Seeing that Zhong Qian suddenly appeared here, and rescued Tong Wenbo from his own men, Hu Zhuge's heart couldn't help but thump, he quickly put away his sword, bowed his hand to Zhong Qian, and said, "General Zhong Qian, you This is……"

Zhong Qian also slowly put the single knife into his waist, first glanced at Tong Wenbo who was always smiling, then looked at Hu Zhuge coldly and said: "Master Hu, those new Gaojiajun have all been taken down, As for Tong Wenbo, His Majesty has orders to ensure the safety of this person."

Hearing the words behind Zhong Qian, Hu Zhuge immediately became anxious. How could Hu Zhuge not know Tong Wenbo's power?If Tong Wenbo's life is kept, Hu Zhuge's future plans may not be able to go smoothly.

Hu Zhuge immediately persuaded: "General Zhongqian. Tong Wenbo is a scheming man, so he must not stay. Besides, this man is loyal to Gao An. Even if Gao An dies, he will wholeheartedly restore Gao An's foundation, for His Majesty's sake." The general thinks that if he beheads this person immediately, there will be no future troubles!"

"Hehe." Just as Hu Zhuge finished speaking, Tong Wenbo over there suddenly laughed, turned around, bowed his hands to Zhong Qian, and said with a smile: "This general, boy Tong Wenbo, wish Descend to Song Dynasty."

"Huh?" Tong Wenbo's words stunned Hu Zhuge. He couldn't believe that Tong Wenbo, who had always been loyal to Gao An, would voluntarily offer to surrender?Hu Zhuge stared blankly at Tong Wenbo, but just in time to see Tong Wenbo turned his head, with a playful expression on his face, Hu Zhuge immediately understood that Tong Wenbo clearly wanted to save his life to deal with him.Thinking of this, a feeling of panic rose slowly in Hu Zhuge's heart, making Hu Zhuge's face pale.

Since then, the territory of the Song Dynasty has completely recovered, and the emperor Zhao Zhen re-established the name of the country as "Xinghua", quelled internal and external troubles, and restored the territory of the Song Dynasty.

The country has recovered, but the revenge of Jingkang's shame is still not avenged!The second emperor, thousands of imperial relatives and ministers are still in the hands of the golden man.The shame of Jingkang was never forgotten by the common people, and even more so was Zhao Zhen!In the spring of the second year of Xinghua, in Bianliang, Tokyo, which has just resumed its prosperity.Song Emperor Zhao Zhen offered sacrifices to heaven and earth, worshiped his ancestors, and prayed to heaven.

After that, His Majesty Zhao Zhen commanded a total of 20 troops from the Southern Army and the Imperial Forest Army.Combining the northern middle commander Yue Fei, the left commander Han Shizhong, and the right commander Wang Jin, there are a total of four regiments, known as an army of one million, who will personally conquer the Northern Expedition!In Bianliang, Tokyo, Zhao Bangjie, the privy envoy, and Ma Kuo, the prime minister, presided over the overall military and political situation.

On Yanjing Road, the dark army of the Song Dynasty appeared in the south of Yanjing, and the army led by Zhao Zhen himself, the first target was Yanjing, the central city located in the Eighteen States of Yanyun!

Although the local Jin Guo garrison had received the information long ago, and they were also prepared for battle as much as possible.However, the 20 elite Song army who fought many times in the south is really a terrifying force that cannot be resisted.

After being besieged for three days and three nights, the reinforcements that the Jin army was looking forward to were unable to arrive because of the fierce attack of the other three Song armies, and Yanjing was captured by the Song army.Thirty-five thousand Jin soldiers were killed or captured. Tens of thousands of Jin soldiers fled. Baoshan King Wanyan Xie committed suicide by protecting his concubine.

