The school belle's heart thief

Chapter 37 Food Poisoning

Long Xiaoyu didn't expect Xiao Chutong's life experience to be so tragic. He hugged her sobbing tightly, sucked the tears on her face with his hot lips, and vowed that he would take care of her for the rest of his life and never let her suffer any more grievances!

A Passat drove quietly to the side of the bathing place, and started to shake after a while. Long Xiaoyu was a little surprised, and pulled Xiao Chutong towards the car.

Suddenly, a masked man in black jumped in front of the Passat, the flashes flashed a few times, then he turned around and took two photos of Long Xiaoyu and the others, and then quickly ran to the nearby woods.

The door of the Passat was pushed open, and a middle-aged man in disheveled clothes staggered after the man in black. Long Xiaoyu also rushed after seeing the man in black taking pictures of himself and Xiao Chutong.

Long Xiaoyu practiced the magic of Guigu and ran as light as a swallow, like an arrow flying from the string. He was almost 30 meters away from the man in black, but a black unlicensed car quickly drove to the edge of the woods, slowed down and opened the door , Seeing that the man in black was about to get into the car, Long Xiaoyu flew a silver light in his hand, and a silver needle shot out. He heard the man in black scream, and the camera in his hand fell to the ground. He didn't care to pick it up and jumped on it The unlicensed car drove away quickly.

Long Xiaoyu turned on the camera, and found that apart from the two photos of himself and Xiao Chutong holding hands, the rest were unsightly photos of Principal Huang Yifei shopping with Director Yin Hong and Che Zhen just now!

The middle-aged man walked over awkwardly, it was the principal Huang Yifei.Huang Yifei also recognized Long Xiaoyu. During this time, Long Xiaoyu was very popular in school.

"Hehe, classmate Long Xiaoyu, what a coincidence," Huang Yifei laughed dryly. "Thanks to your timely response, you didn't let the bad guys get away with it. Can I have a look at the camera?"

Long Xiaoyu gave the camera to Huang Yifei.He still has a good impression of Huang Yifei, who runs the school very strictly. Although the school wanted to expel him this time, he knew that it was mainly Zhou Lin and Wei Shengjin's role, and Huang Yifei still didn't want to deal with him at that time.He has always been very clear about what he likes and what he hates, and he will give everything to repay those who are kind to him, and he will show no mercy to those who are scheming against him, and mercilessly attack him!

Seeing the scene of himself and Yin Hong shopping being secretly photographed, Huang Yifei turned from embarrassment to anger. When he saw the nude photos of himself and Yin Hong when they were shaking in the car just now, his body trembled. If such pornographic photos were exposed, he would be ruined. Not only will his official position and family be lost, but his image and reputation accumulated in society for many years will collapse!Beads of sweat rolled down from his head.

"This scoundrel, I won't let him go if I catch him!" Huang Yifei gritted his teeth.Hatred twisted the muscles on his face violently, he already guessed who was plotting against him, it must be Wei Shengjin who has been against him and wanted to replace him!

"Student Long Xiaoyu, I deleted these photos, and today's incident should be as if it didn't happen?" Huang Yifei took out the camera's memory card and broke it hard, put it in his pocket, he wanted to dispose of it himself.He felt embarrassing when such a thing happened in front of his students, and wished he could find a crack in the ground to sneak in. He was really a role model for a teacher, and a principal in vain.Fortunately, Long Xiaoyu was not dealt with this time. If Long Xiaoyu was really fired, he probably would not let him go.

Thinking of how to shut up Long Xiaoyu's mouth, Huang Yifei changed into an amiable and flattering smile: "Xiaoyu, in the future, if you have anything to do in school, feel free to ask me. If it doesn't violate the principles, I will do my best! The school plans to set you up as a model, please introduce your experience of learning and progress in front of the teachers and students of the school, and rate you as a three-good student in the school!" The conversation changed, and he said: "I haven't seen anything about you and Xiao Chutong either."

This sentence is a bit threatening.Long Xiaoyu smiled as if he didn't hear it: "Principal Huang, forget about those honors, I don't want to be famous in school. I won't talk about what happened today, please rest assured, principal! I'm leaving first, goodbye!"

Huang Yifei didn't ask to see Long Xiaoyu off either. He was afraid that Yin Hong in the car would be embarrassed when he saw Long Xiaoyu and Xiao Chutong, so he waved his hand and immediately ran to the car and drove away.

Long Xiaoyu sent Xiao Chutong back to the dormitory by taxi. Xiao Chutong was surprised to see Huang Yifei running down from the car and chasing the man in black. Long Xiaoyu had to whisper what happened tonight. Xiao Chutong was very shocked. To have such a nasty relationship with the dean.

