictable.

At this time, in a remote place in the Shimen neighborhood, the bonfire was burning brightly, making the faces of everyone present red.

The young Jianghu martial artist looked at everyone present with a cold face, and his eyes swept over the faces of these people one by one.Among them are the masters or elders of the Jianghu sect, representatives of the Jianghu hero gang, some wandering Jianghu knight-errants, and even a small number of servants and stewards of landlords and rich men.

But apart from the unanimous look of indignation on the faces of these people, most of them are hiding their own little calculations in their hearts.

The young warrior sighed, he knew that it was impossible to take revenge today, but after being attacked, so many of his companions were killed and injured, he still couldn't swallow this breath.Special Forces Crossing: Prince Song 230

He couldn't help but clenched his fists tightly, but his face was indifferent.He asked: "You really don't want to get up and fight? So many people have died, but you choose cowardly silence. Have you ever thought about how low we are in their eyes? Is our life really worthless? Worth, can you trample on it wantonly?"

"Companions, friends, and relatives, before their bones are cold, you have already accepted your fate?"

But his questioning is like falling into a bottomless pit, and he will never hear an echo.

Everyone looked at each other, but no one answered. "Although, according to the legend, the young man is Xin Wang Qiansui, but since he is not in the early stage, let's forget about it?" But someone in the crowd still whispered.

"Otherwise, what else can we do? They are officers and soldiers." Another person replied dejectedly.

"Not just officers and soldiers, but also a celebrity in the court. I heard that he has the support of the emperor. Otherwise, why would Xinwang Qiansui shy away?" someone added.

"Can officers and soldiers kill people wantonly?" The young man said angrily, "There doesn't seem to be such a clause in the laws of the Song Dynasty, right? Those corpses that are still bloodstained, they were your living companions, relatives or friends a few hours ago. Friends, can't you feel a little bit of anger?"

The corpses of the dead are displayed on the gate tower, which seems to be showing off the military might of the officers and soldiers.And everyone looked at the city gate tower in the distance, and it was quiet, everyone watched this scene silently.

Since Huizong, suffering has become a part of life for the ethnic minorities in the south. Because they are powerless to resist, this weak ethnic group can only choose to hide further in the forest when the Han people plunder and oppress them.However, life in the dense forest is not necessarily full of sweetness. Hunger brings the shadow of death just like the attack of carnivorous ferocious animals.

After Ding Dakuan found out that his daughter was missing, he immediately went out to look for it.And everyone who got the news looked at the oldest among them, their elders.For the barbarians, these experienced elders are always able to lead the tribe out of the predicament, but this time, even this wise elder lowered his eyebrows and seemed helpless.

The old man was holding a cane, and there seemed to be a heavy shadow written between every wrinkle on his face.He sighed, and Ding Dakuan got up and left.

"Uncle Dakuan, where are you going?" Wang Fu, a tall young man on the other side of the elder, stopped him immediately.

The middle-aged man stopped and replied in a low voice without looking back: "I'll go and get Bai Yue back—!"

"Calm down!" The young man advised, "Uncle Ding Kuan, what can you do by yourself? Do you want to die?"

"I promised her mother to take good care of her... so even if I die, I will go!" The middle-aged man replied stubbornly.

But he also understood that this was just an angry remark, and couldn't help but turned his back and clenched his fists, tensing every muscle in his body.

"Ding Dakuan, calm down," the old man with the cane finally spoke. He sighed and said, "After arguing all day, it seems that she heard it all. This is her choice. Too many of us died."

The middle-aged man turned his head and looked at everyone with red eyes.The silence of the day broke out after the daughter disappeared.He roared: "What about Bai Yue, and the hatred of other people who were killed by the Han army bandits, should we be indifferent?"

Everyone was silent and bowed their heads silently.The middle-aged man snorted coldly, turned around and left.The old man looked at his back and sighed again. He knew that the other party would not really run out to trouble those troops. Every man in this group would not easily leave the whole group alone.This is their responsibility.Special Forces Crossing: Prince Song 230

But no matter what, Ding Dakuan's departure still caused a moment of silence among the crowd.But what can they do? The strongest person in the village is Ding Dakuan, who has high martial arts skills, and it is impossible for him to be the opponent of the terrifying Commander Mo and his subordinates.

But the silence didn't last too long, the ceremony had to go on.But at this moment, everyone saw a figure stumbling in from outside the village. It was Ding Yuan who was in charge of security outside the village.

Everyone recognized the familiar figure, and they couldn't help becoming nervous subconsciously. Could it be that those vicious Han soldiers came back again?

But didn't Bai Yue leave? "Ding Yuan, what's the matter?" The old man was also slightly startled, but asked immediately.As the leader of this group of people, although he maintained a deliberate calm on the surface, his hands were already tightly grasping the wooden stick in his hand.

