"Father, if a small lieutenant colonel like Xue Yue reprimands him, why do you still want to bet with him? Isn't that...?" Back at the temporary residence, Lu Jianzhang waved off his escort, and only stayed with him Yumen's son Lu Chengwu.

After all the outsiders had left, Lu Chengwu first made a cup of tea and brought it over, then asked in a low voice, somewhat puzzled, with a very disapproving expression on his face.

Before Lu Chengwu finished speaking, Lu Jianzhang put the teacup heavily on the table, and asked hesitantly: "Isn't it? It's nothing? Do you think that I, the general of the National Defense Forces, the commander of the Northwest Military Region and A small lieutenant colonel with a hairy head can get a share after making a bet, right?"

Lu Chengwu nodded in embarrassment. Seeing his appearance, Lu Jianzhang's face darkened suddenly.

"You, you, let me tell you what is good about you?" He pointed his finger at this son with hatred. Among Lu Jianzhang's children, this son is also a promising son. In his early years, he was sent to study in the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy, and Xu Shuzheng He was a classmate. After returning to China, Lu Jianzhang specially put him in the army for training, and he was ready to train him to become his successor.However, compared with the famous Xu Shuzheng, Lu Chengwu is far behind in terms of ability and talent. If it weren't for Lu Jianzhang's support, he might be destined to be a mid-level military officer in this generation.

When Yuan Shikai asked Lu Jianzhang to lead the army in the northwest to encircle and suppress the Bailang rebellion, Lu Jianzhang took this opportunity to reluctantly arrange Lu Chengwu as the commander of the Shaanxi No. [-] Mixed Brigade. What kind of meritorious service has been achieved? During the reorganization of the National Defense Forces, it was Lu Jianzhang who had the cheek to get some of Feng Yuxiang's credit and credit it to Lu Chengwu.

It is said that he is the commander of the first division, but in fact it is his deputy division commander and chief of staff who really make up his mind in the army.These two people are confidants specially arranged by Lu Jianzhang to take care of his son.This time when he inspected Yumen, Lu Jianzhang brought Lu Chengwu with him because he wanted him to learn some real skills of leading troops.

But who would have thought that after the outsider left, this kid would rant about the bet between himself and Xue Yue just now, and he didn't understand his deep meaning in this matter at all, he was simply an idiot.How can we not make Lu Jianzhang feel angry?

"Father...baby...baby just thinks..." Lu Chengwu is not young, he is almost 40, and he is still a lieutenant general, but in front of Lu Jianzhang, he is a general like a mouse. Like a cat, the old man's face turned black, and he was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly. [

"Do you really think I'm old-fashioned? Are you full? Have nothing to do, don't you?" Lu Jianzhang glared at the unlucky son, shaking his head and scolding: "You, at this age, you're almost going to be a dog. You and Xu Youzheng were the same back then, but after returning to China, Xu Youzheng has been on the rise. Within a few years, he sat in the high position of deputy minister. If he hadn't been blinded by profit and made a wrong step, which led to his defeat and death, or else with his ability Now they are on an equal footing with the old man. But what about you? You haven’t made any progress for so many years, and when the old man retires in the future, will our Lu family depend on you as an idiot in the future? "

Lu Chengwu was sweating profusely and stood aside, not even daring to say a word, especially when he heard Lu Jianzhang scold him for putting his age on a living dog, his head drooped even lower. At this moment, he really wanted to slap himself a few times.What are you going to ask with such a cheap mouth?In the end, instead of flattering, he was scolded, and he died unjustly.

Picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.Lu Jianzhang shook his head and sighed, and pointed to his son in a slow tone, "Do you really think that I really think so when I say something about tanks on the sidelines of the training ground? Is it also my heart to dismiss Wu Ziyu? You , childish! In this officialdom, what people say can be true or false. You listen to what you hear, but what you see with your own eyes is not necessarily true. Wu Ziyu can climb up step by step from a small regiment leader back then. The position of Chief of Staff. Could he be someone capable? If so, Fang Zhangming would be blind? Just use him so much? As for the tank, even an idiot can see that this weapon is the nemesis of infantry. , has fought for most of his life. Apart from other things, he still has this vision."

"But father, why..." Lu Chengwu, who was confused, opened his mouth in surprise, and finally asked what he was holding back in his heart.

"Speaking is one way, doing is another way, how to say, how to do it, there is a lot of knowledge in it, Shaowen, in the future, you must remember the principle of three points when you see people, and think more about everything."

"Yes yes yes... But father, why did you bet with that kid Xue Yue later?" Seeing that Lu Jianzhang's expression eased, Lu Chengwu couldn't help asking again.

