The Prince of Song Dynasty through the special forces

266 The Brave Girl Hero's Weak Mind

Seeing that it was Xin Wang Zhao Zhen by her side, Ma Yueying was about to get up immediately, but she tried to move and immediately groaned in pain.She felt that her leg should have been injured, and when she looked down, she found a long wound there.

Blood soaked from the silk dress, staining it red.His heart tightened slightly, the wound was not the most important thing, what was important was that she felt that her powerful strength seemed to be gone, and she felt weak all over.

The vague uneasiness in Ma Yueying's heart became more and more intense, and she subconsciously tried to sit up, but the severe pain immediately made her let out a soft hum.Then she lay back down again.The girl was lying on the ground gasping for breath, her forehead was covered with cold sweat, but at this moment she didn't seem to feel any pain at all, instead her mind was filled with another thought, what about her own strength?She clearly remembered that she possessed the power of a martial arts master because of the secret medicine. Didn't Xin Wang Qiantui say the same?

But Ma Yueying felt that she had no strength just now, and she hadn't experienced that feeling for many years.The limbs are weak and weak, just like an ordinary person without strength.

Her own strength disappeared, the girl lay on the ground, Shuangri was out of focus, and she was suddenly at a loss.Without strength, she has no value!Special Forces Crossing: Prince Song 266

When Xiao Shanhe sold the Dharma Guardians as bait, she had such an experience. Everything she could rely on and trust in the past, all sustenance and goals seemed to lose their meaning all of a sudden.Surrounded by a great despair.

It was the King of Xin, Zhao Zhen, who brought him out of this desperate situation. The young King of Xin gathered most of the original members of the Mingjiao Dharma Guardians who were alive, and only then gave her a reason to continue to persevere.

It was not easy for the girl to come out of this shadow and adapt to the new life. It can even be said that she likes this kind of life a little bit!At least in the eyes of the chief protector in the past, only He Zizao was the best person, and she was just an insignificant member.Now, even the Dharma Guardian wants to please the high-ranking and powerful Xin Wang's attention. It is not only a sense of satisfaction, but also a small revenge for Xiao Shanhe.

Regardless of whether it was because of the powerful power she had obtained from the secret medicine, at least she could feel that King Xin Zhao Zhen valued her.

One's own existence is not insignificant, and it is also one of the most important combat forces in the group of Xinwang Qiansui.

What's more, you can continue to fight side by side with the original members of the Mingjiao Dharma Protection Corps.

All of this makes Ma Yueying feel satisfied, even if one day she may die for Xin Wang.

She had expected that under the erosion of the secret medicine, one day she would become an unconscious living dead and lose everything she had now.But she didn't expect that God seemed to want to make things difficult for her on purpose. When she just integrated into this King Xin group, she found that her power had completely disappeared.

She is no different from an ordinary person now, even weaker.

However, Ma Yueying knows that a royal family does not need a retainer and general without the slightest ability. Although Ji Qianqian is just an ordinary person, Ma Yueying thinks she is not as smart and knowledgeable as the other party, let alone the other party is a master gunpowder craftsman ,.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help shivering.For King Xin, she is now a useless vase.

"What's the matter?" Xin Wang Zhao Zhen couldn't help asking again when he saw Ma Yueying's pale face and said nothing.

"Xinwang Qiansui...!" Ma Yueying whispered, "I... I have no strength..."

Xin Wang Zhao Zhen was stunned, thinking that it is normal to lose too much blood and lose strength, but he was still a little surprised, logically speaking, the body strength strengthened by secret medicine should not suffer such serious injuries.

But what puzzled him more was that Ma Yueying spoke to him weakly, saying that she had no strength.

What does this mean, is he asking him to help her?

If it was Luo Yueer's appearance, Xinwang Zhao Zhen could still understand.But in his impression, Ma Yueying was a strong girl with introverted emotions, not to mention withdrawing, she was usually serious, and she was almost as serious as Cui Hu with a straight face all day long.

