Seeing Zhang Zongchang standing there dancing and dancing, talking endlessly, and with a complacent face, Kolchak couldn't help but feel disgusted.In his opinion, this Chinese is a rascal, to put it bluntly. With the support of the Chinese government behind him, he changed from a miner leader to a high position of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Imperial Government in a few years.

Don't look at him tall and burly, wearing a gorgeous general uniform, and can speak fluent Russian, just looking at the back is very stylish, but he still can't get rid of the muddy smell and ruffian smell all over his body, as a nobleman Kolchak, who was born, hated such a person extremely, and didn't bother to be with him at all, and his status was unstable.

However, although he hated Zhang Zongchang in his heart, Kolchak did not deny that what he said was indeed a good way in private.Now the hundreds of thousands of troops of the former Red Army's Eastward Front Army have not brought any benefits to the empire. On the contrary, after receiving so many soldiers, they have become a huge unstable factor. Whether it is logistics supply or security, it has made the government already Not too many manpower and material resources are seriously insufficient, which is also the main reason why the front line is facing a shortage of soldiers and cannot provide a lot of support.

"It's indeed a good idea!" Kolchak clapped his hands with a smile on his face, and immediately suggested: "Since the idea was proposed by Your Excellency Victor, I suggest that he be responsible for it. After all, there are some aspects The government army is not easy to intervene, and it is only natural for the Ministry of the Interior to come forward."

"Your Excellency the General is right. It is more appropriate for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to come forward to supervise the war. Your Excellency Denikin, you are the Minister of War. Do you have any other views on this?" Kerensky and Gore Chuck has always been in the same group, and he immediately agreed knowingly, and hypocritically turned his head to Denikin to ask a question.

Denikin's expression was calm, and there was no abnormality in the slightest. It stands to reason that as the Minister of the Army, he should be the person with the most say.But from the beginning to the end, apart from answering Catherine III's questions about the front line at the beginning, he hardly said a word about other aspects. Even Denikin just sat quietly on his side during Zhang Zongchang's statement. Close your eyes and meditate in the position, like an outsider.

"I don't have any opinion..." He said flatly.Denikin kept his mouth shut.Continue his fugue.

The two giants of the military nodded, and with Kerensky's opinion, the rest also agreed.Then Ekaterina III let the flow take its course and officially announced that the matter would be handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, assisted by the Ministry of War, and at the same time notified the decision to the frontline command.

Not two days after the meeting, the Ministry of War stopped the reorganization of the eastward side that surrendered. At the same time, troops from the Ministry of Internal Affairs entered the barracks one after another to supervise the transfer of troops to the Siberian front. [

"Timoshenko, why are you still sitting here?" Tukhachevsky, the commander of the barracks, opened the door of his office hastily.I saw Timoshenko sitting in front of the desk, holding a long-extinguished pipe in his hand, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"'s Tukhachevsky. What can I do for you?" Hearing the voice, Timoshenko raised his head and saw that it was Tukhachevsky. Timoshenko forced a smile and asked.

"Is there something wrong? How can it be all right!" Tukhachevsky rushed to the other party, stretched out his hand and pointed out: "They want to drag all our soldiers to the front line as cannon fodder! Isn't this a big deal? Tiemu Brother Xin, as the supreme commander of this army, are you so moved?"

"People always die in war. It is the most honorable thing to die on the battlefield as a soldier." Timoshenko replied calmly.

"Don't talk to me about this. It's clear that the Far East government wants to kill people with a knife!" Tukhachevsky blushed and slapped the table: "We have already committed a big crime when we brought these soldiers here. Wrong, and now you have to personally send them to die. Isn’t such a vain bloodshed a naked conspiracy? Brother Timoshen, where did your courage go? Where did your courage go? Can we just watch our comrades fight meaninglessly with their former comrades and die on the battlefield like this?"

"Tukhachevsky! Are you questioning Comrade Trotsky's original decision?" Timoshenko asked coldly.

Tukhachevsky was taken aback, and quickly slowed down and said, "Of course not, what I mean is just..."

"It's nothing but!" Timoshenko swung his right hand violently, interrupting the other party's words forcefully.He said in a stern tone: "Since we embarked on this road, there is no chance of turning back. When the entire Eastward Front Army was formed, there were a total of 45 troops. There are more than 30 people, such a huge force is here, no government will be at ease, not to mention that the two sides were life and death opponents before. Tukhachevsky, if you are in the original position, What would you do in the face of such a force that surrendered to you?"


