Ghost Special Forces

Chapter 104 Luxury Villa

"Ye Feng, you agreed to marry me just now, don't go back on your word!" The BMW continued to move forward, and Li Jing threw herself into Ye Feng's arms.

"I didn't agree just now." Ye Feng said lightly.

"What!?" Li Jing said angrily, "I told you to marry me just now, and you clearly agreed, and then...then I helped you out."

Such a deep question, this little girl dared to say it directly, Ye Feng said awkwardly: "I swear I didn't promise to marry you, if you don't believe me, ask Ma Shilong!"

Li Jing held her small fist and said to Ma Shilong: "Ma Shilong! Tell me, did Ye Feng agree to marry me just now?"

Ma Shilong is about to cry!He yelled: "Brother Ye, don't push such a profound question on me, okay? I answered you, Miss Li is going to kill me, if I don't answer you, I am ashamed of you!"

"Since you don't want to be ashamed of me, then say, I didn't agree to marry her!" Ye Feng said.

"Ma Shilong! Tell me! Did Ye Feng agree to marry me?" Li Jing's fist was already on Ma Shilong's face, which was a naked threat.

Now that Ma Shilong wanted to die, he decided not to offend either side and kept silent.

After wandering around Beijing for a full three hours, Ma Shilong stopped in front of a large villa in the city center. Judging by the area of ​​the villa, it was at least [-] square meters.

This publicity, there is such a villa in the city center, it seems that it is rich and powerful!

Ma Shilong came to the gate of the villa and rang the doorbell. After a while, a young beauty about 20 years old opened the door.Seeing that it was Ma Shilong, the little beauty bent her knees and said, "Brother Ma, Brother Zhang is waiting for you inside."

Ma Shilong led Ye Feng and Li Jing into this large villa of [-] square meters.

There are pools, gardens, and rockery in the villa. The scenery is beautiful and refreshing.At various intersections, Ye Feng also saw many bodyguards, all wearing black suits and black sunglasses, majestic.

Walk through a path made of stone and come to a glass building. This glass building is a luxurious villa house.

The second floor of the villa is very spacious, and the floor is covered with expensive carpets. Ma Shilong had already taken off his shoes when he was on the first floor of the villa.

There can't be any dirty things in this villa, otherwise Zhang Yang will be very unhappy, and if Zhang Yang is unhappy, then someone will be very unlucky.

At this time, Zhang Yang was playing on the carpet with seven or eight naked women, and he suddenly fell to the ground with a girl in his arms, but at this moment, he looked at her feet.

No, not one pair of feet, but three pairs of feet.

Of the three pairs of feet, one was without shoes, the other was military boots, and the third was a woman's feet, which were wearing black high heels.

"Who is it!?" Zhang Yang suddenly stood up and shouted.

"Ma Shilong, who are these two idiots? They put on shoes in my room, don't they want to live!" After speaking, Zhang Yang slapped Ma Shilong on the face.

"Brother Zhang, this..." Ma Shilong didn't know how to introduce Ye Feng, so he pointed at Li Jing and said, "This is Li Jiaxiang's daughter, and... her bodyguard."

Zhang Yang said angrily: "I want you to tie her up, not to invite her here! But look, now the two of them came to my villa wearing shoes, Ma Shilong, the man chopped me up to feed the dog, and the woman took the clothes Take it off, let the brothers under you play for a few days before talking about it!"

Hearing this, Ma Shilong showed embarrassment and stood still.

Zhang Yang wondered: "Ma Shilong, I told you to go down to do some work, did you hear me?"

Ma Shilong murmured, and said, "Brother Zhang, they...they came prepared."

Zhang Yang was very strange, he said "oh", then looked at Ye Feng and Li Jing, and finally put his eyes on Li Jing: "This girl from Li Jiaxiang is still pretty, but I don't know how it will feel?"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yang stretched out his hand, trying to touch Li Jing's chest.Without waiting for Ye Feng to make a move, Li Jing suddenly raised her right foot, and the high heels mercilessly left a blood hole on Zhang Yang's bare foot.

Li Jing looked at Zhang Yang who was not wearing any clothes, stared at his lower body, and said coldly: "A little loach is also showing off! Ye Feng, take off your pants! Let him see your abilities! "

Li Jing's shout made Ye Feng dumbfounded, well, Ye Feng admitted that his guy is a bit big, but he can't just show off every day when he sees a man making trouble, right?

What is this!

Zhang Yang hugged the left foot that had a bloody hole from Li Jing, rolled on the ground and screamed: "Come on! Chop these two bastards to pieces!"

The pain made Zhang Yang forget his purpose of kidnapping Li Jing. His only thought now is to kill Ye Feng and Li Jing in order to make a quicker return.

Zhang Yang called a room full of bodyguards. These bodyguards were all barefoot and held batons in their hands. They didn't dare to hold guns. It would be hard to say if they hurt Zhang Yang.And even if Zhang Yang wasn't hurt, if he hurt the flowers, plants and trees in the villa, he would be reprimanded by Zhang Yang afterwards.If Zhang Yang is in a good mood, forget it. If he is in a bad mood, then I'm sorry buddy, see you in the next life.

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