Years of the Republic of China 1913

Volume 1 The Unsettled Times Chapter 218 Idol

On the Jiaodong battlefield, the squadron launched a fierce attack on the [-]th and [-]th divisions in the encirclement for three consecutive days. The fierceness of the offensive, the powerful artillery fire, and the large number of troops used made the Japanese army terrified.Especially for the remnants of the two trapped divisions, it was like visiting hell in the past three days. The division commander of the regiment, Kamio Mitsuomi, was both ready for Yuki, hiding in the trench with ashen faces and waiting for the last moment.

But what is strange is that although the Chinese offensive was fierce, they did not appear to want to swallow them all at once. They attacked for three consecutive days. After causing a large number of casualties to the Japanese army, the squadron stopped without warning, and continued to Generally, the transition from a fortified battle to a trench encirclement battle puzzled the two division commanders who had already wiped the command knife of the laparotomy.

On the fifth day after the war situation eased, a few soldiers with white flags suddenly came to the squadron's position, saying that they wanted to negotiate important matters between the two militaries.Kept in the dark, Yuhimitsu and Kamio Mitsuomi decided to meet with the Chinese representative after discussion, but when the other party came to their dilapidated headquarters, Yuhimitsu and Kamio Mitsuomi were shocked to find that the Chinese representative There was actually a Japanese naval officer among the sent crowd.

This naval officer is known to both Himitsu and Kamio Mitsuomi. He is the adjutant of Yatsushiro Rokuro, the commander of the Japanese Navy's Second Fleet, Inoue Genzhongzuo.

Seeing the two division heads who were in a difficult situation and looked shocked, Inoue Genzhongzuo smiled bitterly.The Chinese military officer who came with him said a few words first, and the other party nodded and exited the headquarters first, leaving only the three Japanese soldiers with special identities to communicate.

Because of the mission, and in the agreement with the Chinese side, Jing Shanyuan could not stay here for a long time, so after the Chinese side left, he directly expressed his purpose to the two generals in front of him.Soon, Yuhimitsu and Kamio Mitsuomi learned that due to Tokyo's contact with the high-level Chinese government, the Chinese government had considered temporarily stopping the attack on the [-]th and [-]th divisions in the encirclement.And allowed the Japanese Second Fleet to provide certain logistical subsidies and treatment for the wounded to the [-]th and [-]th divisions.Of course, there are conditions for doing so. The Chinese side requires that the [-]th and [-]th divisions should not use any excuses or reasons to try to break through or counterattack. All late-stage supplies must also be handed over to the squadron by the Japanese Second Fleet for verification. , for the treatment of the wounded.The Second Fleet can send military doctors over.However, the wounded cannot be sent out of the encirclement. However, from a humanitarian point of view, China agrees to transfer some wounded who need first aid or cannot stay on the battlefield because conditions do not permit to transfer to the squadron-controlled area for treatment. After the treatment is completed, they will be temporarily detained as prisoners of war.When the war is over, he will be released and returned to the country...

After hearing the situation, Yuhi Guangwei and Kamio Mitsuomi looked at each other in blank dismay, and at the same time secretly breathed a sigh of relief.Although these conditions greatly damaged the image of Japanese soldiers and did not conform to the spirit of Bushido, they at least gave them hope.

Both Yuhi Mitsuo and Kamio Mitsuomi are not fools.It can already be seen how their fate will be when the battle reaches this place. It is easy for the squadron to completely destroy itself. If these conditions are rejected, the result of their destruction will be what greets them.

It seems that the Tokyo base camp has not abandoned them.Thinking that they could go back alive, Yuhi Mitsuoi and Kamio Mitsuomi couldn't help but burst into tears, but at the same time they felt a little strange, since the peace talks were over, why did the Chinese continue to surround them? Could it be that the two sides haven't reached a final result yet?

The answer came from Inoue Genji's mouth very quickly.Indeed, as they guessed, due to the tough attitude of the Ministry of War, the peace talks could not be carried out in an all-round way. Under the strong request of the Navy, coupled with the efforts of Colonel Fujita Ichiro, an excellent intelligence officer of the Japanese Empire, he dealt with it.This made the Chinese government reluctantly agree to be lenient, and that's why there was this method of distinguishing the Jiaodong battlefield from the Northeast battlefield.

"I didn't expect that the person who saved us would be the Navy?" After learning the truth, Yuhi Koe and Kamio Mitsuomi felt astonished. When they came back to their senses, they were sincerely grateful for the efforts of the Navy.And the resentment towards the chief of the Ministry of War in Tokyo and Yusaku Uehara, who has been withdrawn as the commander of the expeditionary army in the Northeast, is growing.

Just because they are not the proud sons of the army-the First Class Division A, and they were also divided into the naval command system in this war.He has become the abandoned son of the army madmen who have built meritorious service. As a senior general of the military, no one is a fool, especially the cabinet is even more dismissive of the order to lift Commander Uehara Yusaku, because Uehara Yusaku's Army Chief of Staff His position is still on his head, and his status is still the highest in the Northeast battlefield, and he can continue to command the troops as the chief of the army's general staff.

"These bastards!"


