() The interrogation in this era is basically similar to that in the Qing Dynasty. Whether it is the Jing Police Bureau, the Ministry of Justice, or the Overwatch Council, there are only a few tricks back and forth.To deal with ordinary criminals, if they scare, bluff, and punish them, why not ask for it?Although it is not as exaggerated as the ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty described in the novel, it is not far behind.

But these methods are okay against ordinary people, but it is impossible to apply them to Qu Tongfeng.The so-called torture is not a doctor, that is the truth. When others heard that Zhou Yuanliang was going to use a new interrogation method to pry Qu Tongfeng's mouth open, and that he would not use corporal punishment, curiosity arose spontaneously.

After convincing the representatives of the interrogation, Zhou Yuanliang, who had been prepared for a long time, changed places for Qu Tongfeng.The location of this new interrogation room is remote, and the area is not large. It is square and square, and there are only ** squares. There is a table, three chairs, and a light bulb at the height of the room. The windows are tightly closed. Covered with a black cloth, no light can penetrate.

He brought Qu Tongfeng in and asked him to sit on one of the chairs. Zhou Yuanliang's two assistants sat opposite him, and the dazzling lights shone directly on Qu Tongfeng's face. The interrogator took the notes and began to question in a mechanical tone.


"Don't you all know?"


"You ask me? Don't you know who I am?"


"Bastard! I protest!"


"My name is Qu Tongfeng!"


"I cao!"


"Can't you fucking see it?"


"I'm a man!"



The person who asked the question asked these nonsense things in a calm tone, no matter how angry Qu Tongfeng yelled.The answer to him was still the same question.For more than half an hour, the interrogation has been going on in this weird atmosphere. After asking a bunch of messy questions, it gradually entered the procedure.

"Is this called a new type of interrogation? Playing tricks on children?" Except for Zhou Yuanliang, this thought flashed through the minds of everyone else. Can these innocuous interrogations have any results?Even if they were killed, they would not believe it.As a representative of the Ministry of National Defense, Wu Guangxin showed a slight disdainful expression on his mouth, and he was secretly happy. Is this the level of the Secret Service?It seems that Zhi always worried too much.

It's no wonder they don't understand the power of this interrogation method. Psychology is still a new science in this era, and the genius who invented fatigue interrogation doesn't know where he is.Although this method takes a long time.The progress is slow, but the effect is far stronger than ordinary interrogation methods.Looking at the disapproving expressions on the faces of the representatives of the interrogators, Zhou Yuanliang did not explain anything, but I believe that it will take a few days, no matter how hard Qu Tongfeng speaks, he may not be able to stand it, even when he was three years old. My aunt will tell you everything about her bathing activities.

When the information of the interrogation was reported to the Ministry of National Defense, Duan Qirui was slightly taken aback, and said "I got it" to the visitor.But after the visitor left, he became a little uneasy.Who is Zhou Yuanliang? Duan Qirui, who is the Minister of Defense, knows far better than most people. Could this seemingly useless interrogation method really be able to pry Qu Tongfeng's mouth open?Duan Qirui thought for a while and laughed dumbfoundedly.Shaking his head, he thought it was incredible, but just to be on the safe side, he asked Wu Guangxin to keep an eye on it, and report back as soon as he got news.

Compared with Duan Qirui, Xu Shuzheng was ecstatic.Although he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Zhou Yuanliang's gourd, it gave him more time to prepare.Although Xu Shuzheng did not believe that this interrogation method would be effective, he was not the kind of person who entrusted his fate to others. For absolute safety, he still decided to implement his plan to completely eliminate possible hidden dangers.

a whole day.The interrogation is still going on, and the people who stayed outside have not received any interrogation results.It was night in a blink of an eye, and apart from a simple meal at noon, everyone's stomachs had already started to growl.

"That's all for today, everyone, shall we continue tomorrow?" Wu Guangxin suggested as he took out his pocket watch to check the time.

"Okay. After sitting for a whole day, my waist is numb." Hu Xianglin stood up and moved around. This kind of boring interrogation is really unbearable, and the gloomy atmosphere here makes people very uncomfortable. , Hu Xianglin wanted to leave a long time ago.

Wu Bingxiang also nodded.He was about to signal for the police to come over and take Qu Tongfeng back to the prison, but before he could speak, Zhou Yuanliang who was at the side stopped him.

"Hehe, the interrogation is not over yet, what are you all in a hurry for?"

"What? What time is it? Retrial?" Hu Xianglin asked in a daze.

"Of course!" Zhou Yuanliang nodded with a smile and said, "This is the beauty of the new interrogation method. Everyone, it is absolutely impossible to end the interrogation without obtaining evidence."

"But it's been more than ten hours, could it be..."

"If you are tired, go back and rest first, the little brother here can just watch."

Everyone looked at each other, and then suddenly realized that Zhou Yuanliang's so-called new type of interrogation was not so simple. Continuous interrogation was something that had never happened before. Could it be that this method is really effective?