Lu Jianzhang smiled and said flatly: "What's wrong with betting? This bet doesn't matter whether you win or lose."

Lu Chengwu felt even more confused when he heard it, and couldn't turn his head around this corner.Seeing his bewildered look, Lu Jianzhang could only sigh helplessly again, this son is really not a great talent.

After beckoning him to sit down, Lu Jianzhang explained his intentions to him in detail.As the commander of the Northwest Military Region, although the area under Lu Jianzhang's jurisdiction is large, compared with other military regions, he has no other advantages except being larger.For a long time, Lu Jianzhang has always thought about changing to a rich place to stay, but if he wants to do this, he must have something in his hand.

This thing is not money. Now the Prime Minister is Fang Zida, and Lu Jianzhang had dealt with Fang Zida a lot as early as the early Republic of China. Besides, Fang Zida was Yuan Shikai’s son-in-law. As Yuan Shikai’s loyal dog, Lu Jianzhang could be regarded as his own.But Fang Zida was neither short of money nor power. Compared with Fang Zida, Lu Jianzhang didn't have much to offer.What's more, in order to appease Feng Yuxiang, especially because of Lu Chengwu's reason, Feng Yuxiang was given half of the credit. Promise, even his old face is ashamed of the move.

After the declaration of war between China and the Soviet Union, the sophisticated Lu Jianzhang quickly saw an opportunity. Compared with several military regions in the south, the north of his Northwest Military Region was vast Russian territory. The troops under his jurisdiction are vanguards. Moreover, Lu Jianzhang had previously cooperated with Denikin's troops in guerrilla warfare in southern Russia. He knew the terrain in the north like the back of his hand. It was inevitable that he would be a veteran in this battle.

In this way, if the Sino-Soviet war is fought well, then Lu Jianzhang will make meritorious deeds, and it will be justifiable to change the station.It is even possible to transfer back to the capital and go straight to the center. After all, Lu Jianzhang is old and has a close relationship with Fang Zida.

So how to fight this battle well has always been a question that Lu Jianzhang has considered. As expected, he soon received an order from the General Staff and flew to the capital to attend the military meeting.After returning to the northwest, Lu Jianzhang began to speed up the training of troops in the name of military training, and also organized some tanks, armored vehicles, and self-propelled artillery temporarily allocated by the central government to form new combat units for drills in a new training method. The exhibition is magnificent.

Unexpectedly, Lu Jianzhang's calculation was good, but the strength and progress of the implementation below far disappointed him.These days, he personally visited several areas, and he was very dissatisfied with the drills of some troops on new tactics.However, Lu Jianzhang also knew the mentality of his generals, just like what he deliberately said on the sidelines of the training ground. Many people think that fighting is fighting, and any cooperation between these iron lumps and soldiers is superfluous.As soon as the cannon fired, the soldiers charged forward. Isn't everyone fighting like this for so many years?Why bother people so much?

Reprimanding in person, or even slapping the table to call everyone together to scold them, may have the effect of paying attention.But Lu Jianzhang also knew that if someone promised on the surface, but then backed up, he would definitely ruin his own affairs.In order to solve this problem, Lu Jianzhang deliberately played hard to get. Even if Xue Yue didn't jump out today, there would naturally be someone he specially arranged to refute. [

Xue Yue's appearance made Lu Jianzhang secretly happy, and Xue Yue's subsequent performance made Lu Jianzhang even more admirable, and its effect far exceeded his previous arrangements.That being the case, let's strike while the iron is hot. Lu Jianzhang let Xue Yue play the role and task he had originally arranged, and even asked for a bet.

Even if Lu Jianzhang loses at that time, he can still win the reputation of promoting talents. As for him winning?This Lu Jianzhang has never thought that Lu Jianzhang has lived most of his life, and he is still very accurate in judging people. He fell in love with this young officer when he saw Xue Yue. Lu Jianzhang appreciated it very much.

He believed that Xue Yue would never let him down, not to mention that ordinary officers don't know the power of the armored force, as a senior officer like him, especially the commander of the military region, doesn't he know?When Xue Yue's soldier training was completed, he pulled out for a fight and kept everyone dumbfounded.With the reality in front of him, he believed that those who opposed before would definitely change their original attitude, which made him more certain of winning in the subsequent war.

After listening to Lu Jianzhang's explanation dumbfounded, Lu Chengwu was stunned for a long time without recovering.With such complicated considerations and such twisted intestines, it is absolutely impossible for Lu Chengwu to think of it.In the end, he took a deep breath and looked at his old father with sincere admiration in his heart, but at the same time he was frustrated by his own ability. (To be continued..)

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