The Jinyiwei who is rampant in another world

Chapter 173 History repeats itself!

In the Elf Palace, the Elf Queen sat in the courtyard leisurely drinking afternoon tea as usual, admiring the flowers in the courtyard. The garden of the Elf Queen is the largest among all the gardens on the mainland. It is not that the Elf Queen spends the most money on gardens, but the Elf Palace itself is actually built in a sea of ​​trees.

The natural geographical location has created a large natural garden. The elves pay attention to the integration with nature. Even their houses are also a special kind of natural tree on the mainland called the house tree. This kind of tree will be hollow when it grows. After adulthood, a huge space will be created at the bottom, just like a house, but the upper body of the house tree still maintains the same shape as ordinary trees.

So if you look from high in the forest, you won't find the elf's house.But you can find the symbol tree of the elf empire, the elf palace. The Elf Palace is made up of hundreds of tree houses intertwined. There are hundreds of spaces inside, and they are connected to each other. If people who are not in the Elf Palace enter it, they will be completely lost in it within a short while.

The elf palace is more than 100 meters high, known as the highest palace in the mainland, even the highest palace of the Huating Empire is only more than 60 meters.

The elf queen is holding an ancient elf book in one hand and a teacup in the other, enjoying the good time of afternoon tea leisurely, but her afternoon tea time today is forced to end early.An elf guard ran into the garden in a panic and bowed in front of the elf queen, "Your Majesty, an urgent report has been sent from Mizra near the coast, and they have been attacked."

The elf queen put down her teacup and put away her book in a daze and asked, "Do you know who attacked them? How many?"

"The identity of the attacking force has not been confirmed. They landed from the coast, and they were initially found by fishermen on the coast. The number should be more than 70."

The elf queen was silent for a while, stood up and said: "Notify all the elders to come to the palace meeting hall. Pass my oral order, and let the three marshals Lunalei, Obieus, and Shival come to the meeting hall as soon as possible." The guard bowed quickly He exited the garden and ran all the way out of the palace.

The elf queen walked towards the meeting hall. Although the elf queen's face was calm, there was already a storm in her heart. The 70 troops landed from the coast silently.To transport 70 troops, the size of the fleet required is unimaginable, and the Elf Queen can be sure that no empire on the mainland can do this.

Teleportation magic cannot teleport living things, so it is nonsense to teleport soldiers directly. The magic circle on Zelong Island is a magic left over from ancient times, and no one can master it. Even elves are helpless about it, let alone human beings. The Elf Queen absolutely does not agree that humans will decipher the meaning of ancient magic earlier than the elves.

After the elf queen came to the main hall, three people wearing green crystal armor were already waiting in the meeting hall. From the heavy expressions on their faces, it could be seen that they already knew what happened. The elf queen asked straightforwardly: "How many people can you call in your troops now?"

The tallest red-haired elf bowed and said: "My 15 elf infantry are ready, and they are ready to go at any time." The short green elf nodded and said: "[-] green elf archers, You can start at any time." A tall crystal-colored female elf bowed while holding her staff, "Thirty thousand secret magic elves and ten thousand black elves are ready."

The elf queen nodded and said: "Very good, Lunalei obeys the order." The tall red-haired elf immediately bowed and said: "Your Majesty, please order."

The elf queen handed a crystal leaf emitting colorful light to Lunarei and said, "You immediately take your troops to support Mizra. You must find a way to stop their attack!"

Lunalei took the leaves and nodded, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, Lunalei will definitely stop those evil invaders." After saying that, Lunalei turned his head and walked out of the meeting hall. He walked into the meeting hall with an anxious face.

The elf queen looked at the people who came in, nodded and sat down on the first seat, then motioned everyone to sit down and said: "Elders and marshals, our elf empire has ushered in the biggest crisis since the battle of Devil's Fort. The enemy is now The identity is unknown, we still have no way of judging where the enemy came from, but according to the report from our scouts, the number of the enemy is more than 70."

After hearing that the number of enemies was so huge, all the elders, including the two marshals, showed astonishment. The 70 troops quietly appeared on the coast, and then landed on the shore. This is simply unimaginable. It can be attributed to the fact that the days of the elf empire's peaceful and prosperous days have passed for too long, and the mentality of prevention has declined, so that it is only when the soldiers are approaching the city that they react.