It is definitely not enough to leave Zhou Yuanliang here alone. What is the reason for the four parties to go to the case and the three parties to leave?What's more, if they left, it would be a big deal for Zhou Yuanliang to do something wrong.Especially Wu Guangxin and Wu Bingxiang are even more worried. Needless to say, Wu Guangxin, although Wu Bingxiang is the chief of the Police Department, he has a good friendship with Duan Qirui. Before the trial, he was entrusted by Duan Qirui to take care of Qu Tongfeng Of course, it was not to exonerate Qu Tongfeng or anything. Wu Bingxiang would never dare to do such a big case, but from the perspective of justice, Wu Bingxiang can still grasp these standards.

But now, Zhou Yuanliang is determined to continue the interrogation. Although they want to accompany them, they are afraid that their health will not be able to bear it.After discussing it, they decided to wait for the results of the interrogation with Zhou Yuanliang in turn, so that each of them could relax a bit.

The long night passed quickly, and when the sun rose the next day, the interrogation room was still pitch black.The interrogators sitting in front of Qu Tongfeng had already changed to the third group, and these three groups were taught by the same master, no matter the tone of the interrogation, the way or the expression, they were all the same.

Qu Tongfeng, who was sitting across from them, was a little miserable. He was exhausted after a whole day and night of interrogation. His fat face was covered with sweat, and his eyelids kept drooping. His complexion also became a little gray, and he was so tired that he just wanted to sleep, but the damn strong light in front of him and the constant repeated questions made him unable to sleep no matter what.


"I...I want to sleep...."


"Qu... Qu Tongfeng...."


"Men... I want to sleep..."





So far, Qu Tongfeng still tried his best to support, but in Zhou Yuanliang's view, victory is coming soon.Don't look at Qu Tongfeng as a soldier, but he is not even as good as an ordinary prisoner. He can't stand it in just one day. From this point of view, it seems that it won't take three days. After another day, his spirit will be exhausted. Crashed and obediently explained all the problems.

Qu Tongfeng's state surprised Wu Bingxiang and others. He didn't expect that there is such a way to interrogate prisoners in this world.Now, they no longer dared to underestimate Zhou Yuanliang's big talk yesterday. If there were no accidents, Qu Tongfeng would definitely not be able to survive.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Zhou Yuanliang took out his pocket watch to check the time. Zhou Yuanliang nodded to his subordinates who had been waiting by his side. Soon the two people who were in the first batch of interrogation yesterday entered the interrogation room energetically and replaced their colleagues. Continue the interrogation.So far, Zhou Yuanliang hadn't rested for a long time. Although he half-lyed in the chair in the middle of the night and squinted for two hours, the feeling of staying up late was not very pleasant.

After Wu Guangxin arrived, Zhou Yuanliang got up and apologized, saying that he was going to take a shower and change clothes before coming back.Wu Guangxin agreed straight away, saying that there would be absolutely no problem with him and Wu Bingxiang here for the time being, and that Zhou Yuanliang could just take care of himself and take a good rest for a few hours.

After expressing his thanks, Zhou Yuanliang left the interrogation site. Instead of going home directly, he simply washed up and had a good meal in the warden's office.After finishing all this, it was already 10:30 in the morning. Zhou Yuanliang was lying on the sofa in his clothes and was going to take a nap, because he had to keep watching from afternoon to night. If there were no accidents, the case would be solved tonight.

He didn't know how long he had been asleep in a daze, when Zhou Yuanliang was suddenly awakened by a hasty knock on the door.Quickly getting up, rubbing his still swollen face, Zhou Yuanliang quickly walked to the door and opened it.


"What? Qu Tongfeng confessed?"

Glancing at the clock on the wall, it was now three o'clock in the afternoon. Seeing that the person who came was one of his subordinates who were in charge of direct interrogation, Zhou Yuanliang hurriedly asked.

"Something happened, boss!"

The visitor was not as happy as imagined, on the contrary there was some panic.

"What happened?"

"Qu... Qu Tongfeng is dead!"

"What!" Zhou Yuanliang was startled, grabbed the opponent's collar and yelled, "He's dead, isn't the front all right? Why did he die? How did he die? What's going on?"

"This...we don't know." The visitor explained with a mournful face: "As we were asking questions, Qu Tongfeng suddenly fell to the ground. At first we thought he was playing tricks on purpose, but after he fell to the ground, he twitched. It didn’t move after a few strokes, and we felt that something was wrong, and hurried forward to check and found that it was out of breath.”

"Investigate! Let me find out how he died right away!" Zhou Yuanliang was furious, the visitor kept saying yes, and left in a panic. After the person left, Zhou Yuanliang did not go downstairs directly, but closed the door and ordered After taking a few puffs of cigarettes, he walked to the desk and picked up the phone.

"Sir, it's me... Yes, Qu Tongfeng is really dead... Um... It should be their hands... Um... Don't worry, Mr., I have made arrangements, no one can escape... Okay!"

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