Years of the Republic of China 1913

Chapter 2 The Underground Alliance

() Jiang Zhiqing's idea must meet the following conditions in order to succeed.

One: There is a large amount of liquidity support, and the ability to grasp the exchange rate fluctuations at the first time.

Two: There are perfect channels for currency exchange in various countries.

Three: It can be carried out without being affected by external factors, such as the government, the underworld, and the forces of various countries.

Four: A large number of reliable and masterable manpower.

Five: Perfect plan and support from financially savvy professionals.

When the three tycoons finally decided to join the plan, these five conditions were all met. The three of them had everything they wanted in Shanghai Beach. With the support of Zhongyang Bank behind Jiang Zhiqing and the help of the American financial giants, they soon became friends. It entered the actual operating procedure.

Overnight, all kinds of idlers appeared from all over the concession in Shanghai* Beach, especially near the Bund where there are many banks and foreign firms.These people openly buy or exchange currencies from foreigners, company employees, ordinary citizens, etc. The transaction method is simpler than that of banks, and the currency exchange ratio in some countries is even higher than that of banks.

At the beginning, people looked at these guys who didn't look like good people with wary eyes, but at noon, a foreigner happened to be in a hurry to exchange a small amount of dollars into oceans, and the bank was closed for lunch break At that time, he tried to attract a "piling mould" wandering around the door of the bank. Unexpectedly, the other party said that there was no problem. It took only a few minutes to exchange the 30 dollars in the hands of the foreigner into oceans, which satisfied the foreigner. Very much, I raised my thumbs up in admiration.He hurried away in a rickshaw.

With the first person who eats crabs, there will be a second one. I heard that the exchange rate of these people is slightly higher than that of the bank, and they don’t even have the bank’s handling fee and the trouble of waiting in line. I was tempted, and found them one after another to exchange small batches of common sense.

Of course, the result is also very satisfying to these people.Over time, this kind of non-governmental foreign currency exchange has become a sight on the beach in Shanghai, and it has gradually been accepted by people.In the meantime, it is inevitable that some quick-witted guys will see the "money way" in it.I plan to get involved and also do this kind of business.But who would have thought that when a stranger appeared and entered the business, these "piling moulds" who treated customers with smiles and provided fast and good service suddenly changed their faces, greeted each other, and flocked from all over the place. Surrounding the other party was a violent beating first, and then grabbed all the banknotes on his body.Then a car drove up at high speed and threw the person into it. I don't know where it was taken.At this time, everyone suddenly realized.It turns out that it is not so easy to eat this bowl. They have formed a group, organization and marketization long ago, and they have monopolized this industry at all.

In just one month, with this method of accumulating little to make big, the final settlement figures stunned the three big tycoons who were not very optimistic about this transaction, but were a little worried.Excluding staffing expenses, sharing and handing over, etc., the profit in January was as high as 71669 yuan, and the average monthly income of ordinary citizens in this country is only 6-10 yuan.The monthly income of general foreign staff is 30-40 yuan, the manager level is 80-120 yuan, and the highest-paid university professor can reach 260 yuan or even higher.Under such circumstances, it is unbelievable that he actually made a profit of more than 7 yuan in a month.In ecstasy, the three tycoons saw silver dollars flying in front of them, and the success of the private exchange made them see a golden road, compared with this big business.The opium business, which is quite risky and has a bad reputation, is a fart?

What's more, this is an achievement that they tried and did not dare to fully invest in.If you put all your energy into it, I'm afraid it will be easy to make a profit of [-] oceans per month. Wouldn't it be a million dollars in a year?It's so easy to earn.

Good grades are like injecting chicken blood into the three tycoons, making them so excited that they can't control themselves. In order to make this business better and bigger, the three of them discussed in private and decided to increase investment. Set up a fixed exchange place to rob the banking business.For their enthusiasm, Jiang Zhiqing of course supported them with both hands, and they popped up like bamboo shoots quietly. After more than two months, there were a total of 37 currency exchange shops in Shanghai * Bund, and the number of employees and "piling models" reached 573. people.

After receiving Jiang Zhiqing's report from Shanghai, Fang Zida couldn't help admiring a few words.He also didn't expect that Jiang Zhiqing and the three tycoons would join forces to create such a situation. Not only the scalpers known as "pile-driving molds" appeared ahead of schedule, but even the private foreign exchange company that would not appear in Hong Kong until decades later also appeared.It has to be said that their combined effect is a bit more than one plus one equals three, and the result is obviously not even Fang Zida expected.

Moreover, under Fang Zida's repeated strict control, the business of the three tycoons did not damage Dayang's foreign exchange rate. Their main profits were generated from the currencies of other countries, and Zhong Yang Bank appropriately provided partial subsidies through the investment bank.Compared with the income, this expenditure is far from worth mentioning. While the three tycoons are making a lot of money, the Zhongyang Bank controls the exchange rate difference and sells (converts) Japanese yuan, Mark, British pound, The currencies of various countries such as francs and rubles have made a lot of money in it, and the results are even more astonishing.

