() Who is Duan Qirui?As soon as Yang Du finished speaking, he realized that Yang Xizi didn't talk about the topic for a long time, so he was waiting for him here.

Regarding Yang Du's words, Duan Qirui said it was not good, and it was not good to say no, so he could only smile awkwardly in surprise.From the bottom of my heart, I admire Yang Du's good intentions, and secretly sigh why this kind of person is not his confidant, but went to Fang Zida's side instead.

Duan Qirui didn't say anything, and Yang Du didn't force it, but looked at the field and said to himself: "There is a saying in the ancients that 'if you are not a good look, you can be a good doctor', in fact, this truth is the same as what brother Zhiquan said just now. The farming work is similar, but this morning is not the scene in the pre-Qin period when neighboring countries faced each other, the sound of chickens and dogs was heard, and the people did not communicate with each other until they were old and dead. The world is in an era of great change that has never been seen in thousands of years. Governing the country It is no longer as simple as doing nothing or cutting taxes to pay taxes.”

Turning to look at Duan Qirui, Yang Du asked: "Brother Zhiquan should know about the changes in Tsarist Russia? Tsar Nicholas lost popular support because of his military aggression, and was kicked out of the throne by the provisional government, and the Bolsheviks overthrew the provisional government through revolution. Established the Soviet regime. Although I, Yang, do not agree with this Soviet, and those Bolsheviks are too extreme, I am afraid that there must be a bloody storm in governing the country. However, Yang is not talented, and he does not agree with the doctrine that the Bolsheviks believe in. I also know a thing or two, and they have read the classic "Das Kapital". Marx is not qualified as an economist, otherwise he would not have invested in bankruptcy and relied on people's relief to survive. However, in his book Some content is still worth learning, especially the analysis of capitalist countries is slightly deeper.” . .

Duan Qirui didn't understand how Yang Du talked about Soviet Russia?And also about Marx.Although Duan Qirui knew about these things, because of his current status, he was not very interested in researching them, and he was not very good at commenting. Instead, he just listened quietly to what Yang Du had to say.

Yang Du's thinking jumped quickly, and he said a few words about Marx.He also talked about the current domestic situation. He pointed out that China has experienced thousands of years of feudal society, and the system of the emperor's supremacy was not replaced by the current constitutional government until the Republic of China.Compared with western countries, China's min zhu system has just started, due to various reasons.This road is not so easy to walk.How to govern the country, how to bring such a big country out of the quagmire to the road of development, so that China, which was half a year behind, can once again become the giant of the East, is not just a matter of just relying on a few people and a few guns.A country has its own system and its own laws, just like a doctor who cures the sick and saves the life.Although it looks good, it is actually a palliative, not a permanent cure.If you are a famous doctor, you will go deep into the patient's condition and get rid of the terminal disease. This is much smarter.The same is true for farming. Weeds are like people. This society is formed by people and people. If you want to grow crops well.Weeds must be removed, otherwise weeds will grow and prosper.In the end, this crop can only be fruitless.

In Yang Du's words, he didn't mention Fang Zida in a single word, and he didn't say a word about what happened a while ago. He just talked in general, and he talked about philosophical things.But listening to Duan Qirui's ears, it made him gradually ponder.Drinking tea, he frowned slightly and didn't speak for a long time.

"Everyone grows their own crops. Maybe other people's crops are better than yours. You can't force others to grow in the same way as you do? Isn't it difficult for others?"

Duan Qirui asked quietly, and Yang Du smiled and said: "It's natural. If someone else's crop land is not rented to me, I don't care how he grows it? But what if this person obviously can't grow crops but Planting blindly, wasting the land and seeds, knowing that if this continues, there will be no harvest in autumn, how can I sit still? You must know that if there is no harvest, not only the farmers will starve to death, but even the landlord’s family will die. There is no surplus food! In case there is another disaster or something, why don't you all finish playing together?"

"Then how does Brother Xizi know that you are right? Is this a bit overbearing?"