"Bai Yue, she..." Ding Yuan finally ran in front of these people, and couldn't help shouting out of breath, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Bai Yue?" The old man was taken aback for a moment, and immediately asked after his expression changed: "What's wrong with Bai Yue?"

"Bai Yue did go to Shimen City...but...but...that adult followed. Those people also followed after hearing the news..."


The news that the little girl went to Shimen with the powerful adults quickly spread in this barbarian tribe village located in the remote forest.

At this time, in Shimen City, the young man finished speaking with righteous indignation, and took a deep breath; he couldn't help coughing twice, and his face turned a little pale.

"But anger can't be eaten, young man." An old martial arts gang elder looked at him with some embarrassment and replied: "You reason with them, and they talk about fists with you. Their fists are big, so what can you do? We It's all here, but they still don't care, why? Because they are not afraid of us at all."

"Even if we want to go to war, can we fight it?" Another person also said: "Don't be unrealistic, don't forget that bastard also has an army. And, once we do it, we will definitely be crowned." for the crime of treason."

Facing everyone's questions, the young man in the gray-blue robe gritted his teeth, but he couldn't answer.After all, rebellion is not a joke, and if it is not done well, more people will be affected.

But at this time, there was a commotion in the crowd.Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and those heads, guild leaders, and famous heroes immediately turned their heads vigilantly, and shouted: "What are you doing, what's the matter? 'chaos', what's 'chaos'?"

"Boss, the officers and soldiers seem to be coming again. They have reinforcements!" The guard disciples immediately shouted loudly.

Hearing this answer, everyone frowned.

And reinforcements?Didn't most of the officers and soldiers go out to plunder?No wonder there is nothing to fear.

In fact, when Jin Danzi led people to the street where the crowd gathered, he saw a crowd of people not far away.

So much so that at this moment, looking down from the roof, the entire street is full of dots of bonfire light.By the side of the bonfire, there were many figures, and it was impossible to count how many knights or gang members there were.

The pale Jin Danzi couldn't help but snorted coldly.

He turned his head and looked at the rows of black-clothed soldiers behind him, and he knew that what was hidden there were actually soldiers composed of terrifying elite Golden Army warriors, the ruthless killing machines of the Golden Army, and finally One of the basic components.This time they made great efforts to support Commander Mo for a huge plan to deal with King Xin's army.Originally, killing King Xin was the solution once and for all, but King Xin Zhao Zhen was too powerful, they killed King Xin many times, but they all ended up losing troops.

Especially this time, when they met King Xin, they were not prepared to say nothing, and they were very passive, and managed to get rid of this plague god.When they mobilized their troops to prepare for the attack, they lost track of King Xin.All the people who followed him were dead, and there was no trace of King Xin on the roads and trails.Special Forces Crossing: Prince Song 230

Thinking of this time, his eyes returned to the street, a little impatient, but he still maintained a cold tone and said to the Song Army officer beside him: "Shout out, tell them to give them half an hour to leave, otherwise they will be killed."

His words were as cold as a knife.

After all, rather than directing the battle here, this fierce general of the Jin Army hopes to return to the north and fight with the King Xin's army in an open and honest manner.

The Song Army officer took a careful look at him, and quickly lowered his head.Although he was a little surprised where this strange friendly army came from, he also knew that it was the reinforcements sent by Commander Mo—as for whether it was the cruel Lord Commander Mo and which side's army he had colluded with, he didn't dare to say more. Asked.However, he never doubted that these mysterious soldiers standing side by side with them would be from the Jin Kingdom's army.

After all, this possibility is too unbelievable no matter how you look at it.

The officer of the Song Army returned to the city wall. He straightened his throat, but he was secretly proud of himself.He was threatened by these lowly thugs, and he had already suffocated his anger. You must know that these soldiers and bandits are used to bullying others on weekdays, and they expected that it would be their turn to be besieged and threatened by others. one day.

Even if it was just a siege but not an attack, it was just a threat, but it also made these people feel ashamed.He immediately waved his hand, calling everyone not far away, and commanded in a commanding manner: "Call out."

That person didn't dare to neglect his head, he cleared his throat, and then shouted into the distance: "All the untouchables in front, listen to me..."

Commander Mo's officers shouted, which immediately created a wave among the gathered people.Everyone stopped at the same time, turned their heads to look at the direction of the Shimen City army, and waited with bated breath for the other party's next words.

But they found that there was no more text.Because the officer had just opened his mouth when he suddenly froze.Because at this moment, with a 'click', an arrow fell to the ground in front of him.Seeing the arrow that was obviously a warning, he was stunned and could not make a sound.

He raised his head and watched helplessly as the gangsters and gangsters in front of him suddenly started from the rear of the crowd after a commotion, and the crowd automatically separated into two sides without sound.And the gap formed in the shadow was moving forward silently, approaching the officers and soldiers little by little.

