The Prince of Song Dynasty through the special forces

440 Fengzhang Road Turns to Reinforcement

"Stop." "Stop." Two voices sounded at the same time, one was from Wu Heilong who was next to him, seeing that brother-in-law was about to die tragically under Liu Tong's gun, he was so shocked that he couldn't even care about his life , and rushed towards Liu Tong's big gun.It's a pity that he was forced away by Liu Tong just now, but now he can't catch up no matter what.

But another voice sounded from the other side. As soon as the voice fell, a giant hand reached out quickly, and one of them grabbed Liu Tong's big gun.Under the obstruction of this giant hand, the big gun stopped on the chest of the half-sized man, and it couldn't penetrate even a single point no matter what.

Liu Tong raised his head in amazement and looked at the owner of the giant hand. Although the big gun was blocked by that half-sized man once before, firstly, Liu Tong did not use all his strength that time, and secondly, the boy used his own The body was pressed under the big gun, which barely stopped the power of the big gun.But this time Liu Tong shot out with anger, not to mention [-]% of the strength, but also [-]%, but with such strength, the opponent stopped him with only one hand.It shows that the owner of this hand is no small matter.

Looking to the side along the giant hand, it was a young man with an extremely strong figure. He was not considered tall, but he was extremely broad.The ordinary armor couldn't fit his body at all, so he was only wearing a set of cloth clothes, but it was also stretched tightly.Judging by his appearance, he should be about the same age as Liu Tong. His messy hair is tied into a simple bun, his face is sallow, and there is only a layer of stubble on his chin. It is in the shape of an inverted triangle, but above the eyes is a thin strand of eyebrows. This appearance reveals an evil spirit, which makes people uncomfortable to look at.

The burly man held the big gun with one hand, gave Liu Tong a cold look, and then turned his head to look at the half-sized man. He was facing the tip of the big gun, but he was still unafraid, with his chest upright and his head held high. , didn't look scared at all.When the strong man saw him, he couldn't help showing an expression of approval on his face. He nodded and said, "You are not bad, boy! You are courageous and a man."

After praising the boy, the sturdy man turned his head to look at Liu Tong, and shouted in a low voice: "You! You are a master. But what kind of skill is bullying these subordinates? Want to fight? Then fight with me." The last one When the word "war" was spoken, a cold aura burst out from the strong man's body. This kind of cold aura gave people the feeling of death, which made people shudder.This eccentric looking strong man turned out to be a top expert.

The burly man let go of the big gun and let Liu Tong put the big gun back, but with the other hand he made a backhand pick, only then did he reveal his weapon, which was a long-handled weapon.The long handle made of fine steel is equipped with a blade at the front and back respectively. The front blade has three sharp edges and is about one foot long, while the entire weapon is seven feet long.Such a long weapon is extremely flexible in the hands of this strong man. It turned twice in a row, and finally was held by the strong man with both hands, and he shouted in a deep voice: "My name is Guan Tianxia, ​​this is a three-pointed double-edged sword .Do you dare to fight me?"

"Managing the world?" Liu Tong narrowed his eyes, went through the name in his mind, and made sure that he had never heard of this name before.However, this did not affect Liu Tong's scruples about this person. Just from the weird aura emanating from Guan Tianxia, ​​it can be seen that this person's martial arts are definitely not inferior to his own.

Unexpectedly, in this martial arts mountain city, he could encounter masters one after another.But Liu Tong will not be timid because of this, instead he proudly raised his big gun and shouted: "Linjiang Military City Liu Tong. If you want to fight, then fight!"

When the two shouted, the soldiers on both sides consciously gave up a space, after all, no one wanted to be affected by Chi Yu.Without words to agree, the two started their offensive at the same time.Liu Tong's big gun was full of domineering, and with a whistling wind, it stabbed towards Guan Tianxia's chest in the middle.However, Guan Tianxia's weird three-pointed double-edged knife was very strange. It kept turning in circles in Guan Tianxia's hands, and the sound of piercing the air was sharp and ear-piercing.

Just watched the front and rear blades of the three-pointed and two-edged knife keep beating on the barrel of the big gun, and it was so direct that it knocked the big gun to the side. The blade knife was still turning in circles, and sliced ​​towards Liu Tong's chest.

