Years of the Republic of China 1913

Chapter 3 The plan is advanced

The government of the Republic of China and the Soviet government have declared war from a diplomatic point of view. The two sides are already in hostile camps, and the war has theoretically begun.China, in particular, suffered heavy losses in the previous Bolshevik-planned terrorist activities to subvert state power. Preliminary statistics alone cost tens of millions of economic losses, not to mention the innocent civilian casualties in these incidents.

After China declared war, all countries in the world were as excited as if they had been given a chicken blood shot. Everyone was eager to call their friends, and ran over with small benches in their hands to sit in rows, watching with great interest a good show that was about to be released.But who would have thought that the Chinese and the Moscow side only thundered but never rained, and both sides clamored fiercely, but the actual side did not take any action at all.Seeing that 1921 was about to pass, China and the Soviet Union, which were in a state of war, were not in a hurry. Instead, several countries watching the drama became anxious first.

The first to jump out were Britain and France. After the European War, although the proud Frenchman maintained its status as a powerful country in the world, it had an additional halo of "victorious country" on its head.But you must know that the main battlefield of the European War was in France. After several years of brutal wars, the Frenchmen were beaten to the ground. Not only did they lose millions of young and middle-aged men, but they also almost destroyed the entire country's industrial foundation. rotten.After the war, the Frenchmen shamelessly snatched industrial facilities and supplies from the Germans, and also issued huge war reparations that astonished all countries in the world. The purpose was to make up for the heavy losses they suffered in the war.But even so, France, which was brilliant during the Napoleon period, no longer exists, and now France has actually been reduced to a second-rate power, except for the empty shelf.

Compared with France, the British are also seriously injured, but because the war did not happen in the UK after all, the British's tolerance is much better than that of France.But compared to before the war.The decline of the empire on which the sun never sets is inevitable, and the British themselves know that this world is no longer the original world, and it is already very difficult to maintain the glory of the British Empire.

Because of this, after the class revolution in Russia, Britain and France, the traditional European powers, paid the most attention.Because of the European war, they couldn't get out to interfere in the Russian revolution.But now, after the end of the war, the whole of Europe is full of desolation, and rebuilding the country is the primary goal of Britain and France.Therefore, for the Soviet side, they have more than enough energy but not enough energy, so they can only use a diplomatic blockade to deal with this situation.

At this time, the Chinese government, which had risen rapidly in the European war, became a pawn in their face of the Soviet blockade.What's more, on the premise that they didn't exert strong pressure, this pawn started fighting with the Russians first.This made Britain and France overjoyed.Since the Chinese government declared war, the British and French have desperately advocated for the Chinese in public opinion. Their purpose is to make the Chinese pawns and use China to suppress the Soviet regime.

But to their disappointment, there has been no actual war since the two countries declared war. This strange state made them anxious.For this reason, after private discussions between Britain and France, the ambassadors of the two countries asked the Chinese government when the war with the Soviets would start.It even suggested that if it was due to insufficient preparations in some aspects, Britain and France, as friendly countries, could even provide some support.For example, providing some weapons and equipment, or even war loans and so on.

The private contact between Beijing and Moscow is not known to the outside world. Fang Zida couldn't help laughing when he learned of the urgency of the war between Britain and France.Since someone is willing to contribute to this war, the Chinese side also refuses.Fang Zida instigated Cao Rulin to keep arguing with Britain and France, and would not refuse the weapons and equipment they provided free of charge, as for the purposeful loans.Even some "help" in exchange for national resources and interests was politely declined.

Compared with Britain and France, there is another country that pays more attention to this war, and that is Japan, which has always been unwilling to give up on Chinese territory.

In the so-called "revolutionary" terrorist incidents in China, the Japanese played a disgraceful role, although the Chinese government did not pursue them fiercely afterwards.Staring at the Japanese, but due to international pressure and evidence, the Japanese side still used a few unlucky guys as scapegoats to give China and Western countries an explanation.

This incident caused the Japanese to suffer a lot, and with the character of the Japanese, they will never give up.In this regard, Fang Zida has long been prepared. While secretly preparing for the war, the Intelligence Bureau and the Security Bureau closely monitor the movement of domestic and foreign forces.

After receiving the order, Chen Guofu immediately started to investigate. It didn't take long to find out that various forces in the capital, Outer Mongolia, and Northeast China were ready to move. Among them, the gang of old and young were the most connected. After China declared war on the Soviet Union, I saw the hope of revival, just like the arrival of spring, hibernating insects will crawl out of the soil, jumping for joy and joy, and dreaming dreams come true.

