Zombie Cultivation in the City

Chapter 161 Very Good

"By the way, I lost the last bet. Tell me, where do you want me to go to college?"

Thinking of the bet last time, Xu Huapan asked softly, she is not a person who will renege on her debts, and she will do what she says.However, with the boy's amazing score of perfect scores, Xu Huapan felt that he was not wronged. Even Huang Yaqin, who is known as the number one in Beijing High School, was deducted two points because of a mistake, which made the boy even more extraordinary.

"Forget this."

Regarding the last joke, Li Zhiqiu didn't have any thoughts. He didn't want to offend the boss behind the other party because of a small verbal agreement, even if he didn't care.

"No, tell me, which university do you want to go to?"

Waving his small fist, Xu Huapan said threateningly.

"I'll go...then you'll be here at Capital University."

Almost being bypassed by the other party, Li Zhiqiu held his mouth in time and pointed to the teaching building in the distance.After a period of time just now, Li Zhiqiu could feel Xu Huapan's love for Capital University.

"how about you?"

Seeing that the boy hadn't been tricked by her, Xu Huapan was a little disappointed, and looked at the boy curiously.To be honest, she was really aroused by the boy's curiosity. Based on her guess, Li Zhiqiu definitely didn't want to come to Beijing University or Mizuki, but she didn't know where she would go.

"I, I'll see when the time comes. I won't know until the results of the college entrance examination come out."

Seeing the probing desire in the beautiful girl's eyes, of course Li Zhiqiu would not speak directly, nor would he make up any lies to fool the other party.

"Hmph, if you don't say it, don't say it."

Humming with a puffed face, Xu Huapan turned his back angrily and walked forward, but couldn't help but start talking again after a few moments.

"Check it out?"

Sitting on the rattan chair, the old man who heard the footsteps looked away from afar and looked at his life secretary, his calm eyes couldn't hide a trace of excitement.

"Li Zhiqiu, 16 years old, originally from Anping City, Hualan City, Nanjiang Province, is currently studying in the first grade of Anping No. [-] Middle School... This time I came to Beijing to participate in the award ceremony of the National High School Mathematics Competition."

Without any nonsense, Gu Wei directly stated the information obtained from the investigation, his eyes were calm and unwavering.

"Unexpectedly, he is still a young hero."

Hearing that it was a young man who saved her and cured her stubborn illness, Hu Guoying couldn't help laughing, her solemn face softened a bit.

Knowing the old man's temperament, Gu Wei, who was the life secretary, did not disturb the old man's meditation, but just stood there quietly, waiting for the next order.

"Does COSCO know?"

After pondering for a while, Hu Guoying suddenly asked a question that had no meaning.

"Secretary Hu already knows, and he is already on his way to Beijing University. At 09:30 this morning, the award ceremony of the National High School Mathematics Contest will be held in the Beijing Auditorium, and Secretary Hu is the guest of honor."

Gu Wei immediately answered Hu Guoying's question.For this kind of situation, Gu Wei has become accustomed to it, and has already prepared answers to various questions in his mind. Without such Linglong thoughts, it is impossible to stay in this central office.

"Tell Cosco, I will treat my savior to a meal at noon. Forget it, I will call myself."

After thinking about it, Hu Guoying still decided to call by herself.In the past, life-saving grace was repaid with life, and the tradition of the ancestors could not be lost.


Respectfully handing the phone with the dialed number to Hu Guoying, Gu Wei retreated quietly to the door.

At the entrance of the small auditorium of Capital University, a young woman in a black suit was surrounded by the crowd, with every step she took she moved with a mature charm that was hard to ignore, there was a bit of determination in her brows, and she looked around looking around. With a trace of majesty.

"Director, Secretary Hu is here."

Just as the young woman was about to enter the gate of the auditorium, a young man in a black suit came to her side quickly and muttered.

"Secretary Hu? Let's go and meet him."

After muttering, the young woman immediately thought of who that Secretary Hu was. Except for Hu Zhongyuan, the first secretary of the League Central Committee, no one else in the League Central Committee could use this title.

"Secretary, here we are."

When the car stopped firmly at the door of the small auditorium, Liang Yu, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, turned his head and said to Hu Zhongyuan who closed his eyes and meditated.


Pulling the blue suit on his body, Hu Zhongyuan got out of the car and saw a handsome young woman coming up, followed by a group of people.

"Unexpectedly, the secretary came in person."

Quickly walking up to meet him, Xu Liangyu stretched out his hand with a smile, and there was a hint of casualness in his words.As a direct heir of the Xu family in the capital, and also on good terms with the Hu family, Xu Liangyu often met with the promising Secretary Hu in front of him. If it wasn't for some accident, she might be his wife now.

"Director Xu is not here either."

Smiling and shaking hands with Xu Liangyu, Hu Zhongyuan looked around and nodded with everyone, majestic and easy-going.

"Secretary, you came to care about the future of our motherland in spite of your busy schedule, which really inspires us educators."

