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The officers and soldiers standing guard outside the camp suddenly found that there was such a small soldier behind them, and they all couldn't help being stunned. One of the officers and soldiers quickly reached out to stop the soldier, and asked loudly: "Hey! Where are you from? Why did you appear? behind us?"

After the soldier was stopped, he couldn't help trembling. In the eyes of those officers and soldiers, this action became more and more suspicious. Even if he wanted to grab the soldier's helmet, he wanted to see the soldier's appearance clearly. : To read the most free chapters of this novel, please visit...Seeing the big hand of the officer and soldier stretched out towards his head, the little soldier shouted in a low voice: "Bold! How dare you salute me!"

Hearing the somewhat familiar voice, the officer and soldier couldn't help being stunned for a moment. When he lowered his head, he saw the face hidden under the helmet, which immediately frightened the officer and soldier to death. kneel.But the little soldier hurriedly made a vicious gesture to stop him, danced and gestured with his hands sideways, and signaled to the surrounding officers and soldiers who had noticed the abnormality here. The brief meaning was: "Anyone who dares to speak up! Behead!"

If ordinary soldiers make such a gesture, they will only be laughed at by these officers and soldiers and arrested immediately.But after seeing the appearance of the little soldier in front of them clearly, all these officers and soldiers were scared out of their wits, and they dared not say anything more, some even dared not breathe out, for fear that if they breathed more, they would disobey the little soldier's order.Special Forces Crossing: Prince Song 3000000

Seeing this result, the little soldier seemed very satisfied, Dang even nodded, and walked towards the gate of the stockade swaggeringly.And when those officers and soldiers saw each other, they just hesitated for a moment, looking at me, and I looked at you, but all of them followed immediately, and no one dared to stay any longer.Although the little soldier was a little upset when he saw the soldiers following behind him, he didn't say anything in the end, and walked towards the gate of the village by himself, looking left and right with some excitement.

He walked all the way to the gate of the stockade, but the little soldier was a little surprised at the scene at the gate of the stockade. He pointed to the wide open gate of the stockade and asked the officers and soldiers who followed him, "Didn't you say that there are many officers and soldiers outside? Why are there so many soldiers at the gate of the stockade?" Are they all wide open?"

The officers and soldiers didn't know what happened at the gate of the village, so they couldn't answer at all.But at this moment, there was a thunderous shout from outside the town, which shocked the little soldier.Immediately, the little soldier seemed to be very excited, and hurriedly ran towards the gate of the wide-open stockade. The little soldier ran like this, but the officers and soldiers behind him were frightened, and they didn't dare to stretch out their hands to pull them. Feidi chased after him, trying to stop the soldier before he rushed out of the gate of the camp.

It's a pity that things backfired. A small group of defenders ran down from the gate at this time. They didn't know what task they were going to perform, so they "cut in" between the officer and the soldier, just blocking the officer's path.Those officers and soldiers were jumping in a hurry, but they couldn't pass through the guards for a while, they could only watch the little soldier run out of the gate of the village.The face of one of the generals was pale with fright, and he hurriedly shouted to his companions: "!! Go to the gate and inform the general! Go! It's over! It's over! We're all going to lose our heads!" The sentence was talking to himself, and the officers and soldiers around him were equally surprised.

Not to mention what happened to those soldiers, just the little soldier ran out of the gate of the stockade by himself. When he looked up, he happened to see a guard of dozens of people guarding the gate of the city. It was emotionally shouting loudly: "The general is mighty! The general is brave!"

The little soldier was confused when he heard that, even if he didn't care about 21, he just squeezed into the middle of the defenders. Fortunately, the defenders were all very excited now, no one paid attention to this little soldier, he was really caught He was squeezed to the front.The soldier who squeezed to the front reached out to support the large helmet on his head, revealing a fair face and a pair of big round and watery eyes, looking towards the battlefield ahead.Seeing the scene in the distance, he immediately stopped the soldier.

Not far ahead, looking around, they are all officers and soldiers wearing helmets and military uniforms. Compared with the size of these officers and soldiers, the number of these defenders beside the soldiers is simply a piece of cake, not even enough. Lick" the opponent's fraction.

But now, in the army formation of those officers and soldiers on the opposite side, those officers and soldiers seemed to be in "chaos", looking a bit messy, and they all squeezed to the rear of the army formation.On the other hand, the morale of the defenders around them was high, and they all brandished their weapons and exclaimed loudly.This kind of contrast made Xiao Bing a little puzzled, and when he even grabbed a guarding soldier beside him, he asked, "Hey! What are you shouting about?"

