The new legion was established, and young people like Zhukov naturally became members of the legion, but unlike other prisoners of reform-through-labour who were excited and full of revenge beliefs, although Zhukov appeared to be no different from ordinary people on the surface, in fact he quietly Hiding himself, pretending to be like an ordinary person, became a recruit.

After the establishment of the new legion, the commanders and officers at all levels of the legion were sent by the Far East "government". As an ally, the Chinese side supported a group of mid-level and lower-level military officers to serve as advisors to the new legion to assist in training and commanding these "rookies" .As the war continued, the triumphantly advancing Chinese Army Corps gradually became short of troops due to the continuous elongation of the front line.After all, Russia is a vast country with a land area no less than that of China. On such a huge battlefield, the total number of combat troops of the Chinese Communist Regiment plus auxiliary and logistical troops has exceeded It is not a big deal for 100 million people to be scattered in the vast Russia, not to mention that troops must be stationed in the occupied areas to defend, so as to ensure the absolute safety of the transportation line.

Fang Zida had considered this point before the start of the war. If he blindly advances, ignoring the issue of soldiers and occupied areas, the Chinese side will fall into a situation of winning first and then losing.History tells Fang Zida that in the face of a big country like Russia, on the premise of advanced weapons and strong troops, he must also have sufficient manpower to ensure the stability of logistics and occupied areas in order to win the final victory.

In the history of the Soviet-German battlefield in World War II, the Soviets used this to defeat the German elite who swept across Europe, and dragged the war to their side.Also in the Chinese battlefield of World War II.The squadron traded space for time, and the Anti-Japanese War finally won.Fang Zida must pay attention to these lessons learned from the past, so when the war reaches a certain stage, it is absolutely impossible for the squadron to complete the entire war alone.

fortunately.Compared with Germany in World War II, China now has a reliable ally, and that is the orthodox "government" of the Russian Empire.Russia is an extremely xenophobic country, and it is absolutely impossible for China, as an East Asian yellow race, to surpass the Russians and become their master.Today's era is no longer the time when the Mongolian army is invincible. Once the Chinese put on a posture of annexing Russia, let alone the Russians refuse to agree, even the whole world will not sit idly by. By then, the newly revived China It will be dragged down by this war for life.

Bring the orthodox "government" of the Russian Empire, that is, the "government" of the Far East, to the fore.This was Fang Zida's strategy before attacking the Soviet.So after the squadron won Krasnoyarks.The Chinese "government" took the initiative to ask the Far East "government" to "recover" the lost ground as soon as possible as a representative of Russian orthodox.Take over cities.And use a large number of released labor reform prisoners, Red Army prisoners, etc. to form a new army to strengthen the military strength of the Far East "government" and complete the revival of Russia.

This gesture of goodwill by the Chinese won cheers from the Far East "governments"."Government" officials who had previously complained about China's delay in declaring war with the Soviets turned around and cheerfully sang the praises of China's allies.Also for this reason, some of the "new yellow peril" remarks that existed in the world against China's victories one after another on the Soviet-Russian battlefield disappeared, and the newly established League of Nations also expressed its appreciation to China. The attitude of the "government" means that the Chinese "government" is just in this war, and it loves peace and maintains world order.

With the joining of the Far East "government", the areas occupied by the Chinese Communist Regiment were handed over to officials of the Far East "government" one by one, and at the same time, the pressure on the use of troops and logistics was relieved.Of course, in various regions, some Chinese parties concerned with the defense of transportation hubs and important strategic areas continued to send their own troops to guard. The Far East "government" did not raise any objections to this point.After all, whether this war can revive Russia depends on the help of the Chinese. It is only natural for the Chinese to make such an arrangement in order to ensure the absolute advantage of the battlefield.

After a short rest, the total strength of the orthodox "government" of the Russian Empire exceeded 100 million, and this number continued to increase as the Soviet Union fell.Now the "government" army of the Far East "government" is divided into three parts. The first part is of course the regular army of the Far East "government", that is, the Siberian troops whose main force is commanded by His Excellency the Baron, and the guards guarding the Far East. These troops are about 55 About ten thousand people.The second part is composed of the Trotskyite defection troops, which is the so-called "Liberation Army". Its training and equipment are different from those of the past, and its combat effectiveness has not decreased but has increased. It has become a powerful army second only to the "government" army directly under the Central Government. [

As for the third part, the released prisoners and the new regiment selected from the captive Red Army, this regiment is now only more than 10 people, and in terms of soldier training, they are far inferior to the "government" army and the People's Liberation Army. The equipment is also slightly worse, mostly using conventional weapons captured from the Soviet Red Army.But in terms of morale, the morale of this new army is extremely high. When the training just started, a large number of soldiers strongly demanded to go to the front to fight against the Soviets. full of hatred and vengeance.In addition, the number of this force has continued to increase over time, because whenever the Chinese Communist Regiment and the Far East "government" army advance to regain lost ground, the rescue of the labor camps brings a lot to the Far East "government" at the same time. reliable soldiers.

