At the entrance of Xuege Canyon, Xiao Chen and Lanisuo each dragged a snow-haired pig and walked slowly towards the canyon. The canyon is not long, and it takes half a day to pass. The other side of Xuege Canyon is the mainland Known as the wasteland, the orc wilderness.

The orc wilderness occupies one-fifth of the territory of the mainland. It is full of wilderness, and it is very difficult for crops to grow. Most of them are prairie, but these prairie will only appear during the rainy season. During the hot season, you All I could see was a piece of barren yellow land.There are no four seasons on the Weathered Continent, there are only rainy seasons, hot seasons, and cold seasons, and each season lasts about five months.

The orc wilderness is called a barren land by humans, and they call the aborigines here uncivilized primitive orcs.The civilization of the orcs is slightly behind that of humans. Most of the orcs have evolved into the Iron Age, but there are still some orcs who still use stone tools for hunting.

In the orc wilderness, the orcs do not have a unified leader, they are separated by tribes, and the tribes fight for population, chassis and food all the year round.In the world of orcs, it is common sense for the weak to prey on the strong. Only the strong are qualified to survive in this primitive land. The weak tribes have only two choices, one is to be exterminated by other tribes, or become the attachment of the powerful tribe The race is protected by it, but the condition is that they pay tribute every year, and they must respond to the call for war, and they must take the lead. To put it bluntly, they are used as cannon fodder.Although the small tribe was furious about this, they were weak and had no choice but to endure.

Lanisuo's cat tribe is a weak tribe in the orc wilderness.They are attached to the Lion Clan.The cat clan is composed of six different cat clans including the royal civet clan.Black cats, white cats, red cats, purple cats and gray cats.These five cat clans were all attached to the civet clan at the beginning, but as the battle in the wilderness of the orc clan intensified, although the cat clan consisted of six cat clans, their population was only [-], and their strength was weak, so they could not stand the pressure of war. The patriarch of the Civet Clan had no choice but to seek shelter from the Lion Clan who was somewhat related.

The Lion Clan, the Tiger Clan and the Bear Clan are known as the three fierce overlords in the wilderness of the Beast Clan. They have been fighting all year round, but no one has gotten much advantage. In the end, they began to command their dependent races to start a war of attrition. This situation has been going on for 50 years without interruption.

Because the small tribes were involved in the wars of the big tribes, there were countless casualties, and some small tribes perished because of this, but the civil war of the orcs would not stop because of this. This battlefield may only last until the winners and losers are determined among the three tribes. will end.

Of course war requires food and money.War is a waste of money and people, and this is true no matter where it is placed.Fighting needs food, grass and people, but the orc wilderness is a very barren place. They don't have much food reserves, and they don't have much money at the same time.Where are they going to find food?The answer is obvious, that is to grab.

The dividing line between the orc wilderness and the human country is actually very blurred. There is no mountain range between the human border and the orc wilderness. The difference from the frontier settlements of humans is that one step is heaven and one step is hell. When you stand on the dividing line, you can clearly see that there are thousands of miles of fertile land on the human side, while the orc side is indeed full of wilderness, especially in the hot season. It's just that there are no weeds.

Human beings knew very well that reclaiming land on those grasslands would be plundered by orcs, but human civilians still hoped for a good harvest with luck.One bumper harvest in those lands is enough to equal three bumper harvests in the human continent. This is indeed a very attractive yield. Although the generals on the border tried their best to prevent the orcs from looting, they still couldn't do anything. No help, who said that this border is really long and endless!

Moreover, the plundering teams sent by the three major orc tribes are not ordinary people. The flying leopard plundering team sent by the Lion Clan is a mobile cavalry team known for its speed. It only takes 10 minutes for them to plunder a village and leave, while patrolling It is impossible for the patrol team to arrive within 10 minutes. Even if they arrive, the patrol team may not be their opponent. Those are all carefully selected orc elites, and ordinary soldiers are not their opponents at all.

The bear clan is the eagle raiding team, while the tiger clan is the jackal raiding team. These raiding teams are teams that are good at speed, and they come and go without a trace. It is very difficult to catch them .Facing the endless harassment of the orc marauders, the generals guarding the frontier had a headache, but they still haven't come up with any good solution to this problem for 50 years.

They also thought about sending troops to crusade against the orcs, but the orcs were in the wilderness, and human soldiers were not suitable for fighting in such a harsh environment, and they were helpless against the plundering of the orcs.

Xiao Chen followed Lassus' instructions and passed through the Snow Song Canyon without any risk. To be honest, those Snow Beastmen are really scary, with white fur, black skin, and two pairs of eyes on their faces. The smell of blood was accompanied by a foul stench.The evolution of their limbs is not complete. Although there is a tendency to be humanoid, they still maintain most of the characteristics of apes.

Immediately after Xiao Chen and the others left the canyon, they heard wild laughter and the barking of jackals.Lanisuo's expression changed immediately when he heard those voices, and he quickly stopped Xiao Chen and the others to hide.Not long after Xiao Chen and the others hid, they saw a group of kobolds with mottled fur laughing and galloping past on huge jackals, carrying bags of things in their hands. There is also a herd of cattle driving in the middle.

After they passed by, Lanisuo patted his chest and exhaled, "It's a good thing they didn't find out, otherwise it would be troublesome." Yuebai smiled wryly as she looked at the dog-riding team that was walking away. After a while, he asked, "Who are those people riding dogs?"

"They are the jackal raiders of the tiger clan. It looks like they have returned from a harvest at the border of humans. We'd better be offended by them, or we will have countless troubles. The jackals are despicable , cruel, and timid, but also very vengeful. They are good at escaping and tracking."

Yuebai nodded and said: "So they are the legendary robbery team. I just heard that I have never seen them before. They don't look good. Why can't the soldiers on the border not deal with them?"

Lanisuo took off his leather jacket and threw it aside, saying: "Because they are fast! Don't look at them just now, they seem to be very slow. They are running with cows. If there are cows, they run very fast. Yes, your human horses can't catch up with their Gale Jackals. The wind-attributed Gale Dogs of the fifth level don't run very fast."

"So that's it, kitty, do you know how to get to your house?"

"Your question is unnecessary. I am an orc born and raised in the wilderness of the orcs. How could I not even know where my home is? For you humans, the wilderness of the orcs may be a big maze, with no markers and no buildings. But in the eyes of us orcs, this orc wilderness is as simple and clear as our own backyard." After speaking, Lanisuo took the lead and walked in one direction.

Yuebai followed behind Lanisuo and said with a smile: "Then kitten, how many days will we have to walk in your backyard before we can reach your door?"

Lani scratched his head and thought for a while: "If we rely on walking, there will be no accidents for three days. If there is a war, we will have to detour. Some small-scale wars break out in the wilderness of the orcs every day. God knows what they will do." Where to fight. Just hope their war doesn't burn my tribe."

Following in the footsteps of Lanisuo, Xiao Chen and the others miraculously found a small oasis in the wilderness.As Lanisuo himself said, the wilderness is like a backyard to her. Lanisuo knows where she can go and where she cannot go, where there is water and where there is drought.With Lanisuo in Xiao Chen, they were not worried about finding water to drink in the wilderness.

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