Wei Teng screamed and pulled out the silver needle on the back of his hand. He never thought that Long Xiaoyu would do this.Thanks to second uncle Wei Shengjin driving fast this evening, if he was alone, he would definitely fall into the hands of Long Xiaoyu, but unfortunately the camera is gone.

"Xiao Teng, you already took photos of Huang Yifei's evidence, how did you provoke Long Xiaoyu?" Wei Shengjin was a little strange, just now he saw Huang Yifei and Yin Hong playing with the car shaker, and it was probably about time, so he asked his nephew to take the photo with his face masked, After filming, he took his nephew and quickly evacuated, why did Long Xiaoyu suddenly appear?

"Damn it, it's Long Xiaoyu who stole my woman! I got angry when I saw him and that bastard Xiao Chutong together! Just now when I was taking photos of Huang Yifei, I happened to see them walking hand in hand, so I just took a photo How could I expect Long Xiaoyu to react so quickly that he almost missed it." Wei Teng said angrily.

"Xiao Teng, you are too young and too impulsive when things happen. We have to catch Huang Yifei's evidence and pull him down. When I become the leader, will those problems still be problems? Then how can we deal with Long Xiaoyu and Xiao Chutong? Today If you don't take pictures of Long Xiaoyu and Xiao Chutong at night, Long Xiaoyu won't chase you, and those photos will be saved! Sigh." Wei Shengjin sighed.

Wei Teng also felt that he was reckless, but he was furious when he saw Long Xiaoyu and Xiao Chutong together, and he couldn't control his emotions.

"Xiao Teng, this matter can only stop here. We have already started to scare the snake. Huang Yifei and Yin Hong will definitely be very careful. It will be very difficult to secretly take pictures. And Huang Yifei will definitely think that I am messing with him behind the scenes, and he will treat me in the future. It's very unfavorable." Wei Shengjin felt very headache. "It seems that we can only take extreme measures, but if we fail, we will be lost forever!"

"Second Uncle, I will do whatever I want to do, and I will definitely not make Huang Yifei feel comfortable! Anyway, I have had enough of living a life of innocence!" Wei Teng said with vengeful anger in his eyes, and he must punish Huang Yifei. Instead, turn Xiao Chutong into her own woman, and expel Long Xiaoyu from school!

Wei Shengjin parked his car on the side of the road and secretly conspired with Wei Teng.

At noon on the third day, Long Xiaoyu didn't go to the cafeteria to eat, and was discussing with Hou Gang about expanding the team at the Blue Coast Nightclub, when his cell phone rang!

"Xiaoyu, something happened to Ye Qianqian and Teacher Xiao!" Dasha's eager voice came from the phone.

Long Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, "Dasha, what happened to them, what happened?"

"We were eating in the cafeteria. Ye Qianqian and Teacher Xiao suddenly felt sick and vomited and fell into a coma!"

"Dasha, report 1 as soon as possible!" Long Xiaoyu was also anxious.

"1 The ambulance has already sent them to the People's Hospital. I wouldn't tell you if it wasn't because Ye Qianqian is your betting girlfriend."

"I'll go there right away!" Long Xiaoyu hurried downstairs and asked Hou Gang to drive to the People's Hospital.

When he arrived at the door of the emergency room of the People's Hospital, Long Xiaoyu found that many school leaders, teachers, and parents of students were waiting eagerly. He knew that this time the matter was not easy!

Huang Yifei was also waiting at the door, and when he saw Long Xiaoyu running towards him, he nodded his head and did not speak.

Long Xiaoyu pushed open the door of the emergency room and wanted to rush in, but the nurse stopped him: "What do you do? The patient is being rescued inside now, you can't go in!"

Long Xiaoyu was very worried about Xiao Chutong's safety, and he couldn't wait. "I am a special expert of our hospital, please let me in!"

"No, I'm rescuing patients, no one can go in without the director's order!" The nurse blocked the door with her body.

Long Xiaoyu was in a hurry, pushed the nurse away and rushed into the emergency room.

Several hospital beds were temporarily added to the emergency room. Xiao Chutong was lying on the innermost bed, his face pale, unconscious, and vomit all over his body.

Long Xiaoyu rushed to Xiao Chutong's bed, and when he saw the emaciated Xiao Chutong, tears welled up in his eyes. She is his dearest person, so he must save her!

Long Xiaoyu quickly took off Xiao Chutong's coat, and immediately used the Xuanyuan 72 acupuncture method. In an instant, silver needles were inserted all over Xiao Chutong's body, and black poisonous water soon flowed out from every acupuncture point.