The character is suddenly abnormal.The letter king, Zhao Zhen, observed carefully first, to see if Ma Yueying had been controlled by the secret drug again and lost his sanity, and then pretended to be like this to sneak attack him.However, he is very familiar with some obvious signs of losing sanity, and the other party doesn't look like he has been controlled by drugs.

So he showed a puzzled look, and replied thoughtfully: "Hmm..."

But the doubts of King Xin made Ma Yueying's heart flustered. She didn't notice Zhao Zhen's doubts about King Xin at all. The look of resoluteness and ruthlessness dangled around.

She finally couldn't bear it anymore, and continued to repeat in this hesitant tone: "Your Highness, I no longer have the original strength, I'm afraid I can't help you..."

The letter king, Zhao Zhen, was stunned again, wondering what the other party meant?But he suddenly understood and asked tentatively: "You have lost the powerful power of that secret medicine..."

Ma Yueying's face turned pale, and she nodded slowly. "So that's how it is..." Xin Wang Zhao Zhen nodded indifferently.

This time it was Ma Yueying's turn to be startled.

The girl imagined the reaction of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen more than once, for fear that the scene of that day would repeat itself.But he didn't expect Zhao Zhen, the letter king, to react like this. He didn't show any resolute expression at all, but a look of sudden realization!

"It's nothing..." Then Xinwang Zhao Zhen shook his head. He knew that what happened to Ma Yueying now was not a good sign. The "medicine" clashed again, which aggravated the "resistance" in her body.And when he regains his strength again, he may become a real puppet of the secret medicine.

It doesn't take too long, a few days at most, and half a day at the shortest time. At that time, the girl's strength will be improved to a higher level, but she will no longer belong to the original her.

But of course he couldn't say it directly, but said comfortingly: "It's okay, can't you stand up..."

Ma Yueying was completely stunned, and nodded because she didn't understand.

Xin Wang Zhao Zhen stretched out his hand to him and said, "Let me help you up." When Xin Wang Zhao Zhen said this, his voice was not high, and even out of a kind of sympathy for this poor girl and the feelings of trying to help him, it seemed like a Some mild.

But these are very common words, but Ma Yueying feels as if the other party has penetrated all defenses and hit her heart directly, and she seems to be willing to give everything for it.

She felt her tears welling up.

When Xin Wang Zhao Zhen saw the crystal tears rolling down Ma Yueying's face, he was stunned for a moment. He hurriedly supported Ma Yueying and asked, "What's wrong? Does it hurt?"

But the girl let the tears fall in a daze, as if she didn't hear it, and it took a while to react.She sucked her nose first to stop the emotional collapse, and finally realized her gaffe, her cheeks became hot and blood red for a moment.

"It's nothing, but... because... because it hurts too much." Ma Yueying turned her head away, and said with some reluctance: "Xinwang Qiansui..."

Xin Wang Zhao Zhen's heart suddenly brightened, he thought that his excuse was too clumsy, but it was the same for many parties.

He just thought about it for a while because he was worried about the secret "medicine" in Ma Yueying's body, but immediately he guessed what the girl was thinking.Although he didn't know what Ma Yueying thought of the other members of the Mingjiao Dharma Protector Group, as well as that Dharma Protector Xiao Shanhe and his own.However, it can be seen that the superficial reticence cannot conceal the girl's great disappointment and loss for everything in the past.

Rather than accepting everything that exists, it is better to say that it is still stuck in the memories of the past.She seems to have an instinctive fear and distrust of the outside world.If you leave everything that is familiar, you will be surrounded by a huge sense of isolation.Although she has extraordinary strength, she is still a young girl.

Xin Wang Zhao Zhen didn't know what Ma Yueying had experienced in the past, but he knew that what Xiao Shanhe did back then must have caused great harm to this girl.

"Can you stand up?" Xin Wang Zhao Zhen put aside these thoughts and asked while supporting Ma Yueying.