Seeing Tukhachevsky's tongue-tied expression, Timoshenko sneered and said for him: "Isolation, cleaning, imprisonment in concentration camps, or facing exhausting hard labor until death... You and I should be familiar with such results, Now we are lucky that we didn’t end up like this, are you so naive that the Far East government uses us as confidantes without any reason?”

"But... but... under the rebirth sect, please tell me." Tukhachevsky blushed and didn't know what to say for a while.

Sighing, Timoshenko shook his head: "You know the way the Red Army fights. Now the Far East government is just making moves. Only you and I lead the soldiers to the front line, with the blood of former comrades on our hands. Only then can they completely trust us, and the same is true for the soldiers below. From an emotional point of view, I feel the same pain as you, but from a rational point of view, this is not a path of complete liberation."

Tukhachevsky stood there dumbfounded, and sat down decadently after a long time, with his head in his hands and his face full of pain.

Walking up to him, he patted the old comrade-in-arms on the shoulder. Timoshenko said softly, "I'll tell you something. A few hours ago, I promised the queen to be the commander-in-chief of the People's Liberation Army."

"The People's Liberation Army?!" Tukhachevsky looked up in doubt. [

"Yes, the People's Liberation Army!" Timoshenko revealed a naive smile on the corner of his mouth, "This is the name Her Majesty personally gave. Since then, there will be no Soviet East Front Army. We are the People's Liberation Army liberated from the abyss. And also the task of liberating all Russian people from the clutches of Stalin."

"The People's Liberation Army... I don't know who is liberating whom..." Tukhachevsky shook his head dumbfounded after hearing this explanation.

"Let's make preparations. All we can do now is to restrain our subordinates and minimize casualties. As long as we get through this time, everything will be fine in the future."

Tukhachevsky thought about it quietly, and finally understood Timoshenko.As Timoshenko said, since they have defected to the Far East government, they must make a choice.Compared with Stalin, Ekaterina III is still benevolent. Their daily supply of more than 30 people is an astronomical figure, but the Far East government has never cheated them in this regard, and except for the necessary investigation and reorganization work , and did not directly deprive them of the rights of these senior officers.

Now, the Red Army's method of combat training forces the Far East government to make a choice, so it is not an exaggeration to use their troops in this way.If you really want to resent, you can only resent Stalin and Frunze. If it were not for them, the Far East government would not have made such a decision.

After figuring it out, Tukhachevsky felt much better, and silently accepted Timoshenko's suggestion.

After Tukhachevsky was sent away, Timoshenko also walked out of the office and went straight to the command post temporarily set up by Zhang Zongchang in the barracks.

Over there Timoshenko and Zhang Zongchang talked in detail for a full two hours. After returning to the office, he called a meeting of military officers at all levels and made a series of arrangements for the next tasks.Thanks to Timoshenko's cooperation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs implemented the plan very smoothly. Except for some stubborn people hidden in the army who were arrested and shot in action, it took less than a week. Reinforcements at the division and regiment level were sent to the Siberian front line one after another, and were arranged by the front-line general headquarters and the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who had arrived in advance, and then deployed to the positions in batches at the battalion and company levels to fight.

Since the Far East government solved the problem of the original eastward front army with the fastest speed, the defense line with insufficient troops was greatly alleviated.In addition to the arrival of a large number of troops, the gap between the strength of the two sides is getting smaller and smaller.

By November, the casualties of the original Siberian defenders had dropped to an extremely low number, while the casualties of the People's Liberation Army remained at about 11%. At the same time, nearly 30 new People's Liberation Army who had experienced the baptism of war were reorganized behind the front lines, thus further strengthening the The military strength of the Far Eastern government.

As for the Soviet side, Frunze's attempt to train troops by means of battle was also in trouble, although he used this tactic to achieve a lot of results before the opponent reacted.But after the Far East government brought up the original eastward front army to fight against itself, the gap between the two sides has become smaller and smaller, and it is impossible for Frunze to actively and repeatedly launch attacks with the backing of strong troops like before. .Coupled with the arrival of the first heavy snow in winter, the battle between the two sides gradually shifted from offensive and defensive warfare to positional warfare, and the entire battle situation also entered a stalemate.

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