Liu Zhong saw that Liu Qi walked back to the dormitory as if he had something on his mind, and ordered Huan'er to serve the young master well, then walked to the small courtyard outside the courtyard, and called the twenty guards in the young master's mansion who were all standing in full armor with long swords in their hands and called their names loudly: "Chen Wen."

"Here." The voice was like a crisp bird, and a tall, thin and strong man with a fair face and a slightly refined appearance came out.

"Chen Wu."

"Here." The voice was like a bell, and a burly man with a big waist, a round face and a murderous look responded.

"Chen Chun."


"Chen Xia."


"Chen Qiu."


"Chen Dong."


After Liu Zhong finished his roll call, six strong men with long swords in their hands and armored suits stood out from the guard queue, their awe-inspiring and imposing manner.

These six loyal guards named Chen Wen, Chen Wu, Chen Chun, Chen Xia, Chen Qiu, and Chen Dong are from Liu Qi's biological mother, Chen Shi Yingchuan, from Chenjiazhuang. It was arranged to change the name to Liu Zhong with Liu Biao's surname, but these men with the surname Chen were members of Liu Qi's birth mother's family, the Chen family, who had been kind to them before they married, and they were also specially selected by Liu Zhong to assist Liu Qi Chengqi in fulfilling his cousin's last wish Loyal and brave warrior.

Trained by Liu Zhong himself, the six guards are brave and resourceful and can fight alone or in a group, but Liu Zhong obeys, and Liu Zhong secretly arranges to guard Liu Qi at all times.The other [-] guards are soldiers who have fought under Liu Biao for many years. They are loyal and brave men who have received Liu Biao's secret order to swear allegiance to the eldest son Liu Qi. If you go on a rampage, you may be able to reach a thousand troops.

There are such brave twenty dead men in the son's mansion, but Liu Qi, who is usually indulging in sensuality, turned a blind eye to them, and even mistakenly thought that his father Liu Biao was placed by his side to monitor his words and deeds, preventing him from moving freely. This can also be seen Liu Qi in history did not have courage and insight, nor could he see through the situation. It is really sad.

But Gao Qiang after crossing didn't know these things, otherwise, even if Liu Zhong killed Cai Mao's maid, he wouldn't have swallowed rat poison to trick Cai Mao into avoiding the disaster, and directly pulled out the twenty guards and Cai Mao's blood Splash five steps, and then fall into the grass and become a grass bandit or wading into the water as a water thief, just wait for the opportunity to move.

Gao Qiang before the end of the world understands this truth. As long as you are strong and domineering enough, others will not dare to provoke you, and will respect and respect you even more.No matter which society is, it is a society of power; no matter what era, it is an era of power.A strong life needs no explanation, and the Three Kingdoms is no exception.

And Cai Hao is a person with a wink. When Liu Biao and Liu Biao came to visit Liu Qi, when they found that Liu Zhong had killed four maidservants with a blood-dropping long sword, he almost drew his sword and wanted to kill Liu Zhong, but he still held back. Why did you not act out of anger?It's not all about tabooing Liu Biao's existence, it's because of the [-] loyal and brave guards in Liu Qi's mansion who have weird faces and risk their lives at any time, heroes don't suffer from immediate losses.

When Cai Mao and Liu Biao entered Prince Liu Qi's mansion for the first time, they saw a lot of old ladies and maids crying. At the same time, the twenty murderous guards outside the courtyard made Cai Mao take a deep breath. If Cai Mao dared to kill Liu Zhong with a sword on the spot, he might He himself was going to be stabbed to death by random swords and buried with Liu Zhong. The guards he carried with him were always used to pretending to be tigers. If he fought fiercely with the guards in Liu Qi's courtyard, he might not end up dead. Cai Mao had a wink.

But Cai Mao, who left Prince Liu Qi's mansion for the first time, was startled when he saw the twenty murderous guards in the mansion for the first time...

