The question of whether to slaughter the city or not to slaughter the city made Liu Qi restless. Fifty infantry rushed to Wenjiazhuang in a murderous spirit, but Liu Qi couldn't help thinking carefully. While thinking, a hundred mud houses scattered in a row were close in front of him.

"Young Master, Wenjiazhuang is in front of you." Chen Wen reminded.

"Here's an order, those who resist will be killed, and those who restrain their hands will not die." Liu Qi sighed and gave a compromise order.Traveling through the Three Kingdoms, even though he was in the same era as Cao Cao, Liu Qi still couldn't show the courage of Cao Cao's three-day massacre. After all, Gao Qiang had received the education of China's 5000-year-old civilization in the special military academy before crossing. The thought was so serious that Liu Qi, who was reborn in the Three Kingdoms, couldn't bear to hurt innocent people.

Liu Qi thought, vulnerable groups should be protected no matter which dynasty, so what kind of hero is it to take innocent people to the sword?

"Those who rebel don't need to be killed, and those who stand still will not die. Flatten Wenjiazhuang!" When Chen Wen conveyed Liu Qi's order, it was slightly changed, but it was more imposing. When Liu Qi gave the order, the pawns behind him rushed like chicken blood. He ran up, clamoring for killing, raising his gun and holding his shield, and charged into the villa.

Chen Wu, Chen Chun, Chen Xia and other Four Seasons brothers rode their horses into the village first, Liu Qi and Chen Wen then commanded to cover up the killing, and the road leading to the village was filled with dust, people shouted horses, and the people on the elm and willow beside the road The black magpie fluttered its wings and screamed, and several wild dogs jumped into the pond before they could dodge, causing wild ducks to quack and fly wildly.

The smoke and dust along the way was unimpeded, and when they reached the village, everyone suddenly woke up. The doors and windows of every house in the village were closed, and there was no one there. It turned out to be an empty "city."

Liu Qi was startled, with sweat dripping from his forehead, thinking of Zhuge Liang's eternal swan song in history - Empty City Strategies, could it be that I, Liu Qi, was going to fall for the trick the first time I led troops?Whatever it is, if it comes, then kill it, Liu Qi's murderous intentions arose again, he gritted his teeth, choked, and immediately pulled out the sword from his waist, thinking that he was afraid of a dick, it came at the right time, he was the one who became famous in the first battle good time!

"My lord, there are no people, it's an empty village." Chen Wu and the Four Seasons Guard rushed forward for a while and then turned back, reporting the situation to Liu Qi.

"Empty village? Is the hollow city planned...Chen Wu, protect the young master. The rest are on alert." Chen Wen reacted very quickly. Chen Wen had already figured out the terrain and households of Wenjiazhuang beforehand, so it was considered a trick. With Chen Wen, Chen Wu, and the Four Seasons Brothers who can pass three ghost gates, it is not a problem to protect the son Liu Qi, but I don't know how powerful Liu Biao's personal soldiers are, but it is time to test the combat effectiveness of the personal soldiers, so Chen Wen does not No one was allowed to withdraw from the Kongzhuang, but the whole army was on alert, braking with silence, waiting for the Zhuang soldiers to attack.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement in the village. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. The villagers did not show up, and there was no way to kill them.

"Chen Wen, Chen Wu, come with me, break open a few doors and windows, and go to the villagers' houses to see what's going on?" Liu Qi was baffled by the empty Wenjiazhuang. It took only about an hour to charge and kill, but there were no people around.

Hearing Liu Qi's words, Chen Wu rode his horse in front of a household, slapped the butt of his gun, and the wooden door opened wide. Liu Qi and others got off their horses and entered the house to check. Empty, even the chicken coop is empty.The doors of several houses were knocked open one after another, and it was a similar scene. It turned out that the villagers packed up and walked before Liu Qi wanted to "slaughter the city". It was a false alarm.

"My lord, this is really strange. How did the mob know that we were going to capture them?" Chen Wu said, holding Liu Qi's big red horse behind him.

"My lord, it's nothing strange. Wenjiazhuang, as its name suggests, has many wise men. When people leave the village, there is no need to chase them. Let's go back." Chen Wen was not surprised, and advised in time.It is very important for the people to save their lives in a critical moment, and they are very self-aware, so it is good to save their lives in this way, lest the son Liu Qi kill again in vain.

No one has the right to deprive people of their lives, their parents' essence and blood at will.Although there was a reason for killing Wenjiazhuang, if you kill one more innocent person, you will commit another crime. Everyone understands this truth.Chen Wen wants to assist Liu Qi to become his hegemony, and his career has just started, but he doesn't want Liu Qi to fall into a bad reputation of injustice.

"Me..." Liu Qi hesitated, Chen Wen's words were not without reason, he was hesitating whether to go back to the village or continue hunting, but he heard Chen Dong shout: "Young master, look, there are people in the village."

Chen Wen followed the direction of Chen Dong's finger, and there was a heroic young man at the entrance of the village in front of him. He was helping a stooped old man with a white beard mopping the floor and staggered towards him. The old man with the long white beard seemed to have thorns on his back.

Seeing this, Chen Wu immediately drew out his sword, "Okay, there are still people who are not afraid of death, I'll come." As he spoke, he was about to step forward.

"Chen Wu, slow down." Liu Qi sternly stopped, and most of the guards in the Ganqing Mansion became out-and-out killing machines after being trained by the butler Liu Zhong, without emotion at all.I, Liu Qi, had no choice but to order the killing in the mansion, but Chen Wu, why would you kill anyone you see, let alone an old man with a beard dragging his belly.

