The Jinyiwei who is rampant in another world

Chapter 487 The Weasel Greets the Chicken!

Di Kelun, who was kneeling on the ground, knocked his head on the ground and waited for Xiao Chen's reply. Seeing Di Kelun, Xiao Chen smiled wryly, scratched his head, and said, "Why do you want me to guide you? You Pu Sen There should be quite a few masters of Jin, so there is absolutely no need for me to be an outsider to point you out. Although I am not sure who you are from Pusenjin, your surname is Pusenjin, and you should be from the Pusenjin family. People know that I pointed you out, do you dare to say that your family will not come to trouble me?"

After listening to Xiao Chen's words, Di Kelun raised his head and said in a daze, "Don't worry, Mr. Xiao Chen, I just want Mr. Xiao Chen to point out my lack of martial arts skills, not to let Mr. Xiao Chen know what I lack. Teach me something, it won't make Psinkin's people lose face, and they don't pay much attention to me, and they don't care if I am instructed by someone. And I will definitely I'll keep my mouth shut and won't tell anyone."

Xiao Chen looked at Di Kelun with a sincere face, sighed and secretly smiled bitterly.

Having said that, if you don't learn martial arts, you won't embarrass the people of Psenkin. This is simply wishful thinking and naive thinking of Di Kelun.Even if Di Kelun is not a direct disciple of the Pusenkin family, and Xiao Chen just gave some pointers casually, it will still bring face loss to the Pusenkin people. If others find out, they will say that Pusenkin There is no one in Senjin's inner sect, and the disciples have to be taught by others. How can the Pusenjin family, as a famous family, accept such humiliation? Maybe they will have a public competition with Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen really doesn't want to provoke him. Such trouble.

But Xiao Chen hesitated when he looked at Di Kelun's hopeful eyes. The look in Di Kelun's eyes was not the desire to become stronger.It was an inexplicable sense of hope. Xiao Chen didn't know what Di Kelun hoped to get from him, but Xiao Chen felt that Di Kelun wanted to get his advice, not just wanting to become stronger.

After being silent for a while, Xiao Chen snorted and said, "Do you want me to guide you?"

Di Kelun was stunned and immediately kowtowed happily: "Thank you, Mr. Xiao Chen. I hope you can point out my shortcomings in martial arts cultivation. What's more, I am naturally slow, and my reaction ability is worse than that of my brothers at the same level." Be slow. Because of this, I am often ridiculed by my seniors, and because of this, I am also ashamed of my father. I know that I am not smart and have no talent, but I hope I can use my hard work to make up for it."

Xiao Chen looked at Di Kelun and frowned.Dixon is poorly gifted.He was also slow to respond, so why was he selected as a contestant of Valcachidon to participate in the academy student exchange competition?Xiao Chen remembered that Di Kelun failed the first time and was easily sent off the competition ring by his opponent.Xiao Chen was still playing jokes at the time, so he didn't pay attention to whether Di Kelun was slow to respond.

Speaking of this, Xiao Chen also remembered a strange phenomenon at that time.Usually when one's own players are playing.The following students will cheer for their players.Adding to the momentum, but after Di Kelun went up, it was strange that no one on Valcachedon's side cheered for him.Of course, this is not completely absent. There is a female student with a few freckles on her face who is still desperately cheering for him.

It can be seen that Dixon is quite unpopular in the academy!In this kind of competition, no one is willing to cheer for him. How unpopular is he?

Di Kelun looked at Xiao Chen frowning and scratching his head with a wry smile. He knew what Xiao Chen was thinking. A person with poor martial arts skills and not very good strength actually became a representative of the competition. reasonable thing.However, Di Kelun's becoming a contestant was not at all his own will, he was completely forced.

Di Kelun pursed his lips and said: "Actually, I will become a contestant this time to participate in the competition not out of my will. Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, this is the result of my own registration and selection. I was selected by my family. I was forced to sign up. Although it was a bit embarrassing, I knew very well that I would lose the selection with my strength, so I bit the bullet and signed up. But what I didn't expect was that I actually I was hired without a competition. This is tantamount to a bolt from the blue for me, and I also understand afterwards that they want to see me make a fool of myself and let my shame continue to shame my father."

