And Zhao Yun flew up and kicked Wang Xiong's chest violently. Wang Xiong didn't expect Zhao Yun to use such a move, but he was kicked straight by Zhao Yun's kick, and he retreated continuously. took a few steps. <-" It's just that Wang Xiong's skin is rough and fleshy, although Zhao Yun's kick is not light, but to him, it's just a little more dust on his chest.

Reaching out to wipe off the footprints on his chest, Wang Xiong grinned and came up again.But this time Zhao Yun has learned his lesson, and he will no longer fight hard with Wang Xiong. I saw him dexterously hopping around Wang Xiong to avoid Wang Xiong's attack, and stabbing a shot from time to time. There were wounds on his body.

Wang Xiong was very annoyed by this kind of fighting skill, but he couldn't do anything to Zhao Yun, so he could only wave the spear in his hand, chasing Zhao Yun and killing him. "Damn it. I don't believe I can't beat you up."

After a dozen or so "marks" were left on his body by Zhao Yun, Wang Xiong finally lost his composure. With a roar, his whole body sank suddenly, and suddenly Wang Xiong's whole body seemed to be It turned into a boulder, giving people the illusion of being unshakable.

Zhao Yun raised his eyebrows, and immediately saw that Wang Xiong was going to use a trick.Immediately, Zhao Yun didn't care about continuing to attack, so he hurriedly stepped back a few steps one after another, keeping a certain distance from Wang Xiong.As a master at the same level as Wang Xiong, Zhao Yun certainly understood that Wang Xiong's unique move was definitely not trivial, so naturally he did not dare to underestimate the enemy.After seeing Zhao Yun backing away, Wang Xiong smiled, but he didn't intend to stop. He just stared at the pair of red suns, and stared at Zhao Yun. Pointing directly at Zhao Yun.Special Forces Crossing: Prince Song 463

Wang Xiong's posture clearly showed that he was unwilling to let it go, and that there must be a winner.Zhao Yun is not a shy person either, so he immediately snorted coldly, raised the silver spear with both hands, and pressed his body down, and wanted to use the final trick, the Seven Detector Pan Snake Spear. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa than-!' Slowly from his throat.

"Drink!" Zhao Yun's eyes were cold, and his face was full of murderous intent. The battle with Wang Xiong is no longer a simple battle of spirits. If he doesn't hug and kill the opponent The belief that the last one to die must be Zhao Yun himself.

As if the two had made an agreement in advance, after accumulating the momentum for about a stick of incense, the two roared at the same time, and then there were two loud noises, and the two figures turned into two black shadows , Facing the opponent and rushed over.In the position where they stood just now, two pairs of deep footprints were left behind.

Seeing that the two are about to fight together, after this blow, there will definitely be a winner.It's just that the outcome will be decided by the death of one party.At this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded: "Okay you king bear. Hurry up and stop."

Immediately after the loud shout, both Wang Xiong and Zhao Yun trembled at the same time. Seeing that they were about to collide, they stopped with a very strange footstep.Zhao Yun took a few steps back and stood there without moving, while Wang Xiong stood up straight, turned his head and looked in the direction where the shouting sound came from earlier, he smiled, his face just now The tyrannical air on the ground dissipated without a trace in a blink of an eye.Only Wang Xiong said with a smile: "It's okay to ask me to stop. But you also understand my character. How is it? What's the benefit?"

"Hehe. You said back then that you have two major hobbies in your life, one is drinking and the other is fighting. Since I have spoiled your interest in fighting today, I naturally want to compensate you for drinking. How about it? The fine wine produced in Hedong That's enough." Following this laughter, a person slowly walked out at the gate of the city.Wearing a brocade robe with his hands on his shoulders, he is the letter king Zhao Zhen who appears to be Jiangling Jiedu envoy, but in fact has ruled most of the Song Dynasty.

Seeing the appearance of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen, Zhao Yun, Cheng Wanli and a group of soldiers from Jiangling City all bowed down and shouted in unison: "See Lord Jiedushi." The momentum made Wang Xiong, Zhang Wenxin and others come from Yiyang The soldiers and horses who came were all stunned.

The letter king, Zhao Zhen, waved his hand, smiled and said to Zhao Yun and the others: "Okay, okay, get up. Cheng Wanli, take this messenger and a group of his subordinates to the city to rest. Zhao Yun, just now Are you injured?" Xin Wang Zhao Zhen first ordered Cheng Wanli, but asked Cheng Wanli to lead Zhang Wenxin and others into the city, then turned his head to look at Zhao Yun, and asked with concern.

Cheng Wanli heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Zhao Yun and Wang Xiong, the King of Letters, come out and stopped the fight between Zhao Yun and Wang Xiong. Zhang Wenxin walked into the city.

But Zhao Yun couldn't help but feel warm when he heard the words of Xinwang Zhao Zhen's concern, and immediately cupped his fists and shouted: "My lord, please rest assured. The final general is not injured. It's just..."

