Years of the Republic of China 1913

Volume 2, 9 The Shocking Change of the Dragon's Song Chapter 302 On Stage and Off Stage

() Fang Zida is not a hothead. Song Jiaoren's sudden change of attitude made him feel in danger. Although Song Jiaoren has nothing to do with Fang Zida for the time being, he is the chairman and prime minister of KMT after all. Stabilizing Fang Zida at one end, if he puts all his eggs in one basket, Fang Zida will be very difficult to deal with.

Judging from the current situation, it will be a matter of time before Fang Zida and Song Jiaoren face off and face each other. Instead of passive defense in the future, it is better to take the initiative.The fledgling Fang Zida is not the first brother in the past, and he has enough capital to compete with Song Jiaoren in the cabinet and the party. If this is the case, why does Fang Zida deliberately keep a low profile?In fact, before Liao Zhongkai came, he had already made this decision.

Tell Liao Zhongkai this decision, Fang Zida naturally has his intentions.In terms of Liao Zhongkai's personality, he will definitely try his best to reconcile the conflicts between Song Jiaoren and Fang Zida as a final effort.In doing so, Fang Zida told Liao Zhongkai that there is no need to do this, completely dispelling this idea, and forcing Liao Zhongkai to make a choice.

In the end, should you choose Fang Zida or continue to support Song Jiaoren? ..

Throwing this question into Liao Zhongkai's hands, his choice is particularly difficult.To start from personal feelings, the relationship between Liao Zhongkai and Song Jiaoren is deeper, but to start from the overall situation, it may be better to choose Fang Zida. Liao Zhongkai knows this very well. No matter who he chooses in the end, it will be a very painful decision. This is Fang Zida's real purpose.Since Liao Zhongkai promised that he would not reveal his plan to a third party, this guarantee is credible based on his character. In this choice, Liao Zhongkai has only two outcomes.

First, it is not impossible to choose Fang Zida and abandon Song Jiaoren.But extremely tiny.

Second, the two do not help each other and get entangled repeatedly. This is the most likely step.Liao Zhongkai, who is entangled, will do this in all likelihood, and Fang Zida also hopes that he will choose this way.As long as he, as a party member and chief of the interior, can remain neutral, the ups and downs will cut off Song Jiaoren's arm.This greatly increased Fang Zida's winning rate.

After the reserve service proposal came to an end without a problem, the zheng fu continued to operate as usual, and the members of the cabinet did not change much. Some proposals should be noisy, should be opposed, and should be passed.

However, everyone felt an undercurrent gradually surging, which was the competition between Fang Zida and Song Jiaoren.Although no one can see it on the surface, they usually greet each other with a smile when they meet.It looks the same as before.

People are very sensitive, Fang Zida can see the anger behind Song Jiaoren's smiling face.But he didn't care, since the day before Liao Zhongkai came to visit him, he started to prepare.

KMT has been established since its establishment. Its organizational structure is the chairman of the board including nine directors, 30 councilors, ten backup councilors, seven honorary councilors and ordinary party members.

In the Shanghai*Shanghai Railway Station incident. Huang Xing, director of kmt, was assassinated during the second revolution.Sun Wen took some people away to set up a revolutionary party in Japan. After these incidents, KMT's internal organization members were completely different from those in Japan. In addition to adding Fang Zida, Liao Zhongkai and others to the board of directors, there were also councilors, supplementary councilors, and honorary councilors. Nearly half of them have been replaced. As for the ordinary party members below, there are not a few who left the party themselves or were expelled from the party because of their involvement in various incidents.

Judging from the current situation.The entire council includes the chairman of the nine major council members, Fang Zida and his faction have already occupied three seats, the other three seats of the nine major council members remain neutral, Song Jiaoren occupies one seat as the chairman, and the remaining two seats are from theoretical Generally speaking, it is biased towards Song Jiaoren.And one of these two seats is Liao Zhongkai.From this point of view, Fang Zida and Song Jiaoren seem to be evenly matched, but after careful analysis, Gongsang Nuoerbu, among the three neutral seats, has long been secretly flirting with Fang Zida and reached an agreement in private, while Liao Zhongkai basically did not help each other because of Fang Zida's reason. From this point of view, in fact, Fang Zida has reached nearly half of the council, and vaguely controlled the council's decision-making.

After these years of management, nearly one-third of the 30 members of the council also belong to Fang Zida's camp, and the remaining two-thirds Fang Zida is likely to include another half. Among the party members under the council, Fang Zida has a good impression Song Jiaoren relied on his incomparable eloquence and organizational skills, but the current situation is completely different from the time when the [-] Revolution was just successful. After the country's political situation has stabilized, the constitutional system has passed. After a long period of implementation, everyone's revolutionary enthusiasm has gradually turned from impulsiveness to rationality, and it is no longer so useful to win the support of party members with blind agitation.

