Years of the Republic of China 1913

Volume 1 Turbulent Times Chapter 198 Killing with a Borrowed Knife

Ichiro Fujita, who was idling in the cabin and playing cards, had no interest in going to the deck to watch the "fierce" battle, as if he was an outsider in the midst of the battle. **And the fact is true, whether it is the battle between the navy and Qing* Island Fortress or others, as only a liaison officer, Fujita Ichiro has no right to intervene in it, it is better to stay in his cabin and live a leisurely life In the past, I saw the nasty faces of those navies.

Compared with the navy, Fujita Ichiro is not too cold to the few junior army officers who are on the flagship. These red deer whose heads have been shot out, communicating with them will only lower their IQ, and they think they are smart How could the human Fujita Ichiro put down his attitude to make friends with these "cannon fodder"?

The cards in his hand were turned over one by one, and Fujita Ichiro was concentrating on calculating how to pass the level next.This kind of poker game was taught by Fang Zida at the beginning. After learning it, Ichiro Fujita liked it very much, thinking that this is something that truly intelligent people play.

Just as he was about to clear the customs, there was a knock on the cabin door, and he got up and opened the door with some displeasure, only to see Yashiro Rokuro's adjutant staff standing outside the door, saying that the commander had invited him to the bridge for something.

Please wait a moment, return to the cabin and adjust your clothes, Ichiro Fujita followed the adjutant to the bridge, and when he got there, he saw Rokuro Yatsushiro discussing something with the captain.

"Fujita-kun, please come here!" The adjutant of the staff asked Ichiro Fujita to wait a while, went straight to report to Rokuro Yatsushiro, and then greeted Fujita.

"Hi!" Although disdainful in his heart, Fujita Ichiro still showed the respect that Ri's subordinates face their superiors.He walked forward unhurriedly, saluted Yashiro Rokuro and bowed.

"Fujita-kun, as the liaison officer of the army in the navy, please immediately hand over this order to General Kamio Mitsuomi, the commander of your [-]th Division, so that he can prepare according to the plan." Ichiro Fujita didn't say too much , Yatsushiro Rokuro just nodded slightly, and then explained the task.

"Hi! The humble job will be done immediately!" Fujita Ichiro took it with both hands respectfully.Touching his heels, he nodded.

"Yonishi..." Yatsushiro Rokuro smiled, waved to Ichiro Fujita, then turned around and continued to discuss with the captain.It's like chasing a fly away.

After leaving the bridge, Ichiro Fujita reached the small ship and went to the transport ship to send orders for Rokuro Yatsushiro. At this time, the shelling on the sea continued. (.) The sound of rumbling guns is much clearer and louder than in the cabin. Although I don't understand naval warfare, from the perspective of the situation, the Japanese Second Fleet did not achieve much effect.On the small ship, Fujita Ichiro looked at the content of the order first. Yatsushiro Rokuro's order was very simple, instructing the [-]th Division to land in the direction of Longkou as soon as possible after the Second Fleet broke through Jiaozhou Bay, and cooperate with the Second Fleet to attack Qing* from front to back. Island fortress.

"Hehe, isn't it supposed to take Qing*dao in four or five days? The navy needs the army's help in such a short time since the start of the war, how thick-skinned it is!" Fujita Ichiro thought to himself.Can't help shaking his head.At the same time, he planned to return to the flagship after sending the order, and he must not follow the army to land or anything. Fujita Ichiro is very clear about the strong defense of Qing* Island.Running to the front line to die is definitely not in his style.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the Japanese Second Fleet officially decided to start a joint attack plan. At the same time in the capital, they received the news that Qingdao was attacked by the Japanese Second Fleet, and the Chinese government was in an uproar. The Japanese attacked by land and sea from Fengtian and Qing*dao almost at the same time.This definitely caught everyone by surprise. Song Jiaoren immediately suspended all work and ordered the General Staff and the Ministry of National Defense to take immediate countermeasures. He hurried to the Congress to attend an emergency meeting of the Congress.

The previous protest by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs had just passed, and the second protest came again. Cao Rulin urgently summoned the Japanese ambassador and severely reprimanded the Japanese side for provoking a war without authorization. Japan threatened to break off diplomatic relations and declare war.Regarding the further tough stance of the Chinese government, the Japanese ambassador, Ri Zhiyi, continued to confuse right and wrong, saying that the Japanese Second Fleet in Qingdao was a normal reaction to the surprise attack by the Squadron in Kanto Prefecture, and all responsibilities should be The Chinese government is responsible, and their Japanese side is the real victim.

It is estimated that the whole world will not believe this nonsense, but Ri himself only needs to believe it.The ambassadors of various countries who received the news of the expansion of the war between China and Japan were also shocked, especially the British ambassador Zhu Erdian, together with the ambassadors of France, Tsarist Russia and the United States, put pressure on Japan himself, and strongly demanded that Japan stop military conflicts with China and withdraw its troops return home.