These survivors, old and young, are capable and well-connected. Moreover, the Qing Dynasty has been in power for hundreds of years, and their social relations are deeply intertwined. These people cannot be moved just by talking.What's more, in today's constitutional government, in the absence of conclusive evidence, let alone Chen Guofu's Security Bureau, even Fang Zida's direct orders to the Ministry of Justice would not pass.This is also the main reason why Fang Zida racked his brains to set up a game before, watching Chen Shaobai and others sit up and then make a move.

In order to complete the task, Chen Guofu considered for a long time before choosing Jin Jiu as the candidate.They even avoided revealing the news and strictly kept the secrets, so they entrusted the task to Jin Jiu in this way.

"Jin Jiu is worth using." In the office, after listening to Chen Guofu's arrangement, Fang Zida nodded and said this, which relieved Chen Guofu who had been worried all along. It seemed that his arrangement was not rejected by Fang Zida. And it's still approved.

"Jin Jiu has already contacted a few people. Although he hasn't penetrated into them yet, it will be a matter of time based on his identity. As for the situation of the daughter of Prince Su Shanqi in the northeast, it has also been found out. This woman is indeed It came from Prince Su’s Mansion, but it was given to a Japanese named Kawashima Naniwa by Shanqi since he was a child, and later changed his name to Kawashima Yoshiko. This Kawashima Yoshiko grew up in Japan and just came to the Northeast a few months ago. As for the Mongolian prince Ganjurzabu also studied in Japan, and I heard that he is also Yoshiko Kawashima’s fiancé.”

Fang Zida raised his eyebrows, Naniwa Kawashima, he heard this person's name again.Jin Jiu had dealt with this person before, and it was Jin Jiu's information that bankrupted the plan of Kawashima Naniwa and the Black Dragon Club in the Northeast, and then a local war broke out between China and Japan, and the two sides fought, and finally settled in the mediation of various countries. So far the truce.

In addition to Naniwa Kawashima, his adopted daughter Yoshiko Kawashima is even more famous. Although this woman is only a 17-year-old girl now, no one in the world understands the horror of this woman better than Fang Zida.It seems that this time it was the Japanese who made use of the elders of the Clan Socialist Party to disrupt the Sino-Soviet war, and even wooed forces from Outer Mongolia. Fang Zida had to pay attention to this.

After thinking for a while, Fang Zida ordered: "Tell Jin Jiu to be careful in everything. He had a relationship with Naniwa Kawashima before, and once his identity is revealed, it will be troublesome. In addition, let Jin Jiu pay attention to this woman named Yoshiko Kawashima, and find out clearly. What exactly do they want to do, if there is any information, report it immediately!"

"Yes!" Chen Guofu replied, and after reporting some other things, Fang Zida let him leave.

"These little're determined!" After Chen Guofu left, Fang Zida cursed angrily. He lit a cigar and took a few puffs, a cold light flashed in his eyes.He decided to free up his hands to deal with these Japanese immediately after solving the Soviet matter. This tiger thinks he is a cat if he doesn't show off his power?Previously, they gave the Japanese a little bit for the sake of the overall situation. Who would have thought that these Japanese people had a good attitude on the surface, but secretly started tricks again, and they really thought they were fools?

Picking up the phone, Fang Zida said a few words on the phone.Half an hour later, Chen Yu, who came to Beijing to report on work, hurried over.

"The battle may be advanced, and I plan to launch it in early March."

Entering the office, Fang Zida said with a stern expression before Chen Mu's butt touched the chair.

"Why? Start in early March? This... I'm afraid it will be difficult." Chen Yu looked at Fang Zida in surprise. You must know that they had discussed that the official start would be in mid-April. According to Chen Yu's plan, all the equipment would be in place by the end of March. Coupled with half a month of preparation and commissioning work, the time is already tight enough, and now Fang Zida is one and a half months ahead of schedule, and Chen Wei feels nervous no matter how he calculates.

"No way, the situation has changed." Fang Zida didn't explain too much, just said this, and then he looked into Chen Yu's eyes and asked seriously: "Le Shu, no matter what method you use, is the plan changed?" It's settled, you have to do it no matter what!"

"This...." Chen Yu was stunned for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "In this case, I can only do my best, but Zhang Ming, I still have to say that time is too tight."

"If you can do it, you have to do it, if you can't do it, you have to do it! Le Shu, I'm not bargaining with you, this is a military order!" Fang Zida waved his hand and gave the order firmly.

Chen Mu looked straight, and finally nodded silently.

After explaining this matter, Fang Zida told Chen Wei not to stay in the capital for the New Year, but to rush back to the northwest immediately.Although Fang Zida was a little guilty about this, but the situation was such that he could only wrong Chen Yu, and wait until after the war to make up for it in other ways.

After sending Chen Mu away, Fang Zida walked slowly in the room, walked to the desk after a while and picked up the phone again. This time he was calling Wu Peifu. (To be continued..)

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