Maybe it was because he was too excited. The guard soldier didn't notice anything unusual in the soldier's voice, and just shouted loudly: "Didn't you see that? That general is so powerful! All alone! He has only one person! He even rushed into the army of officers and soldiers and turned so many officers and soldiers upside down! He is simply a god! God! He is so powerful! I have never seen such a powerful person in my life !” The defenders spoke incoherently at the end.

But the little soldier had already understood it almost. When he followed the gazes of the defenders around him, sure enough, among the officers and soldiers in front of him, the little soldier saw a general in silver armor.Because there were too many officers and soldiers before, Xiaobing hadn't seen anyone yet!

The stockade of the Great Sage King Yang Yao and the Yingxuan Allied Forces is located on the mountain, and it is clear at a glance from the gate of the stockade.The little soldier looked down from a height and saw that the general was galloping his horse through the formation of officers and soldiers.Wherever he went, there would be patches of blood rain, and in a blink of an eye, the silver armor on his body was completely stained red by the blood.But none of those officers, soldiers and soldiers could stop the silver-armored general, so they had to let the silver-armored general rush among them, there was nothing he could do.

Seeing the might of the silver-armored general, the little soldier's big eyes became more and more bright, and he quickly grabbed the guard soldier who had just answered his question and shouted: "It's amazing! It's really amazing! That silver-armored soldier Who is the general? How could he be so powerful!"

Although it was uncomfortable to be grabbed by the soldier's arm and swayed desperately, but the soldier's words spoke out his own heart, and the defender didn't say anything, just cheered with the soldier.Not only them, but now the entire Yingshan military camp was immersed in cheers, especially Zhao Dali and Yingshan and other generals who were in Guanshang were also watching the battle outside the town with excitement.The only person who can keep calm is probably Ji Qianqian who is in the corner and looking at the distance.

The silver-armored general who was fighting outside the town was none other than the King of Faith, Zhao Zhen!Earlier, after learning that the leader of the army of officers and soldiers outside the town was Lu Zhengshan, Xinwang Zhao Zhen remembered how unbearable Lu Zhengshan's troops were from the spy report!

Lu Zhengshan's own martial arts are very good, but the officers and soldiers under Lu Zhengshan are all mobs!A month ago, when Lu Zhengshan besieged the rebels, he also led tens of thousands of people, but in the end he was defeated by the rebels who had far fewer troops than him.Later, defeat turned into victory, also because Lu Zhengshan beheaded the enemy general in the shortest time between the two armies!

Obviously, this army of officers and soldiers was a group of peasants pulled together by Lu Zhengshan relying on his own bravery. Now that the "chaos" of the Jin soldiers going south has subsided, ordinary people want to live a stable life, so why would they want to serve as soldiers again?And Lu Zhengshan, relying on his own bravery, used strong means to arrest those ordinary people and become his own soldiers.

Therefore, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen boldly speculated that if he went out to meet the enemy before the officers and soldiers started to tackle the barrier, he would attack the army of officers and soldiers by himself and kill Lu Zhengshan!Maybe, without Lu Zhengshan, these tens of thousands of officers and soldiers would disappear automatically!

Just at this time Zhao Dali left the pass, and there were only Xin Wang Zhao Zhen and the Yingshan barracks guard Ying Shan at the gate of the village. Even though Xin Wang Zhao Zhen made this suggestion, he decided to go out of the pass and kill Lu Zhengshan himself.Although Yingshan wanted to object, the Credible King Zhao Zhen was very persistent, and even snatched dozens of soldiers from Yingshan himself to support himself.

Because he knew that Xinwang Zhao Zhen, whose pseudonym was Zhao Yan, was the leader of the Shimen Army.Although Shimen is far less powerful than Great Sage King Yang Yao, he is still the leader of a party.Moreover, he is also Zhao Dali's friend, so Yingshan didn't dare to offend Xin Wang Zhao Zhen, so he had to let Xin Wang Zhao Zhen do his own thing, but he was always ready, if something happened to Xin Wang Zhao Zhen outside the town, The first thing to do was to close the gate of the village.Special Forces Crossing: Prince Song 3000000

When Zhao Dali heard the news and rushed over, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen had already rushed into the formation of officers and soldiers single-handedly.No matter how courageous Zhao Dali was, he didn't dare to follow up like last time. He could only run up to the gate of the village angrily, and when he saw Ying Shan, he yelled, "Bastard! Who told you to open the gate of the village? Who told you to open the gate of the village?" Send him out to die?"