However, Liu Qi did not scold Chen Wu, on the contrary, he deeply admired the insight of the housekeeper Liu Zhong, as long as the guards are loyal to themselves, what kind of feelings do they have with others?As far as personal guards are concerned, if I, Liu Qi, attain the Tao, those around me will become immortals. This is a very simple truth.Originally it was Liu Qi who ordered the destruction of Wenjiazhuang, and Chen Wu would kill anyone he saw, so what's wrong?Of course Liu Qi would not blame the guards for being ruthless.

"Yes." When Liu Qi sternly stopped him, Chen Wu was not frustrated, and he responded with a chorus and put the sword into the sheath, still holding on to the sword, without any hesitation, his sharp eyes like a falcon falcon looked around anxiously, always vigilant The danger that may appear beside Liu Qi at any time.

Seeing the young man stumbling over with the help of the old man, Liu Qi watched coldly for a while, and seeing nothing unusual, he shouted to follow me, and went forward to greet the old and the young.

Before Liu Qi and Chen Wen came to him, the old man suddenly threw the young man away and fell to his knees with a thud, his voice was like a bell: "This old man pays homage to the young master, and I am here to plead guilty to the young master." Several thorny thorns suddenly stretched forward, if Chen Wen hadn't been quick-sighted and separated them with his hands in time, the long thorny thorns almost touched Liu Qi's chest.

Seeing this, the young man panicked, looked at Liu Qi with hatred, and hurried forward to kneel down, saying "See you, son", and then held the old man tightly by his arms, lest the old man fall down.

When the young man met Liu Qi, there was a bit of unyielding in his tone, not as pious as the old man, Chen Wu glared at the young man fiercely when he saw it, the young man shuddered in fright, and dared not look directly at him again.

"Hey, does this old man know me? Why don't I know him? Who is he? Why, carrying the thorns, pleading guilty?" Liu Qi was very suspicious, but then he thought about it and felt relieved. Who doesn't know the eldest son of Liu Biao?

It can be seen that the old and the young must be from Wenjiazhuang, and they are here to plead guilty.As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling face, let alone an old man with a white beard.Liu Qi is not the emperor, how can Liu Qi be able to bear the burden of letting an old man kneel down in front of you?

Liu Qi didn't think too much, and hurriedly stepped forward to help the old and the young, and said, "Please stand up, old man. If you have something to say, talk it out."

After kowtowing to Liu Qi, the old man stood up with Liu Qi's support. Liu Qi couldn't stand it anymore, so he went up to untie the thorns from the old man's back. Looking at the old man's red and swollen shoulders with a few bloodstains, Liu Qi again Thinking of my parents, the end of the world 1800 years ago was turned upside down. I wonder if my parents could escape that catastrophe?Are you still alive?Now Liu Qi and his parents are people from two different worlds, and the pain of missing relatives has passed through thousands of years.

Liu Qi untied his cloak and put it on the old man. There were tears on his face. The old man did not refuse Liu Qi's cloak. Seeing that Liu Qi was so close to the people, he understood most of it. , How could he be murderous?It must be that some lazy rascals in the village gathered together by two unworthy clansmen caused troubles, causing dozens of blindly obedient teenagers to die. The grandsons of the middle-aged and unscrupulous clans came, and I ordered the two unscrupulous sons who incited the ignorant villagers to make trouble, and I ordered them to be tied to the banyan tree in front of the village, and I obeyed the young master." The old man stopped talking, and then said: "The old man has heard that the young master's benevolence spreads all over the field. , the rest of the people wait for foolish followers to follow the trend and not wish, and hope that young master Nao will die." The old man wanted to kneel down again as he spoke.

Liu Qi helped him again, knowing that the ancients had a lot of courtesy, the head of the family personally pleaded guilty, tied up the mastermind, and brought Wenpin's son to apologize Daoqian, asking to let other innocent people go, it is not too much, if you want to massacre the city, It will be true, it seems that this patriarch old man has quite a bit of courage and wisdom.

Liu Qi thought this would be a good opportunity to ease the conflict with Wenpin, so he quickly pretended to be panicked, bowed to salute, and clasped his fists at the old man, "Old Man Ganqing is Mrs. Wen. I have admired him for a long time." Liu Qi only spoke superficially, and did not Declared that he would not let the rest of the villagers go, the matter is not over yet, how can an old man put a few thorny thorns on his back and say a few good words and write it off?

"Don't dare, dare not." Taigong Wen saw Liu Qi's face was slightly calm, and he was not too worried about the safety of other clansmen.From Liu Qi's behavior, words and deeds, it can be seen that Liu Qi is not a person who is ignorant of reason, and even knows the name of Mr. Wen, and Mr. Wen consciously saved a lot of face.

"Is this the son of General Zhonglang, General Wen? It's true that the father of a tiger has no dogs, and he is a handsome man. He is really a boy born of a hero since ancient times." Liu Qi looked at Wen Dai friendly and praised.

When the atmosphere improved, Wen Dai put away his hostile gaze, and hurriedly bowed, "Thank you, my lord."

Liu Qi smiled slightly at Wen Dai, he is such a heroic young man, Liu Qi's thoughts were full of imagination, Liu Qi was reborn in the Three Kingdoms, and he was also in his eighteenth year of life, so why not a romantic young man?Why don't you want to make a name for yourself?

Laughter is a laugh, but you can't forget the business.After Liu Qi and Mr. Wen paid some courtesy, he put away his smiling faces and said seriously: "Mr. Wen, where are the two masterminds? I want to see why they are so bold, and dare to gather a crowd in front of my son's house to kill people? Please, Mr. Wen Lead the way."

"Yes, son." Seeing Liu Qi showing anger again, Wen Taigong felt nervous for a moment, not daring to speak, pointed to the village entrance ahead, and staggered back again with Wen Dai's support.

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