Years of the Republic of China 1913

Volume 2, 9 Xiaolongyin's Shocking Change, Chapter 289

() "Russia is here."

Cao Rulin said softly, Fang Zida smiled casually and asked: "Come here, anyway, Russia's orthodox government has been officially recognized by our country, and the diplomatic work of the two countries is of course in charge of the diplomatic affairs of the two countries, so why tell me about this... .”

Having said that, seeing the strange expression on Cao Rulin's face, Fang Zida was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood in an instant: "...Brother Runtian, do you mean the guests from the west side when you say people from Russia?"

"Exactly!" Cao Rulin nodded and said, "You know, Zhang Ming, Cao has been in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since the Qing Dynasty, and has been engaged in diplomatic work since the Republic of China. As a neighboring country and one of the world's powers, Russia has many friends. Last night, a Russian friend came to Cao's house. This person had stayed in the capital for several years before, and we had met several times, so he was familiar with him. At first, Cao only thought that he was because of the domestic situation in Russia. Unsteady came to our country to avoid disaster, who would have thought that it was not the case after we met."

"Is he a Bolshevik?" Fang Zida asked with a frown.

Cao Rulin nodded and said, "This person joined the Bolsheviks years ago and is now working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet government. This time he came to our country to negotiate diplomatic work. On behalf of the Soviet government, he hopes that the Republic of China will give up recognizing Russia. The orthodox government of the empire, and formal diplomatic relations with their Soviet government."

Fang Zida smiled slightly and said, "Make friends with the Soviet government and give up the Russian Empire's orthodox government? Hehe, if Fang's guess is correct, I'm afraid they have taken out a lot of chips?"

Cao Rulin also laughed when he heard this, and took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Fang Zida: "Of course, in order to facilitate this matter, the Soviet government paid a lot of money, Zhang Ming, take a look at this thing first."

There are not many contents on the paper, but it can be summarized into two items in detail.

One: The Soviet government promised that all previous treaties signed between the Russian government and China would be null and void, and would renounce a series of indemnities China had made to Russia and its privileges in China.

Second: The Soviet government stated that it would give up all the Chinese territories and concessions it had seized before, and return everything that the tsarist government and the Russian bourgeoisie brutally seized from China to China free of charge and permanently.

These two items.It is basically the same as Fang Zida's memory of the Soviet government's two declarations to China, except that due to changes in the situation and the emergence of the orthodox government of the Russian Empire, the Soviet government fiddled with these two things in advance and wanted to use them in exchange for China recognized and supported the nascent Soviet regime.

"Did brother Dunchu know about this?" Fang Zida smiled noncommittally and asked instead.

Cao Rulin waved his hand and said: "Our country does not have diplomatic relations with the Soviet government. Moreover, these things were sent to Cao through private channels. Cao is worried that once they are formally submitted to the cabinet for discussion, unnecessary trouble will be caused. As for On the side of Brother Dunchu, Cao wants to listen to Brother Zhang Ming's opinion before dealing with it."

Cao Rulin's words made Fang Zida very satisfied, because he put Fang Zida above Song Jiaoren in his words.He also said that he would report the matter to Song Jiaoren only if Fang Zida agreed.You must know that Cao Rulin is the first cabinet member of the Beiyang faction to take refuge in Fang Zida, and this approach is also to show his loyalty to Fang Zida.

"It doesn't matter. After arriving at Xiangshan, brother Runtian will find a chance to discuss with brother Dunchu." Fang Zida said lightly, seeing Cao Rulin heaving a sigh of relief, Fang Zida said again: "However, in my opinion, these two things It’s just a flower in the mirror, the moon in the water, the Soviet government has nothing to prove, and it’s really ridiculous to use this kind of trick in exchange for the Republic of China to break off diplomatic relations with the Russian orthodox government, and to act as a target for them.”

"How do you say this? In Cao's opinion, this matter should be discussed. Why did Zhang Ming make such a statement?" Cao Rulin suddenly didn't understand, and couldn't help asking.

"Hehe. Brother Runtian, let me ask you, Russia has undergone tremendous changes, and now the various factions in his country are struggling to take care of themselves, and both sides are trying their best to win over our country. Under this situation, can any previous peace treaty be counted? Besides. Since the European War, During the two-year material exchange process between our country and Tsar Nicholas II, some of the original privileges have long since ceased to exist. Now, except for a small part of the indemnity that is suspended on the books, the rest is the original Tsarist Russia in various places. The concession and the large amount of territory that our country has lost. The issue of indemnity is easy to solve. If we don’t want to give the money to Russia, we can’t do anything about it. As for the issue of the concession, as long as our government raises it to the orthodox government of the Russian Empire, we can achieve our goal. "

After a pause, Fang Zida looked at Cao Rulin who was thoughtful, and said again: "As for returning the territory or something, the Soviet government is using other people's money to give it to itself. Judging from the current situation, although the Soviet government has already seized it Most of the regimes of the Russian Empire in Europe cannot control Siberia and the Far East at all. These sites are still in the hands of the orthodox or former temporary government of the Russian Empire. Use the land that cannot be controlled as a bargaining chip to require our country to make such a Isn't this extremely ridiculous? It's like a person taking other people's property and exchanging real money with you, where is such a cheap thing in this world?"

