"Uh." Wu Erkui originally wanted to be very sure, but when he thought of Xia Cheng's eyes that were narrowed into slits, Wu Erkui couldn't help shivering.When he was with the great sage king Yang Yao, he also met Xia Cheng a few times, but it was not until Wu Erkui took refuge in Xia Cheng's tent that he realized that this man, who was not tall, was something he couldn't see through. .Even if he was standing next to him, Wu Erkui would feel chills in his back, and suddenly Wu Erkui's confidence was not so strong.

Seeing that Wu Erkui stopped talking, Wu Dakui also sighed a long time, and said, "Second brother, since we made a decision at the beginning, we can't go back. Honestly, let's continue working under Mr. Xia. Maybe our brother There is still a chance for the two of you to stand up. Even if we can't find a chance, it might not be a good thing for us to live in such a mediocre way now."

The Wu brothers are only in their 30s now, and they are in their prime, but they did not expect that Wu Dakui would have such decadent thoughts. After hearing Wu Dakui's words, Wu Erkui was also a little puzzled, but he just wanted to persuade him Suddenly, a soldier beside Wu Erkui shouted loudly: "General! Look, there seems to be something going on ahead."

"En." Upon hearing what the soldiers said, the Wu brothers quickly turned their heads to look. Their mission this time is to inspect the situation in various parts of Fuzhou. If there is any major change, they must report to Xing ** immediately.But when the two brothers turned their heads to look in the direction pointed by the soldiers, their bodies trembled at the same time, and their pupils shrank suddenly, as if they saw something extremely terrifying.

On the horizon of a plain to the west of them, a dense black shadow was flying towards them, looking from a distance, it looked like a dark cloud.However, Wu Dakui and Wu Erkui are also qualified fighters, so naturally they would not really regard the black shadow as a dark cloud, and the vibration from their own mounts had already made them understand that the black shadow What is shadow.Special Forces Crossing: Prince Song 504

"Enemy attack." Wu Dakui shouted loudly immediately, turned his horse's head at the same time, and shouted to the more than a thousand soldiers of the Xia army who were following behind: "Quickly withdraw! There is an enemy attack! Quickly withdraw!"

For the present, the only option is to turn around and rush to Chongren City in the east. With the city as a cover, there may be a glimmer of hope.As for staying and retreating from the enemy, the idea never entered Wu Dakui's mind at all.The reason is simple. From a distance, the number of enemies is at least three or four thousand, and the strength gap between the two sides is too great.If they fight on the spot, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop even a round of charges.

In a hurry, it is not an easy task to make a team of thousands of people change direction and escape, not to mention that Wu Dakui and Wu Erkui are not very capable people.

After finally turning the soldiers and horses around, the enemy was getting closer and closer. Wu Dakui took the time to turn his head to take a look, but his eyes became more and more desperate.Because he can now see clearly that this enemy army is clearly a cavalry.

On such a plain, it is absolutely impossible for infantry to outrun cavalry, there is no doubt about this.Immediately Wu Dakui gritted his teeth, turned to his brother and said, "Second Brother, leave these people alone. Let's run."

"Run?" Wu Erkui was about to order his subordinates to retreat, but he didn't expect his general to say such a sentence, and looked at Wu Dakui in surprise.But when Wu Erkui looked back at Wu Dakui's signal, his face also turned pale, but he still said unwillingly: "Then, what about them? Let's just leave them alone?"

Wu Dakui was anxious about his brother's indecision.He directly shouted: "When is this now? It's good to save our own lives. Let's go! If we don't go, it will be too late." After finishing speaking, Wu Dakui waved his horsewhip and whipped it directly On the ass of Wu Erkui's mount.

The horse suffered from pain, neighed, then raised its hooves and rushed forward, even many of its own soldiers in front were knocked down to the ground.As for Wu Dakui, he raised his whip again, but this time he whipped his mount, and ran after Wu Erkui.

This time the Wu brothers were only ordered to inspect the defense line from Fuzhou to Ganshui, so except for the two brothers, no one else was equipped with horses at all.

The Wu brothers left behind such a large group of Xia army soldiers, even their loyal cronies were abandoned by them to meet the group of black armored cavalry who came quickly from behind.

