Years of the Republic of China 1913

Volume 3, Cannons, Boom His Mother, Chapter 457, Stalin's Political Methods

At the end of the meeting, the Kremlin became quiet again as members of the Revolutionary Military Council left. Stalin returned to his office, smoking a pipe, silently standing in front of the window, looking into the distance.It was already late at night, and it was pitch black outside, and it was impossible to see anything clearly, but Stalin kept his eyes fixed on the front, as if he could see the light in the distance through the night.

Since sitting on the throne of the highest power in the Soviet Union, Stalin has never had a peaceful night's sleep. He clearly knows that his reaching the pinnacle of power is entirely out of luck.If it was not a coincidence, there were many people in the party who were more qualified than him, especially Trotsky, who he regarded as his archenemy, was one of the representative figures who threatened his current status.

Because of this, after Stalin took power, he gradually began to eliminate dissidents and repeatedly cleaned the party, government and army.If these people were not eliminated, Stalin would not be able to completely relax.But even so, a lingering shadow always hangs over the sky, making Stalin unable to trust anyone, let alone the slightest sense of security.

Now, the Chinese suddenly launched an attack on the Soviets, which caused another change in the unified liberation war that Stalin had originally planned.Although Stalin knew when China declared war last year that the Sino-Soviet war would formally break out, so he sent people to contact the Chinese high-level in private to achieve the goal of declaring war without war and at the same time making preparations for defense.Who would have thought that as soon as the war started, the Chinese would drive straight into the Soviet border, and the more than [-] Red Army troops guarding the border would be wiped out in just a few dozen hours, while the Chinese National Defense Forces were advancing towards the Soviet hinterland at an incredible speed. Behind the angry and tough surface is fear and anxiety.

Stalin was a political veteran and a genius at manipulating people's hearts.In fact, he himself knew exactly how many of the traitors and reactionaries mentioned by Winschlicht in the meeting just now were accurate. I am afraid that there is no guarantee for this.Judging by the current situation.Even if there are those that Winshlicht thinks, they are definitely only a very small part, and most of them are deliberately exaggerated by the members of the Revolutionary Military Council in order to shirk their responsibilities.

Stalin understood this, but he did not expose it. Instead, he pushed the boat along the way and set the tone at the meeting.And let Winshlicht take charge of cleaning again.His choice is actually helpless. If we dismiss the views of Winschlicht and others and attribute the military failures since the outbreak of the war to the strength of the Chinese National Defense Forces, it will inevitably cause more trouble.

First, it will cause the members of the Revolutionary Military Council to bear unshirkable responsibilities. Once pursued, it will lead to instability of people's hearts, thus undermining the apparent harmony and stability of the current Supreme Soviet.

Second, doing so would lead to passiveness in political propaganda. How could the Bolshevik Red Army armed with the spirit of proletarian revolution be easily defeated by the Chinese?Once this conclusion is announced.It will bring great problems to the rule of the Soviets, especially in some areas where resistance to the Soviets still exists until now, and it may resurgence.It will even cause the morale of the Red Army to plummet, affecting the outcome of the next war.

It is precisely because of the above two reasons that Stalin attributed the defeat after the war began to the collusion between traitors and reactionary forces within the revolution, which caused the enemy to easily break through the line of defense.

Stalin was convinced that in order to deceive the people, one must deceive oneself.In this way, he determined the cause of the achieve political stability.At the same time, his decision to mobilize nearly one million troops to the front line at the end of the meeting showed his importance to the Chinese.In any case, the Chinese are no longer the yellow-skinned monkeys with pigtails behind their heads in the Manchu Qing era. They have already proved their strength with achievements that shocked the world. Stalin did not dare to underestimate the Chinese. At the same time as political means, he must also make foolproof preparations in military terms.

"I hope to stop the footsteps of the Chinese..." Stalin said to himself silently.During the meeting, he rejected the proposal to let Vozhiron's army retreat, also for political and military considerations.No matter what kind of difficulties Fuzhilong's front army may encounter, they must not retreat under the current situation.Only when the war situation reached a very critical juncture would Stalin issue such an order.Because he knew that once Fu Zhilong's front army retreated.The troops of the Far East government will definitely rush forward, and the morale and strategic advantages of both sides will completely change, and the previous deployment will become a piece of waste paper.