Unexpectedly, this three-pointed two-edged knife is so long, but it turned out to be a weapon for close combat.Wu Heilong and the half-child who were watching the battle were very surprised. The half-boy finally closed his mouth, blinked and asked Wu Heilong next to him: "Brother-in-law! You said that if I worship this A master as a teacher, can you become a master like this master in the future?"

Wu Heilong couldn't help being taken aback for what the half-boy was talking about, but he soon came back to his senses, glared at the half-boy, and cursed, "Ah Xiao! How dare you mention this?" Tell me! Why did you come here? Didn’t I ask you to accompany your sister yesterday?”

The middle-aged boy named A Xiao remembered that he almost got into trouble this time, so he quickly changed the topic, pointed at the soldiers of the two armies who were fighting at the side, and shouted: "Brother-in-law, now is not the time to talk about this. You Look, the enemy is about to rush into the city. Let's hurry up and help." After that, without waiting for Wu Heilong's answer, he rushed to a nearby battle group, chopped down an enemy with a single knife, and fought with the others. The defenders fought side by side.

Seeing his unreliable brother-in-law, Wu Heilong had no choice but to do so now. Even if this guy was driven back, he might sneak back.It's better to let this servant stay under his nose, so that he can prevent any accidents from happening to him.Immediately, Wu Heilong just took a look at the battle between Guan Tianxia and Liu Tong, and made sure that Guan Tianxia had no problem for the time being, so he turned around and threw himself into the battle around him.

As for the news about Wu Heilong and his brother-in-law, it was impossible for Guan Tianxia and Liu Tong, who had already been caught in the battle group, to know about it. Now that they were in the midst of a battle, they couldn't care less about what was going on around them.

Every time Liu Tong stabbed out, he was vigorous and unstoppable.It can be said that Liu Tong's spear skills have already been ranked among everyone, and he can be said to be a rare master in the world.

On the other hand, in Guan Tianxia's hands, the three-pointed and two-edged saber is like a nimble two-headed snake, surrounding Liu Tong, exposing Liu Tong's vitals from time to time. fangs.It was also thanks to Liu Tong's skill, otherwise, he would have been defeated by Guan Tianxia's weird skill.

In just a blink of an eye, Guan Tianxia and Liu Tong had exchanged nearly a hundred moves, while on the other side, Ding Xi and Liu Yi were also in full swing.In the beginning, Ding Xi cared about the war and was distracted by two things. Even if he was stronger than Liu Yi, he couldn't do anything for a while.It can be seen that Ding Xi is temporarily relieved by the appearance of strong people around him, and began to concentrate on dealing with Liu Yi.With Ding Xi's concentration, Liu Yi suffered a lot.

It may be due to his personality. Originally, Liu Yi's tactics were mainly offensive.In the beginning, Ding Xi only concentrated on defending, while Liu Yi just played to his strengths.But now Ding Xi began to counterattack step by step, which made Liu Yi a little overwhelmed, especially the more he got to the back, the more he was forced to retreat and defend, which made Liu Yi more and more aggrieved.

However, although Ding Xi had the upper hand in the battle with Liu Yi, he couldn't change the development of the entire battle on the top of the city.On the entire city, more and more enemies climbed up, and the defenders could no longer suppress the enemy's offensive and began to retreat continuously.In a blink of an eye, nearly half of the city was occupied by the enemy.Ding Xi saw it in his eyes, but he was anxious in his heart, and his distraction, the advantage he had just gained with great difficulty, was wiped out in an instant.

Seeing that if things go on like this, the city will be captured sooner or later, Ding Xi gritted his teeth, swept his gun horizontally, and forced Liu Yi to retreat. ! Everyone retreated, retreated into the city."

Liu Yi obviously didn't expect that Ding Xi would choose to retreat, so he couldn't help being taken aback, and when he recovered, Ding Xi had already run far away.Even though Liu Yidang was furious, he yelled and cursed at the direction Ding Xi was escaping: "You are a cowardly gangster. You ran away just like that. Are you so afraid of me?"

Naturally, Ding Xi would not fall for such a simple aggressive method, and he went underground without looking back. Ding Xi pretended he didn't hear Liu Yi's scolding at all.Wu Heilong and the boy named A Xiao saw that Ding Xi gave the order, so naturally they also retreated, and Wu Heilong did not forget Guan Tianxia who just saved their lives, and shouted at Guan Tianxia: "Guan Tianxia Warriors, don’t love to fight. Let’s retreat first!” Special Forces Crossing: Prince Song 440

And Guan Tianxia, ​​who was fighting fiercely with Liu Tong, naturally also heard Ding Xi's shout, and now he heard Wu Heilong's greeting, he hesitated for a moment, it was a false move, and retreated with the surrounding defenders.