Who is that?Not only him, Jin Danzi also squinted his eyes, as if petrified, looking in that direction motionlessly.

"Brothers and friends!" By the bonfire, a young man in a gray-green robe looked at the people present with some disappointment and said, "Can't we fight for dignity once, even just once? Yes, we They are Jianghu people, they are unstable people in the eyes of the court, but Jianghu people also have the glory of our Jianghu people, this kind of glory is the loyalty and honor of protecting friends and brothers on the battlefield!"

He looked at the others and asked: "What we are talking about is just a righteous word. Are we going to discard this kind of righteous word? But if you don't rely on your companions, don't rely on your friends, what kind of Jianghu people are you?"

His words brought a silence that seemed to echo the silence of distant shouts.

The gang leaders looked at each other, but they still hesitated.They wanted to give an explanation to their subordinates, but this explanation was not something as simple as talking about it.

No one is willing to show weakness, but that is after all a direct challenge to the leader of a country. Mr. Commander Mo is even said to be Zhang Jun, a big celebrity beside the emperor.

If they choose to fight, then there may be no place for them to stand in Song Dynasty in the future.

This choice puts them in a dilemma, and it is difficult for them to choose between loyalty, dignity and rebellion.

The young man let out a long sigh and said, "I'm sorry, it seems that I was too strong..." He stood up and said, "Okay, but anyway, the souls of those brothers and sisters who were killed need to Ask for justice alone, I know your difficulties, so if you can't answer, I will answer for you."

"If people need to die, let me and my companions die together this time. I just hope you will never forget this day. That cold-blooded Commander Mo trampled not only your companions' lives, but also your human dignity. dignity."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

But before he took two steps, someone stopped him: "Stop!"

The young man in green robe stopped.

"If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about no firewood. Have you forgotten what the nobleman who believed in the king for thousands of years asked you to pass on. I think what he means is that one day he will bring us justice—!"

"Do you believe it?" The young man interrupted him with a cold snort, and he turned around: "Do you believe in this kind of perfunctory answer? None of the so-called high-ranking figures are good..."

His words suddenly stopped.

The young man's pupils dilated round and round, and he watched in disbelief that the crowd behind them became commotion, and then separated layer by layer.People moved to both sides as if the tide was receding.

Amidst the crowds, the bonfire dimmed slightly, and then the young man in Tsing Yi took a deep breath. He had already seen the figure behind the crowd.

The young man who is said to be the king of Xin, with a little girl, each with a sword.

Although he was alone, the young man's aura was like a thousand troops.

Xin Wang Zhao Zhen held Bai Yue in one hand and walked forward step by step. As he walked forward, a powerful aura separated the crowd like an invisible sharp sword. The mountain-like breath was so oppressive that it was almost impossible to breathe.

No one dared to stop him, and a spacious avenue immediately opened up between him and the army in Shimen City.

No one dared to make a sound, and all the swordsmen and adventurers present watched this scene silently.

Seeing Zhao Zhen, who may be the King of Xin, pass between them, watching the people behind keep a certain distance to surround him, a group of people silently follow one person, like a warrior and a king. same relationship.

They also saw that Zhao Zhen, the letter king, took the little girl by his hand without saying a word, walked slowly to the edge of the army's defense line, and stopped.

Everyone watched this scene.

Bai Yue also raised her head to look at Xin Wang Zhao Zhen, her bright eyes were full of dependence.The little girl put her little hand in the warm palm of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen, and the two walked together, through the dark forest, and through the wilderness under the night, and she always had such a feeling of peace and warmth in her heart.

And Xin Wang Zhao Zhen also raised his head, and the pale face of the Great Song officer was reflected in his cold eyes.

"What do you want me to hear?" Xin Wang Zhao Zhen's voice was not high, but it could be clearly heard in the entire silent camp. He shouted: "What do you want to say? Officer, are you a soldier or a bandit? I Should I call you a bandit officer? Huh?"

The general standing in the distance suddenly choked.He seemed to have heard that that young man might be the Generalissimo of the Hebei Army and Horses, His Royal Highness Xin Wang who actually controlled the entire Sichuan-Shaanxi-Longhe Road.He opened his mouth, and although he was only glanced at by the young man, he felt as if he had been stabbed in the chest and couldn't breathe.He subconsciously turned his head back to seek help from the support general next to him, but found that the other person had long since disappeared from the city wall.

He secretly groaned in his heart, but due to the imposing manner and status of King Xin Zhao Zhen, he had to answer stammeringly. Although the other party might just be King Xin, it also made him afraid, and he stammered: "I...I mean, Citizens... you each... disperse, go back, otherwise, Commander Mo has issued an order... to kill... shoot to kill."

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