A middle-aged man standing beside Xu Liangyu interjected at the right time, and among the people present, only his position was enough to say a few words.However, being able to show his face in front of this young central leader, Zhou Henian, the vice president of Capital University, was also a little excited. He never expected that Hu Zhongyuan and Xu Liangyu would be dispatched in this year's awards ceremony. The earlier depression was swept away. That Principal He must have a pretty face when he knows it.

"The future of the motherland depends on President Zhou and the gardeners."

After shaking hands with Zhou Henian, Hu Zhongyuan led everyone into the small auditorium, and Zhou Henian, whose name was called, straightened up.

As soon as 9 o'clock arrived, Li Zhiqiu had already sat in his seat early. Because he was No.1, his seat was arranged in the middle of the second row, while Principal Tong and others were arranged at the back of the auditorium .I don't know if it was a coincidence or something, Xu Huapan sat right behind him, poking his back with his fingers from time to time, which made Li Zhiqiu feel a little ballsy.

"You don't want to come to the capital to study?"

Turning a blind eye to the small actions of her best friend, Huang Yaqin, who was sitting next to Li Zhiqiu, asked softly, her face still cold.

"No, it's just not sure yet."

Turning his head to look at this beautiful girl whom Xu Huapan called the most talented girl in Beijing High School, Li Zhiqiu replied with a smile.

"Really, have you ever thought about studying abroad?"

I didn't want to keep asking, but Huang Yaqin couldn't help asking. Maybe she was subconsciously interested in the only boy who defeated her.

"have not thought."

Regarding studying abroad, Principal Tongda also talked to him, but Li Zhiqiu never thought about it. He has no love for foreign countries, but those exotic styles with a good figure are worth seeing.

"Oh, I want to ask, the chain derivation of the last question..."

After talking for a few words, Huang Yaqin brought the topic to the final test questions, and then asked some questions in her mind, and Li Zhiqiu could only helplessly answer the other party's questions.

"Ahem, the ceremony is about to begin."

After coughing twice, Li Zhiqiu interrupted another question from the studious girl. At this time, a group of people had already walked in at the door, and when he saw the leader, his eyes flashed a gleam.

"Students, first of all congratulations for being able to sit here..."

Under the witty remarks of Zhou Henian, vice president of Peking University, the award ceremony of the National High School Mathematics Contest kicked off.

There was constant applause in the auditorium, but the main force was the teachers from various schools accompanying the ceremony. The award-winning students who were the protagonists clapped along with the crowd with a look of ignorance.These are also idealists in the ivory tower.

"...I invite Comrade Hu Zhongyuan, Secretary of the First Secretariat of the League Central Committee, to present the trophy to Li Zhiqiu, the No.1 winner."

After receiving the gold trophy from Hu Zhongyuan, Li Zhiqiu was about to give a few acceptance speeches before leaving the stage, but unexpectedly, the middle-aged man in front of him patted him on the shoulder and said, "Student Li Zhiqiu, you are very good."

Zhou Henian, who was the host, heard Hu Zhongyuan's unusual behavior, his eyes shrank slightly, and he gave the young man a meaningful look, and it seemed that he needed to pay more attention.

Unaware of Hu Zhongyuan's hidden purpose, Li Zhiqiu was not at all agitated, and walked off the stage after saying a few words calmly.In his previous life, he had met this Secretary Hu a few times, but at that time, this Secretary Hu had already become the winner of the summit, and Li Zhiqiu had only talked once as an ordinary company representative with Secretary Hu who went to Nanjiang for inspection. There was no stage fright at all.

Seeing the boy's calm performance, Hu Zhongyuan's eyes became a little more appreciative, he is neither humble nor overbearing, he is a good seedling.

Perhaps to take care of the leader's time, the awards ceremony did not last long. After [-] winners received their trophies, Zhou Henian announced the end of the ceremony.The awards ceremony at this time is just an appetizer, and the big dishes will take a while to serve. The major universities in the Republic will extend olive branches to the winners at the same time, and [-] winners will also join the winter camp to fight for the country, except for Li Zhiqiu .

"Student Zhiqiu, where are you going? I'll give you a ride."

Amid the applause at the end of the ceremony, Hu Zhongyuan, who was sitting in front of Li Zhiqiu, suddenly turned his head and said something.

"Okay, thank you Secretary Hu."

"Hahaha, don't be so pretentious, call me uncle if you don't mind."

Seeing the young man's polite performance, Hu Zhongyuan had a rare smile, but what he said surprised the few people around him.

With a slightly 'shy' smile, Li Zhiqiu didn't pick up the topic, but guessed the other party's purpose in his heart.

"Li Zhiqiu..."

When chasing out of the entrance of the auditorium, only Xu Huapan who saw the back of the car kicked his foot angrily.


"Little aunt."

Hearing a majestic cry, Xu Huapan turned his head, and immediately showed a sweet smile, stepped forward to hold his little aunt's hand, and yelled coquettishly.


Touching his niece's forehead affectionately, Xu Liangyu didn't blame him, but was a little worried about the little girl's mind, that boy looked unusual.

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