Being reprimanded by Zhao Dali, Yingshan was full of grievances but did not dare to retaliate, he could only say with a bitter face: "General Zhao, this is none of my business! It is General Zhao Yan who insisted on leaving the customs. Yes! I stopped it, but I can't stop it!"

Zhao Dali gave Yingshan a hard look, knowing that no matter how much he scolded him now, it would be useless, he walked to the female wall and looked out of the town.Standing on the gate, you can see it more clearly than at the gate of the city below. Outside the town, King Xin Zhao Zhen rode a horse and held a spear, charging into the densely packed officers and soldiers like a thunderbolt.The officers, soldiers and soldiers at the head couldn't stop him at all, as a gust of wind drove by, bringing up a rain of blood, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen just killed him so forcefully.

I saw thousands of troops and horses in the distance, and a fierce general with silver armor and long spears rushed past. It's wrong to go forward!I saw the long spear fluctuating and dancing, countless enemies were stabbed down, and pieces were killed by the dancing spear shadows.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Dali couldn't help but feel his blood boil, and he no longer cared about blaming Yingshan. He clenched his fists and cheered loudly, cheering for the letter king Zhao Zhen who killed the enemy in front.With Zhao Dali taking the lead, the entire defenders at the gate waved banners and weapons, shouting loudly, and the drums on the gate were also pounded loudly.

At this moment, Xinwang Zhao Zhen didn't hear the shouts and cheers from behind at all. In his eyes, there was only the handsome flag in the middle of the army formation of officers and soldiers in front!The location of the commander-in-chief must be the location of the officers and soldiers. The purpose of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen's exit this time is not to kill the soldiers in front of him. His purpose is to kill the commander of the officers and soldiers!

It's just that the officers, soldiers and soldiers in front of them don't intend to make Xin Wang Zhao Zhen fulfill his wish. Although many comrades in arms have died tragically under the gun of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen, these officers and soldiers are still cowering towards the letter under the shouts of the generals. Wang Zhaozhen charged over.

The officers, soldiers and generals were all red-eyed, gritted their teeth, whipped and threatened the soldiers under them to jump on the letter king Zhao Zhen.Although the culling of these officers and soldiers could not pose any threat to Xin Wang Zhao Zhen for the time being, it delayed the speed of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen from rushing towards the handsome flag.

"Damn it!" Xin Wang Zhao Zhen pierced the throat of an officer and soldier, but more officers and soldiers rushed forward, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen couldn't help shouting angrily, but he had no choice but to wave the spear in his hand , Kill those officers and soldiers one by one.

He looked back, but there were more and more officers and soldiers rushing over from the front, back, left, and right. Xin Wang Zhao Zhen had no choice but to shoot the enemy again.But going on like this is not an option, although he looks awe-inspiring when he encounters gods and kills gods and Buddhas, it is believed that Wang Zhao Zhen's physical strength is also limited, and the enemy has too many troops after all.

Although the combat effectiveness of these Southern Song officers and soldiers was far inferior to that of Jin soldiers, killing people also required strength.At that time, before the letter king Zhao Zhen could reach Lu Zhengshan, he might die from exhaustion.

Xin Wang Zhao Zhen was thinking of countermeasures while killing the enemy.Suddenly, he thought that the intelligence said that the other party was also an egomaniac who thought he was the enemy of the world, and he liked to show off his courage.

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the spear in his hand swept around his body. The sharp point of the spear immediately slashed across the surrounding officers and soldiers, and fell down a large area at once.Xin Wang Zhao Zhen took advantage of this gap and shouted loudly: "Where are the officers and generals? Do you dare to fight me? Are you a coward? Seeing your brothers sacrifice in vain!"

The roar of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen resounded through the entire battlefield, even carrying echoes.Sure enough, as Xin Wang Zhao Zhen expected, soon, a loud shout came from the front of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen: "Where did you come from? You dare to challenge my lord! You really don't know how to live or die! Get out of the way! Let's see this book!" Your lord will kill this kid!"

Hearing this roar, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen couldn't help but feel elated. Sure enough, this Lu Zhengshan is a reckless man with well-developed limbs and a simple mind!Xinwang Zhao Zhen's move was a right bet!With Lu Zhengshan's roar, all the officers and soldiers who were thinking of rushing forward to fight back also retreated. Not long after, they saw the officers, soldiers and soldiers in front give up a path, flying towards the Came over here.

I saw that this man was extremely majestic, tall and big, with a silver tiger helmet on his head, but a set of black armor on his body, with a long spear in his hand, he was rushing towards the letter king Zhao Zhen.The corner of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen's lips twitched, his target for this venture out of customs was Lu Zhengshan, and Dang even yelled: "Hey! The enemy will die!" With his legs clamped, he rushed over with a gun.