Of course, now is not the time to find the person responsible. Instead of finding out whose fault it is, the 70 troops who have already entered are the most urgent task to be solved first. Although the elf queen has sent temporary reinforcements, the situation is still not optimistic. The strength of the opponent is unknown, and it is still a question whether those people can stop the 70 people.

After discussing with the elf queen and all the great elders, it was decided to issue a war forecast and let the two marshals begin to warn the troops. The Elf Empire is the oldest empire on the mainland, but its population is the smallest among all the empires on the mainland.The number is equivalent to four grand duchies, and the regular troops have always been kept at around 50.Moreover, the 50 troops, except for the elemental elf troops of the secret method, are in the state of half farmers and half soldiers, which is why it is difficult to mobilize.

Afterwards, the Queen of Elf asked the people below to transfer the latest information about the latest developments of various empires, including the orcs. According to the information, the Huating Empire is now overwhelmed by the troops of the Northern Territory and the West Moon Empire. Naturally, it is impossible to return spare energy.

All the regular troops of the Black Steel Empire are there, and the focus of the line of defense is still on the line of defense in Huating. Instantly go up and take a bite.It can be seen that they didn't pay attention to the police report from the Wart Empire, and they still set their target on Huating.

The Holy Dragon Empire has been strengthening its armaments recently, and has been in close contact with the Holy See of the Holy Light. It is not clear what it is doing, but it is impossible for his troops to be them.

At the same time, the Yaoyang Empire next door to the Holy Dragon Empire is also busy preparing for military resources. The price of local grain and grass has been soaring. The framework for military expansion has been clearly defined from the orders. It has doubled the original 170 million regular troops.The specific reason for the military expansion is unknown, the Yaoyang Empire and the Holy Dragon Empire expanded their military forces almost at the same time, probably stimulated by both sides.Yaoyang's Sun Knights are still in the country, and the regular troops are also quiet, so it can't be them.

The orcs are still in civil war, and they are enjoying themselves, so there is no need to think about it.And the most mysterious dwarves have recently begun to collect a large number of various ores for unknown reasons.However, it is obvious that they should have nothing to do with the people who invaded the elf empire. The dwarf's figure can be seen at a glance even if he is wearing tall armor.

Naturally, the other small principalities are no longer within the scope of consideration. A small principality has a population of less than 70. It is simply impossible for the Grand Duchy to gather an army of 70 after several million deaths, and they do not have such an army. The money makes so many ships.

Looking at the information in front of them, the elf queen and elders are all confused. From the intelligence point of view, no empire is likely to send 70 troops to attack them.Since they are not mainland troops, where did these troops emerge from out of thin air? !According to reports from the front line, these invading troops were ridiculously well-equipped, and the plate armor troops alone accounted for the majority, and even a small soldier was wearing steel plate armor, what a thing!How much financial resources are needed to build such a large and elite army.

Just when the elf queen and the elders couldn't think of any clues, a mysterious letter was sent into the meeting hall.The letter was blank, and the elf queen opened the letter dubiously. After opening the letter, the elf queen showed a wry smile, and there was a seal of the Tingfeng Guild printed inside the letter.

The elf queen took out the letter and smiled secretly: "Tingfeng Guild, this old fox, actually sent me a letter on his own initiative, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?" After seeing the contents of the letter, the elf queen's expression changed It became serious, and the two thin eyebrows became tense. The elf queen sighed and smiled wryly, "I thought it was none of my business, but didn't I expect to be punished so soon?"

The elders below looked at the elf queen with a puzzled expression, waiting for the queen to read the contents of the letter.

The elf queen soaked the letter on the table and said: "Elders, we have no choice but to order the whole country to prepare for war. Mobilize all personnel who can participate in the war, send all the children to the rear, and send a message to other empires. We The real enemy has appeared. It looks like the bloody battle with the Demon Fort will be repeated again."

All the elders sighed when they saw the letter thrown on the table, showing a look of helplessness. The content of the letter was very concise, only three words: Devil's Fort.

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