The nurse who followed behind to stop Long Xiaoyu was dumbfounded, and so were all the doctors in the ward!

"Xiaoyu, is it really you? Am I dreaming?" Xiao Chutong woke up and saw Long Xiaoyu healing himself, tears streaming down his face.

She had many dreams during the more than an hour of being unconscious. First, she dreamed of a very terrifying scene. A huge dragon-like monster with pus all over its body opened its bloody mouth and tried to devour her. No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't escape. , Later, a sunny boy grabbed his arm to save himself from the mouth of the dragon. This boy is Long Xiaoyu!She dreamed of standing with Long Xiaoyu in the moonlight by the sea, Long Xiaoyu hugged herself tightly and kissed deeply.In the last dream, Long Xiaoyu suddenly became a doctor and healed himself with skillful acupuncture. Only when he woke up did he realize that it was not a dream.She held Long Xiaoyu's hand tightly and did not separate it for a long time.

"Chu Tong, don't be afraid, nothing will happen if I'm by your side." Long Xiaoyu's address has also changed, and now he only hopes that Xiao Chutong will recover as soon as possible, he can't live without Xiao Chutong!

"Xiaoyu, I had a lot of dreams just now, I was so scared, I was so afraid that you would not be by my side." Xiao Chutong hugged Long Xiaoyu tightly, tears wet Long Xiaoyu's clothes.

"Chu Tong, I will not leave you, I will always be by your side!" Long Xiaoyu patted Xiao Chutong's back gently and said softly.Now he feels that Xiao Chutong is just a little girl, a little girl who needs to be taken care of by himself.

"Xiaoyu, what's wrong with me? Why am I in the hospital?" Xiao Chutong is a little sober now.

"Chu Tong, you were poisoned when you ate in the cafeteria, and many teachers and students were also poisoned." Long Xiaoyu explained.

"Xiaoyu, let me go, I'm too dirty." Xiao Chutong said embarrassedly when he saw his vomit stained on Long Xiaoyu's clothes.

"Doctor Long, it's really good of you to come!" Dean Yan Junqing came to the emergency room immediately after hearing the nurse's report, and said happily when he saw Long Xiaoyu.

The doctors and nurses around him were stunned. Could this boy who looked like a middle school student really be a doctor?

Long Xiaoyu didn't care to greet Yan Junqing, so he gave Ye Qianqian an injection, and soon Ye Qianqian woke up too.Seeing Long Xiaoyu treating her, she was a little dazed, and it took a while to understand.

"Long Xiaoyu, why are you treating me? Are you a doctor?" Ye Qianqian was very surprised. She saw Long Xiaoyu giving her acupuncture. She was very skilled in acupuncture, surrounded by many doctors and nurses.

"Yes, I am an ancestral Chinese medicine practitioner, and I have learned some acupuncture techniques." Long Xiaoyu nodded and smiled.

"Long Xiaoyu, I find that I can't understand you more and more." Ye Qianqian felt that Long Xiaoyu was too strange recently. Not only did he suddenly erupt in studies, but he also had medical skills. The urge to learn more.

"Dr. Long, now is a special period. Your Xuanyuan 72 acupuncture method seems to be very effective in treating this kind of food poisoning. There are still a few people who are dying. I hope that Dr. Long will treat you in a humanitarian spirit. I will fully cooperate with you if you need anything." !" Yan Junqing is completely convinced by Xuanyuan 72 acupuncture, and he doesn't care about the identity of the hospital director anymore, even if he is asked to be Long Xiaoyu's assistant, he will agree, after all, saving lives is extremely urgent.

Long Xiaoyu didn't say anything. There were still 5 critically ill patients who needed treatment. He devoted himself fully to the treatment until all these patients were out of danger.

This time, a total of 1' students and staff suffered from food poisoning, among which 125 were hospitalized, 14 suffered convulsions, 14 fell into coma, and 7 were critically ill.These 7 critically ill patients were all cured by Long Xiaoyu with Xuanyuan 72 acupuncture.

The next day, the news of mass food poisoning in the cafeteria of Donghai No. [-] Middle School was published in major media. Many reporters came to the school to cover the incident, and Donghai No. [-] Middle School became the focus of the whole country.

Soon, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee decided to set up the "10" project headquarters, with Kang Xincheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Law Committee, as the commander-in-chief. Sun Xinmin, the head of the criminal police detachment, served as the deputy commander in chief and was fully responsible for the investigation of the case.At the same time, according to the proposal of Zhou Lin, the vice mayor in charge of education, Huang Yifei was suspended from his position as the principal, and Wei Shengjin, the vice principal, took charge of the school's work.

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