Regarding these, RI Zhiyi all use the excuse that the event is unknown and needs to be verified and investigated before making a decision one by one, in the hope of delaying time.From Japan's point of view, the longer the time drags on, the better it is for them, and diplomatic maneuvers are just a common method, which Japan itself may have expected long ago.

The outbreak of the war in Qingdao was far more shocking than what Fengtian had brought to the big guys in central and yang. No matter in terms of geographical location or degree of urgency, Fengtian in the northeast was far from being able to fall with Qingdao, Jiaozhou Bay fell into the hands of Japan, and the Pingjin area There is no more security to speak of, and the Japanese soldiers will directly threaten Zhong Yang, which is a result that no one wants to see.

At the military meeting that was still going on at the Prime Minister's Office, Chief of Staff Wang Shizhen was more important than Fengtian when he received Qingdao's rescue. This view was supported by many people.

"Should we let Chengde's troops go to Shandong first?" someone suggested at the meeting.

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate. Qingdao is important, but Fengtian is also important. Both places must not be lost!" Wang Shizhen pondered for a while, shaking his head and vetoing.

"Then transfer troops from other places!"

"I'm afraid...the time is too late?" Someone objected.

For a while, everyone expressed their opinions, and no one had a better suggestion.

"I have an idea." Suddenly a person spoke, and everyone saw that this person was Duan Qirui, Minister of National Defense, and they all stopped arguing with each other and looked at him.

"Qingdao falls into the hands of the Japanese themselves, and the Japanese army will drive straight in. No matter if they go south, north or west, they will pose a huge threat to Zhong Yang. However, Fengtian is also important. The situation outside Fengtian Pass will change drastically. No one wants to see it."


Everyone nodded repeatedly, agreeing with Duan Qirui's point of view.

Duan Qirui said again: "Compared to Fengtian, although Qingdao was hit by the Japanese fleet, the loss was not large. He estimated that there would be absolutely no problem in defending for dozens of days. So from a military point of view, Fengtian is far more powerful than Qingdao. It’s not right to do it.”

As soon as the words fell, everyone started discussing with each other again. Most people thought that Duan Qirui's judgment was very reasonable. Although the situation in Qingdao was serious, it was better to support Fengtian according to the priority.

Seeing that the venue was a little chaotic, Duan Qirui coughed a few times, and after the voice gradually subsided, he said: "Of course, this is just what my Duan family said. The war is changing rapidly, and no one knows whether Wu Ziyu can really do what he promised. To. So I think Qingdao still needs reinforcements, which cannot be ignored.”

"What does Zhiquan mean...?" Wang Shizhen asked hesitantly.

"What I mean is very simple!" Duan Qirui walked to the map, took Wang Shizhen's baton, pointed to the map and said: "Ri himself launched an attack on Fengtian and Qing*dao on the same day. Launch an offensive, so it is not the best way to deploy troops from the southeast or other places. After all, our Chinese navy cannot compete with the Japanese navy at all. Once they go down the coast, they can attack our coastal provinces at any time. If they enter from the mouth of the Yangtze River, The consequences are more serious."

After a pause, seeing that everyone agreed with his words, Duan Qirui said again: "I suggest that all coastal provinces, including the Yangtze River, prepare for coastal defense, and all Fujian fleets are dispatched to search for the enemy. In order to prepare for the possible movements of the army. As for the inland armies, in addition to the necessary garrison troops, some of them can be dispatched to various areas in the southeast to avoid the problem of insufficient troops... "

"Then what about Qingdao Island?" someone interjected.

"Hehe." Duan Qirui smiled, and pointed at Shandong with the stick tip in his hand: "In fact, Shandong has sufficient troops. Don't forget, in addition to Wu Ziyu's [-]th Army, Shandong has three other troops available. It’s time that no one expected.”

"You mean the No. 30 Seventh, 38th, and 39th Army Groups? Can this... be done?"

For a while, everyone realized that yes, there are indeed three troops in Shandong, namely the No.30 Seventh, 38th, and 39th Army Groups.But these three troops are all new troops, and they have not been formed for a long time, and the training of soldiers has not yet been completed. I am afraid that the combat effectiveness is simply unusable. No one knows whether such troops can be used.

Immediately, someone raised an objection, thinking that although these three troops appeared to be an army, they were not sure whether they could fight anyone. What if they were not of great use?

"An army is an army. It's not a matter of good or bad. Iron troops are all made. How do you know they can't do it? Besides, these three armies have a combined total of nearly [-] people. Even if the combat power is not enough, it depends on it." No matter how many people can fight with Ri himself for a while? Even if it takes human life to pile up, it can be piled up for a few days, as long as we try to hold Ri himself for a while, and we can calmly arrange it when we slow down. Ri book? Ladies and gentlemen, what we lack now is time!"

Duan Qirui said earnestly, several military leaders thought about it, nodded slightly, and felt that although this is not the best method, it is also the most available method.But Fang Zida, who was listening in the corner, turned his nose in anger on the spot. Looking at Duan Qirui's look of worrying about the country and the people, Fang Zida didn't know that the other party was actually trying to consume his strength, and planned to take this opportunity. Use your three new armies as cannon fodder? (To be continued..)


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