After Yanjing was captured by the Song army, Xijing Datong was also attacked by the coalition forces of the central commander Yue Fei and the right commander Wang Jin.And the coalition forces of Han Shizhong, the commander-in-chief on the left, and the imperial guards, who controlled Wang Gui, also captured Fengsheng Prefecture.Soon, Yanjing Road was completely breached by the Song army, and the Song army was approaching Xijing Road and Zhongjing Road in the Kingdom of Jin.

Thousands of refugees from the Kingdom of Jin who had fled the war flocked to the northern territories for refuge, and the roads were full of people day and night.The streets of Dadingfu in Zhongjing are full of refugees with earth-colored faces and ragged clothes.They were terrified, and told passers-by their thrilling escape stories with certainty, and the people of Zhongjing Dading Mansion who had just experienced the war between Jin and Liao were exclaimed.

At this time, Qinzong had just passed away due to mental and physical torture.But Huizong, who endured the humiliation, was sent to Shangjing in the north by the Jin people.At this time, intelligence flooded in from all over the Kingdom of Jin from the front line.Frustrating words repeated over and over again, "fallen" and "surrounded" or "lost contact" everywhere.

Since the various units of the Song Army sent out established scouts and sentries everywhere, the scouts from the Kingdom of Jin could only bring back some vague information.The generals of the Kingdom of Jin had to judge the next move of the Song army from these intelligences, and the difficulty was no less than finding a sewing needle in a dark room.

Completely different from the previous record, the current Song army has defeated the Jin soldiers who have been frustrated many times.On the front for hundreds of miles, the Song army seemed to have unlimited strength and inexhaustible energy. They joined forces with the [-] troops of Xixia and the [-] troops of Yelu Dashi, and at the same time marched towards the pro-gold nomadic Wanggu tribe on Xijing Road and Zhongjing Road. The main force of the Jin army launched an attack at the same time, and besieged ten strong cities by the way.

On the third day of April, Yue Fei personally commanded an army of [-] headquarters, like a giant spider, weaving a web and heading north, approaching the enemy carefully and cautiously.

A large number of troops were sent out for reconnaissance, and messengers quickly issued orders to various ministries.Wilderness is everywhere in the north, on the endless and wide horizon, on the rugged mountain trails, and in the secret jungles that are rarely known.There are marching soldiers and horses of the Song Dynasty everywhere, and weapons are everywhere.

The four-way Song Army is like streams and rivers flowing into the sea. Countless troops attack from the south to the north. Since the founding of the People's Republic, the Song Dynasty's first counterattack against the invading enemy has begun!It truly manifests the slogan of "offending me in the Song Dynasty will be punished even if it is far away!"

On the tenth day of April, under the command of Yue Fei, Zhang Xian, the commander of Beiwei Army, led a total of 3000 people from his headquarters into the territory under the jurisdiction of Wanggu Department on Zhongjing Road.

This is a magnificent army, and the formation stretches for several miles.Swords are like mountains, guns are like forests, people are like seas, murderous aura is like rainbows, and war horses neigh violently.Cavalry from all walks of life spread out, and the army array was like a sea.Seeing the heyday of the Great Song Army, the defenders of the nomads and ethnic minorities guarding the small Tucheng were frightened to abandon the city and fled.

Looking at the enemies fleeing in the distance, Zhang Xian smiled arrogantly.With a wave of his hand, he shouted: "We took Tulei City today, and we will take Zhongjing tomorrow! Soldiers, soon we will spend the night in Dading Mansion of Zhongjing! Victory will definitely be ours!"

Finally, it was time to go straight to Huanglong, and thousands of Song soldiers roared excitedly.The momentum was like a mountain torrent and a tsunami, and the soldiers shouted: "Go straight to Huanglong! Take Zhongjing!"

At this time, the Golden Empire, the emperor of the Golden Kingdom, Jin Taizong Wanyan Wu, who finally realized his crisis, finally took action.He was already sixty at this time, his body was gradually aging, and he was already terminally ill.At this time, he did not want the newly established Great Jin Kingdom to be damaged.