Soon, another two hours passed, and the battle had moved from the top of the city to the inside of the city.Under the leadership of Ding Xi, the defenders began to move into the streets and alleys of Wugong Mountain City, and began a more difficult street fighting.Now it's time for the newly recruited new army to play a role.Most of these soldiers are native Wugong mountain people, and they are very familiar with the streets and alleys of Wugong mountain city. They can use the houses and alleys to attack the enemy, and they make full use of the advantages of the terrain to attack the enemy. trouble.

However, after the city gate was breached, all the Liu family's army began to march straight in. These small troubles were nothing to Liu Tong and the others.After entering the city, Liu Tong met Guan Tianxia again, while Ding Xi faced Guangzong Mountain. As for Liu Yi, he fought with Wu Heilong. These six people were at the widest backbone of Wugong Mountain City. Dow started the fight.As for the armies of both sides, they fought in every corner of the city, and for a while, it was difficult to tell which was superior.

On the other side of Wugong Mountain City, under the escort of several personal guards, Elder Wu had already retreated to the last unbroken city gate. Thick smoke, this martial arts mountain city really can't be defended.

With Elder Wu's resourcefulness, how could he fail to see the importance of this martial arts mountain?If this martial art mountain is lost, the letter king Zhao Zhen who is far away in Dingzhou will be in danger.But now Elder Wu is also a clever woman who can't cook without rice.Without enough soldiers and horses, no matter how powerful Elder Wu is, he will not be able to save the defeat.

After finally taking another look at the city, Elder Wu gritted his teeth. In the end, he could only turn around and shout to the guards, "Open the city gate. Let's go back to the main city of Wugong Mountain." Although Elder Wu was not reconciled, he would not hug him With the idea of ​​dying for the city, stay here to die.Now the only option is to escape from the main city of Wugong Mountain and find a solution after returning to Wugong Mountain.It's just a pity for Ding Xi, this is a general under the lord's account.

And just when the city gate was opened and Elder Wu and others were about to leave Wugong Mountain City, suddenly, the face of a guard behind Elder Wu changed, and he rushed to Elder Wu with a stride, stretched out his hand Stopped, shouted: "Master Wu. Wait a minute. There are strange things ahead."

"Huh? Weird?" Elder Wu was also taken aback, and the other guards surrounded Elder Wu nervously, and Elder Wu asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong?" There was a rare expression of nervousness on his face, there was no way, no matter how capable he was, he was just a weak scholar, if he really encountered any enemies, relying on these personal guards around him, he might not be able to I can protect him.

The personal guard who shouted before was the captain of the personal guard next to Elder Wu, and he was a carefully selected veteran.Dang even bent down directly, stretched out his hands to press the ground, closed his eyes and remained silent for a moment, finally stood up, clasped his fists at Elder Wu and shouted: "My lord, there is an army coming from a distance outside the city, and there are not many of them. It should be They're all cavalry."

"Cavalry." Elder Wu still looked heavy at first, thinking that the enemy had also ambushed soldiers and horses here, but when he heard what the guards said, his face was full of astonishment, and his joyful expression was quickly disappearing. floating on his face.Immediately, Elder Wu waved his hand and shouted: "Huang Yunfei's Qingqi must have arrived. Quickly open the city gate for me. Welcome the reinforcements into the city."

Elder Wu immediately thought that it was Huang Yunfei's Qingqi, and it was not without reason. Among the heroes and officers and soldiers in the south, only Han Shizhong, Yingxuan, Liu Guangshi in the Southern Song Dynasty, and Zhao Zhen, the letter king in the rebel army, had established cavalry in their hands. up.Where could those officer cavalry come to Wugong Mountain?Most of Yingxuan's cavalry remained in Jiangling. If they were not cavalry from the Southern Song court, they could only be Qingqi under the tent of King Xin Zhao Zhen.

Sure enough, after a while, on the distant horizon outside the city, a black army appeared, holding high the "Yellow" and "Zhao" military flags, and the leader was the general Huang Yunfei.