After several years of painstaking efforts, although Stalin has firmly secured his position at the top of power, in fact Stalin still feels threatened within the party, government and army.As long as there are major problems in the party, government and army, his power will be unstable, and another battle for power against him will break out under circumstances that no one expects.

Stalin is not Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, he does not have such lofty prestige for the time being, and his rule is full of blood and violence.In many cases, Stalin would wonder whether those people who were submissive to him on the surface hated him so much that they gritted their teeth?As long as they showed their flaws, these people would pounce on them like wolves seeing an opportunity, and tear themselves to pieces.

High-pressure politics cannot last long, and Stalin actually knew this truth.But right now he can only use high-pressure means to ensure the stability of his rights.Unless, after everything is over, such as the complete elimination of the Far East government and the unification of Russia, so that there is a stable environment in the country, he will have the opportunity to free up his hands to solve the problem with a combination of strength and softness.But since the establishment of the Soviets, there has never been such a stable environment. Whether it is his predecessor Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov or him Stalin, the plan is always interrupted by endless emergencies, As a result, he had no choice but to devote himself to the struggle with the enemy.

"If you want to find a way, you must find a way..." Stalin took a deep breath of his pipe, frowning and thinking hard in the smoke. control of rights.In the end, Stalin finally figured out an idea, which is not surprising to say the least, that is to use money to buy comrades, bind most of them with himself, and form a stable group.

With a stick in one hand, a carrot in the other, a pistol in his left hand and banknotes in his right hand, Stalin had no other choice.Immediately, he immediately went to the desk and pressed the bell, calling his most trusted captain of the guard, Paul Kerr, in.

Pauker was a Hungarian who was conscripted into the Austro-Hungarian Imperial Army to fight in the European War, and was captured by the Tsarist Russian army in the war in 1916.After the Russian revolution broke out, Pauker was released as a prisoner of war, but instead of returning to his hometown, he stayed and joined the Bolsheviks.

Pauker was not very keen on politics, but because of his nationality, he was sent to work in the anti-revolutionary organization, and also because of the nature of his work, Paoker was able to get in touch with senior Soviet cadres, and thus met Stalin.

Paul Kerr has no political talent, but he has one ability that others do not have, that is, excellent haircutting skills and vivid comedy talent.Because of these two points, Stalin transferred him to his side as the captain of the guard. As the captain of Stalin’s guard, Pauker did not disappoint Stalin. In addition to doing his job well, he also tried to please Stalin from time to time and gained Stalin’s trust. , and became a "little person" that could not be ignored in the Soviet center.

When Pauker was found, Stalin asked him to do one thing, which was to use money to bribe all the senior cadres of the Supreme Soviet.To this end, Stalin decided to allocate 500 million rubles, and according to the level of each person's position, he would give these people a certain "special allowance" every month at a ratio ten times higher than their salary.Of course, Stalin told Pauker that these people must know that the money came from Stalin's "care". As long as they are consistent with him in terms of political stance, he Stalin can guarantee that this special allowance will be paid forever, and will Properly arrange the work and duties of each family member.

After listening to Stalin's explanation, Pauker immediately agreed and left in a hurry to arrange the matter.

Pauker's speed of work did not disappoint Stalin. Only two days later, something happened that made the senior Soviet cadres happy.While receiving their salary for the month, they also received a thick envelope, which contained a huge sum of money that was almost their normal annual income.With this money, the wonderful life that many people have longed for can finally be realized. Although they are all staunch Bolshevik party members, isn’t the highest goal of the Bolsheviks to live a life of happiness and material abundance?Now it is just a "experience" in advance, which does not conflict with their beliefs, not to mention that when they collected the money, they were told that it was Comrade Stalin's intention, so everyone was completely relieved.They put the money into their pockets with smiles on their faces, and patted their chests one by one in front of Paoker to promise to be consistent with Comrade Stalin, and please tell Comrade Stalin that they are his most solid backing.

After the news reached Stalin's ears, Stalin smiled gratifiedly.After praising Paogel's work achievements, Stalin also raised Paogle's military rank by one level, and let him be in charge of this arduous revolutionary work from now on.

Once the rear was stabilized, Stalin could devote all his energy to the war on the front line. At this time, Dzerzhinsky, who was ordered to investigate the situation of the war, came to the Kremlin with a black briefcase in his hand. (To be continued..)

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