Cao Rulin suddenly realized, and nodded in agreement.In fact, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, he can think of these things if he really thinks about it, but he was a little confused by the good news brought by the special envoy of the Soviet government when he was in the situation. Before discussing with Fang Zida, Cao Rulin's mind was full It is all a large number of lands looted by Tsarist Russia. If these lands can be brought back, it will be an even more important event than taking back the Qingdao incident. commend.

But now, Fang Zida's words pulled him back from his fantasy like a splash of cold water.If, as the foreign minister, he really broke off diplomatic relations with the orthodox government of the Russian Empire and signed the document establishing diplomatic relations with the Soviet government, he might not only fail to be famous in history in the future, but he might even be left with a bad reputation for thousands of years.

You must know that the Soviet government will not be able to return the ceded territory at that time. Not only will Cao Rulin not be able to explain to the Congress and the people, but he will even cause the Chinese government to be criticized by the countries of the Allied Powers, which will affect China's foreign policy and cause a series of reactions.At that time, he, Cao Rulin, may only be able to atone for his crimes if he goes to the wild, and he will even be reviled by thousands of people as an incompetent bureaucrat and a traitor.

Wiping off his cold sweat, Cao Rulin secretly rejoiced that he consulted with Fang Zida first, although he said that Fang Zida was seeking to please and get close to him, who would have thought that there would be such a reward.After repeatedly thanking Fang Zida, Cao Rulin quickly made a decision and knew what to do next.

Two days later, the cabinet discussed the proposal submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This proposal was specially written by Cao Rulin in response to the Soviet government's request.In the proposal, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs analyzed the pros and cons of various options, and proposed countermeasures against the current international situation.Regarding this proposal, Premier Song Jiaoren praised the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for its meticulous work at the cabinet meeting, and at the same time agreed with the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the Prime Minister of the Cabinet.

Because Cao Rulin's proposal was very detailed and listed all possible situations, other members of the cabinet could not find any faults, and it was quickly passed unanimously.After the meeting, Cao Rulin went to Fang Zida to express his gratitude. Fang Zida smiled and waved his hands. Since the two sides are allies, it is natural for an ally to help an ally. They are sitting in the same boat. If the boat capsizes, no one will be left behind.

Soon, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China announced to all countries in the world that it reiterated that the orthodox government of the Russian Empire is the only legal government of Russia, and that the Chinese government will continue to carry out a normal and comprehensive foreign policy with the orthodox government of the Russian Empire, and that the Soviet government will It is called an illegal government, and the Soviet government is required to immediately implement the agreement reached between the Russian provisional government and the Chinese government, and hand over Tsar Nicholas II and his family to the Chinese government for political asylum as soon as possible, and at the same time warn The Soviet government should not go its own way. If the tsar's family is illegally tried and executed secretly, the Chinese government will react strongly to this.

This statement by the Chinese government was immediately supported by the countries of the Allied Powers, and countries have issued similar statements one after another. At the same time, in view of Nicholas II’s open letter to the orthodox government of the Russian Empire, he blamed the Soviet government Fu's despicable measures against the stepping down of the tsar, and at the same time demanded that the Soviet government publicly guarantee the absolute safety of Nicholas II and his family.

Because of the intricate relationship between the European royal families, the experience of the Tsar also attracted the attention of Kaiser Wilhelm.Although Germany is now in the honeymoon period with the Soviet government, the unlimited means of the Soviet government also made the Kaiser feel uneasy. For this reason, through private channels, Kaiser Wilhelm reminded the Soviet government not to act recklessly, so as not to cause troubles around the world. The collective opposition of Zheng Fu and the royal family.

These caused the Soviet government to be overwhelmed for a while. It is said that Comrade Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, who was receiving recuperation treatment in the hospital because of his early private life, was furious when he received the news and sent Trots When Kei called, he scolded him from the beginning and asked him to launch an offensive immediately. He must completely wipe out the Denikin White Bandits in the south within a month, and then marched eastward to tear all these dead reactionaries into pieces. .

But before Trotsky returned to the barracks to gather the Red Army to prepare for an attack on Denikin's white bandits, the Russian Empire's orthodox government in the Far East suddenly issued a statement. A series of unequal treaties signed by China and China's concessions, privileges, etc., also announced that the original Chinese government's compensation to Tsarist Russia will be canceled from today. (This site (qidian.) Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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