Ghost Special Forces

Chapter 52 5 people

Half an hour later, Ye Feng and the others left the small house. When they left, each of Ye Feng and the others wrapped some wheat buns and some flatbread in their clothes, and hid them in their clothes, ready to take them away.

However, Ye Feng and the others did not eat the food of the two old people for nothing. They put all their money in the yard of the couple. When they got up the next morning, when the old woman found the money, both of them cried. Praise the People's Liberation Army as a good person.

Soon, the valley ushered in the sixth morning. At this time, there were less than 500 people left. It was not until the eighth morning, when Ye Feng and the others had just finished eating the pancakes and steamed buns, Fu Yi announced that the first assessment was over, and at this time, only 50 people remained.

These 50 people, according to other people's words, are the elite among the strong, but Fu Yi doesn't think so, he stood up and said: "Why can you [-] people persist until now? Because your brains are better than others. It works, you steal my mutton, hide behind my tent to keep warm, and some of you hide in my car at night, look at all of you, all of you are full of energy, which one seems to be hungry A week? Which one seems to be frozen stupid?"

Ye Feng was completely dumbfounded. It turned out that Fu Yi saw all their small actions: "I want to say that it is the night, which is the most lively. You guys are running around all over the place, do you think I don't know? Ye Feng, Let’s talk about you first, isn’t it? Where did you go at night?”

Ye Feng was clever and replied: "I... I hide behind your tent at night to keep warm."

Fu Yi smiled: "Really? A few people, recruit them truthfully. To be honest, I don't need to eliminate you!"

The moods of Xie Hongjun and Chen Qing also fell into a trough, but Ye Feng's words comforted them, Ye Feng said without hesitation: "I am alone at night!"

"Very good!" Fu Yi ignored Ye Feng and called another name, "Zhu Gang, did you steal the mutton that was thrown on the ground that day?"

Seeing that Zhu Gang couldn't hide, now that Fu Yi knew about it, he stood up and said, "That's right, I stole it!"

Fu Yi nodded and said: "A few people ate it, tell me, I don't have to eliminate you!"

Zhu Gang rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Instructor Fu, I will not be fooled by you. Since you found out that I ate it, then I ate it. I swallowed all the bones in my stomach."

Fu Yi walked around Zhu Gang, then pointed to another person, and asked, "Ao Liqiang, what did you do at night?"

Ao Liqiang was a skinny soldier, he stammered: "Instructor Fu, I did go out to hunt at night, and now I'm wrapped in a few thick animal furs. It’s too inhumane, they don’t give us clothes, don’t give us food and drink, this is obviously trying to freeze and starve us to death, you don’t need to ask, I, Ao Liqiang, went out alone, without bringing anyone else.”

Fu Yi asked questions one by one. At the end of the question, he finally smiled. He pointed at Ye Feng: "Very good, you 50 people, pass the test!"

No matter what, Ye Feng never expected that fifty sneaky people would successfully pass Fu Yi's first assessment, but what's next?Ye Feng was looking forward to it, but he was also a little guilty. The first assessment was so difficult, and the subsequent assessments would be even more difficult.

While Fu Yi was giving a speech, a military truck drove in from outside the valley. Two soldiers got off from the truck. These two soldiers walked quickly to Fu Yi's side and muttered for a while.Ye Feng only saw Fu Yi's solemn face, and called two other instructors. The five of them discussed together for at least 10 minutes, and finally Fu Yi nodded.

After Fu Yi and the five of them finished discussing, he fixed his gaze on the 50 people below, and finally said: "Listen, you 50 people, I, Fu Yi, will give you one last chance to quit, because the next competition assessment items, Probably most of you will die, I don't want to see bloodshed, so back out if you don't have to."

Fu Yi said it very seriously, no one thought he was joking, but none of the remaining [-] people withdrew.Fu Yi smiled and said: "Very good, since you are all ready to sacrifice your life, I will send you an important task now, you must accept it, and you must obey my order!"

"Stand at attention! Take a break!" Fu Yi himself saluted fifty people including Ye Feng after a short rest. He said solemnly, "Now there is a group of poachers in the Qiangtang grassland of Tibet. They have enough force to hunt Tibetan antelopes. There is no other strong fire support nearby, so the superiors entrusted this task to me, and I am going to entrust this task to you, your task is to capture all these poachers, can you do it?"

"We can do it!" The voices of 50 people were very loud.

"Very good!" Fu Yi glanced at it, and then said, "Tibet's Qiangtang Grassland belongs to our country's 'mysterious death zone' Hoh Xil, where the wind and clouds are unpredictable, and some phenomena cannot be explained by science. If you go here, I will I will issue the best weapons and equipment to you, but let me declare first, you must be careful and come back alive."

Of course, Ye Feng didn't care about the few poachers, but the problem was to enter Hoh Xil to arrest people, which made the task more difficult.

"Kehexil" means "beautiful girl" in Mongolian.In Tibetan, this area is called "Aqin Gongjia".It is one of the areas with the most perfect preservation of the original ecological environment in the world, and it is also one of the nature reserves with the largest area, the highest altitude and the richest wildlife resources in China.Hoh Xil has a severe cold climate and harsh natural conditions, making it impossible for humans to live for a long time. It is known as the "forbidden zone of life".However, because of this, unique living conditions have been created for wild animals on the plateau, and it has become a "paradise for wild animals" and a paradise for poachers.

Hoh Xil Nature Reserve, also known as Hoh Xil No Man's Land, is the largest, highest and most mysterious "dead zone" in China. It is located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with a total area of ​​about 24 square kilometers. It is the largest alpine zone on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The entire Hoh Xil is at an altitude of about 5000m. The climate is dry and cold, with severe anoxic and fresh water shortages. The number is limited. People have given this place many terrible nicknames, such as "mysterious death zone", "death line", "human forbidden zone", "life forbidden zone" and so on.

Therefore, except for those desperate poachers, no one in Hoh Xil dared to challenge its authority.

Fu Yi has a lot of power. I don't know where he dispatched some weapons and equipment. These equipment are all special equipment, very advanced and powerful.These dispatched weapons and equipment are set for each person, with two hundred submachine gun bullets and fifty pistol bullets per person, a dagger for each, and other satellite positioning systems and so on.In short, Ye Feng carried 35 kilograms on his back, which is [-] catties in weight. It would be no wonder that ordinary people would be exhausted if they carried it on their backs, but Ye Feng and the others regarded these things as treasures. If they lost one, maybe One's own life would be lost, so everyone carried the seventy catties of equipment firmly on their backs.

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