Years of the Republic of China 1913

Chapter 3 The Battle of Serov 477

The Baron is a seasoned general. At this time, his first reaction was not to consider where the planes of the Soviet Red Army and the tanks mentioned by his subordinates came from. As the supreme commander, he immediately I feel that the situation is not good. I am afraid that the forward troops are indeed in danger.Thinking of this, the baron's brow was sweating. You must know that only half of his troops crossed the river, and half of the troops and all the heavy weapons were still left on the east bank of the river.Since the enemy has used planes and tanks, it is certain that the forward troops crashed into the ambush circle set by the opponent.Although the number of "government" troops lacking heavy weapons is large, under the impact of the defeated soldiers and the enemy's frenzied counterattack, the entire army will be wiped out if not done well.

retreat?This idea was vetoed by the Baron at the very beginning. With the few floating bridges behind him, it was almost whimsical to withdraw tens of thousands of troops back to the east bank in a short period of time.At this moment, he regretted it too much. If he hadn't been eager to win, underestimated the enemy, and left all the heavy equipment on the east bank, perhaps the result would not be like this now.

In an instant, the baron made a painful decision. He immediately ordered the infantry division directly under him to immediately launch a defense on the spot, and sent a small group of troops forward to respond to the defeated army that had disrupted the organizational system, and asked them to withdraw from both sides of the defensive position to the river bank to rest. , if these troops do not listen to the advice and insist on charging the position, they will shoot immediately.

The baron is very clear that what he needs now is time to regroup his troops!Time is his most precious thing.Although he only has one infantry division directly under him, if he organizes it well, he can still barely block the enemy's counterattack.He only needs half a day... No!Maybe just a few hours is enough.As long as the troops withdrawn to the rear regroup and gain a firm foothold, some of the troops and heavy weapons from the east bank can be transported as soon as possible.The outcome of this battle is still unpredictable.

The infantry division directly under the baron acted quickly. Due to the short time, when they had not fully organized the line of defense, the defeated soldiers retreated from the front.

"Go this way! Everyone go this way!"

While organizing the line of defense, the baron had already arranged for the troops to retreat, and some soldiers guided the friendly troops to evacuate.But the defeated soldiers fell like a mountain. At this time, the soldiers who were desperately fleeing could not see the passage on the side. When everyone saw their troops, it was like a wronged child seeing his dear parents outside.With two legs scattered, he rushed over desperately.

"Bastard! A bunch of idiots! You are all pigs! Run this way! This way!"

Although some of the running people heard these shouts, they were crowded in the crowd, surrounded by comrades who lowered their heads and dashed forward. Even if these people wanted to change their direction, they couldn't help themselves. In the blink of an eye, the retreating troops reached the defense line. Only 30 meters away. [

The colonel who organized the defense line became anxious immediately. As an officer, he knew very well what the consequences would be if he was hit by the defense line.Don't talk about organizing resistance at that time, or they will all be trampled to death by their own people.Seeing the dark team getting closer and closer.The palm of the hand holding the gun was wet with sweat. When the crowd rushed to about 20 meters, he gritted his teeth and gave the order to shoot.


With an order, several machine guns shot at the crowd, and the defeated soldiers rushing to the front fell down in a large piece like cutting straw. The crowd still continued to squeeze forward.The soldier who was not killed by the machine gun slipped and fell to the ground, and he didn't know how many feet were stepped on his body for a while, which made the crowd cry and curse.

"Everyone who hits the front will die! Run from here if you want to survive!"

The impact of the rout was temporarily stopped, and several loud voices shouted suddenly in the gap between the machine guns stopping.The quick-witted soldiers rushed to the reserved passage, one, two, three... Someone took the lead, and the people behind also turned around and ran, and the most dangerous scene was finally stopped.

The colonel wiped off his sweat. The situation just now was too critical. If he hadn't been decisive, he would have been trampled to death by now.Just breathed a sigh of relief.The bursts of gunfire not far ahead were getting closer and closer, and his heart was raised again. He hurriedly got the troops ready for defense, and also notified the officers who were maintaining order to retreat to hurry up.

How could the retreat of tens of thousands of people be so easy, even if they ran side by side, it would take a long time, not to mention that there was still the Red Army chasing after the rout.Frunze's pursuit was ferocious and ferocious, and there were two cavalry divisions in the pursuit team. The two legs of the infantry could not run faster than the four legs of the cavalry.The cavalry wielding their sabers drove the retreating army as if they were entering a human realm, not to mention the dozen or so tanks and infantry divisions chasing behind the cavalry. Branch after branch to destroy.

It seems that there is a multi-division force just after withdrawing from the passage to the rear.The pursuit troops of the Soviet Red Army came.Seeing that the cavalry of the Red Army in front had rushed into the rout, and when they were slashing with swords, the colonel commanding the position couldn't care less about his own people, and ordered the troops to open fire immediately.

The old Maozi relied on the word ruthless to fight. The Red Army is ruthless, and the Far East government army is not bad. At this time, we can no longer think about our own people. The generals are all finished.

Fortunately, this division is the infantry division directly under the baron, and its equipment is much better than that of ordinary infantry divisions, and because it crosses the river late, although it does not carry heavy weapons such as heavy artillery, there are still some machine guns in the troops.The firepower network temporarily organized by seven or eight machine guns started shooting desperately, pouring guns on the opposite side like raindrops regardless of friend or foe.This time, the cavalry units of the Red Army did not expect it. The cavalrymen who rushed happily killed nearly [-] people in a short time.

The attack was thwarted, and the cavalry immediately retreated, slightly opening the distance of the machine guns.At this time, the infantry division directly under it also took this opportunity to gather a group of withdrawn troops. As for the other friendly troops whose whereabouts were unknown and who didn't know where they went, they couldn't care about them. The most important thing now was to block the enemy.

The battlefield briefly entered into a period of peace, but this period of peace was not long.In less than half an hour, the large Red Army troops arrived, followed by several cannons and five tanks panting like old ox carts.

When Frunze, who commanded the battle, learned that the enemy had organized a defense in the rear and held their ground regardless of the casualties of his own people, he immediately ordered the whole army to advance quickly and pull up the cannons and tanks as soon as possible.He clearly knew that this was the enemy's last resistance. Judging from the terrain, this place was not far from the river bank. As long as this broken enemy was defeated, the main force of the Far East "government" army would be wiped out. This battle will also come to a successful conclusion.

At Frunze's urging, the artillery soon arrived in part, as did the tanks.It's a pity that seven of the 12 tanks that have been put into battle since the start of the war were broken due to mechanical reasons, and five of them are still usable now.And looking at the condition of the last five tanks, I'm afraid they won't be able to start them again after the battle is over, which makes Furongzhi a little helpless.But in any case, with these five tanks, plus artillery and its own powerful troops, it shouldn't be a problem to defeat the enemy who lacks heavy weapons.

"Red Army commanders! Brave Red Army soldiers! The final victory is at hand! The people of the motherland are watching you! Comrade Stalin is watching you! For the Soviet! Forward!" [

"For the Soviet! Forward!"

The cannons of the Red Army began to roar, and the last five tanks squeezed out the last energy in their bodies like old patients returning to the light, puffing out black smoke, and rushed towards the enemy amidst rumbles.Following the tanks were group after group of infantry, holding rifles in their hands, looking firmly ahead, like a torrent crushing everything in front of them.

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