"Hehe, it's not what you say to be right, but what you do. Whoever can make society stable, let the country develop, let the common people eat and live a stable life, these are the benchmarks to measure whether a person is right or not When the Republic of China was first established, the former president could only turn to the bank groups of various countries for tens of millions of funds. He was accused by the people of the country and tried his best to maintain the operation of the country and prevent the financial collapse. Although all regions are unified in name, in fact there are many factions , The central yang decree is of no use except for the areas controlled by the former president. Those people are self-reliant, and the country is almost torn apart. There are powerful enemies outside, and the inner world is unstable. Sun Wen and others are eyeing the land of China. It’s really difficult! But what about now? If you think about it, brother Zhiquan can see that the changes in this country are not the same as they were a few years ago, doesn’t this prove it?”

Duan Qirui poured himself another cup of tea, shook his head and said, "What Xizi said seems to make sense, but you also mentioned that in the early days of the Republic of China, all factions supported their own self-respect, which was like a separate regime. Now, although the national army has been reorganized As the national defense force, the name is controlled by the state, but if the government wants to mobilize part of the army and implement the system with government orders, it will be opposed, so how is this different from the original warlords?"

"Of course there is a difference!" Yang Du replied without hesitation: "What is a warlord? A military or military group that separates one side, forms its own faction, and fights against Zhong Yang for its own self-interest is a warlord. But now Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, The troops in Shanghai, northern Zhejiang and other places are warlords? If you want to say this, I am afraid that the National Defense Forces in the whole country are warlords. Brother Zhiquan was the Minister of National Defense. Brother Zhiquan also personally deployed troops in the Sino-Japanese War. The strength is too late, how can you die for the country like you did back then? Fighting bravely? Of course, having said that, society is made up of people, and so is the army. As long as there are people, there are factions. Factions have existed since ancient times, and where there are people, there are Politics, no one can deny this? Otherwise, the Republic of China would not be a constitutional country, and there would be no opposition in this Congress.”

Showing an angry expression, Yang Du said again: "If the system implemented by the government decree is selfless and a good thing, even if the individual suffers some grievances, that's all. But some things are not so simple at all. How can this be convincing? Brother Zhiquan, as the former Minister of Defense, should know what the result will be if the most combat-capable troops are reduced under the current world situation. Besides, it is not the case now. According to the original plan, the stage of fully implementing the reserve system will not be carried out until at least after the end of the European War, Brother Zhiquan can't deny this?"

Duan Qirui laughed, although he also felt that now is not the best time to implement the reserve system, and even if it is implemented, it should be carried out gradually from a small number of areas, and it should not start with the Jing soldiers of the Fang Zida faction. It is not beneficial to do so , On the contrary, it will weaken the strength of the National Defense Forces. You must know that in the sequence of the National Defense Forces, the troops of Shandong and Jiangsu are the most elite troops. Where is the practice of attacking the elite troops and leaving the second-rate troops alone?

To be honest, Duan Qirui is against this kind of proposal in his heart, but there are many conflicts between him and Fang Zida, which cannot be resolved in a sentence or two. If Duan Qirui declares his support for Fang Zida, it is absolutely impossible for him to open this proposal. mouth, otherwise what is his face?

"Brother Zhiquan has always been known for being upright and upright. Yang doesn't want Brother Zhiquan to do anything to shout the flag, but just ask Brother Zhiquan to think about the country, say a few words that should be said, and do what should be done. Knowing that once this decree is implemented, it will cause waves, and it is not a good thing for the country or the army. As for what Yang said today, I hope Brother Zhiquan thinks twice!"

Listening to Yang Du's words, Duan Qirui's face was uncertain, and he didn't know what to say for a while.After a long time, when he looked up, Yang Du had quietly left at some point.

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This chapter is very difficult to write, and it has been revised and revised several times. In this way, 2500 words, the extra 500 words are considered as compensation for everyone, thank you readers for your support! (To be continued.)

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