In Zhang Jun's army, there are actually many unknown generals, among them is Lu Zhengshan.Lu Zhengshan was a blind man who had never read a book. He served as a soldier on Shandong Road and became the head of the capital.Later, Jin soldiers invaded, and Shandong Road fell under the powerful offensive of Jin soldiers.

Jin Bing is strong, but with his martial arts, he escaped from the pursuit of Jin Bing with dozens of officers and soldiers, and then went around in various places. After a few years, he was reused by Zhang Jun and gave him two Thousands of officers and soldiers.

However, Lu Zhengshan was not greedy enough, so he directly recruited strong men to expand his troops, and he really pulled such a huge team, even thousands of cavalry, which can be described as a huge force.It's just that Lu Zhengshan didn't dare to speak out, he was afraid of being punished by the superiors, and he sealed the news tightly, and gave Zhang Jun a lot of the gold and silver he had stolen, but nothing happened.

Before that, he happened to see a team under the great sage king Yang Yao passing by his camp, and Lu Zhengshan saw that the team was actually elite cavalry.Since the battle with King Xin's army, Great Sage King Yang Yao has lost a large number of horses supported by golden soldiers, so now Great Sage King Yang Yao has very few cavalry, most of them are sailors and infantry.

There were hundreds of cavalry guards, which meant that the other party was an important figure of the Great Sage King Sect. Lu Zhengshan, who was eager to make contributions, immediately sent cavalry to chase this army.Unexpectedly, although these rebels were not many in number, they ran quite well, but they didn't catch up when they chased them.

Lu Zhengshan couldn't bear it either, so he came here with the army himself.He had just arrived not far from the Yingshan barracks when he ran into the cavalry who had been killed by King Xin Zhao Zhen.Seeing that the cavalry he had worked so hard to build turned out to be like this, Lu Zhengshan's heart felt like bleeding, and he rushed to take revenge aggressively.Special Forces Crossing: Prince Song 3000000

Seeing the silver-armored general in front of him, Lu Zhengshan remembered that he had heard from those cavalrymen who fled back that they were defeated by a silver-armored general. Immediately, Lu Zhengshan's eyes turned red, wow! roared loudly, and charged towards Xin Wang Zhao Zhen with a gun in hand.

The two riders charged head-on, and in the blink of an eye they charged together. Just when the horse heads of the two riders were about to collide, the two men pulled the horse's head at the same time, but they changed the running direction slightly to the two sides.Immediately afterwards, the long spears in the hands of the two stabbed out quickly, and collided between the two of them, making a piercing impact sound.

Xin Wang, Zhao Zhen and Lu Zhengshan charged head-on, and in the blink of an eye, they rushed together. Just when the heads of the two horses were about to collide, they pulled the horse's head at the same time, but turned their running direction slightly to the sides. Made a mistake.

Immediately afterwards, the long spears in the hands of the two stabbed out in the air, and collided into one piece between the two of them, with a stream of sparks, and the weapons made a harsh impact sound.

The two of them just fought like this, but the war horses led their respective masters and continued to charge forward. They rushed tens of feet away, and Xin Wang Zhao Zhen and Lu Zhengshan stopped their mounts at the same time, turned their horses, They all looked at their opponents with serious faces.Although it was just a single move, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen grasped the spear tightly, and estimated that the strength of the opponent was very strong, and it was far more than several times that of the golden man's elite warrior.It seems that this Lu Zhengshan is also worthy of being one of Zhang Jun's fierce generals!Sure enough, the strength is great!

On the opposite side, Lu Zhengshan's arms were numb, and he looked at the young general in the distance in surprise.However, he was not afraid because of this, he flicked the rein again, and rode his horse towards Xin Wang Zhao Zhen and continued to charge.Lu Zhengshan was not to be outdone, the kid in front of him ruined his painstaking efforts over the past few years, if he didn't poke ten or eight transparent holes in his body, how could Lu Zhengshan swallow this breath?

The two riders collided again, but this time they both deliberately controlled their speed, and never passed each other again, but directly entangled together.I saw Lu Zhengshan yelling wildly, dancing the spear in his hand so that there were shadows all over the sky, and in a blink of an eye, those spear shadows completely covered Xin Wang Zhao Zhen.But Xin Wang Zhao Zhen narrowed his eyes, but immediately saw through those false moves, and stabbed the spear in his hand like a dragon to the upper left, immediately breaking Lu Zhengshan's dance, and directly blocked Lu Zhengshan's spear.

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