The Wu brothers who were galloping wildly didn't care about the life and death of their abandoned subordinates.In short, as long as you can save your own life, it is more important than anything else.After running wildly for tens of miles, the Wu brothers finally stopped their mounts. Looking at Chongren City not far ahead, the two brothers finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Erkui panted heavily, turned his head to make sure that the enemy was not chasing him, looked at Wu Dakui who was also dressed in rough clothes with horror on his face, and said, "Brother, who are those people? Is it Zhao Jun? How could they Appeared here suddenly?"

Wu Dakui, who was calmer than his younger brother, took a few deep breaths, and after steadying his breathing, he frowned and said, "It must be Zhao Jun. Otherwise, in Fuzhou, who else would dare to treat us so blatantly?" Do it?"

"Zhao Jun." Wu Erkui showed a look of panic. Although he had never fought against Zhao Jun, the two brothers participated in the Raozhou League with Liu Wenlu under the tent of the Great Sage King Yang Yao. .I can still vividly remember how formidable the Zhao Family Yi Army led by King Xin Zhao Zhen was in the Yingshan Military Camp back then.Wu Erkui hurriedly shouted: "How is it possible? Isn't the main force of the Zhao army in Xianning City? Why did they come here?"

"Hmm." Regarding his brother's question, Wu Dakui did not answer immediately, but pondered for a moment, a bright light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he clapped his hands and said, "That's right. It must be that Zhao Jun has some plans." .Second brother. Didn’t you still complain about not being able to wait for the opportunity before? This is great. A god-sent opportunity has come. Let’s report this to Lord Xia. It must be a great achievement.”

Wu Erkui's mind was a bit slower than his elder brother's, but he quickly understood what his elder brother meant, and he said with a smile on his face, "That's right. Why didn't I think of it. That's great. Now. Now we brothers can also feel proud under Mr. Xia's tent." As he spoke, Wu Erkui couldn't help laughing out loud, as if he had already been reused by Xia Cheng as a general with a heavy hand. generally.

Wu Dakui was also very anxious, and hurriedly pushed Wu Erkui, and said: "It's not too late. Let's go to Chongren to rest for a while, and then rush to Xingjing immediately. We have to report this matter to Lord Xia personally. You can't give this great credit back to others." When Wu Dakui said this, Wu Erkui also understood, nodded quickly and said yes, and the two brothers galloped towards Chongren City in front of them.

Chongren City is actually not a big city, but because it is closer to the Ganshui River, which is heavily guarded by King Xin's army, Xia Cheng has put a lot of effort into Chongren City. The city defense of Chongren City is not much worse than those big towns.When the Wu brothers rushed to the gate of the city, they saw that the gate was closed tightly. Wu Erkui was anxious to go to Xingjing to receive his meritorious service, so he shouted at the top of the city: "Come on! Hurry up and close the gate!" Open."

Wu Erkui shouted for a long time, but he didn't see any movement from the top of the city. Just when Wu Erkui was about to get angry, he heard a creak, but the city gate was fully opened, and he was slowly walking out from inside the city gate. A team of people.Special Forces Crossing: Prince Song 504

When Wu Erkui saw that someone had finally come out, he immediately wanted to scold them. Although the two brothers had no ambitions under Xia Cheng's account, they were also under Xia Cheng's direct subordinates after all. not worthy.

Not to mention that they now have such important information, and they are just around the corner, so how could they be polite to such a small guard.But Wu Erkui just opened his mouth and hadn't cursed yet, but Wu Dakui who was beside him stretched out his hand and stopped him.

Looking at Wu Dakui again, his face was pale at this moment. Although he could barely keep calm, his arm holding Wu Erkui was trembling non-stop.Because he had already seen clearly that the group of soldiers and horses walking out of the city gate clearly looked the same as the group of soldiers and horses that suddenly appeared before.The fool also knows that the two groups are together.

There were not many people walking out of the city gate, only a dozen or so people, all of them were wearing thick black armor, and even their mounts were covered with heavy helmets.The leader of them was a burly man, wearing a helmet with a mask on his head, holding a big knife, staring closely at the Wu brothers, and shouted proudly: "The heavy cavalry of Zhao's army is Hua'an. We are here under the order of the Jiedu envoy. You should surrender quickly. "

"Hahahaha." A burst of laughter came from the conference hall in Xianning City. In the conference hall, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen and a group of Zhao Jun's subordinates were all laughing, and it was very lively.Even Lin Yuhu, who is usually unsmiling, opened his mouth and laughed, but this smile was a bit permeating.