Yuhi Guangwei and Kamio Mitsuomi cursed secretly at the same time, from now on they decided to consider everything for themselves, otherwise they could only return to their hometown with ashes after being sacrificed.

There was not much time, so we hurriedly discussed a few words, and soon the three of them discussed all the procedures.Just after the talk, the Chinese military officer waiting outside urged Gen. Inoue to go back. After sending away the Chinese personnel and Lieutenant Gen. Inoue, Yuhimitsu and Kamio Mitsuomi immediately issued orders to their respective troops to remove the divisions from today. Except for the emergency order issued by the commander himself, all troops stopped fighting with the squadron on the opposite side, and all of them hid in the trenches.

It didn't take long for the Japanese to hide in the trenches like a tortoise without saying a word, and the squadron on the opposite side gradually stopped their daily routine shootings, and the entire Jiaodong battlefield calmed down. The two sides added up to tens of thousands There is no longer the usual fierce gunfire in the human area, and it is replaced by a rare short-lived "peace".

The situation on the Jiaodong battlefield was temporarily "under control", causing Tokyo to send a special telegram to commend Ichiro Fujita's achievements in the peace talks. Although the Japanese cabinet side did not make a big deal about this matter, they were happy to at least keep the [-]th and [-]th divisions.

From the perspective of the Chinese government, the tranquility of the Jiaodong battlefield is also beneficial. Under the command of Fang Zida, the national propaganda machine has continuously reported the situation on the front line since the start of the war, especially the reports on the Jiaodong battlefield are more in-depth.Today, the newspapers deliberately exaggerate the propaganda, saying that due to the proper command of Army General Wu Peifu, our squadron has wiped out an entire Japanese elite division and trapped the strength of two Japanese divisions.The Japanese government has been forced to seek peace with the Chinese government. The results are so great that they are unique after the Opium War. The victory of this war will only be a turning point in the Sino-Japanese war, and it will mark that the Republic of China is no longer open to bullying The corrupt Manchu government, the Chinese people will proudly stand up again in this world!

For a time, with the effect of publicity, Wu Peifu's name quickly spread throughout the country and became the most famous general in China.Compared with Zhang Zuolin, who fought extremely hard in the Northeast and suffered heavy losses, Wu Peifu wiped out the Japanese army of one division lightly, and surrounded the enemies of two divisions. Throwing a rat, but had no choice but to seek peace negotiations.At the same time, on the Jiaodong battlefield, the squadron suffered few casualties and very little loss. No matter how you look at it, this army general who was born as a scholar is simply the resourceful Zhuge Liang. Some people even compare Wu Peifu with Zhou Lang of the Three Kingdoms and call him It's "feather fan scarf, while talking and laughing, the strong captives are wiped out in ashes."

Under Fang Zida's promotion, Wu Peifu became a model soldier and an idol among Chinese people.People all over the country, no matter what level they are, are extremely amazed at General Wu's illustrious achievements, and they are full of admiration, and because of his background as a scholar, he is very popular in the literati circle, and even many students are reading reports about Wu Peifu's character Afterwards, they all felt admiration and admiration for this Confucian general.

There is a good side to things and a bad side.Like the idol singers and movie stars of later generations, Wu Peifu has a large number of fans and loyal fans in a short period of time.There are even some noble ladies, xiaojiabiyu, and even female students in new-style universities, etc., who are deeply in love with this national hero. Letters of courtship like snowflakes keep pouring in to Qingdao, and Wu Peifu, who is commanding the battle at the front, saw These things are simply dumbfounding.

"The old wife is still here!"

Helpless, Wu Peifu telegraphed Fang Zida directly, asking him to publish a statement in the newspaper, and there were only these four short words in the statement to express his firm attitude towards these suitors.Who would have thought that although his statement temporarily solved the troubles of the suitors, it also aroused great admiration for his character from the society.Traditional and new celebrities in the cultural and educational circles are scrambling to write articles for Wu Peifu, using him as an example to draw out the virtues of being a human being, and calling on everyone to learn from General Wu Peifu’s way of being a righteous person, attracting more people at once. discuss.

"You've really screwed Wu Ziyu up a lot this time." Yang Yongtai flipped through the newspaper and said with a smile. These days, Wu Peifu has been discussed every day in the newspaper, and as time goes by, the content of this discussion becomes more and more bizarre. Yang Yongtai couldn't help laughing.

"Fuck? Hehe, I made Ziyu famous, and it's too late for him to thank me." Fang Zida laughed.

"That's not necessarily true, Ziyu is not someone who loves fame."

"Whether he likes the name or not, this name must be given." Fang Zida shook his head.

Yang Yongtai smiled and nodded. In fact, he also knew Fang Zida's intentions in doing this. Although Wu Peifu was wronged, it was a good thing not only for Wu Peifu but also for Zheng Fu.

"It's almost time, let's go." Hearing the clock strike eight times, it was exactly eight o'clock in the morning.Fang Zida put on his coat and greeted Yang Yongtai. The two left the office one after the other and went directly to the train station.

I'm sorry! In the previous chapters, the numbers of the [-]th and [-]th divisions were mixed up. I've been too busy recently and just noticed. Please forgive me!

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