"Okay. Okay." Xin Wang Zhao Zhen didn't wait for Zhao Yun to continue, nodded and laughed repeatedly: "Very good. It's fine if you're not injured. Well, you go back first. It's fine to have me here." Xin Wang Zhao Zhen smiled He patted Zhao Yun on the shoulder, then turned around and walked towards Wang Xiong.

At first Wang Xiong was overwhelmed by the aura that Xin Wang Zhao Zhen had never seen before, but he soon returned to his normal state, laughing loudly and saying, "Hahahaha! Well, Mr. Zhao Yan, are you finally willing to come out? What you just said can be counted? I can taste the fine wine produced in Hedong! Don't try to deceive me with fake wine."

"Hahahaha." Xin Wang Zhao Zhen also laughed loudly, and said, "Don't worry. I'll lie to anyone, and I won't lie to you! I didn't know you were here before. Temporary preparations may not be enough, but these ten You can still afford good wine. Tomorrow, an endless supply of good wine will be delivered to you. Come, follow me to Jiedushifu, and you will know for yourself."

As soon as Wang Xiong heard what Xin Wang Zhao Zhen said, his saliva flowed out. He laughed and followed Xin Wang Zhao Zhen and walked into the city. It must be the right time to come to Jiangling. There are fights and drinking again. Damn! I really want to stay here for the rest of my life."

Stay here forever?Xin Wang Zhao Zhen heard Wang Xiong's muttering, and was really moved. It would be great if he could dig Wang Xiong to his side with fine wine.However, Xinwang Zhao Zhen immediately shook his head and smiled wryly. This kind of thinking is simply unrealistic.

According to the information provided by Xin Wang Jun's intelligence network, Gao An saved the lives of Wang Xiong's family, so how loyal Wang Xiong is to Gao An, how could Xin Wang Zhao Zhen not know?Don't look at Wang Xiong's soul being seduced by fine wine now, but if Xin Wang Zhao Zhen really makes such a request with Wang Xiong, then Wang Xiong's custody will immediately turn his back.

In short, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen still can't buy this brave man.He first took Wang Xiong into the Jiedu Mission's Mansion in the city, and at the gate of the city, Zhao Yun also withdrew his soldiers and horses to the barracks.

For a moment, the city gate that was originally full of people immediately became empty.However, the battle between Zhao Yun and Wang Xiong just now, and the appearance of the last envoy, Zhao Zhen, made the people in the entire Jiangling City start talking about it. Many people who saw the battle between Zhao Yun and Wang Xiong on the spot, It even spread the battle in the city with embellishment.

All of a sudden, the people in Jiangling City knew that as an ally of the Jiedu Envoy, Peng You, the Jiedu Envoy of Yuezhou, had sent an envoy. This person with a little discernment seemed to smell an unusual smell from it. .In the Zhong Mansion located in the south of Jiangling City, after listening to his servant describe what happened at the gate of the city just now, Zhong Pan remained silent, but waved his hand at the servant, signaling the servant to step back. .Special Forces Crossing: Prince Song 463

Leaving Zhong Pan alone in the study, he stayed there for more than two hours.

When Zhong Pan came back to his senses again, it was already sunset outside the window, looking at the scarlet sunset, Zhong Pan couldn't help expressing his feelings, and let out a long sigh.

Let’s say that after Zhang Wenxin and Xin Wang Zhao Zhen negotiated their mutual offensive and defensive alliance, he clasped his fists to Xin Wang Zhao Zhen and said: “Now that the cooperation between the two parties has been negotiated, the general will leave to return to Yiyang to return to life. May I ask Mr. Jiedu, what about the king? Where is General Xiong now, he should return to Yiyang with the last general." Since he said goodbye to Wang Xiong at the gate of the city that day, three days have passed, and Zhang Wenxin has never seen Wang Xiong again.

Zhang Wenxin also knew that Wang Xiong was Gao An's brother-in-law and a very important general under Gao An's command, so he must not lose anything.Hearing Zhang Wenxin mentioned Wang Xiong, Zhao Zhen and Ji Qianqian immediately looked at each other and smiled, Zhao Zhen said: "As for General Wang Xiong, I'm afraid Mr. Zhang won't be able to take him away."

"Ah?" Zhang Wenxin was stunned. For a while, she didn't understand the meaning of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen's words. Jiangling who came with the last general, the last general must take him back. Otherwise, the last general will not be able to explain to Lord Peng You and General Gao An."

At this time, Zhang Wenxin was itching with hatred in his heart, and decided that Zhao Zhen, the king of letters, had taken a fancy to Wang Xiong's Wu Yong, and wanted to force him to stay in Jiangling.Xin Wang Zhao Zhen waved his hand and said to Zhang Wenxin: "Master Zhang, don't misunderstand. What I mean is not to force General Wang Xiong to stay, but that General Wang Xiong has been staying in the Zuixian Tower in the city for the past few days. Some nostalgia is forgotten."

