The school belle's heart thief

Chapter 12 Rescue Lin Yufei

Long Xiaoyu is now living a very fulfilling life every day.At five in the morning, I went to the hill in the park to practice Guigu Shengong. I had classes during the day, and after evening self-study, Xiao Chutong gave a make-up class for an hour. I could get in close contact with the beautiful teacher. At night, I went home to meditate and practice Guigu Shengong.Since he lived alone in a room, his parents never noticed that he was practicing.

One night, when Xiao Chutong was giving him extra lessons, Lin Yufei called: "Long Xiaoyu, come quickly...Marriott Hotel..." Lin Yufei's voice was vague, she hung up quickly, and then turned off the phone.

"Mr. Xiao, one of my friends may be in danger. That is the female college student I rescued in Tianmen Mountain that day. I must go over there immediately!" Long Xiaoyu said eagerly. From Xiao Chutong's intermittent voice, he felt Lin Yufei's situation is not good.

"Okay, you go right away." Xiao Chutong stood up, and instructed: "Don't be impulsive when things happen, and pay attention to safety."

"Teacher Xiao, don't worry, I'll be careful!" Long Xiaoyu ran out of the teacher's office after speaking.

Long Xiaoyu hurriedly took a taxi and called Hou Gang immediately, and the call was quickly connected. "Monkey, take a few people and rush to the Marriott Hotel immediately!"

"Hello, Brother Long! I'll be right there!" Hou Gang said excitedly.

Long Xiaoyu had just arrived at the Marriott Hotel, and Hou Gang had already arrived with his people. "Brother Long, what do we need to do?"

"Follow me!" Long Xiaoyu quickly ran to the front desk of the hotel, "Which room is a female college student with a shawl and very white hair?"

The waitress at the front desk shook her head, "Sir, I don't know who you are talking about."

"Damn it, if you don't tell the truth, I'll spoil your little face!" Hou Gang stared fiercely.

The waitress looked at the black vest with the blue dragon tattooed on his arm, and the fierce Hou Gang turned pale with fright, hesitating to speak.

"Tell me! Do you really want to try it?" Hou Gang took out a knife and approached the waitress's face.

"Sir, I really don' the presidential suite." The waitress struggled to spit out a few words.

"Which floor is it?" Hou Gang asked further.

"25th floor."

Long Xiaoyu and the others quickly got on the elevator and came to the door of the presidential suite. Long Xiaoyu kicked open the door and rushed into the bedroom, only to see a naked middle-aged man on the bed trying his best to pick off a girl's jeans. The clothes on the girl's upper body have been torn, revealing her white and delicate body, struggling with all her strength, she is Lin Yufei!

"How did you get in? Get out of here! Get out!" The middle-aged man turned around, his eyes were bloodshot, and he spoke incoherently, but his tone was quite majestic.

Without saying a word, Long Xiaoyu grabbed the middle-aged man's butt by the calf and threw him out viciously. The middle-aged man fell to the ground and passed out.

Long Xiaoyu hurriedly pulled the quilt over Lin Yufei and covered Lin Yufei. Seeing Lin Yufei's whole body was agitated, he tapped her Baihui acupoint and let her fall into a coma. "Monkey, tell someone to buy a lady's clothes, hurry up!"

"Brother Long is good, third son, go buy it right away, the sooner the better!" Hou Gang immediately said to the third son with long hair next to him, and the third son immediately ran downstairs.

"***, what are you guys doing? How dare you go to Lao Tzu's place to act wildly?"

There was a loud shout, and more than 20 people in security uniforms rushed in at the door, all holding batons in their hands. The leader was in a suit, in his 40s, with his hair back, and a pair of triangular eyes that looked like thieves. Standing beside him was that little boy who made Lin Yufei commit suicide!

"Your territory? Can your territory allow bad guys to run amok?" Long Xiaoyu pointed to the naked man lying on the ground.

"Is it up to you to take care of the two of them? Arrest them first!" The man in the suit pointed at Long Xiaoyu and ordered the security guards around him.

The group of security guards immediately swung their batons and rushed towards Long Xiaoyu and the others. Hou Gang and the others also drew out their switchblades to meet them. Seeing that Hou Gang and the others were outnumbered, Long Xiaoyu punched one security guard flying, He punched and kicked all the security guards and men in suits to the ground, and kicked the little boy into the wall with his last kick.

The man in the suit curled up on the ground and forced himself to look at Long Xiaoyu calmly, "Boy, do you know who I am? You have to consider the consequences!"

"I don't care who the hell are you? Talk too much and I'll make you dumb from now on!" Long Xiaoyu also swears, stepped forward and slapped him twice, and the man in the suit immediately turned into a pig's head.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Long Xiaoyu felt that it must be unusual.

"I'm the owner of the hotel. Of course we'll take care of you if you rush into the suite and beat people up." The man in the suit blinked his eyes trying to figure out what to say.