After Zhukov came out of the resettlement camp, he was incorporated into the infantry regiment as an ordinary soldier. After a few days of training, although Zhukov tried to hide the fact that he had been an officer of the Red Army, compared with ordinary people, he was more active in the military academy and in the army. The training he received still brought him a lot of "trouble".Zhukov, who wanted to confuse the general population, acted in a low-key manner and quickly "stand out".After all, almost none of the "comrades" around him are citizens, farmers, or students who have never held a gun. Compared with them, some "bright spots" caused by conditioned reflexes were discovered by the instructor. The speed of training. Zhukov, whose alias was "Chekov", was first appointed as squad leader, and then promoted to platoon leader. After ten days of training, Zhukov, who performed well, was directly promoted to the position of company commander.

This result made Zhukov dumbfounded. Wearing the uniform of a Tsarist Russian officer, Zhukov could do nothing.He knew that if he rejected the chief's kindness, he would definitely arouse the suspicion of his superiors. If the truth was exposed, let alone his previous plan was ruined, he might even be killed.That being the case, he could only continue to hide, and acted as the company commander peacefully.But after becoming the company commander, his actions are not as free as before, and he doesn't know when he will find the opportunity to run back to Moscow.

"Assemble! Assembly!"

On this day, the regular training of the troops was coming to an end. Suddenly, a car drove into the camp. Several Russian and Chinese military officers got out of the car and entered the headquarters. Not long after, Major General Ivanovich Accompanied by the advisers of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he came out.

"Russian warriors! People of Her Majesty the Empress! The day you have dreamed of has finally come...!"

After the troops were assembled, the division commander Ivanovic shouted with a loudspeaker in his hand. With a red face, he clenched his left hand and waved his fist in the air, looking extremely excited.

From what he said, it is clear that the Soviet Frunze Front was in trouble due to the onslaught of the Chinese allies and the hot pursuit of the "government" troops.The Northwest Army Corps of China has reached the Ufa area, and the Mongolian Front Army has also approached Serov, and is fighting with several support troops dispatched by Moscow from various places. According to the battle situation, the strategic plan to completely cut off Surgut's traffic has been completed. Just around the corner.In addition, the "government" army commanded by His Excellency the Baron entangled nearly half of Frunze's troops. Frunze's army retreated to Surgut, regardless of the fact that half of the troops failed to withdraw, and continued to retreat towards Serov hastily.A big battle to completely eliminate the Frunze Front Army is imminent. At this time, the newly formed Russian Legion will go to the front line and join hands with Chinese allies to win the victory.

"Ooo! Ooo!"

As soon as the words fell, there were bursts of cheers in the camp, and everyone couldn't restrain their excitement, shouting and jumping.Zhukov also took the lead in cheering a few times against his will, but his heart was as cold as a boulder sinking into the bottom of the water.

Zhukov knew very well that Frunze's front army was the most powerful main force of the Soviet Union.Once this force is wiped out by the Chinese and the puppet "government" forces, Moscow's vitality will be severely damaged.In addition, the reinforcements in the Serov region, if you guessed correctly, should be the reinforcements transferred from Belarus and Ukraine to the Krasnoyarks region.These three vital forces are the precious wealth of the Soviet, especially an experienced commander like Frunze, who cannot afford to lose them.

With the mind of an excellent staff officer, it is not difficult for Zhukov to judge from Ivanovich's words that the Chinese and the puppet "government" intend to eat up the Frunze Front Army and Moscow's reinforcements in one go.Once these troops are wiped out, the road to Moscow will be like a human realm. Even if Moscow organizes new troops to resist, it will not be able to compete with the enemy.

"Sir! We can finally go to the front line! Great! I really want to blow the heads of those Bolsheviks with my rifle. Hey, sir, why don't you seem very happy?" A platoon leader under Zhukov said happily, seeing Zhukov couldn't help but asked strangely with a pensive look on his face.

"Ah! How can you be unhappy? Like you, I have been dreaming of these Bolshevik heads for a long time." Zhukov quickly changed his smile and said with a chuckle: "I was just thinking about how to kill more enemies. After all, we This is the first time we are on the battlefield, so some combat plans must be carefully considered, otherwise, if the enemy does not kill a few, the brothers will suffer in vain."

The platoon leader was in awe when he heard it, and sighed with great admiration: "You are right, sir. It is my honor to be under your command. Please rest assured that when you command us to fight, we will never let you Disappointed!"[

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