"Chen Wen quickly went to the market to remove the coffin, don't make people suspicious. After finishing, go back to the mansion to protect the young master and Mr. Hua Tuo. They will take turns on duty every shift, and don't let outsiders enter without permission." Liu Zhong commanded.

"Follow orders." Chen Wen responded and left the mansion and hurried towards the market.

"Chen Wu hurried to prepare horses, carts, dry food, sulfur and firewood, and set off with me to the Luanshigang cemetery in half a quarter of an hour."

"Follow orders." Chen Wu also responded and walked towards the treasury outside the courtyard. There were ready-made supplies there, as long as they were used as needed.

"The four of you, wrap up the maid's body quickly, and set off immediately when Chen Wu's supplies are ready." Liu Zhong then issued an order to the four guards, Chen Chun, Chen Xia, Chen Qiu and Chen Dong, and the four guards obeyed.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the materials for cremation were ready, and the bodies of the four maids, plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, were transported in a well-covered carriage, and another carriage was loaded with burning objects. A group of six people led the two carriages and rushed to the At the city gate, it was almost dusk at this time.

Passing through the market, Liu Zhong met Chen Wen who was riding his horse back. Chen Wen stayed on the horse and told Liu Zhong that the return of the coffin had been completed.After another kilometer, Liu Biao met a group of guards escorting Hua Tuo back to Prince Liu Qi's mansion. Liu Zhong was afraid that Hua Tuo would become suspicious, but instead of saying hello, he ordered the guards to gallop out of the city.

Although he didn't meet Hua Tuo face to face, seeing that Hua Tuo had returned, Liu Zhong was finally relieved. With Hua Tuo's conditioning and medicine, the young master Liu Qi, who was in good health, would probably recover to a strong body in the near future.

With Hua Tuo around, Liu Zhong no longer worried about Liu Qi's physical weakness and critical illness, so he could let go of his work without any scruples and wholeheartedly assist Liu Qi in making contributions.

Liu Zhong thought in his heart that he had to do a good job of burning the body of the maid assigned by Liu Qi, and do it beautifully, so that Liu Qi could relieve his worries.

Two carriages and four fast horses raised dust all the way in the hustle and bustle of Xiangyang city. When they were about to leave the city gate, they saw two young soldiers closing the city gate in the distance, and two old soldiers slowly pulling up the suspension bridge on the city tower. , Liu Zhong was startled, feeling that something was wrong, he jumped on his horse and yelled: "Hold up slowly, I'm going out of the city."

Liu Zhong was startled for a reason, it was strange, how could the city gate be closed before it was dark, this had never happened before, but the guards of the city gate turned a deaf ear to Liu Zhong who was yelling loudly, and remained unhurried The heavy suspension bridge was hoisted up, only to hear a squeak, and the heavy and strong iron cable suspension bridge was suspended in mid-air, followed by another loud bang, and the tall and heavy iron city gate was also closed.

What should I do now?If the maid's body can't be transported out, I'm afraid the son Liu Qi's important event will be missed. Facing the high hanging bridge and the tightly closed city gate, Liu Zhong felt a little flustered.

"You time has just passed, and the time for garrison has not come yet. Why did you close the city gate early?" The city gate was already closed, and the horses and horses stopped at the city gate, unable to advance or retreat. Liu Zhong had no choice but to glance at the pawn standing by the gate, He clasped his fists at the old soldiers on the top of the city and made a composition.

Only when the drawbridge is lowered can the city gates be opened, so to go out of the city, one must first pass through the gate tower and the old soldiers put down the drawbridge.

Because Liu Zhong often had several chariots and horses coming in and out of the city gate, the old soldiers at the city gate knew Liu Zhong, the steward of Mr. Liu Qi's mansion, and one of the old soldiers replied in a polite voice: "General Cai has an order. Youshi closed the city, and changed the rules, no longer only going out but not going in, but not going in and not going out."

"I am entrusted by my lord to welcome Mr. Hua Tuo outside the city, and I hope that you will open the door." Liu Zhong was shocked, and had a premonition that Cai Mao was about to make a move, or that Cai Mao must be alert. It's windy.