On October 1918, 10, this day was the National Day of the Seventh Year of the Republic of China. On this day, the government specially held a grand National Day celebration. Colorful lights were hung everywhere in the capital. An exciting speech was delivered, followed by the head of government, the Prime Minister Song Jiaoren, and Fang Zida attended as the chief financial officer of the cabinet, and sat in the later seats with the other chief ministers.

Song Jiaoren was indeed unparalleled in eloquence. Compared with Li Yuanhong, his speech was more inspiring, sometimes passionate, sometimes touching, and he didn't read the manuscript at all.

"Dunchu is really eloquent!" Sitting next to Fang Zida was Minister of Foreign Affairs Cao Rulin, who couldn't help sighing when he saw Song Jiaoren's vigorous posture on the stage.

"Brother Runtian's eloquence is also good, why envy others?" Fang Zida joked with a smile. As the foreign minister, Cao Rulin also has a steel mouth, which is well known in the cabinet.

Cao Rulin shook his head and smiled, "It's not comparable, how can this be compared? Compared with Dunchu, I'm nothing compared to the big witch."

"Haha, brother Runtian is also so modest sometimes, it's not like your usual style."

"Zhang Ming was joking, people must have self-knowledge, Dunchu's unparalleled eloquence, I, Cao, have always admired it, just like Zhang Ming's ability, Cao admired it even more..."

Cao Rulin smiled at Fang Zida with a pun, and was about to continue speaking when a staff member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs suddenly entered the venue from a side door, and saw Cao Rulin on the stage waving anxiously from a distance.

Cao Rulin was slightly taken aback when he saw it, apologized to Fang Zida, bent over and walked out quietly from behind, only to see him come to the side of the man and whispered something, his expression was shocked suddenly, because the distance was too far, I couldn't tell whether it was happiness or worry in the eyebrows.

Not long after, Cao Rulin came back.The man from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was also sent away by him.After Cao Rulin returned to his seat, not only Fang Zida, who was sitting beside him, showed a curious expression, but even several other chief executives also looked inquiringly.

"Brother Runtian, what happened?"

Fang Zida asked, and the other people closest to him pricked up their ears at the same time, listening to Cao Rulin's answer.

Cao Rulin looked around, seeing everyone staring at him, with a slightly smug smile on his lips.

Lowering his voice, Cao Rulin said, "I just received the news that the United States has announced that it has joined the Allied Powers and officially joined the war..."


Although Fang Zida was surprised, he was not too surprised. According to the historical process, it was only a matter of time before the United States entered the war.But the other chiefs on the side are different. The United States announces its participation in the war, and the war situation in Europe will change drastically. Duan Zhigui even forgot that Song Jiaoren on the stage was still talking to the congressmen, so he couldn't help shouting out.

As soon as the words came out, Duan Zhigui knew that he was reckless. Sure enough, Song Jiaoren, who had been eloquent just now, stopped abruptly, and the members of the audience involuntarily turned their attention to Duan Zhigui.

It didn't feel very good under the eyes of everyone, but Duan Zhigui was also very human. After a brief embarrassment, he quickly realized that he simply got up and walked quickly to Song Jiaoren's side, and told him the news in a low voice.

Song Jiaoren was also taken aback, and turned to look at Cao Rulin, who nodded knowingly at him to confirm. <Feng, looking at the members of the audience, said loudly: "Members! I just received good news. Just now, the US government announced that it would join the Allies and declare war on the Allies! This means that the Allies are about to fail. The clarion call to victory! As a member of the Allied Powers, the Republic of China’s European Expeditionary Army is about to become the first army to win a foreign war since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. This is a great victory since the Opium War, which marks that the Chinese nation has emerged from the ruins. Standing up again, as the head of the government and the prime minister, Song feels extremely proud, let us cheer for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation together! Long live the Republic of China! Long live the constitutional government! Long live the expedition!"

The sudden news made the whole venue boil. As members of Congress, everyone knows what it means for the United States to join the war.China has been so weak for a hundred years. As a Chinese, who would not want their country to be prosperous and strong?As a member of the Allied Powers, winning this foreign war, as Song Jiaoren said, represents the revival of the Chinese nation.

Following Song Jiaoren's exciting words, everyone couldn't help cheering loudly, bursts of slogans resounded through the sky, and Fang Zida, who stood up together, was of course no exception. As everyone cheered together, looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but I remembered that when the National Congress was established, the speech was made by President Yuan Shiqian, but now it is different, but the scene is so similar. At that time, he was just an unknown member sitting below, but now he has Stand on the stage. (To be continued.)

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