"It seems that you don't want to talk about it if I don't give you some strength!" Long Xiaoyu stretched out his hand and tapped on the man in the suit. The man in the suit soon felt itchy all over his body. Tens of thousands of bugs are licking every part of their body.He rolled crazily on the ground, but the itching became more and more serious. He took off his clothes and scratched his skin vigorously. A large piece of flesh was scratched off, and he was still scratching desperately.

"Ah! I can't take it anymore! I said..." The man in the suit felt that he couldn't bear it anymore, and the feeling of life being worse than death made him want to jump out of the window immediately.

Long Xiaoyu tapped acupuncture points for the man in the suit to stop the itching, "Tell me, what's your name? Why did you know when I entered the room? What's going on? Don't hold back, I'll ask someone else later. If you have a lie, I will tickle you to death!"

The man in the suit completely gave up his resistance, "I say, I say everything. My name is Sun Wei, and I am the owner of this hotel. The man on the ground is called Tong Pengcheng."

"Tong Pengcheng? Isn't he the new mayor? I felt familiar with this person just now. Damn, this bastard grandson is also worthy of being the mayor?" Long Xiaoyu remembered seeing Tong Pengcheng give a serious report on the TV news.

"Master, I don't blame Mayor Tong for this matter today. This is what we did for him. My real estate development company wants to develop a piece of land and needs Mayor Tong's nod. I'm afraid he won't agree, so I invite him to dinner. I gave him aphrodisiacs in the wine, and found a female college student who wanted him to fuck, and took a video of him to threaten him to submit." Sun Wei did not hold back anything, and confessed everything.

"You also drugged that female student, how did you find her?" Long Xiaoyu felt that Lin Yufei was very abnormal.

"Yes, I asked Xu Jun to find her, and I also put medicine in her tea, and brought her to Mayor Tong's room when she was confused."

"Who is Xu Jun? Is that the little boy?" Long Xiaoyu walked towards Xu Jun. Xu Jun sat on the ground, trembling with fright when he saw Sun Wei's miserable appearance just now. "Master, spare me! I'll tell you everything you ask!"

"How did you trick Lin Yufei out? And what happened to you before? Tell me!" Long Xiaoyu stared, two cold lights shot out, and Xu Jun was so frightened that he lay down on the ground.

"I said, I used to pretend to be in love with her. The main purpose was to make her a tool for us to seduce the upper class. I didn't expect that she found out that I was with other women, and she was looking for death. This time I called I asked her to apologize, and she came out, and I took advantage of her unpreparedness to put an aphrodisiac in the coffee."

"How do you control girls through dating?" Long Xiaoyu felt that it was necessary to understand this process.

"We usually fall in love with beautiful female college students, and finally make them submit obediently through rape and taking nude photos. If it doesn't work, we control them through drugs." Xu Jun dare not hide it at all.

"Damn, you are a scum! It is a shame for us men that a person like you is alive!" Long Xiaoyu was furious, and kicked Xu Jun away again. After hearing a few clicks, Xu Jun suffered multiple fractures. Long Xiaoyu stepped forward again and stepped on the middle of Xu Jun's legs. Xu Jun was so painful that he passed out.

Long Xiaoyu approached Sun Wei, with fire in his eyes, "You are the leader of this gang, right?"

Sun Wei was so frightened that he sifted through the chaff, "Yes... no, I still have a big boss above me."

"Who is your big boss?" Long Xiaoyu stared into Sun Wei's eyes.

Sun Wei didn't dare to look directly at Long Xiaoyu, and murmured, "I really can't say, otherwise my whole family will be ruined."

"Don't tell me, you're done now, do you still want to experience the feeling just now?" Long Xiaoyu stretched out his hand to touch Sun Wei's acupuncture points.

"Don't, I said..." Sun Wei really didn't dare to bear the pain just now, it would be worse than death. "It's Master Xu..."

"Which Master Xu?"

"Xu Wanxin."

"It's Xu Wanxin, the leader of the Sanqing Gang, who has great influence in Donghai City." Hou Gang added.

"Hmph! It's very powerful? It's bad luck for the Sanqing Gang to run into me!" Long Xiaoyu said quite confidently.

"Where is the camera in this room?" Long Xiaoyu turned to ask Sun Wei when he thought about the secret filming.

"It's in the speaker next to the TV." Sun Wei stood up and went to the speaker to take out the camera.

"Monkey, follow them and bring the video tape!" Long Xiaoyu said to Hou Gang.

Hou Gang immediately escorted Sun Wei to the monitoring room to get the video tape, and Long Xiaoyu put it in his pocket.

At this time, Sanzi ran in with clothes bought from a 24-hour convenience store.

"Monkey, you all go out and wait for me at the door. By the way, get that kid away for me, put his clothes on, and throw him into another room!" Long Xiaoyu pointed to Tong Pengcheng and said to Hou Gang.

Hou Gang and the others put clothes on Tong Pengcheng and dragged him out of the room. Sun Wei and his security guards also took Xu Jun away, and Long Xiaoyu locked the door. Lin Yufei is gone.

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