"Butler, please go back. Mr. Hua Tuo returned to the city half a quarter ago. Doesn't the butler know?" Not someone to offend easily.

"I will set off to greet you a moment ago. Now that Mr. Hua Tuo has returned to the city, I am relieved. It's just that my lord has other important things to go out of the city to purchase, and I hope to open the city gate to let me out of the city." Liu Zhong endured his temper and clasped his fists again. Carrying out Liu Biao means that you have to go out of the city.

But to Liu Zhong's surprise, even Liu Biao's verbal orders were useless, but he saw the old soldier get serious: "The steward, please go back, the military order is like a mountain, and the old man will not obey."

"Your Excellency, please open the city gate quickly. Your lord's order is hard to disobey. I hope you will accommodate me." Liu Zhong looked helplessly at the old soldiers who were a few years older than himself. If the young soldiers dared to be so disrespectful, Liu Zhong would definitely kill them first.

Of course, after all, Liu Zhong has a guilty conscience, so it is not good to blame the old soldier too much. How did Liu Biao know about the burning of the corpse? The pawns let go of the city gate, basically saying nothing.

The old soldier is also a smart person. Neither the steward of Mr. Liu Qi's mansion nor Cai Mao, the general of Zhonglang who controls the life and death of the guards at the city gate, are not easy to mess with. But compared to the benevolent lord Liu Biao, the old soldier would rather offend Liu Zhong than Dare to offend Cai Mao, Cai Mao is a person who kills without blinking an eye. This is the survival wisdom of offending a gentleman rather than a villain.

Although the old soldier thought he was smart, he didn't realize that death was approaching quietly. It doesn't matter if Liu Zhong can't get out of the city gate every other day, it doesn't matter if he goes out of the city gate sooner or later, but when he meets Liu Zhong, he has to go out of the city quickly. The important matter of burning the maidservant's body cannot be delayed for a moment.

How could the gatekeeper know that Liu Zhong, the housekeeper, even the four maids bestowed by General Cai Mao Cai would dare to stab someone to death with a single sword. You, a gatekeeper soldier, are blocking the way of Mr. Liu Qi, how can you survive?

The old gatekeeper decided that he would rather offend Liu Biao than Cai Mao, so he eased his tone and bowed to Liu Zhong: "Please understand the old man's difficulties. The housekeeper is indeed ordered by the lord to go out of the city to handle errands. Is there a handwritten order from the lord?"

"No." Liu Zhong replied coldly, staring at the old soldier, his gaze was like a sword, and his murderous aura gradually revealed.

"Is there a token for General Cai to go out of the city?" The old soldier asked in a completely business-like tone.

"No." Liu Zhong's murderous intent was getting stronger, but the old soldier didn't know it at all.

"There is neither the lord's letter nor the token of General Cai's leaving the city. I dare not be selfish. I also ask the housekeeper to return to the house in peace. It will not be too late to leave the city tomorrow morning."

Just when Liu Zhong was in a dilemma and was thinking hard about how to deal with leaving the city, the five guards around him were already furious. Chen Wu drew his sword and glared, and shouted: "Don't talk too much, old man. My housekeeper is on my way, and I missed my lord's important business, even if you have a hundred heads, you won't be safe."

The old gatekeeper was really surprised when he saw the guards beside Liu Zhong show their power. Those who practice martial arts all have their heads tied to their waistbands. As long as the master gives the order, they will kill as soon as they say it. This is no joke. To die on this city is to die in vain.

The guards drew their swords and faced each other, life and death were at stake. Opening the city gate clearly violated Cai Mao’s military order and he would surely die. If he did not open the city gate to force Liu Zhong to return to the mansion, there might be a chance of survival. He winked at the other old soldier, and saw the other old soldier quickly disappear from the corridor of the city gate.

The tricks of the two old soldiers have been seen by Liu Zhong who is staring at the tower coldly, and the situation is extremely critical.

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