Ma Yueying nodded weakly, but she tried a few times, even holding the shoulder of Xinwang Zhao Zhen, but the severe pain and weakness still made her sob and unable to move.Special Forces Crossing: Prince Song 266

Xin Wang Zhao Zhen couldn't bear to see the red girl crying while clenching her teeth and working hard.Although it was not that he had never seen a woman cry, compared with those daughters with red eyes at every turn, Ma Yueying's strength was more appreciated by him.

What's more, he is still a man anyway, even though he has traveled to become a generation of princes. "Don't insist anymore, I'll carry you!" Xin Wang Zhao Zhen said, and couldn't help thinking of his second wife Zhao Qing'er who was far away in the commander-in-chief's mansion.

They can't stay here for too long, although they don't know the situation of Zhang Tieniu and No. [-] who are sealed on the other side, and Ji Qianqian and others in the distance.But if the old man was allowed to return to the ground and escape back to the barracks before them, then their operation would have failed completely.

Therefore, we must race against time. "Then how... OK?" Ma Yueying was stunned, but how could a prince do such a thing?Perhaps Xiao Shanhe would do this, but now she knows that it is to buy people's hearts, and he is just a protector of Mingjiao, far inferior to the prince.

And even if it is to buy people's hearts, in the past, Guardian Xiao Shanhe ignored her, who was relatively average in martial arts. She didn't understand why, no matter how good he did, he couldn't get it. So many looks and admiration.

But then she finally understood that even if you want to buy people's hearts, you need the qualifications to be bought.Of course Ma Yueying would not be jealous of the person she liked, but she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in her heart.

A girl who doesn't even have high martial arts strength on the surface, might not be as good as Song Yishui in the mind of the leader.Thinking of the traitor Song Yishui who had been killed by Xin Wang Zhao Zhen, the red girl couldn't help feeling disgusted.

But what is this young Xinwang Qiantui for?

She has no power at all now, and she doesn't have much prestige among the rest of the Mingjiao Dharma Protectorate, not as good as Pang Zheng.To say that this Xinwang Qiansui spies on her body, but she also thinks that she is not as beautiful as Luo Yueer who is claimed to be the fiancee of Xinwang Zhao Zhen.Not to mention the many stunning girls who were rumored by the guards to be entangled with Xinwang Zhao Zhen.

Xinwang Zhao Zhen is only limited to small physical intimacy with Luo Yueer, let alone himself.

"No need." She thought for a moment, then shook her head vigorously.She didn't want to be a drag on King Xin Zhao Zhen, so she said, "Young Lord Xin Qiansui, you go first, and then come and save me when you control the granary area..."

She paused for a moment, and said with some hesitation: "I'm from the Jianghu, so I won't be too scared alone. At most, Your Highness, you can leave me a few more firecrackers for lighting."

The letter king, Zhao Zhen, looked at Ma Yueying, a stubborn girl, dumbfounded. She clearly had a look of fear on her face, but she acted as if I was going to die, so you can go away.

He thought to himself whether he could find a way out is still a problem, but even if he was lucky and everything went well, it would be at least a few hours before he came back.Not to mention the possible dangers of leaving a defenseless girl here.Even if there were no other dangers, Ma Yueying herself was in danger.

The most important thing now is that maybe as soon as he stays away, Ma Yueying will be in danger of being controlled by the secret "drug" and losing her "nature".

However, he thought about it for a while, and instead of expressing his worries directly, he said euphemistically, "You've lost too much blood, it would be very dangerous to stay here."

"It doesn't matter!" The red girl shook her head and said: "The overall situation is the most important thing, and there is no need for you, Your Highness, to bring a burden!"

She paused for a while, and said in a weak voice: "Actually, thank you very much, Xin Wang Qiansui, you don't want to leave Ma Yueying behind, all this is enough..."

The girl took a breath, and suddenly showed a smile with some difficulty: "So..., I can't be so selfish, can I?"

Xin Wang Zhao Zhen was startled when he heard this.