"Qianqian! Your idea is really bad." Shan Hongfei pointed at Ji Qianqian, who was lying on the ground with a smile on his face, shook his head and said with a smile, "It's fine if you hit them by surprise, but you actually beat them The three grain storage cities have been emptied. After Xia Cheng and the others know the news, they must grit their teeth with hatred."

On the other side, Liu He also tried his best to restrain his emotions, but he still couldn't suppress the smile on his mouth. He nodded and said, "Master Ji's plan is really clever. Taking advantage of the attention of all the rebels being captured by General Zhao They were lured to the interior of Fuzhou, but the heavy armored cavalry was sent to raid the outer defense line of Fuzhou. Although we returned the three captured cities, we returned them three empty cities, and all the food and people in the cities were taken away by us. The army snatched it over. Even if the volunteers from all walks of life got the three cities, it would be useless. In this way, the enemy's supply route was virtually lengthened, and it was a good start for resisting the enemy's attack in the future. ah."

"Yes." Xin Wang Zhao Zhen was also very satisfied. The battle with Xia Cheng and the others was absolutely impossible to end here, but it would undoubtedly be of great benefit for the two armies to fight in the future if they were able to dampen the enemy's spirit before that.Immediately, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen turned his head to Guan Tianxia and asked, "Tianxia, ​​what loss will we have in this expedition?"

Seeing Xin Wang Zhao Zhen mentioning his victory, Guan Tianxia also seemed very excited. He simply stood up, patted his chest and said to Xin Wang Zhao Zhen: "My lord, don't worry. When did the heavy cavalry army disappoint you? According to Lord Ji's order, he captured three cities in a row without losing a single soldier. Those cowardly Xia soldiers surrendered when they saw our soldiers and horses." While talking, Guan Tianxia couldn't hide his complacent expression on his face. .

Guan Tianxia's expression, Xinwang Zhao Zhen, could see it. He could see that Guan Tianxia had a great desire for utilitarianism.But Xin Wang Zhao Zhen didn't care, Guan Tianxia has this ability, so it doesn't matter if he holds some power.The letter king, Zhao Zhen, has the confidence to hold this subordinate firmly in his hands.Immediately, Zhao Zhen, the king of letters, smiled and praised: "Well done, Tianxia. After this battle of Xianning is over, I will give you credit."

Hearing Xin Wang Zhao Zhen's praise, Guan Tianxia's face was full of pride, he raised his head, glanced at the surrounding people arrogantly, and then sat down triumphantly.Seeing Guan Tianxia's appearance, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen felt more at ease. Guan Tianxia is a good fighter in war, but he just doesn't know how to behave.Such a person is exactly what Xinwang Zhao Zhen needs, and it is extremely convenient to use.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from outside: "Report to my lord. There is an important matter to report at the end."

"Oh?" As soon as this voice sounded, all the laughter in the hall immediately stopped, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen raised his eyebrows, and Dang even shouted to the outside of the meeting hall: "Come in."

Following the shout of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen, a burly and sturdy general walked in from outside the conference hall. He was wearing a set of thick black armor, but his actions were not affected at all.The general walked to the center of the conference hall, clasped his fists and bowed to the letter king Zhao Zhen, and shouted: "The last general of the heavy cavalry army, Hua'an, has met your lord."

Looking at the simple-looking man from Nanjunzhai in front of him, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen narrowed his eyes, but he was very satisfied.During Fang Hao's "rebellion" back then, Hua An was captured alive by Guan Tianxia. At first, this subordinate still refused to surrender.

However, after Xin Wang Zhao Zhen learned that Hua An had been captured, he personally ordered Hua An to be placed under house arrest, and provided with food and drink.His intelligence network showed that this Hua An was not an ordinary expert, but a well-known expert in the world.Such a good general, how could the trust king Zhao Zhen let go?

In order to recruit Hua An, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen personally went to Jiangling Nanzhai to persuade him to surrender. With Xin Wang Zhao Zhen's sincerity, Hua An finally surrendered and pledged allegiance.And Xin Wang Zhao Zhen arranged Hua An under Guan Tianxia's subordinates, which could be regarded as a restriction on Guan Tianxia's power in the Southern Army Village.And Hua An did not disappoint Xin Wang Zhao Zhen. In just half a year, Guan Tianxia was able to train a heavy cavalry army in such a short period of time. Hua An's contribution was not small.If it wasn't for the purpose of restricting the world, I'm afraid Zhao Zhen, the king of trust, would have transferred Hua An to his side to listen to him.