When Xin Wang Zhao Zhen said this, Zhang Wenxin was stunned immediately, thinking of Wang Xiong's temperament, it might really be like this, but he still looked suspiciously at Xin Wang Zhao Zhen and Ji Qianqian, it seemed that they were still not very good believe.

Xinwang Zhao Zhen smiled, and winked at Ji Qianqian, and Ji Qianqian immediately said knowingly to Zhang Wenxin: "If my lord doesn't believe me, then I can also take Mr. Zhang to Zuixianlou. It’s clear. Please, Mr. Zhang.” Zhang Wenxin hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to take a look in person, even if Wang Xiong really did what Xin Wang Zhao Zhen said, even if Zhang Wenxin was dragging, he would drag Wang Xiong away. .Immediately, Zhang Wenxin said goodbye to the letter king Zhao Zhen first, and then walked out of the living room quickly under the leadership of Ji Qianqian.

As soon as Zhang Wenxin left, the smile on Zhao Zhen's face disappeared immediately.

To be honest, this time Xin Wang Zhao Zhen really didn't play any tricks, and he didn't expect to win Wang Xiong over with those fine wines.This Zhang Wenxin is not stupid, I am afraid that after he finds Wang Xiong in Zuixian Tower this time, it is time for the two of them to leave Jiangling.

In short, this time the matter between Peng You and Gao An was temporarily resolved.It's just that I don't know what kind of reaction Peng You will have, and Gao An, will he fall into his trick? "My lord." Just as King Xin Zhao Zhen lowered his head to think, a voice suddenly sounded from above the head of King Xin Zhao Zhen, and then, a black shadow flashed past, and a man in black appeared in front of Zhao Zhen, King Xin, out of thin air. Facing letter king Zhao Zhen, he clasped his fists and shouted, "Report to my lord. I have information to send."

People from the Zhao Jiayi Army's Spy Department. At this time, the Zhao Jiayi Army's Spy Department has merged with the Xin Wang Yi Army's southern spy department.The king of trust, Zhao Zhen, directly handed over the power of the spy department of Zhao Jiayi's army to Yao Da, who could be regarded as an expert in conspiracies and tricks.Such an intelligence and spy organization, in the hands of Yao Da, really played its role to the extreme.Now, the Zhao Jiayi army's spy department can find out all the big and small matters in Jiangling city.And if there is any special situation, Yao Da will ask the Zhao Jiayi Army Spy Department to send the information to Xinwang Zhao Zhen.

Xin Wang Zhao Zhen's eyes narrowed, and the man in black didn't wait for Xin Wang Zhao Zhen to open his mouth, and consciously took out a note from his bosom, and handed it directly to Xin Wang Zhao Zhen.

After Xinwang Zhao Zhen read the information, he pondered for a moment, and Dang even slowly put the bamboo stick back into his arms.

Seeing Ji Qianqian coming, the shopkeeper and waiter of Zuixianlou greeted Ji Qianqian one after another, and the shopkeeper said flatteringly, "Master Ji, what orders do you have today?" ?”

Ji Qianqian waved her hand, but said, "I'm here today for business. Where's the general I brought with me a few days ago? Is he still in the private room?"

Immediately, the shopkeeper said with a look of panic on his face: "The general brought by Mr. Ji a few days ago is drinking in the private room of Class A. Speaking of that general, he can drink a lot! A villain can be regarded as I've been in the restaurant business for so many years, and it's the first time I've seen someone who can drink so well. Master Ji has made friends with really strange people!"

Hearing what the shopkeeper said, Zhang Wenxin really believed what Ji Qianqian said earlier, and felt annoyed for a while, this Wang Xiong must have gone too far.He was busy outside, and he still had to worry about fear, but he was lucky to drink wine comfortably here for so many days.

After returning to Yiyang this time, I must report this matter to my lord, and see how Liu Xuande teaches this Wang Xiong a lesson.Looking at Zhang Wenxin's cloudy face, Ji Qianqian chuckled, but nodded her head just to tease a few words, suddenly a thunderous roar sounded, which startled Ji Qianqian.

Then I heard a roar from the front: "You fucker, get out of here. Otherwise, I will have to skin you." The roar sounded, and Ji Qianqian and Zhang Wenxin raised their heads to look at you at the same time. After passing by, the expressions of the shopkeeper and the waiter next to him changed, and when they heard the voice, they knew that something must have happened.Those who run a restaurant will encounter some troubles every day, so the shopkeeper and the waiter are very clear that it is best to deal with this kind of thing in the bud.If there is a big trouble and the tables and chairs in this store are smashed, the loss will be huge.

Immediately, the shopkeeper said to Ji Qianqian: "Master Ji, something happened there, I will go and have a look." After that, the shopkeeper hurried towards the direction of the sound.

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