After sending envoys several times to seek peace with Zhao Zhen, but Zhao Zhen killed them one after another, Jin Taizong finally understood a truth.That is, the current Zhao Zhen does not want that old Huizong and thousands of Zhao families and ministers and nobles, but wants his Jin Kingdom!Want his Golden Kingdom land!

After realizing his situation clearly, Jin Taizong Wanyan Wu Qimai quickly mobilized 50 troops and 200 million people and slaves to fight against the Song army.An astonishing number of Jintian citizens dug ditches and reinforced the city walls day and night on the edge of each city, and built layer after layer of fortifications. The layers of ditches and walls continued to the end of the earth, forming a A huge defensive front.

But unlike the Jin people's thinking, the Song army did not use the method of strong attack, but used various cunning military strategies.On the evening of April [-], Song Army infantry appeared behind the Jin soldiers like ghosts.This Song army pretended to be a reinforcement of Jin soldiers, and unexpectedly captured Fengzhou City, which had only a small number of Jin soldiers left behind.Yang Zaixing, the commander of the Sixth Army of the Beiwei Army, personally led the army into the city, killed all the golden soldiers guarding the city and captured the city.

Cooperate with the Xixia army in the west, and attack the Jin soldiers from east to west, from north to south, and just like that, the pockets of the encirclement are tied tightly!

Knowing that Fengzhou City had been captured, the Gaitian King Wanyan Zongxian, who commanded the battle, had a premonition that something bad was going on, and while sending messengers back to the rear to request the right deputy Marshal Zongfu and Marshal Wanyan Wushu to come for reinforcements, he transferred the troops in an attempt to escape from Fengzhou. breakthrough around the state.

But Yue Fei was also prepared for this, and deployed a fairly strong reserve team on the outside line to quickly reinforce Fengzhou City, and then launched a counterattack from the two wings, and once again consolidated the defense line of the encirclement.After a fight, the golden soldiers not only failed to break through, but the encirclement circle narrowed instead.

In the next few days, Jin Bing launched several attacks on the Song Army's front, but failed to achieve a breakthrough.After failing to break through the siege for three consecutive days, Jin Bing's army, which was mainly composed of nomads from the Wanggu tribe, was exhausted.On the fourth day, the Jinbing army had to switch to defense.

At this time, the Xixia army also arrived, and the Xixia and Song armies continued to attack the Jinren.Numerous fights and conflicts, the Xixia and Song armies took turns to fight against the Jin soldiers, and they almost regarded this prestigious Jin soldiers as the training object of the exercise.

The golden man who was originally good at fighting on the plains no longer has the advantage at this time.The joint army of the Song Army and Xixia was really too many. There were flags in all directions and crowds in all directions. There were majestic military songs from all directions, resounding through the sky.

For a long time, King Gaitian Wanyan Zongxian saw Song soldiers running away in a hurry in front of Jin soldiers.It wasn't until now that he finally came to his senses.As the high-level officials of the Song Dynasty, those officials and relatives of the Song Dynasty were timid, weak and panic-stricken.But if these weak and weak strong people under the rule of the Song Dynasty are organized, the Song Dynasty will be reborn and burst out with incomparable power.

Song Dynasty has a huge population, and their current army is well-disciplined and quite effective.And this kind of huge Song army is hard to match for the untrained but small population of Jin.

Compared with the Song army, the Jin soldiers did not have large-scale logistical supplies, and their food was plundered on the spot.After several days of high-intensity fighting and marching, the golden soldiers composed of various ethnic minorities, Han people outside the Great Wall and nomads were about to run out of food.Soon, Jin Bing's army began to supply food in a limited amount. Jin Bing was so hungry that his eyes glowed green.Although there were orders to prohibit it, in private, some golden cavalry had already begun to secretly slaughter war horses.

After two days, even the war horses were eaten up.The besieged Jinbing could only survive by gnawing bark and grass roots. At this time, there were still terrible rumors circulating in the Jinbing army.Many soldiers left the barracks at night and never returned. Two days later, their bodies were found somewhere in the camp. Even the flesh and belt had been gnawed clean, leaving only a skeleton.