It turned out that after Huang Yunfei learned that Wugong Mountain was attacked by Liu Daguang's army, Dang even brought soldiers and horses from Xishanzhai to Wugongshan, the former village, non-stop.Huang Yunfei's heavy armored infantry is infantry, although they are strong, but not fast, so Huang Yunfei decisively left the heavy armored infantry in the West Shanzhai, let them come slowly, and he brought light cavalry, day and night to rescue Wugong Shanqian Village.

The speed of Qingqi was unbelievably fast. In a blink of an eye, Huang Yunfei had already rushed to the gate of Wugong Mountain City with his soldiers and horses. When he saw Elder Wu waiting at the gate, Huang Yunfei understood the current martial arts without Elder Wu's introduction. How critical is the situation in Shanqianshan Mountain City.He directly ordered Qingqi to rush into the city to rescue.But Huang Yunfei himself stayed at the gate of the city, waiting for the Qingqi to charge in, Huang Yunfei immediately got off his horse and walked in front of Elder Wu, clasping his fists in front of Elder Wu and said: "The last general pays his respects to Master Wu."

Elder Wu is so happy now.Originally thought that Wugong Mountain City had been lost, but Huang Yunfei arrived in time.As soon as Huang Yunfei arrived, Elder Wu didn't even need to look, he knew that he would definitely repel the enemy.The power of Qingqi should not be underestimated.Elder Wu immediately helped Huang Yunfei up, and said with a smile, "General Huang has worked hard this time."

"Don't dare." Huang Yunfei said lightly, but the tiredness on his face could not be concealed. From Xishanzhai to Wugongshanqianzhaizhai, day and night, day and night, no one would change. Possibly in high spirits.

I have long been used to Huang Yunfei's taciturn character. Elder Wu didn't have any objection to Huang Yunfei's simple answer, so he nodded and said, "Okay. Since General Huang is here, let's return to the city quickly and assist General Ding." Repel the enemy."

Of course, Huang Yunfei would not have any objection to Elder Wu's proposal, Dang even nodded, and at the same time made a gesture of invitation, signaling Elder Wu to walk in front of him.Although Huang Yunfei is not very talkative, it doesn't mean he is stupid. Elder Wu, as the father-in-law of King Xin Zhao Zhen and one of the four advisers under the Southern Army's account, compared to Huang Yunfei, his status is not ordinary.Although Huang Yunfei had a heavy army in his hands, he didn't dare to make a mistake in front of Elder Wu.

Everything was exactly as Elder Wu expected, when Qingqi suddenly appeared in Wugong Mountain City, Liu Tong and his soldiers and horses were all shocked.Although the streets and alleys in the city cannot give full play to the power of Qingqi, the number of eight thousand Qingqi alone is enough to make them lose their fighting spirit.

Liu Tong, who was fighting with Guan Tianxia, ​​glanced at the more and more light cavalry around him, and naturally understood that their plan to attack Wugong Mountain this time had completely failed.Although he was very unwilling, he could only "force" Guan Tianxia back with a single shot, and shouted loudly: "Old General! Liu Yi! Let's retreat! Retreat!"

This retreat was obviously not just about withdrawing from the martial arts mountain city that was finally breached, but a complete retreat to the Nankang army.Originally, he came here full of confidence, but Liu Tong could only return in defeat in the end.

However, Liu Jun retreated and Liu Tong wanted to leave, but it was not so easy.Guan Tianxia snorted coldly, but brandished the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, and chased after him. The three-pointed two-edged knife stabbed towards Liu Tong's vitals with a very strange trajectory.If Liu Tong continued to escape, he would definitely be stabbed in the vitals by the three-pointed and two-edged knife, so Guan Tianxia's knife forced Liu Tong to stop and continue to fight with Guan Tianxia .Special Forces Crossing: Prince Song 440

On the other two battlefields, after hearing Liu Tong's order, Liu Yi, who was stronger than Wu Heilong, had no choice but to give up Wu Heilong, who was already bruised but still holding on, turned around and ran out of the city. go.Although Guang Zongshan's skills are comparable to Ding Xi's, Guang Zongshan's combat experience is far superior to Ding Xi's. Liu Tong rushed over.

Guang Zongshan rushed forward, but blocked Guan Tianxia's three-pointed and two-edged sword, turned his head and shouted to Liu Tong: "Young man! Go, I'll cut it off."

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