Xiao Chen nodded and asked: "Who are they? Why do they force you to sign up? And they can let you be admitted as a contestant without competition. They must have a lot of influence in Valcachedon? Yes, aren't you tired from kneeling?"

In fact, Xiao Chen has already guessed who they are in Di Kelun's mouth, and those they should be the family members that Di Kelun said, but Xiao Chen doesn't understand, what is it that they spend so much time to humiliate Di Kelun? for what?Is it really just to shame his father for what Dixon said?What good was it to them after Dixon's father had been disgraced?

Di Kelun nodded for a moment, sat back on his seat and said, "They, of course, are my so-called family members, to be precise, my uncles and uncles. They pretended to care about me, but they actually wanted to I kept making a fool of myself. Because my father used to be one of the best martial arts geniuses among the patriarchs. As his son, I had to be a tiger father and no dog son. My incompetence was to shame my father. Their purpose was actually to make me I am no longer favored by my grandpa and grandma. In fact, after my father passed away, my grandpa and grandma seldom came to see me, and they have completely ignored me in the past year. I am already like this, why do they still Won't you let me go?"

Xiao Chen looked at the lonely Di Kelun and nodded. A genius father is indeed too heavy a burden for a talentless Di Ke Lun. Died early, if his father is still alive, his life should not be sad.

From what Di Kelun said, his grandpa and grandma used to dote on him very much.Perhaps it was Aiwujiwu, because his grandfather and grandmother were optimistic about his father, and even intentionally passed on the position of Patriarch, which caused such a big reaction from his uncle.Because of his father's relationship, he was taken care of to a certain extent, but this care also brought him trouble, which became more obvious after his father passed away, and it could even be said to have exploded.

Now that his father has passed away, and his qualifications are mediocre, even if his grandfather takes care of him, he will definitely not be the head of the family, and he is still young, so he should not be a threat to them. Why do they still hold him? Why not let Dixon go?Could it be that they simply wanted to humiliate Dixon and get back the humiliation they suffered on Dixon's father after Dixon's father died?This revenge is too heavy!

After the two of them ate the pancakes, drank the hot water, the rain outside finally stopped, and the sea breeze after the rain brought a bit of coolness. Di Kelun, who had no inner strength to protect himself, clasped his arms with cold hands and rubbed them vigorously.

After seeing no one around the beach, Xiao Chen waved to Di Kelun and asked him to practice a set for himself to see. If you want to give pointers, you can't come up and give them blindly. Xiao Chen also wants to see what he has. Insufficient, and Dicklan said that he was slow to respond, but you have to watch it to know how slow it is.

After Di Kelun played a set of boxing techniques he practiced in front of Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen looked at Di Kelun with a depressed face. This set is obviously a vigorous boxing style. How could Di Kelun The blow was soft, and Di Kelun's lower body was flimsy. Xiao Chenjue's casual kick could make him fall down. Xiao Chen wondered how he practiced punching.

When he was halfway through the fight, Xiao Chen finally couldn't help making Di Kelun stop, the fight was messed up, even if he practiced for another 1 years, it would be the same.Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and pinched Di Kelun's muscles and bones, and then he was stunned for a moment. His muscles and bones were strong and strong. Although he wasn't a martial arts prodigy, he was still a good material for martial arts practice. How could it be like this?

Xiao Chen looked up at the puzzled Di Kelun and asked, "Who taught you your martial arts?"

Di Kelun scratched his head in a daze and said, "My father passed away when I was five years old. My martial arts master taught me martial arts, and my uncles often came to give me advice. Is there any problem with my practice? "

Well, the weasel pays New Year greetings to the chicken, and if it can teach you well, that would be a hell of a thing!It is of no use to practice a show without practicing the basic skills, but even so, Di Kelun has trained to seven or eight star strength by relying on this show, which also shows that his talent is not bad at all. (To be continued..)

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