At this time, everyone in Jinbing is in danger, for fear of being killed by the police.The people who were harmed were even their own people.Panic and despair seized the entire Jinbing army. At this time, Jinbing deserters who surrendered to the Song army began to appear in twos and threes.Surrendering to the Song army still has a chance of survival, but if it falls into the hands of a starving local companion, the end will be miserable.

The king of Gaitian, Wanyan Zongxian, was very worried. The Song army and the Xixia coalition army besieged them heavily.Now, his only hope is that other legions outside the encirclement will come to reinforce him.

What he didn't know was that the right deputy marshal Zongfu and the commander-in-chief Wushu had already led their respective legions and rushed here day and night. Since April [-], they have been fighting with the left commander Han Shizhong and the right commander Wang of the Song Army on the periphery. Jin led the blocking force into a ball.

At the end of April, the battle of Xijing in the Jin and Song Dynasties was in full swing.There are two main battlefields in the battle. The first main battlefield is located in the plain area where the Wanggu tribe is located on Xijing Road. The Jin soldiers and the nomadic army of the Wanggu tribe totaled more than 9 troops. The public and the [-] Xixia army were divided into several pieces to encircle.They have no food and medicine, and they are already struggling.

The second main battlefield is at the junction of Zhongjing and Xijing, where 20 Jin soldiers fought with more than [-] Song troops from the left and right sides of the Song army.Right Deputy Marshal Zongfu and Grand Marshal Wushu are rescuing their besieged Allied forces.Han Shizhong and Wang Jintou personally commanded the main forces of the left and right armies, and blocked Jin Bing's reinforcements on the border between Zhongjing and Xijing.Facing them were the Song Army's old opponents, the right deputy Marshal Zong Fu and the Jin Army Marshal Wu Shu.

This was the first large-scale confrontation between Zhao Zhen's army and Jin Bing's main force since Zhao Zhen went south.

At this moment, Yue Fei, the commander-in-chief of the Song Army, quickly led an army to Wushu's flank, and Zongfu's left flank also had a [-] Xixia army.It turned out that King Khan of the Wanggu tribe beheaded the King Gaitian King Wanyan Zongxian and his cronies, and completely surrendered to the Song Army.

Seeing that they were about to be surrounded, Wushu and Zongfu retreated quickly, retreating a hundred miles, and retreated into Zhongjing City.They tried to rely on the high walled Zhongjing to resist the Song army.

At dusk, outside the capital of the Kingdom of Jin, a fierce siege battle was in progress.Under the reflection of the setting sun, tens of thousands of Song Army soldiers are attacking the towering city wall in a dense formation, and the attacking queue is as surging as the sea waves.

The flames projected and erupted from the artillery and firearms outside the city pierced the sky and attacked the city wall, and black flames and golden red death sparks appeared in the city and on the city wall, harvesting countless lives.The arrows and stones flying out of the city fell into the attacking army in a terrible arc, splashing waves of flesh and blood.Under the setting sun, the brutal offensive was going on in a violent manner.

The sound of killing shook the sky, hundreds of ladders were set up on the top of the city, and the infantry of the Song Army stepped on the ladders to attack and climb up, and the fighting crowd had already formed a melee on the top of the city.From time to time, people fell from that terrifying height and fell heavily.But at this time, no one paid attention to this, and both sides of the fight were red-eyed. Jin soldiers and Song soldiers attacked and killed each other inch by inch at the top of the city, and blood flowed like rivers.

"It's too slow! It's almost dark, and we haven't even taken the top of the city!"

Seeing that the banner of Jin Bing on the top of the city is already crumbling, but it just won't fall.Looking at the anxious Marshal Han Shizhong on the battlefield, his face was flushed, and he was as furious as an angry lion at this moment.He was furious, and shouted hoarsely: "Go! Brothers, go! Jinbing can't stand it anymore! Go for me!"

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