Without hiding his admiration for Hua An, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen nodded and smiled and said to Hua An, "It's Hua An. What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Hua An shouted in a deep voice: "My lord. The two enemy generals who were captured outside Chongren City when the last general was carrying out his mission earlier said that they had important information to report to your lord. The last general did not dare to make his own claims, so he came here to report to your lord. . Please make the decision, my lord."

"Important information?" Xin Wang Zhao Zhen's brows slowly frowned. The two enemy generals Hua An captured outside Chongren City knew about Xin Wang Zhao Zhen. They seemed to be brothers surnamed Wu.They seemed to be very stubborn before, no matter how tortured they were, they refused to speak.

Now it is said that there is important information, which makes Xinwang Zhao Zhen a little strange.He immediately nodded, glanced at the people sitting down, nodded and said, "General Li. Go and see what's going on." There is no problem with his loyalty, which makes Xinwang Zhao Zhen very relieved.

Hearing the instructions from the King of Xin Zhao Zhen, General Li dared not be negligent, he hurriedly got up and shouted at the King of Xin Zhao Zhen, then retreated under the order.After General Li and Hua An left, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen continued to discuss the next layout plan with everyone.But after more than half an hour, there was a sudden sound of extremely hurried footsteps outside the conference hall, and then General Li appeared at the door, just about to step directly into the hall, but he immediately reacted, hurriedly He clasped his fists to the letter king Zhao Zhen, and shouted: "My lord, I will report something important at the end."

"Oh?" Xin Wang Zhao Zhen was sweating profusely when he saw General Li's appearance, but his face was a little pale. This surprised Xin Wang Zhao Zhen. General Li has followed him for so many years, and he has never seen him like this before. Second appearance.It seems that something is wrong with this.Xin Wang Zhao Zhen frowned, waved his hand at General Li, and said, "Come in."

After getting permission, General Li hurriedly walked into the meeting hall, bowed to the trust king Zhao Zhen again, just about to say something, but looked at the people around him, but kept silent.

General Li's appearance made everyone understand the reason immediately. I am afraid that what General Li wants to report to Xin Wang Zhao Zhen is very important and cannot be heard by others.Xin Wang Zhao Zhen frowned even deeper, Dang even hooked his fingers at General Li.Seeing the gesture of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen, General Li suddenly realized, and hurriedly walked to Xin Wang Zhao Zhen's side, leaned over and whispered a few words in Xin Wang Zhao Zhen's ear.

After listening to General Li's words, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen's face became darker and darker, his eyes flickered coldly from time to time, his hands kept clenching his fists, and his knuckles made crackling noises.Ji Qianqian and Shan Hongfei, who were familiar with Xin Wang Zhao Zhen, immediately knew that the appearance of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen proved that he was very angry and wanted to kill someone.

And even other people who are not familiar with Xin Wang Zhao Zhen guessed something from the change of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen's face. For a while, the atmosphere in the meeting hall that was still full of laughter just now became extremely dignified.

After General Li finished speaking, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen asked in a deep voice, "How credible is this news?"

General Li hesitated for a moment, and finally clasped his fists to the letter king Zhao Zhen and said, "Report to my lord. From the general's point of view, these two people should not be lying. This matter should be [-]% credible."

The face of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen became more and more ugly, and he was silent for a long time. Finally, Xin Wang Zhao Zhen took a deep breath, slowly flicked his hands away, and said to General Li: "Send the two of you to Xichuan and settle them down. But the news is blocked. , and cannot be revealed to anyone.”

General Li was not at all surprised by Xin Wang Zhao Zhen's gesture. After learning about this, General Li guessed that Xin Wang Zhao Zhen would do this.That's why he deliberately drove everyone else out of the prison, leaving him and the brother alone.

Now believe what Wang Zhao Zhen meant, the two brothers must not be able to stay here, and what General Li has to do now is relatively simple, send the two brothers to Xichuan for resettlement, and then keep their mouths shut.

The others were curious about what happened, but the gesture made by Xinxin Wang Zhao Zhen didn't avoid them, and it was obviously warning them not to ask more questions.These people are able to be reused by Xin Wang Zhao Zhen, so they are not ordinary people. They know what to ask and what not to ask. As if this incident had never happened, he began to laugh and talk about Guan Tianxia's dispatch of troops to Fuzhou this time.

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