He looked at Ma Yueying's beautiful eyes, which even contained a trace of mist, but they were still dim and dull after all, and he suddenly understood in his heart.

If such an excellent girl was in a stable era, at least she would not have encountered such a fate.But in the past few years, has Mrs. Song ever settled down?

The era of the Song-Jin war was a disputed and turbulent world, and the time of the Jin-Song war was a turbulent environment, writing an epic chapter.Heroes come out of "troubled" times, but to this world, "troubled" times are nothing more than flames burning the earth, bones piling up, and blood flowing into rivers.

Although in the Song Dynasty, because the incompetent Zhao family held the ruling power of the country, it caused more and more resistance, but this resistance was not aimed at overthrowing the system of this world.In the final analysis, it is because the people at the bottom generally cannot bear the oppression and incompetence of the rulers.

And the only criterion for judging is strength, the strong are respected, and the weak seem to be supposed to fend for themselves.

As a modern believer, although Zhao Zhen did not object to the former, he absolutely disapproved of the latter.

Therefore, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen came to this era to change all of this, which is different from changing the fate of the kingdom of Song Dynasty.He is a rebellion against the will of the world itself. This will not only represents the interests of a huge public that is weak on the surface, but is actually the strongest force. He also needs to form this force and discover its own nature law.

The selfish wish of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen is to save the Great Song Dynasty, finally attack and kill all the resistance that hinders the great Song Dynasty, and win the vast land that he knows is ten times that of the Great Song Dynasty.As for whether more people will be harmed because of this wish, these people may come from other countries in the world, whether it is the Jin army, the Mongols, or even the dignitaries of the Song Dynasty itself. Think more.

Xin Wang Zhao Zhen only hoped that those people he was familiar with, such as Yue Fei, Zhang Xian, Han Shizhong, Niu Gao, and many more people who dedicated their lives for the Great Song Dynasty, would not repeat the tragedy that happened to these people.

Rewriting history, that's all.Just like when a tragedy like Ma Yueying happened to him, he didn't think he could turn a blind eye.

Therefore, after hearing the girl's words, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen shook his head and said, "You think too much, am I such a selfish and incompetent prince..."

"But...?" Ma Yueying was still hesitantly trying to dissuade the other party.

"An excellent leader will never abandon any of his subordinates. There is a saying, comrades-in-arms, you can't abandon any of them. Don't abandon! Don't give up! Although it is an ordinary word, I have never violated it. Make this oath." Xinwang Zhao Zhen felt that he should say something more handsome at this time.

But when he found that he opened his mouth, he couldn't be serious anymore, and finally he could only shake his head and make a clumsy joke: "Don't worry, I won't take advantage of you..."

But after Xin Wang Zhao Zhen said this, he was about to cry in his heart, feeling that he had completely lost his mother's face as a time traveler and as a generation of prince.

Ma Yueying couldn't get better, her face blushed immediately, she shook her head and said, "Of course not, but...".

"There is nothing but..." Xin Wang Zhao Zhen felt that he was going to go crazy if he continued.Without saying a word, he grabbed Ma Yueying horizontally with both hands, completely ignoring that the latter let out a low cry of fright, and walked away.

Ma Yueying was stunned.She never dreamed that Xin Wang Zhao Zhen would come hard, she thought in a mess in her heart: "He, he, he just said that he would not take advantage of me!"

However, the girl immediately lowered her head and buried herself in front of her chest like an ostrich, her ears were red and her heart was pounding, she couldn't say a word.

Does she think this is the legendary hug?

When she was in the Mingjiao Dharma Protection Group, she wondered more than once whether He Zizai would hug her like this one day in the future, but this little extravagant hope has long since turned into a beautiful fantasy after Lin Yuexuan appeared.

But this girl who was full of romantic thoughts never imagined that one day someone would really hug her like this.It's just that this person is not the person she imagined, and the dark underground cracks around him seem a little too weird.

But she still rested her head on Zhao Zhen's broad chest. Although her heart was beating violently, she felt an inexplicable sense of stability and security.

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