Theoretically speaking, this is already a rudimentary foreign exchange market, and it also has the meaning of foreign exchange futures.Shanghai*Shanghai is the largest financial city in Asia, and its importance is self-evident. Although changes in the exchange rates of various countries in Shanghai*Shanghai will not cause major changes in international exchanges such as London and New York for the time being, they will be affected Obviously.Moreover, since Japan is a neighboring country of China, Japan's economy is most affected by China or Shanghai*Shanghai. While controlling the exchange rate of Shanghai*Shanghai, the exchange rate of the Japanese yuan began to gradually change.

Today, the Japanese government has adopted foreign exchange control measures after the counterfeit banknote incident. However, although foreign exchange control temporarily solves difficult financial problems, it is also a double-edged sword. It can not only keep foreign financial capital out of the country, but also At the same time, he locked himself in the room.You must know that Japan is an island country lacking in resources. Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan's economic source has been mainly processing imported materials and competing for markets with European and American products at low prices. In addition to some large financial groups with political backgrounds in Japan, many small and medium-sized enterprises are faced with the situation that they have a large amount of ri yuan but cannot purchase raw materials in the international market.If it is purchased through the Japanese government exchange, it will suffer a large exchange rate loss, which is a great blow to small and medium-sized enterprises.

Colleagues who are gradually rising in the underground foreign exchange market in Shanghai*Shanghai, the Japanese businessman with a keen sense of smell sees hope in it.Because of the joint crackdown by Fang Zida and the General Taxation Department, there was no profit channel for smuggling silver dollars. Some Japanese businessmen took ri dollars to Shanghai and exchanged them into currencies of various countries that can be freely exchanged through private exchange (excluding Dayang), and then take these currencies to purchase raw materials in the international market, supply factories for production, or take them back to the country directly, and exchange them to those business owners who desperately need foreign currency in the way of Shanghai*Shanghai’s underground foreign exchange market to make huge profits .

It has to be said that the Japanese themselves are a nation that can learn from others and carry forward the strengths of others. While the underground foreign exchange market in Shanghai is booming, some nimble Japanese businessmen follow the gourd's tricks and start a business in Japan. With such an underground market, of course, the ratio of their exchange rate to domestic merchants and business owners who need foreign currency is definitely higher than that of Shanghai * Shanghai, but even this is far higher than the outrageous exchange rate stipulated by the Japanese government. It is much better and also much more convenient. For a time, you can often see sneaky Japanese scalpers coming and going in various currency exchange shops in Shanghai *beach. Some people even shut down domestic factories and put all their property into this kind of operation. In an industry that is simple, quick, and profitable, these businessmen are not even satisfied with the long round-trip cycle and poor security, so they unite and propose to join forces with the three tycoons to do this business together. It is best for the two parties to form a strategic cooperation. Expand the business of universal deposit and withdrawal to maximize profits.

After receiving this request, the three tycoons immediately reported it to Jiang Zhiqing, who did not dare to assert without authorization, so he telegraphed Fang Zida.When the telegram was delivered to Fang Zida, he was drinking coffee. He just glanced at the telegram and spit out a mouthful of coffee that was still in his mouth.

He was in a hurry, and when he found a towel to dry his mouth, Fang Zida's loud laughter echoed in the office for a long time, and he immediately asked someone to reply to Jiang Zhiqing, with two words "Agree!" on the entire telegram.After the telegram was sent, Fang Zida approached Zhou Yuanliang and asked him to immediately prepare a group of elite personnel to go to Shanghai as a telegraph operator.

Soon, Jiang Zhiqing, who was waiting for a reply, instructed the three tycoons to agree to the request of the Japanese businessman, and discussed the cooperation method, and finally decided that the two parties would form a Shanghai*Shanghai-Tokyo alliance, and each stationed liaison personnel would communicate with each other through commercial telegrams. With or without, use their respective advantages to carry out cross-border and cross-regional exchange operations.

The 1917 calendar quickly turned over. When the footsteps of 1918 came, the Shanghai*Shanghai-Tokyo underground foreign exchange market was officially established. Only between January and February 1918, both parties made a total profit of 1% through this method. Ten thousand yuan, when the final data was handed over to Jiang Zhiqing and the three tycoons who were playing mahjong in Huang Jinrong's mansion, Zhang Xiaolin's eyes straightened on the spot, Du Yuesheng's face was red with excitement, and Huang Jinrong's eyeballs almost fell apart. He stared out, stood up abruptly, due to his over-excited emotions and excessive movements, his brain was instantly hypoxic, and he passed out happily. (to be continued...)

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